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Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

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Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

The figure takes a step back from the lines drawn in the ground and lowers it's arm as the soft glow seems to fade away. It simply stares in her direction as Jocelyn explains how she could have done the same thing. Waiting until she has finished before it finally speaks, her voice seeming very soft and reassuring though there was a hint of worry.

"I'm sorry to have disturbed you without speaking but I thought you might be hurt. I hate to drag you away from...your ritual but we should really get off the street, the hunters are after something tonight. We should be safe indoors though."

The hooded figure points to the doorway it had stepped from earlier but waits for Jocelyn to respond.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Jocelyn stops what she was doing to listen to the figure, looking from him to the drawings on the ground and back again. She hesitates to answer, waiting for the voices to offer their advice, but they remain as silent as they have been since she fed from the sailor, or maybe she just couldn't listen closely enough anymore, it was hard to tell. Eventually, she just shrugged.

"You haven't seen Aubrey around, have you? Poor guy is probably trying to sweep the street without me around..." She says sullenly, standing and brushing off her dress before stepping over the circles and following the figure.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

The figure leads Jocelyn back to the doorway it had stepped from earlier, after letting her enter it seems to scan the alley intently as though looking for anyone following.

The small room Jocelyn finds herself in isn't much better than the alley, as she can she from the small lantern sitting on a rickety table. Aside from the table and two chairs there are several beds arranged as in a hospital. The floor is hard-packed dirt and the wooden walls have no windows in them, making the room feel very stifling.

After closing the door the figure points to one of the chairs as it responds a confused inflection to it's voice.

"Sweeping the streets...Oh, I think I understand. You're one of Malkav's children aren't you dear. Is Aubrey one of them as well or is he... well...is he real?"
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Jocelyn looks around the room intently, walking a circle around the small space as if she was checking for intruders the same way the figure did outside, peeking under the beds as she went along. Eventually she found herself near the table again, looking quizzically at the chair that was pointed out to her. She picked it up and examined the sitting surface for dirt and blemishes before placing it back down and wiping it off, immediately sitting down afterwards, her rather dirty dress surely restoring the seat to it's previous condition, if not worse.

She mulled the figure's words over for a moment before finally replying with a shrug and a stern look. "I'm quite old enough to be considered nobody's child, thank you very much. And of course Aubrey's real, if anything, it's you that may be the illusion around here." She said defensively, scrutinizing the figure itself finally, trying to see what she could make out on them. "Who exactly are you, by the way? Don't you know it's rude not to introduce yourself to a lady?"
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

The cots are all empty and she doesn't find anybody hiding under any of them. One of them looks as though it might have been recently occupied, a thin blanket sits tossed beside it. The room is actually quite clean despite the dirt floor, as are the beds and chair that Jocelyn chose to sit in.

The woman drops the hood back from her face as she closes the door behind her. Turning as Jocelyn responds to look at the Malkavian as she sits in the chair and responds, trying to sound as contrite as she can.

"I'm very sorry my lady, but it's not often I receive guests here, especially of the noble sort. You may call me Rebekah, and who would you be my lady."

The woman appears to be about the same age as Jocelyn, though her skin is darker like that of some one from the middle east. She's fairly plain but by no means is she ugly and her hair is kept long and loose so that it hangs and obscures her face somewhat.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Jocelyn listens to the woman, nodding respectfully, before sighing and giving a small wave of her hand. "It's okay, I guess there isn't much noble about me anymore. Ever since this whole thing..." She says, waving her hands about as if to encompass the whole world, "...I've just been a little on edge, is all. I'm Jocelyn. You wouldn't happen to know how to get onto a boat for London, would you? I'm kinda supposed to be finding one, I think. Aubrey scared the horses to chase the devils off, and he was supposed to meet me down here somewhere." She delivered in a deadpan tone.

"He probably knows where I am, come to think of it. He says he can tell things from the dust on tables and stuff like that sometimes. But I've been talking too much, how rude of me. Please, tell me of yourself. Your skin is quite exotic, Where are you from?"
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

The woman sits down in the chair opposite from Jocelyn and nods as if understanding before responding.

"A ship to London shouldn't be too hard to find, this is an English port after all. Though travel by ship could be dangerous for those of our kind. Arrangements could be made if we ask the right Cainite though.

As for myself you could say I hail from the Kingdom of Jerusalem, though it was called Judeah in my time there. That was long ago however and this has been my land for man years now.

I assume that you haven't been amongst us for very long or that your friend Aubrey has for that matter. What were these devils like that he scared off, devils can be very dangerous foes?"

Most of Rebekah's story is told matter of factly, though she does seem intensely interested in the devils judging from the tone of her voice.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Jocelyn nods seriously, taking in the woman's words with only a few comments, here and there.
"Yep, that's what we're looking for. When Aubrey finds us, you should give him directions, I'm horrible with them."
"I don't think I've ever heald the holy city called Judeah, not even in my time with the church. You must have been a petitioner for a long time..."
"I don't know how long he's been here, exactly. I'm pretty sure he wasn't here when I first met him, I was about marriage age then, but when he found me again he was, I don't think it was any more than a dozen summers after that, so..."

When asked about the devils, she takes a hesitant look around again and leans in close. "We tried talking to them once. They say they're here to take me back to my father, but that doesn't make sense, cause he isn't dead yet. I think they don't want me to find the circles again, they're afraid of them..."
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Having heard Jocelyn's explanation of the devils Rebekah nods her head slowly and thoughtfully as if trying to decide on something. She stands up and begins pacing with her head down. She rants to herself as she does so, her words aren't very loud but Jocelyn can still make them out.

"I think I'm beginning to understand but I simply can't be sure without trying something. It might help her to understand better but there's also a good chance it could cause her more harm. Oh never mind I can't do it."

She suddenly stops and says the last part out loud as she turns to face Jocelyn. As she looks up from her rant her hair falls back from her face for a few seconds and Jocelyn could swear she sees a third eye in Rebekah's forehead.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

"You may want to refrain from talking to yourself, some people might come to bad conclusions about it." Jocelyn said slowly, tacking on after a minute. "...But I don't. Not at all."

Yeah, you wouldn't...
"Hush, you two. And where have you been?" She quietly mutters to herself under her breath.
We've been here, you just weren't listening. By the way, this is obviously a trap, good job.
Instead of answering again, Jocelyn simply swats at her shoulder, as if at a bothersome fly.

She get's a glimpse of what she thought was a third eye, and immediately got suspicious again. "Okay, you're going to have to explain whatever that was on your forehead." She demands in a no-nonsense manner. "Before I really do start coming up with some bad conclusions, and nobody wants that." She adds, readying herself to bolt for the door as she does so, shifting her legs arouns and placing a hand on the back of her chair.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Rebekah stops as Jocelyn speaks up a remorseful look on her face as she pulls her hair back from her face and tucks it behind her ears. She takes a step back into the room leaving the path to the door clear. The third eye in her forehead blinks open and along with the two normal ones stares calmly at the Malkavian as she tries to explain herself.

"I'm sorry about speaking to myself as if you weren't here. Old habits die hard and as I already stated I'm not used to guests here. My rant probably sounded like something you would hear from those of the other clans. This will be difficult to believe especially for you but I'm not a petitioner like you are."

She takes a moment to gather her thoughts with a sigh before continuing with her explanation.

"I am what you would probably call a vampire, we typically refer to ourselves as Cainites however. There are many vampires spread throughout the cities of the world but we aren't all quite the same. There are 13 clans each of us descended through a different ancestor to Caine, the first murderer who was cursed by God.

I am of a particular clan known as the Salubri, we are usually thought of as healers amongst the other Cainite's and humans. Despite our wish to heal and help the humans we still must keep our nature as vampire's hidden from the them. They wouldn't understand and would destroy us like any other monster. All of my clan develop this third eye as they learn the power of Valeren, which is why we are regarded as such good healers."

She stops again to allow Jocelyn to respond though she seems to be expecting her to bolt for the door screaming. Still she remains back and seems to be willing to let her do so.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

(Right, well, I'm not even going to try and paraphrase all that into what she heard, I don't think I could do it properly XD)

Jocelyn started the explanation by staring at the other woman's third eye, but then she appeared to notice something else behind the woman, and seemed to calm down. By the end, she had a broad smile on her face and was nodding along.

"It's okay, I understand, Aubrey explained the whole thing to me as well." She said, waving a hand in a noncommittal gesture and getting comfortable in her chair again. "So, you're a healer? What kind of things do you heal?"
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Rebekah seems a little surprised that Jocelyn hadn't bolted for the door at her explanation but shrugs her shoulders and smiles.

"Anyone who has need of healing of course, either those sick of body or mind. Though healing the mind can be a somewhat risky proposition. I unfortunately don't get that much of a chance to practice the healing arts, as most of the people who come to me here are looking to die painlessly. Sometimes even the powers of Valeren aren't enough to heal someone, you see."

She seems about to continue when you hear a soft knock on the door, three short taps followed by a long one.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Jocelyn continues to smile and nod her head to the other woman's explanation, stopping only when there was the knock on the door.

"Duh duh duh, duuuhh." She mimics the knock quickly. "Friend of yours? It may be Aubrey..."
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Rebekah looks towards the door at the knock before smiling back at Jocelyn and saying.

"That would be a student of mine, one of the other Cainite's who resides in this city. I should warn you though before I let him in that he's not the most pleasant to look at though he has a very good soul. Perhaps he'll have heard something about your Aubrey."

After explaining who it is she moves towards the door to let whoever it might be in.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

"Maybe they found each other already." Jocelyn points out helpfully, smoothing out a couple ruffles in her dirty dress as Rebekah moves to answer the door.

She summoned help, you may be in trouble...
Nonsense, the woman's a healer, she's been nothing but kind to us.
Maybe too kind, ever thought of that?
Quit being so paranoid, not every being in this place is out to get us. Maybe Rebekah is an angel, helping petitioners through their trials. Maybe we should try to help her as well?

Jocelyn decides to start on some ruffles around the shoulders as well, giving a small wave and a nervous 'Hi...' to Rebekah's friend as they were let in.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

"Perhaps. We'll soon find out."

Is all Rebekah says as she quietly opens the door to admit her student. The person or creature, Jocelyn can't really tell either way, that enters is alone but still doesn't seem too surprised at seeing Jocelyn there. It makes it's way over to one of the corners of the room and looks toward the ground without speaking.

It looks as though the connecting tissue between it's flesh and bones seems slightly twisted, it's eyes are in the right place and it's mouth starts in the right place but seems to keep going to far. One ear is an inch too far forward and the other is too far back and too far down and it continues throughout it's body. It's finger nails are on the side of it's fingers and it walks almost sideways, dragging the trail foot as it walks.

After closing the door softly behind it, Rebekah makes her over to stand near her student. She smiles at both of them in turn, obviously undisturbed by it's appearance, as she makes introductions.

"Jocelyn, this is my student on the road of heaven, he is usually called Urchin. Jocelyn is a guest of ours who wonders if you might have heard any news about an Aubrey, another Cainite like all of us."
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Jocelyn sits quietly as Rebekah's friend was let in, trying her hardest not to stare, and failing miserably.

And you think yourself and Aubrey have it bad, look what this poor soul has to deal with...
He's not contagious, is he?

Finally snapping out of it, she makes a swatting motion at her shoulder again and does her best to make a friendly smile. "Y-yes, he's, um... About your height, dark hair, dressed plainly... That's not very helpful, is it? I'm sorry..." She stutters out after a moment.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Urchin looks up nervously at Jocelyn, one of his sickly blue eyes staring right at her while the other stares off to his side. He rubs his hands together and licks at his dried lips before he suddenly speaks in a raspy voice.

"Yes. I saw you when you entered town earlier tonight. I was begging at the town gate. I didn't beg from you because you were with one of us. The bard has been here before. Though he wasn't yet kindred then. No. But still one of us. Lives on streets plays songs and begs with us."

He gets more nervous as he stands there and begins shuffling his feet before continuing.

"The witch-hunter came after you. Yes. I didn't beg from him either. He hired other beggars to help him he did. After they left Pepin came. The sheriff. He asked about hunters from the church. They searching town for witch. Prince is scared hunters will find us and kill us with witch. So he looks for witch to give to hunters so they leave us alone.

Pepin he finds bard hiding he does and takes him to Prince. Bard say he alone so Jocelyn be safe for now."
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Jocelyn sat and listened quietly as Urchin related his tale. Her exression ranged from relieved to worried and back again the whole time. When he finished, she remained quiet for a moment, then spoke quietly. "So... We just go get him, and run from the demons again? It's not so hard, we've been doing it for a while."
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