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Prologue - Clara Jones

Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

Clara managed to circle him faster than he seemed willing to turn, but he swung his fist out behind him and made her jump back to avoid it as he caught up to her again. "Still confident?" He asked, a teasing ring in his deep baritone voice.
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

(( Blah I suck at explaining stuff <.< ))

Responding to Brick's taunt she said in a calm voice, "I'm just getting started." Not caring about his strength she quickly closed the gap between them again she starting punching at his face once again getting ready for another furious attack by him.
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

Brick's expected attack comes, but not in the way Clara expects. He goes to simply shove her at shoulder height, which she prepares for, but his leg moves as well, sweeping her feet out from under her. Her feet go sideways and her top goes backwards, landing her on the mat hard. This time, it looks like he's willing to press his advantage, moving to pin her before she can get up.
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

Clara was surprised as Brick took her down. She didn't expect him to know what a foot sweep was let alone use one on her. Instinct quickly came over her as the man tried to pin her and she wrapped her legs around his waist in a guard position while trying to keep his body down so he can't punch her from this position. Attempting to move his head to her side she wanted to warp one of her arms around his neck to get him in a guillotine choke.

( Uh want a picture? )
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

Clara managed to get a hold of him, wrapping her arm over his head and back around under, almost getting the chokehold she wanted, but he tucked his chin to his chest, stopping her from actually choking him. He was surprisingly cold, Clara wouldn't have thought a guy like him had bad circulation...

He attempted to punch her to no avail, she was too close to get a good hit in, so instead he strained and managed to lift them both up until he was standing again, aiming to throw them both down to the mat, and get her that way.
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

Clara wasn't very surprised the muscle man managed to lift her and himself up, although this was the first time she saw someone do that. When Brick stood up she realized he was probably going to jump down with her legs still wrapped around him. So she simply just unwrapped her legs and stood on the mat and instead of having him in a guillotine choke in a guard she tried to be able to choke him standing up.

(<.< There's different ways to do this but I'll just have her doing a choke hold for simplicity)
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

((Are there ways to choke somebody who's chin I'd touching their chest, protecting their neck? I don't really know... Also, don't you have to be behind someone to choke hold them?))

Brick stopped his attempted body drop and instead started to try punching her again, but she was still too close for a good shot. She did feel her sides start to bruise from the smaller impacts, however.
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

Keeping Brick's head down she decided she probably wasn't going to be able to choke him. Still keeping his head down she kept her hold and even tried to tighten her grip. Instead of letting go she decided before Brick escaped she could get a few shots in. She tried to knee his underside before Brick found a way to escape her choke hold.
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

Bick took one to the gut before he could refocus on her new mode of attack, but caught her leg the second time, putting them in a rather awkward position. "You're pretty good." He said grudgingly in his deep voice as they stood there, locked together.
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

Responding to Brick, Clara said still in a calm voice, "And you have the strength of two monsters." She tried to struggle out of his hold while keeping her own thinking that it was probably pointless but worth a shot anyway. He's probably noticed that she has started to tire from all of this. They never did agree on a time limit so she knew it was probably going to be whoever was going to to tire first that would end up winning this since they seemed evenly matched. She couldn't exactly tell how tired he was right now but she thought it would be worst then herself with all the effort he's had to put to keep up with her.
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

Brick just chuckled. "Not quite, but I'm flattered." He said, holding her through her struggles, suddenly she feels his back tense, as he hefts again, lifting her right off the ground and over his head, continuing the motion all the way until they both fell to the mat, Clara landing hard on her back with Bricks head on her chest, immediately knocking the breath out of her.
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

Clara has a look of surprise as she flies through the air. When she lands hard under Brick's weight at first the pain clouds her instincts but she still quickly reacts more out of instinct then anything else. Trying to scramble out of Brick being on top of her she let go of the choke hold she had him in and attempts to flip over so that her stomach is to the mat instead of her back or if Brick is still holding onto her leg she tries to scramble out from underneath him and get on top.
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

Brick presses his advantage, keeping a hold of her leg as he rolls over himself, getting her into a leg bar after some struggle. "I think we're done." He says as he holds her there, no malice or teasing in his voice, just a simple statement of fact.
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

Struggling through the pain Clara tries her best not to give in. Her mind kept on saying to herself over and over again Don't give up, Don't give up, Don't give up. Brick could hear her grunting in pain as she tried her best to try to get out, violently thrashing around as she did so to try to take her mind off the pain. After what seemed like an eternity to her but was probably about thirty seconds she finally couldn't stand it anymore and raised her hand to Brick's leg and tapped on signaling she was gives up by submission.
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Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

Brick let go instantly, getting up and off her and bending down to offer her a hand up. "Good match." He said with his deep voice, again without any hint of malice or teasing.
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

Ignoring Brick's hand at first Clara tries to get up by herself. Feeling pain shoot up through her leg when she tried, though, from how long she struggled rather then giving up right away made her realize she probably would need help up. Taking his hand reluctantly she let him help her up.
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

Brick didn't say anything, just helped her up and over to a seat if she needed, before heading over and starting on the machines again, looking to work out the bruised areas he undoubtedly had.
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

Clara sat down on her seat seeming to be glaring into space and not at anyone's general direction. She tested out her leg to see how it was doing and limped to a machine. For the rest of the day her limp became less noticeably although she didn't use anything that involved legs and giving anyone that seemed to have anything to say about it a cold stare.

( I'm gonna guess it's fast forward time?)
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

((Indeed it is.))

Brick left without saying a word after about a half hour, and the rest of the night until the gym closed passed mostly uneventfully, with the exception of the amused glances and snickers in her direction by the rest of the people around. Leaving last in an effort to work out her anger as much as her leg, she noticed that there was still two cars in the lot, hers, and an old beat-up thunderbird. About the same time she noticed this, she heard a tapping sound to her side, and a glance told her that it was Brick, leaning up against the wall, tapping the ground with his foot. He didn't say anything, just watched her like he was still figuring out what to say...
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

Clara sighed when she saw Brick like he wanted to talk to her. She wasn't in the mood for this especially after how the guys in the gym treated her after her defeat. Still she said to him not fully looking at him trying not to sound too angry and at the same time wanting to sound impatient right now, "What do you want, Brick?"