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Punch Drunk Love (Chibichibi, Rule 34, and Aust Nailo) GMed by Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Taka: HP = 87, PP = 46, EP = 45, Stats = Alright

Mina: HP = 87, PP = 45, EP = 46, Stats = Fine

Setsuna: HP 71= , PP = 48, EP = 95, Stats = Good

I hope this isn't too much of a weak starter post for you three. But I didn't really have a whole lot to go on from the backstories you put in for your characters.

In the cool reaches of Crolia in a small hidden village of the Oni, all of whom love their alcohol, came a trio of Oni setting off from their home, each of them for their own reasons, but together they marched nonetheless. The two girls of the trio had followed Taka the male Oni in his quest to find someone that he could love that could handle him and his brutish strength. Mina had followed him to try and keep her friend out of trouble and from getting hurt, while Setsuna had followed the two of them in order to test her abilities... and probably to keep an eye on Taka as well. They had been traveling for some time now at this point, having left their village a week before now.

They had made camp the night before and were just waking up the next morning, with whichever one of the three had been chosen for the last watch through the remainder of the morning before sunrise. The weather was fairly calm in terms of rain and or snow, the dew on the ground being the only wetness in the area other than the nearby stream they had camped by. The wind though was blowing a bit, making them all slightly cool through the night, but it wasn't that bad thankfully. By the time they were all up and had finished their morning business, the sun had risen and the day was theirs to do with as they will. They all had another couple of weeks of food to eat, and their gourds were still half filled with ale that they'd brought with them from home. Now that the sun was up and everything, the three Oni could see that they had made camp at a crossroads of sorts, where the road led east, south, and west from where they were now at, and that the trail they'd followed all the way to here ran into the actual road, there were signs that said to the west was a city called Therion, to the south was the Pass of Ghosts which led on into Badaria, and to the east was Gods Reach and the Academy to the northeast, the sign pointing east saying there was another fork in the road further down a few miles that branched off to go to the north towards the Academy itself.
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Re: Punch Drunk Love (Chibichibi, Rule 34, and Aust Nailo) GMed by Mind Flayer

"I'M BOOOOOORED," Mina groaned as she got up and stretched after the last guard. To her companions it was nothing new - the red Oni had been complaining pretty much since a day after they had left. Curiously enough, it was also PRECISELY the reason she left their village in the first place. She wanted to fight something other than Oni and the local wildlife for a change. She wanted to hear human bones break and elven men moan, to drink an orc under the table and meet whatever the hell a Criminy was. Shaking her short white mane, she studied the road sign. "So, where to, oh longing one," she teased her old friend. "Barbara, Tearion or Acadaman... Abalacada... Abracademy," she said with a passing frown. "I'm starting to slur, I should start drinking!"
Re: Punch Drunk Love (Chibichibi, Rule 34, and Aust Nailo) GMed by Mind Flayer

Taka scratched his head and peered down all of the trails before he frowned and took a swing of his own drink. "I'm not sure," he rumbled in a deep voice. "Maybe that Badaria place," then he chuckled and turned to face her, "If you're so bored, maybe we can find a little village to stop at along the way. I know we've passed by a few, but we should stop at the next one," he took another swallow, "We're starting to get a little low on our drinks." This was tough business, finding lover. If only he wasn't so... strong. But then gain, he loved to fight too and if he weren't so strong he'd be winning a lot less often.
Re: Punch Drunk Love (Chibichibi, Rule 34, and Aust Nailo) GMed by Mind Flayer

Since they had set up camp, the blue skinned oni shaman had made it an effort to try and take advantage of this period of respite, by attempting to meditate for a short while just to get herself focused. Her companions however, seemed intent on destroying that peace and quiet by heading to the signs on the cross road and reading it. Rather loudly to boot. In a huff Setsuna rose from her sitting position and joined the pair at the road signs. "Well, heading into Badaria could be an idea. But I heard rumors that that is where the grey skinned creatures reside and in droves. That they control a good chunk of the region. If I had to suggest anywhere, I would suggest Therion first. However, I am only here to ensure neither of you get hurt, so I will follow wherever you feel you need to go." Setsuna spoke very calmly and without hesitation, knowing full well she had to be the voice of reason in a party of Oni. A monumental task to be sure.
Re: Punch Drunk Love (Chibichibi, Rule 34, and Aust Nailo) GMed by Mind Flayer

Mina grinned and raised her hand, punching Setsuna in the shoulder lightly - for an oni. "Awww lookatchu, all worried and stuff! Do those grey skinned things have booze? Not likely from what I heard," she answered her own question, pouting for a moment. "Alright fine. Since that other place is out of the question," she said with a point towards the Academy sign, "I guess we SHOULD head to Therion... Just who lives there anyway? And do they have booze?" Going to a place that didn't have booze was completely out of the question for the white-haired party girl.
Re: Punch Drunk Love (Chibichibi, Rule 34, and Aust Nailo) GMed by Mind Flayer

"Sure," the massive male Oni shrugged his shoulders, "Lets go that way. Though I doubt there will be anyone at school strong enough for me." then he gave Mina a one-armed hug, "Have no fear, little one," he teased her, "If they are a school then there is bound to be booze everywhere!" He grabbed Setsuna in his other arm and with a broad smile began marching them down the path.
Re: Punch Drunk Love (Chibichibi, Rule 34, and Aust Nailo) GMed by Mind Flayer

The calmer Oni let out a sigh at the comments of her companions, feeling her being there might have been the best decision she ever made. Leaving these two to their own devices would have been a disaster and a half. "W...Well, let's just get to Therion as quickly as possible. I'd rather not be caught out in the wilds at night especially with you two at my side. Think monsters would laugh themselves silly before killing us." She said in as good natured of a jab as she could muster.
Re: Punch Drunk Love (Chibichibi, Rule 34, and Aust Nailo) GMed by Mind Flayer

Mina pouted at Setsuna's comment. "We're not THAT silly," she answered as she followed Taka down the road. "I've only had, like, ONE Bear Rodeo since we left the village. Damn thing shouldn't have been so fluffy, it's really its own fault." She had stayed almost an entire minute on the furious bear's back before it threw her off and gave chase, forcing the entire group to run, Mina laughing gleefully the entire way. Truly, a bored Mina was a horrible thing to behold.
Re: Punch Drunk Love (Chibichibi, Rule 34, and Aust Nailo) GMed by Mind Flayer

"And we had such a good time with it though! I wish we could have more fun like that on the road," Taka grinned, "Try an elk next time," he urged Mina.
Re: Punch Drunk Love (Chibichibi, Rule 34, and Aust Nailo) GMed by Mind Flayer

"Are you kidding? That had to be the most terrifying experience of my life! I thought that thing was going to kill us. I swear, you two are more of a threat to yourselves then to our enemies. It's...It's unbelievable you two have lasted this long! " She had to admit, being part of this little team had it's share of frustrations, but she was at least getting a chance to see the world. And who knows, maybe she might get a little chance to cut loose every now and again. Indulge her "quirk".
Re: Punch Drunk Love (Chibichibi, Rule 34, and Aust Nailo) GMed by Mind Flayer

Taka: HP = 87, PP = 46, EP = 45, Stats = good

Mina: HP = 87, PP = 45, EP = 46, Stats = alright

Setsuna: HP 71= , PP = 48, EP = 95, Stats = fine

After deciding on their destination at the crossroads, the three began heading westwards towards Therion, one of the few cities or major settlements that had managed to fight off the alien invaders since they turned up and started attacking indiscriminately against everyone. Once they were ready to leave and all and got their things together, the three oni set off into to the west of where they were.

As they were traveling down the road after an hour or so, the three could hear and feel the wind blowing a bit around them a bit, some quite cool air blowing down onto them. In the distance to the south they could see what appeared to be stormclouds, but they weren't moving towards them it seemed, so it wasn't likely to hit them unless it changed course any. Further ahead, about a couple of hours more, they saw a carriage overturned on its side just off the side of the road, the horses that pulled it laying dead out on the road with several arrows in them. It looked like it had only recently been overturned and it seemed to have been ransacked as well, with footprints leading off down the road a ways and then off the road and to the south, and it looked as if someone... no several someones had been dragged down that way as well, though it was hard to tell just how many. Looking further around to the opposite side of the wagon, the three would see a couple of dead elf men, both archers and two dead orcs and a dead human, the human with a bow and the two orcs with swords, the human archer man was further away over by the trees with an arrow in his throat and the two orcs a few feet closer with arrows in their faces.

It seemed that the three oni had happened upon a skirmish of some sort, and it looked as if someone had been dragged off and taken captive. The three could go follow the trail if they liked and see what may be had, as the day was still quite young, also it looked as if the carriage had someone important in it from how... fancy it looked, as it had silk curtains and cushions seats and whatnot, and it looked like it would still go, assuming it was turned back over onto its wheels, though one was busted and needed to be changed, but there was a spare wheel on the back, other than that there was nothing else around save for the weapons of the fallen men.
Re: Punch Drunk Love (Chibichibi, Rule 34, and Aust Nailo) GMed by Mind Flayer

Taka stares at the carriage, struggling with himself. He wants to ignore it. All his good sense tells him to ignore it. But the possibility, the merest hint that there might be someone who would reward them, possibly with sex or beer, and he just couldn't tear himself away.

This was going to get him into trouble, he knew it. "Look! Mina!" He grinned and spun around to face the red-skinned Oni, "Here's something interesting. Maybe we'll get a reward and be able to buy more beer yeah?"
Re: Punch Drunk Love (Chibichibi, Rule 34, and Aust Nailo) GMed by Mind Flayer

Mina pouted as she crouched and poked one of the orcs with a finger. Orcs weren't fun. They were fun to FIGHT, sure, with all their RAGH and UGH and GO AHEAD AND TRY TO RIP OFF MY ARM, YOU - AAAAH MY ARM! But actually dealing with them was such a major hassle. Mina was all set to shrug this off and pass it by until Taka brought up the prospect of booze. "Ooooh, you might be right. This box looks like it had cost a lot of booze tokens," she said, shaking the pouch that hung from her belt, taken long ago from some hapless bandit. Why anybody would use it to buy anything but booze, Mina would never understand.
Re: Punch Drunk Love (Chibichibi, Rule 34, and Aust Nailo) GMed by Mind Flayer

Well, at least it sounded like her companions wanted to aid whoever was in distress, even if it's for mostly the same reason. All she could do was lend them her magic and hope that the person they saved would thank them. Who knows, maybe they could get to Therion all the faster with a person of some importance in their company. Think of the reward then. "First things first, we need to find the prisoners. Seems we should follow the trail they left."
Re: Punch Drunk Love (Chibichibi, Rule 34, and Aust Nailo) GMed by Mind Flayer

Taka: HP = 87, PP = 46, EP = 45, Stats = fine

Mina: HP = 87, PP = 45, EP = 46, Stats = good

Setsuna: HP = 71 , PP = 48, EP = 95, Stats = alright

After it was decided between the three oni that they would follow the trail left behind by those that had attacked the carriage, they would easily be able to follow the trail, even after getting into the trees off the side of the road, as whoever had been taken was obviously struggling the entire time to get free and had kicked the ground in many places, scuffing the dirt and grass a bit. This was good for the oni though, as it made the trail relatively easy to follow.

(Perception: Mina passes, allowing them to continue following the trail)

Following the trail left behind, they would soon come to a small clearing where as they looked around, Mina would see a small rock that would fit in the palm of a persons hand, and it had blood smeared across one side of it, as if the thing had been used to bash someone's head with. Mina would then notice that the trail from there led off to the south a little further, where it went downhill a ways. From where they were at, they could see that there was a large stream at the bottom of the quite large hill they were on, which the trail led towards. Heading down the hillside a ways, they would be able to make out the muffled screams of women in the distance, sounding as if they were coming from downstream, which was the way the trail led.
Re: Punch Drunk Love (Chibichibi, Rule 34, and Aust Nailo) GMed by Mind Flayer

They were on a hill. They had to get down that hill. To slightly drunk Mina, this could only mean one thing. Instead of bothering with breaking into a sprint towards the bottom, Mina sat. Then she laid down on her side. Then she started rolling down the hill, giggling like a maniac all the way down. Before the red oni could plunge into the river, however, she dug her fingers into the dirt and came to a halt. As she got up, she stumbled somewhat - but she was used to stumbling and that spinning in her head. "Wheeeeee," she grinned as she started to regain her composure, slowly heading down towards where the screams were coming from. It sounded like there was a party going on, and Mina was not one to pass up a party.
Re: Punch Drunk Love (Chibichibi, Rule 34, and Aust Nailo) GMed by Mind Flayer

Taka stares at Mina before a grin stretches over his face and he follows her lead, rolling and laughing all the way down the hill. When he'd come to a stop, he stood and wobbled around a little before waving down Setsuna.
Re: Punch Drunk Love (Chibichibi, Rule 34, and Aust Nailo) GMed by Mind Flayer

Letting out a rather heavy sigh, Setsuna couldn't held but be both embarrassed and disappointed in her kin. Rolling down the hill? Were they serious? Sure, oni were suppose to be playful and good spirited. But this was taking it a tad too far. Setsuna on the other hand, would try and slowly slink down the hill, making an honest effort to reach the bottom on her own two feet. However, roughly half way down, her foot was unable to keep a hold on the steep ground and she slipped, stumbling down the remainder of the hill in the process. Once hitting the bottom, the frustrated blue skinned Oni picked herself up and dusted herself off, knowing full well her companions may comment. "Tell anyone you saw that and I will punish you. Severly."
Re: Punch Drunk Love (Chibichibi, Rule 34, and Aust Nailo) GMed by Mind Flayer

"You had fun, just admit it!" Taka grinned impudently at her. The big male was sitting with his legs crossed on the grass and hauled himself to his feet. "Come on, lets get moving. I'm sure we'll find even more fun."
Re: Punch Drunk Love (Chibichibi, Rule 34, and Aust Nailo) GMed by Mind Flayer

Taka: HP = 87, PP = 46, EP = 45, Stats = fine

Mina: HP = 87, PP = 45, EP = 46, Stats = fine

Setsuna: HP = 71 , PP = 48, EP = 95, Stats = fine

Once the three were at the bottom of the hillside next to the stream, with Setsuna slipping up and rolling at least halfway down in the same manner as the other two, despite wanting to not do like they had. As soon as they were all up and ready to keep moving, the would hear the muffled screams a bit closer now, and it was obvious there was more than one girl emitting the muffled screams now that they were closer. It was also obvious that the screams were coming from across the stream now that they were next to it.

In the distance down the large stream, they could see a ford that they could cross the stream at, which was a good thing at that as the stream was about 20 or so feet across and they would easily be heard from anyone nearby trying to swim across. When they moved closer to the ford and prepared to cross it, the three oni could make out on the other side of it a ways into the trees a couple of men standing, one of them looked human from this distance, while the other had greenish skin that told them he was an orc. They had the chance to try and get the drop on the two as they were facing the other way, as if watching something past them in the distance. They would have to sneak across the water without the two turning to look at them however so they would have to be careful. The two men seemed to be laughing about something and pointing down the hill at what they were laughing at, as if making fun of someone, likely the women that were screaming as they tried to get free.
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