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Prologue: Eve Vosmus

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Re: Prologue: Eve Vosmus

The carriage slows to a stop within the gated walls of the castle and Christien quickly aids Eve to the ground before disappearing with hardly another word. Eve stands there for a moment in wonder as the sun makes it first peek over the horizon.

Erasmus the servant seems to say little as he returns from chasing after his master. He casts a brief worried glance at Eve before giving orders to a pair of stable boys. Once the carriage has been taken care of he bows his head stiffly and says.

"My lord Christien has ordered me to see to any needs you might have. You may call me Erasmus, milady."

It happens. I have a way to move us along so it's no big worry.
Re: Prologue: Eve Vosmus

"I... thank yew." She looked around, "I'd like a bite to eat, an' then will you show me to where I'll be sleepin'?"

Thank jeebas because I'm getting a little dry on creativity for some reason
Re: Prologue: Eve Vosmus

"Of course, right this way milady." Erasmus says with a bow before crisply turning and leading the way into the main hall of the castle.

The main hall is dark with the exception of the light filtering in through the open doorway. Eve can catch little more than glimpses of tapestries and rich looking furniture as she follows the servant in. Erasmus lights a small taper before closing the door and leading onwards. The dim light of the thin candle is all she has to see by as they make their way over the stone cold floor.

Erasmus soon pushes another door open into a dining hall well-lit by a fire in the center. The mouthwatering smell of a rich stew emanates from a large pot in the fire place. The room is warmly decorated with tapestries and furs on the walls and floor. A long table sits as though decorated for a party that has yet to happen. The servant makes his way to the table and pulls out a chair to seat Eve before getting her a bowl of the hearty stew.

"Please eat and I shall return as soon as I have a room suitable for you, milady."

It happens. Hopefully I can rekindle some creativity in you before long.
Re: Prologue: Eve Vosmus

Eve blushed as her stomach gurgled loud enough to make it echo a little. She sat down quickly and stared at the spoon, "It's like a small shovel..." she said in wonderment. Shaking the wonder off, she waited a few moments for the stew to cool some, then dipped her hand in the and began to eat.

The poor don't have utensils! Also, no forks for anyone either, knives and spooooons.
Re: Prologue: Eve Vosmus

Erasmus returns to the banquet hall soon after Eve has finished with her meal. He can't seem to help but get a wide grin on his face and laugh as he notices Eve licking the last remnants from her fingers. Just as quickly he gets a mortified look on his face and blurts out.

"I'm sorry milady, I forgot my place. I-it's just that I've never seen one of Lord Christien's guests eat like me. P-please don't tell him I laughed."

The young servant practically throws himself on the ground in front her and bows his head low.

Actually even the poorest person would probably have a small personal knife, otherwise you are correct at least so far as I know. Eve's sire definitely has his work cut out for him. Now to throw you a twist to keep Eve royally confused.
Re: Prologue: Eve Vosmus

Eve stares at him, baffled. "Wot? I ain't no lady. I'm da one wot should be bowin' ter you. Yer a servant and I was jest a whore. Ain't no fancy carriage gonna change what fer me, innit."

She would be even more alone here than she was back with her old master. For one, brief moment she regretted leaving. Then the smell of the stew reminded her that no matter how lonely she was here, there was food and that was worth anything.
Re: Prologue: Eve Vosmus

"You may not be a lady now but you will be of that I'm sure." Erasmus says standing and dusting off his clothing. He looks around warily as though someone might be listening in the empty room before saying.

"Whatever your past might have been, Lord Christien would be very angry with me for speaking to you as an equal, milady. I am merely a servant and he has brought you here to make you into a proper lady. You shall have everything you've ever wanted I'm sure. Now come and let me show you to your rooms so that you might rest and be prepared for tonight when he shall return."

Erasmus leads her back through the darkened halls of the castle and up the stairs to the second floor. They pass several rooms which seem to be little used judging from the dust and cobwebs hanging from them. Finally they come to the end of the hallway and into Eve's new room.

The room is well-lit by an open window looking out over the sea. A large posted bed sits in the center covered in silk pillows and warm blankets. In one corner sits a large tub filled with hot water. A large closet sits in one corner closed and near the bed sits a table with a bowl of delicious looking fruit. A simple though well made linen gown sits on the bed.

"I have arranged everything as Lord Christien ordered me to, milady. I will leave you to refresh and rest now."
Re: Prologue: Eve Vosmus

"I... I think I would like someone to talk to, though." she said wistfully. In the end however she followed him to her new rooms and proceeded to shuck her clothes off at the sight of the bath, babbling her profuse thanks.

Re: Prologue: Eve Vosmus

"I-I wouldn't mind having someone to speak with after you have refreshed yourself milady. Simply use the bell by your bedside If you should wish my presence." Erasmus says with a bow of his head before leaving Eve to prepare for her bath.

The water is heated to the perfect temperature and the faint smell of some luxuriant scent fills her nostrils as she slips into the tub. It has been almost a week since she had last bathed in the river and the water quickly relaxes her. Though her mind races with thoughts of confusion and wonderment. It truly was as though she were having some wonderful dream.

Another spurt of coughing as she soaks in the tub brings her out of her dreamlike state. Shocking her back to the reality that she'll never truly get the chance to enjoy her dreams if they really are as true as they seem to be.

Yep, nekkid tiem. They might not have bathed often in the actual dark ages but I would rather pretend they did.
Re: Prologue: Eve Vosmus

Eve looked at the droplets of blood sinking into the water and began to sob. It had all been too good to be true. She would be here for... a few months. Then it would all be over. But... but at least I'll get to have everything I've always wanted for a little bit, and late is better than never. She clambered out of the tub, still crying and yanked on the bellpull a few times before slipping her new dress on and waiting for Erasmus.
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Re: Prologue: Eve Vosmus

The linen dress feels wonderful against her skin as Eve slides it on and sits down on the luxuriantly soft mattress. She looked out of the window over the sea and let the warm breeze dry the tears from her eyes while she waited for Erasmus to arrive.

Before long she heard footsteps outside of her door announcing the young servants entrance. He set a tray, which contained a few goblet's of perry, on the side table. He poured 2 glasses of the juice and offered one to Eve as he came nearer.

"Was the water warm enough, milady. I wouldn't want you to get chilled or sick from my clumsiness?"
Re: Prologue: Eve Vosmus

She sniffles and nods as another cough wracks her body. "Will yew tell me wot he will be teachin' me? I dunno wot all 'e expects me take learn..." she had called him in with the intention to tell him of her sickness and then had thought better of it. He would still talk to her as long as he didn't know. They wouldn't shove her out onto the streets if she kept it to herself...
Re: Prologue: Eve Vosmus

Erasmus beams as he sets the glass of perry down within reach of Eve, before taking a glass for himself and answering her. "I'm not entirely sure of what my master has planned for you beyond him planning on turning you into a lady. I suppose it does sound kind of odd if you haven't been exposed to a higher class like I have."

He takes a sip of the sweet pear juice before continuing. "Basically you'll be learning things like etiquette, how to act around nobles, the subtle arts of subterfuge. Anything a noble woman might know he'll probably teach you. He likes to take naturally beautiful things and fix them up to be his ideal of perfection. Like this castle he saw a beauty that he simply had to perfect to make it something more than just physically beautiful. He might even teach you to read and write and really anything is possible."

He stops to see if his explanation is enough though he seems nervous about something. Perhaps it is his obvious attraction to his master's love or maybe he is simply worried about his master finding out that he's treating her as an equal. Eve is unable to tell entirely.
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Re: Prologue: Eve Vosmus

She gulped at her juice and nodded. At the end of his little speech she smiled at him, "I 'ope we can stay friends." then she yawned. Her all nighter had finally started to catch up to her.

What is this carp I keep typing. blagh.
Re: Prologue: Eve Vosmus

Erasmus smiles and nods though he looks a little sad. "It would be nice. Though even if we can't remain friends I'll always be around. Lord Christien says he could never accomplish anything without me. You should get some rest now. Lord Christien tends to be more of a night person and you probably won't see him during the day ever."

Eve nods and soon finds herself drifting off to a pleasant sleep in her luxurious new bed. Her sleep is more peaceful than it has been for as long as she can remember, though she has strange dreams throughout.

Creatures chasing her through the darkness of the night with the intention of drinking her blood. Strangely at some point the dream changes to her chasing someone else intent on drinking their blood. She doesn't remember when it changed to her chasing the people but the dream seems very vivid and she strangely enjoys the feeling. She finally corners her prey in a dark alley and slowly moves towards them with a smile, it's Lilith and she starts crying and screaming for mercy.

"No please. Don't hurt me, her just take it and leave me be."

Well let's try something a bit more action oriented to liven things up then. It could work.
Re: Prologue: Eve Vosmus

Eve surprised herself with the voice that issued from her mouth. It was sweet and sophisticated, "Why would I want your little trinket, my dear? I want something that's even better."

She moved closer to the other girl and wrapped her arms around Lilith tightly, "Shh, Precious. This won't hurt," she whispered into the blonde's ear before sinking her teeth into her neck. The taste of blood that flowed into her mouth excited her and frightened her. After a few moments she pulled herself away and looked horrified at the body on the ground.

"Wot? Wot 'ave I done?"

Re: Prologue: Eve Vosmus

Lilith's young face remained etched in a grimace of half-pleasure and half-pain as her dead eyes stared back up towards Eve. Her gaudy little necklace still clutched in her outstretched hand. Eve turned to run even as the young girl's warm blood trickled down her cheek only to find herself in a wonderful mansion staring into a mirror hung on the wall.

She could hardly believe her eyes, she was still the same Eve though perhaps paler, her clothes were made of the finest silks and stylish beyond anything she could imagine. There were others like her in the room all equally as beautiful and pale.

Suddenly she started to cough violently and woke from the strange dream or perhaps nightmare at the same moment. She was still coughing as she awoke to find the room just as she had left it. Though the sun was quickly falling behind the horizon.
Re: Prologue: Eve Vosmus

Eve felt that she ought to be frightened of her strange dream, but she shrugged it off and decided to enjoy the scenery while it lasted. The sunset seemed exceptionally beautiful for some reason.
Re: Prologue: Eve Vosmus

The thought of Eve's strange dream quickly passed as she busied herself by enjoying the glorious sight of the slowly setting sun. The castle seemed strangely quiet and as she looked out the window she noted that the carriage still sat exactly as she had seen it last. Strange she thought hadn't her mysterious savior mentioned being gone all day.

She shook of the strange feeling as she heard a door creak open somewhere within the old castle. Despite the dust and disuse of the old fortifications, she thought it was rather beautiful in some ways. Hopefully either Erasmus or Lord Christien would show up soon, she was a bit hungry and she was afraid she wouldn't be able to find her way around her new home without aid.
Re: Prologue: Eve Vosmus

Eve sat there for at least half an hour like an idiot before she remembered the bellpull. She wiggled across the mattress and pulled it a few times, wondering how long it would take Erasmus to show up.
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