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punishment sex vs reward sex discussion (discussion)

Re: punishment sex vs reward sex discussion (discussion)

Another way to look at it: Do you want your H content to impact the progression in some way? I think this is the key design philosphy to GoR, it impacts the game in the most extreme (And typically lazy) way possible, by causing a loss. A lot of games just shuffle their H mechanics off to the side, not actually having an effect, and other times, there's a 'corruption' mechanic, and while in most cases, a fictional character expressing their fictional sexuality should probably not be punished with 'bad end', corruption always seems tied to morality.
Re: punishment sex vs reward sex discussion (discussion)

In my opinions game has to be huge and it's content would include many fetishes at the same time. For example I'll take "Virgin Island" - this game is amazing.
Story is interesting, main heroine is cute and there is corruption system + cloth destruction and of course in battle rape. There is also scenes with shota or unconscious rape, which is my favorite... Monsters? Yes. Tentacles, ugly guys, etc. I wish there was more games like this one. You can also say the same about Violated heroine.
So my point is... If you going to make a game, you need to make it BIG, really BIG. Take your time, collect peoples opinions, check dlsite and most popular games, see if you love content, that was in these games and put it inside of your game. This will probably take awfully huge amount of time for one person and I don't think, that anyone would take such project alone. You need a team. A team, that will accept fetishes and stuff in your head. If you make this game and finally will be able to sell, put a correct price for it. It can be huge, but so your game is. Doesn't matter if you decide to protect your game or not, it will be hacked anyway sooner or later. You will get your money anyway, I'm sure.
Just look at Virgin Island downloads! Holy crap, it's 7491! If I'm not mistaken, it's something about 100000 US dollar. Huge amount of money even if he was working with team. If was working alone... I bow to him.
And the most important... Both options should be included. I mean... punishment sex and reward sex.
Anyway, time to stop raping English and lurk further.
Re: punishment sex vs reward sex discussion (discussion)

I actually prefer both in the game in some form or another. GoR is just a way to get people to play the game to specifically get all scenes and then throw it out. There are those games that get me into the story and I play it and actually TRY to avoid dying. Now with games that have sex as a fighting mechanism and prostitution/anything else consensual, I usually play and get involved with the story and make the character act depending on my mood. I can try to keep her pure or just let her kill/rape everything. With both, you get a blend and if the story is good, you actually want to play the game a few times. (Would also help to have different scenes and sprite scenes where the scene you get depends on previous decisions, would be hard to make and program/draw but it would make for an interesting game)
Re: punishment sex vs reward sex discussion (discussion)

I actually prefer both in the game in some form or another. GoR is just a way to get people to play the game to specifically get all scenes and then throw it out. There are those games that get me into the story and I play it and actually TRY to avoid dying. Now with games that have sex as a fighting mechanism and prostitution/anything else consensual, I usually play and get involved with the story and make the character act depending on my mood. I can try to keep her pure or just let her kill/rape everything. With both, you get a blend and if the story is good, you actually want to play the game a few times. (Would also help to have different scenes and sprite scenes where the scene you get depends on previous decisions, would be hard to make and program/draw but it would make for an interesting game)

if you combined that with different fighting style choices it would lead to a game with a lot of replay value...yknow... for example choosing your job class at the beginning and each one having different ways to develop
Re: punishment sex vs reward sex discussion (discussion)

Sadly many developers don't have enough resources/time to make a game like this. I would make a game but I'm not too good with drawing and I am still a little newby at programing. But a game with replay value is good in all ways since you actually want or a tempted to replay it.

Although if someone got me to write a story for a game I would write it down as well as any lore that I can make up that involves evil tentacle gods that sent down maidens of a sinful heart that are destined to be reborn over and over again each time they fall as they take over the..... Woah, got out of hand there.
Re: punishment sex vs reward sex discussion (discussion)

Either is fine, both are bad.

As others have said, it's all a matter of interest. Some like game over rape, others like victory rape, others like reward sex (which has different meaning depending on the game type), run or rape, rape on lose (the one OH so many people confuse with GOR), battle fuck, etc. The only real way to measure which is better is in a specific game and only for that game.

If it doesn't fit, it's gonna seem silly: Like a game where a sex crazed angel gets raped when the player loses to an enemy. Sex crazed angel. Raped.:confused:
Or a guy who lives for justice and called on by the heavens for his purity raping the girl he just saved or the female enemy he just defeated.

Punishment sex comes into better play when the MC (whether male or female) is either not interested in sex or is trying their best to push down their desires to fulfill their objective. I for one prefer RoL over GOR but I know that not all situations your character is just going to get up and walk away from.

Reward sex comes better into play if there's some kind of relationship theme/system, the MC's main purpose or personality makes them want to rape his/her enemies/allies, or if you do help out someone and they decide to reward you by having sex with you. The last one keeps the character from losing his good guy image since it was the person saved that made the offer.

But honestly I like exploration sex more than both, but these are pretty hard to do outside of an RPG.
Re: punishment sex vs reward sex discussion (discussion)

But honestly I like exploration sex more than both

I had actually forgotten about that one. It's a good one but I can't find too many in it that I actually like. I either have bad luck or I have been looking in the wrong places.
Re: punishment sex vs reward sex discussion (discussion)

I excuse myself before hand for the wall of text.

My reply might shoot over the scope you were expecting, but most games do a horrible job at including sex. Too often it feels tacked on and just strange and wrong.
Skimming through the thread, I read several replies about persons who prefer punishment sex, simply due to the fact that it makes more sense.

The problem is, that nearly all games don't really create a believable world, where you would understand why things happen the way they do. Most games even fail at the pacing of the sex and especially corruption games tend to just have a sudden jump from innocent to pure slut.
I think the reason for all this is, that the game makers are not game designers.. hell most of them are probably not even programmers and make some horrible, ineffective and buggy code... they are artist at most, who can make pretty pictures and try to wrap them together into a game.

To get a believable world, they would need to start with designing the world in itself and make it believable. Let me give you an example of a world which I came up with in like 10 min:

Take a world where the males are highly sex driven and also stronger as the females. Due to that they always dominated woman, used them to satisfy their lust and treated them more like objects.
Over the time, the woman were fed up with it and tried to band together, leaving the males and forming convents/abbeys, amazonian tribes, secret villages and since the males didn't like that their toys were gone, they gone to war. At first the females lost most of them, but eventually they learned how to defend themself and the males were losing more and more battles.
After several years, both groups eventually realized, that there is no gain from it and that no one will budge, so they made a truce. Woman kept living secluded in their groups and males were living in the rest of the world. Now and then there were still invitations for males to join the female groups, just for the sake of reproduction. Male offsprings would be send out to the males again and females were kept in the group. To sustain themself, the females also traded with males for food and other things, yet there is always a tensed situation at a trade.
Now after several years the player joins the game as a woman from a tribe/abbey/whatever.

Now you need a reason why the player character needs to leave the group. The simplest thing would be some problems in the group itself.
-maybe they are a war monastry, having a fortress at a chokepoint to another race, defending their country from them and for that getting supplies from the males... but now they are under a heavy siege and you as player need to travel to other war monastries to get support.

  • maybe there is a food shortage in your group and you need to establish new trade agreements with the males for more food supply.
  • maybe the caravans leading to your group are raided over and over and they send you out to investigate.
  • maybe your sister/the trading group of your folks got lost and you are send out to investigate.
  • Or how about you got framed for something and the group threw you out, into the world of the males and you are now a little lost lamb. Now you try to find a way to redeem yourself and for that you need to get the privilege to talk with the leader of your group first, so you need to do something which affects the group in a positive way... like trying to get better trade agreemetns with the males or something else.

... there are tons of possible options on why to send the player character out in a world which is totally foreign for her.

And now the player character needs to go out... a world which is unkonwn to her, a world which is filled with horny males who try to rape her/seduce her/trick her/drug her and simply the fact that the world is totally different from the world and living in the group, makes it reasonable enough why the player character behaves like a moron and you can get her in a lot of difficult situations with that.

  • A thief could rob you of all your money and now you are broke, not being able to rest at inns, not being able to buy food and now you need to find a way to make money (prostitution would be an option here for easy money).
  • Some strangers could invite you to a drink, or maybe even a tavern owner drugs your drink and you wake up naked and bound in a backroom and need to escape.
  • Shops might rip you off and you pay more money as the things are worth, since in your group you never used money.

Of course the group wouldn't send out someone weak, so at the start the player character is someone strong who might slowly but steadily be corrupted more and more... but maybe she is so strong, that she is not only the victim, but also now and then rapes the males to satisfy her lust. Decissions in the game and stats could keep track on the personality of the player character.

Talking about stats, you also need to think about nice mechanics... actually, most non-hentai games are not made for a story, but rather for a mechanic which is fun.
  • you could give the player character a tiredness bar
  • you could make her want to eat stuff
  • you could give her a horny bar, which you want to satisfy
  • maybe you have a good idea for nice battle sex and make the game for that.

With some mechanics in mind, you need to think if they are fun and make sense, for instance a horny bar could also be included into the story, explaining why your character was send out. Maybe your group got poisoned with love drugs and are on the verge to open up their gates to become male toys again, but before that happens they send only some out who try to find a treatment for it and you are one of them.

Another important thing are also the kinks you want to include in your game and how you want to weave them into your game mechanics and story. Grrl Power had a pretty nice idea with lactation. For those who don't know the game, it is sci-fi and scientist apparently found out how to give woman breastmilk some healing effects, of course to help mankind, the woman took one for the team and were all milky. Storywise it makes sense, you have some game mechanics around it and it is a kink you cater for.

I think that with a believable world, you can include reward and punishment sex alike and make the sex not feel tacked on but part of the game itself.
Re: punishment sex vs reward sex discussion (discussion)

did undercover athena bug you aswell?

Yes. I actually wanted to rage a little. It was an extremely big disappointment. Everything I hate in hentai RPGs all wrapped into a game that LOOKS like my type.
My take in RoL (not GOR), is it's really not as hard to build into the story as you would think.

Look at any of about half the action/fantasy movies out there. James Bond is always getting captured by the bad guy. Obviously they don't rape him (usually...), but he still gets treated with remarkable civility, despite having a "license to kill" and most likely having intended to assassinate the bad guy.

Chuck Norris, Rambo, Arnold, they all get captured and put in strange situations. I think every episode of MacGuyver, and nearly every episode of the A team had them get captured. There is a torture scene in the first "Lethal Weapon" movie that would have been totally hot if the protag had been a girl.

You just have to think like a cheesy action movie. The bad guy is always too egoistical to kill the hero(ine). Unless it's by using sharks with lasers on their head, or alligators, or a specially designed death vault.

To add rape, you just go one extra step. After the heroine has been subdued, she's their prisoner.

I hate autodefeat. Just bugs me. I think the player should always have a chance to win.

But without autodefeat, defeat scenes become impossible to see without either choosing to lose, or losing accidentally. If you lost accidentally, it's kind of painful. If you lose on purpose, but really had to throw the fight (like stand there and defend 20 straight rounds) it just seems silly.

Sometimes in a RoL game, I just never upgrade the character's armor. That way I know sooner or later, I'll end up in a fight that naturally doesn't win (but I also won't feel too bad, because I knew I was traveling around under-equipped). Then if it's not GOR, or I saved, I can go buy the appropriate armor and move onward.

I don't know where the balance is. If there is one? A competitive player isn't going to want to lose, but I know I'm not alone that I used to play non H female protagonist games, and sometimes just compulsively lost because I wanted to see it happen.
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