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Prologue: Lexwyn

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Re: Prologue: Lexwyn

"If you truly believe in your cause, it is good enough for myself. The real question is how much is your cause worth to you. What would you do to see yourself gain this retribution?" The inflection in Morgaina's voice seems to hint that she wishes to aid Lexwyn in gaining her revenge. Though Lexwyn is unable to see how this old hermit could give her such a thing, it would take an army to drive the Norman invader's back.

"We all have our causes of course, though not everyone has the single minded devotion to crusade for what they truly believe in. You certainly seem to have the mental quickness and the physicality to seek vengeance but the most important trait is the passion to see your cause succeed." Morgaina adds as though seeking to make sure that Lexwyn understands exactly what she is offering.
Re: Prologue: Lexwyn

Lexwyn's interest kept growing. She had not imagined anything would come of this polite conversation. It was simply custom. Though if anyone was likely to have a grudge, a hermit hiding away from the rest of society probably a good bet. She looked at Morgania with interest, making it clear she was receptive to the woman's overtones, though not sure how she could help. Tales of former courtiers with various skills abandoning that lifestyle to live a life of solitude were always a common theme, but had she actually stumbled upon a real case of that? Surely Morgania could not offer much, but Lexwyn could really use any help she could get. There was no harm in pursuing this lead.

"Well... I have already fallen quite far. I think it is safe to say I have little else to lose in this quest. There is little purpose in my life other than revenge. I am not delusional though. I know that I alone cannot hope to defeat the Normans. I simply wish to cause them trouble... a lot of trouble... Kill a guard here, raid a caravan there, be an ever present reminder that not all will roll over and take what they care to dish out. Maybe more will join me, maybe not. Maybe I will find a great opportunity to strike down their leader, or maybe not. However, they have taken everything from me, and I intend to be a thorn in their side until the day I die." Lexwyn crossed her arms, more intensity flowing forth than she intended actually. In the past when she had become truly mad she was known for having quite the terrifying look that made more than a few servants cower, even if she had not even been an adult yet. She sighed heavily, letting some of the stress go. Morgania did not need to see the full hatred that burned inside her.

"Part of me wishes that it could be different, to wake up and things are magically as they once were, or for some fairy tail ending with glory, battle, and a whirlwind romance to boot, but that's not going to happen and I know it. Life can be short and cruel, it is just the way of things. I will not waste time complaining about my lot, but I do not intend to go quietly." By this point Lexwyn stopped caring about disguising her speech. She'd let slip too much already. She would not volunteer information, but no doubt Morgania was picking up some clues that she was just spinning a cover story. Besides, if Morgania really wanted to help she probably did not have intentions of betraying Lexwyn's true identity.
Re: Prologue: Lexwyn

"I was wondering when you would drop the pretense of being a mere peasant girl, Lexwyn." Morgaina says with a smile, her voice becoming much stronger than it had seemed up to this point. The voice seems so familiar to Lexwyn though she knows she has never met Morgaina before. Not only that but this old woman seems to know far more than Lexwyn had even guessed at.

"I never really thought I would see you again. Much less that you would ask for the gift to pursue such noble goals forever. I am so glad." Morgaina says with a beaming smile, it could be some trick of the dim firelight but Lexwyn could swear that the old woman's canines are a bit longer than normal.
Re: Prologue: Lexwyn

"Wait, you know who I am?" Though no longer working on her cover, Lexwyn did not expect to be directly called out like that. As if that bit of information wasn't enough, Morgania's claim to have met her before was also unexpected. Lexwyn hadn't thought of what to do if someone who actually knew her was encountered... "Why... why didn't you say so earlier!?" Her voice was a cross between shock, a bit of nervousness, and even some annoyance that she quickly tried to suppress.

After staring a bit wide-eyed at the old woman for a few seconds Lexwyn managed to compose herself, trying to ignore the eerie lighting effect. "Forgive me for the deception, but if you know who I am, then you know why I thought it prudent to try and hide my true identity. You also seem to have me somewhat at a disadvantage, for I know not of where I have encountered you before. It must have been some time ago, for I do not remember..." Her fight or flight instincts were triggering again, but Lexwyn was in too deep now. She had to get to the bottom of this. Crazy though Morgania may or may not be, she definitely knew something, and seemed to be growing even more enthusiastic about aiding her in her quest.
Re: Prologue: Lexwyn

"I've known you for a long time, Lexwyn, though you have never known me." Morgaina replies. "It was prudent of you to hide your identity as it is prudent for me to hide my own for a while longer. I hope you will forgive me but even someone who has spent ages alone in a forest has enemies. If you are absolutely sure that you wish the chance to gain your revenge than I shall give it to you."

The old woman's eyes flash with hope as she nods towards the door. "Or you can simply walk away with your supplies and die without knowing what could have been. The choice is yours."

Bleh, I'm so out of it today. That took me entirely too long to write.
Re: Prologue: Lexwyn

Lexwyn narrowed her eyes a bit. Who would she go to to tell about an old hermit anyway, especially when she clearly had no allies? It was almost a ridiculous notion. There was no doubt now that Morgania was at least paranoid. If she had this knowledge, though, perhaps she had good reason. One did not simply guess out of the blue the identity of someone such as herself. Though Morgania was doing a good, but unintentional job of making Lexwyn squirm, the lure of power was too great. Reluctantly she had to admit that this only lended credit to Morgania's claims. Plus, with he last claim she had certainly seemed to think of a lot of her own abilities too, wrapped up in the form of a challenge. Lexwyn didn't like to be challenged. "Yes, show me what you have to offer." Her reply was forceful, though she held back enough so that it was just an equal measure of Morgania's confidence.

Yeah, I have a trend recently of getting a great idea, deciding to do one quick thing first before I write it, then not being able to form the idea again when I finally sit down to compose it x.x
Re: Prologue: Lexwyn

Morgana smiles and stands to her feet indicating that Lexwyn should do the same. "Excellent, I suppose the first thing I should do is drop the last of my charades as you have done. Then you shall receive everything you have asked for."

Then before Lexwyn's very eyes the old woman changes almost as if it were magic. Her grey hair brightens to red as the age seems to fade from her features revealing a strong looking woman of between 30 and 40 years of age. Her features remind Lexwyn in many ways of an older version of herself, and as crazy as it might sound the light was still playing the same trick of making her canines look longer than they should.

I always have that problem, but I do just make everything up as I go along. Probably why I take too long to post sometimes, well that and migraines.
Re: Prologue: Lexwyn

Lexwyn stood, and was only fully up when Morgania started her transformation. Her eyes widened and she leaned back, though did not take a step. "Whoa... what.... what?!" Words escaped her as she gawked like an ignorant peasant. Lexwyn could not deny what her eyes told though. Morgania had just transformed by means unknown! She was not a particular believer in the supernatural, but this was by far the strongest evidence for such things as she had ever seen! Those who claimed to know of such things would say Morgania must be a demon, or some other creature of Satan, but the feeling that she truly wanted to help Lexwyn did not fade... Either the clerics were wrong, or she was making a deal with the Devil. She gulped, but her nerve remained strong. By this point Lexwyn had so much pent up anger at the Normans that she would do whatever it took. There were definitely such things as necessary evils.

"I say... that is quite something... I fear I am at even more of a disadvantage than I had imagined..." She manged to continue, though her throat was very very dry. "I also see now that you must possess far greater power than I imagined too. I am humbled that you would wish to help someone such as myself..." True for the most part, though Lexwyn certainly was being as much of a suck up as she could be, something she rarely if ever did. Right now might be the time to do so though, and hopefully Morgania would at least appreciate the effort on her part to appear as the student to the master.

Ah, I can sympathize. Chronic migraines run in half my family. Though these past few years have been kind, these past few months have not. Had one week where 5 of the 7 days had one.

Also I have so many theories as to what Morgania just did I'm almost as baffled as Lexwyn :p Seems like Obfuscate, but that likely means Morgania is not a Brujah eh... Don't tell me though, just thinking out loud. I like the surprise. (Unless it's a silly simple answer I overlooked like spending bloodpoints to manipulate "humanness" x.x)
Re: Prologue: Lexwyn

"You should feel humbled, Lexwyn. I have watched my ancestors for a century in the hopes that one of you would finally show that you were deserving of a blessing. Interesting that the last of my line should be the one to finally show that promise." Morgaina says as she takes a step forward and lightly brushes a stray strand of hair from Lexwyn's shoulder. She looks into her eyes for a moment with her frightening smile, her teeth are indeed longer coming to sharp points.

"I can barely remember the fear I felt when I first met my sire so long ago. Fear that is easily controlled by your pride and passion to see done what you wish. This will only hurt a moment."

I get them very rarely, like maybe once a year at most, but they suck.

I like to keep people on their toes, sometimes. No need to worry about me spoiling too much though.
Re: Prologue: Lexwyn

She had dismissed the similar features as being but an indication of heritage, but Lexwyn could definitely see the resemblance that Morgania claimed! If it was true then Morgania really did know what she was going through too! Of course Morgania would want to help if this was the case! Lexwyn was still firmly rooted in place, but now it was more like excitement that fear, at least mostly.

"I'm... I'm ready..." The unnaturally long teeth were no longer able to be ignored as a trick of the light too. Maybe now that things were coming to action her mind was going faster, but Lexwyn could only think of one possibility this time. Morgania was going to bite her. That was how these mystic tales always started though, right, with some hapless peasant getting bit by something in the night? There was always some truth to legend. "Do it, I can take it!"
Re: Prologue: Lexwyn

The last thing Lexwyn sees is the smiling fang-filled mouth as Morgaina quickly goes for her throat. A sharp prick is all she feels before a euphoric feeling overcomes any pain from the unholy creature thirstily drinking every drop of blood in her veins. She vaguely realizes why she was given the last chance to leave by her ancestor, as she feels herself dying never to see anyone again.

She feels a moment of anger as her mind continues to somehow hang on after her death. How can she get her revenge if she's dead this wasn't how the legends worked something was wrong. She feels herself being carried as though on the very wind itself before finally being dropped into the snow. The last thing she recalls before her mind finally dies is some coppery tasting liquid pouring into her mouth and then utter blackness....

Hunger and anger suddenly cause Lexwyn's eyes to flick open, or is she Lexwyn. It's as though some other creature is in control of her body, she can do little but watch with building horror as the creature stumbles through the snow and trees towards a distant camp fire. The strange smell of blood in the air fills her nostrils and mind with one single desire. The desire to feed on the blood of what she used to be.

Ah, the best part of every prologue. Have fun.
Re: Prologue: Lexwyn

"Ahhghmph!" The breath was knocked out of her from the force of Morgania wrapping her up even before the woman bit. The strange pleasure washing over her caused her to gasp, or at least try to, as it was quite hard to do so with her throat being sucked. The pleasure was not so great as to erase the overriding question in Lexwyn's mind though... what the hell was going on!? Morgania didn't mean that her revenge would be by proxy, did she? Contributing life force to some demon was NOT what Lexwyn intended! As she twitched and spasmed, her body throwing off the last vestiges of life drop by drop, she couldn't help but think maybe she deserved this if she'd been so easily duped. She was no longer in a position to protest, not even a little bit.

Lexwyn felt as if she were gagging when her blood level got too low. The cold and the wind and the snow barely registered. Was it a dream? Was it reality? She retched more at the weird taste in her mouth, though did not have to endure long. The blackness was almost welcome, like an embrace to take her away from all her troubles... Lexwyn's mind was still, both for only an instant and an unfathomable eternity. The calm was nice... peaceful... like a good dream... if this was death, it wasn't so bad...

The feeling was shattered like ice, the cold hitting her again and chilling Lexwyn to the bone, only to boil over with the warmth of anger. The black was replaced with white... snow! She was outside again. Morgania had... done something... and then dumped her outside! That bitch! She could smell her! By the fire! Yes... by the fire! Now it was time to see how Morgania liked to have a chunk taken out of her neck! That smell... the bitch probably didn't even clean up her mess. No doubt Lexwyn would find her laughing around the fire with her demonic wolf friends, face still coated with her blood. Her blood! It belonged to her! She was going to take it back! Her anger was so fully in control Lexwyn didn't even realize just how far into the depths of madness she was sinking. There was but one single, overriding desire... blood... get it back... get it back!

I assume Lexwyn is frenzied. I should note that while Lexwyn is pissed at Morgania right now, as soon as she's not so hungry and has things explained to her she'll actually be pretty grateful for the transformation. It's just the frenzy speaking right now. Keep that in mind if planning ahead.

I should also note in a game on another forum I recently was psychically stunned for 2 rounds, and one of the other players wondered what I was dreaming, so I copy-pasted the entirety of Bohemian Rhapsody, edited to fit the current situation. I let you get away with just a reference, as this is all according to plan rather than an annoyance ;)
Re: Prologue: Lexwyn

Lexwyn can barely keep her mind focused enough to even think about what had happened to her. It was as though some beast had lived inside her all these years only to come forth and take control of her dead body. She could sense it's animal cunning, a cunning so strong that she could do little but go where it told her.

She burst into the clearing where she could see the flames startling the two men around it, soldiers judging from their armor. Their horses kept nearby began to jump and whinny as though frightened. The horses soon broke loose and took off into the forest as the men scrambled to their feet. Lexwyn barely noticed any more details than that as the beast made her run at the nearest to drain the precious fluid she so desperately needed.

Yeah, I probably should have said that she's in frenzy, and what is this planning ahead stuff you're talking about.

That would make a rather interesting dream actually at least compared to my normal ones. They tend to be pretty boring.

Also, I was curious if you caught the inference in the names of your ancestors, Morgaina and her brother Artair.
Re: Prologue: Lexwyn

Hmmm? This wasn't Morgania... Normans? Just as good! Lexwyn still felt as if she was moving in a dreamlike trance, beyond her own control, but her own voice from deep down chuckled as her physical body practically ripped the first man to shreds. There were many emotions brewing beneath the surface, though in addition to everything it kind of felt good to just let loose after containing so much rage. She had no idea why she was biting into the man's flesh and draining him dry, but it felt extra good... her mind laughed again at the thought of such an animalistic tactic being so effective against the unsuspecting Normans. Though she did not look, Lexwyn imagined the other had quite the look of shock by now. He'd be easy pickings when she finished with this one...

I meant more that she's acting uncharacteristic, don't get the wrong impression more or less :p

And no, I don't get the reference. Only thing I can guess is maybe something with Assassin's creed? I've never played it, so...
Re: Prologue: Lexwyn

The blood coursing down Lexwyn's throat is incredibly delicious as the beast makes her thirstily drink. She is amazed by the incredible feeling caused by an act that would have seemed so wrong to her less than an hour ago. She feels herself grow more in control of her actions as she drains the last drop of blood from the Norman soldier. She would probably stop to look with terror at what she has just done but the sharp thrust of a sword through her back quickly draws her attention.

She doesn't even notice the wound as she turns to attack the second Norman, who takes off running as fast as he can through the forest screaming for help. She doesn't even think as she takes off after the man through the forest, her legs move faster than she could ever imagine as she gives chase and quickly gains on him. Finally she leaps the last 15 feet between them the new-found strength in her limbs propelling her forward to take the man down before sinking her fangs into his throat as well. Only after she has finished does she realize what has just occurred to her as her mind once again completely becomes her own, though she can sense the beast still moving somewhere inside of her.

Oh yeah, no problem. Not exactly a normal situation to find herself in so it makes sense to act a little uncharacteristically.

How about if I gave their Anglicized names of Morgan and Arthur?
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Re: Prologue: Lexwyn

Lexwyn lapped like crazy, spilling some blood from her mouth but then lapping it up again quickly. A lone drop hits the white snow as she pulls back from her first victim with a snap. If her body still worked like it used to she might have let out a satisfied sigh. As it was, she barely had time to think about that before being interrupted by the second juicy morsel.

The chase was a rush in more ways than one. The cold wind whipping past her was one thing, but the flying leap she managed to pull off... now that was impressive if she said so herself! Lexwyn was a lot more messy this time, not feeling quite as thirsty. A large red pool formed here before she finally cast off the man's body into a heap against a nearby tree.

Only then did Lexwyn straighten up into a more normal, upright stance. She surveyed her handywork, a mix of emotions running through her mind. She inspected the men more closely. If they were indeed Normans than remorse would be notably absent from the cocktail of feelings. If they weren't... well, it wasn't like she wasn't already wanted... If they were her enemies though, then it was mostly pleasing they were dead, and by such newfound power, though the... animalistic side was less than dignified... Such behavior was unbecoming of someone such as herself, even if it was quite effective.

Then Lexwyn paused to evaluate herself. She was changed. It was kind of a disturbing feeling, even if what Morgania had said was true about this being the path of power. What a frightful path it must be though... it was no good being so clueless about what had happened! She had to find Morgania again! Lexwyn looked around to see if she recognized where she was, and if she could find her way back to the cabin. She had so many questions. This whole... barbaric feeding thing had to be but one of many side-effects of her increased strength...

Heh, if he got far I was going to see if I could use celerity already.

Eh, still not much of an idea. King Arthur?
Re: Prologue: Lexwyn

Though she still seemed to be her old self in many ways, she began to try and piece together exactly what had happened. Morgaina had drained her of blood and carried her through the forest to this spot to...feed on these men. She could hardly tell what they were though she did not recognize the arms on their shields leading her to believe them Normans. Her senses seemed keener than they ever had before and she quickly found her own trail back to where she had been dumped in the snow, another trail leading back into the primeval forest.

Lexwyn had been turned into...a vampire. Her mind could barely comprehend what she had just done much less what she had become. Morgaina no longer seemed as crazy as she had originally thought. Now she understood what had been meant by misinterpreted myths and her mind followed that path of thought as she walked back towards the hut and her answers.

The myth of King Artair and his half-sister Morgaina and his knights and she stopped. That was just a fairy tale she almost said aloud to herself only to realize that she hadn't believed in vampires an hour ago. She almost wondered if she was simply having the most vivid dream ever when she caught sight of the hut just ahead of her. The door hanging open as though to invite her in.

I thought about doing that, but decided to demonstrate potence instead. A little easier since it's always on.

Yep, King Arthur and his half-sister Morgan Le Fae. It is originally a Welsh legend after all, plus I've already mentioned Excalibur in the main game so it's a nice tie-in.
Re: Prologue: Lexwyn

Lexwyn had a lot to contemplate as she walked, grumbling to herself under her lack of breath. She had power... that was good... but her self control was a bit lacking... maybe that was just temporary. No doubt the changes affected her mind as well as her body. Her driving factor was now answers. In regard to her sworn enemies, nothing had changed, but the quest could be put on hold as need be. Indeed, Morgania had said something that implied she was old, very old... Lexwyn actually laughed at the thought of having all the time in the world now. She could pursue the Normans till the end of the Earth. Though as the sound faded another thought... Forever was a long time... Lexwyn growled and pushed that thought down. She certainly had time to think about it later, after all...

As she drew closer Lexwyn tried to recall as much of the legends as she could. She'd not paid as much attention as she could have, and Morgania had said they were not that accurate anyway. There had to be something important she needed to remember, like avoiding garlic. She groaned at the thought of being repelled by crosses. That would make it way to easy for her to be warded off. She wasn't too happy with Morgania for just dumping her in the snow like that, but couldn't be mad when she needed the woman so much...

Heh, not too familiar with the legend actually. A remnant of not being interested in the time period till recently. Once Sin explained it to me, but about all I got out of it was that Gwynneth was Welsh, and that Welsh seemed like Elf language
Re: Prologue: Lexwyn

Lexwyn strode to the small hut and right through the door not expecting the horror to fill her soul at the sight of the fire she had left burning. The sight of the flames filled her to the very brim with a terror unlike any she had ever felt in her mortal life. She could feel the beast that torn the men apart in hunger once again try to exert control over her and make her flee.

Morgaina quickly stepped forward as though from out of nowhere and grabbed Lexwyn with a strength easily greater than her own and spoke soothingly. "The fire can not hurt you my childe. This is but one of the first lessons you will learn from. You can control your beast though it will be difficult, we of the Brujah are known for our lack of control. Now fight the beast and face your fear of the red destruction."

Well, it's not really that important that you know the legend, since I obviously changed it quite a bit. Most people are more familiar with the later French romantic version of King Arthur anyways.

Welsh should seem like Elf. Tolkien based the Elven language in Middle Earth on Welsh and Dwarven was based on Icelandic if I remember right. Which also heavily influenced D&D and the like.
Re: Prologue: Lexwyn

Lexwyn's lips curled into a partial snarl, revealing one fang on her left side. Though she was poised to jump from Morgania grabbing her, there was something comforting, vaguely motherly about it. In some ways, Morgania was kind of like her mother now... She was certainly going to be a mentor figure, and for all Lexwyn knew, her real mother was now.... the rage built up just thinking about it. Her hatred of the Normans helped her focus away from the fire and resist slipping back towards frenzy.

She motioned as if she was taking deep breaths, a habit that a corner of Lexwyn's mind now told her was unneeded, but for now the age old technique would serve her as it always had, bringing more focus in meditation. Carefully she slipped out of Morgania's grip, with a slowness and deliberateness that unspokenly conveyed that she understood. This was just like any other problem Lexwyn had faced. She had to step up, take it by the throat, and make it hers. Inch by inch she got closer to the fire, adjusting to the new found instinctual terror that it seemed to conjure. This was something else that would be crippling if she didn't learn to deal with it. She had time, yes, but she had to at least attempt it, or else she was setting a precedent of laziness that would lead to her downfall...

Heh, yeah, lately I'd been thinking that it had to have been deliberate. Originally I just noticed the overabundance of the letters g and y. I've never actually read/watched LotR though, oddly enough considering that I have gotten into fantasy in the past few years. I started out with sci-fi though, classic trek and what not, so I guess that's my excuse. Plus the LotR movies are like the Battle of Helms Deep and then 10 hours of walking. Just too much slowness.
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