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Prison Planet Escape. (the end)

Re: Prison Planet Escape.

Also, we have three stat points but only two available stats. Was one of them supposed to cost more points? If not, I say, get all the things!

actuallly e those are not the stats, they are skills if you're talking about those.
Stats are the basic stats that are under the stats spoiler (willpower, agility, etc)
The skills are optional thing to spend points on, they can be ignored or have points spend on.

I have to ask, is there anything Fe'da is good at? I mean, we've been letting Eline try unlocking all the doors but would Fe'da be better at that, or perhaps some other skill we should know?

She is a better technic. She actually already opened that one vault that Eline would've normal done. Infact she will now on be the default girl to open technic checks unless people want Eline to open em up. She hasn't been around enough to get to open many of them you know.
There is also the whole specie difference thing, Fe'da and Eline will learn different skills along the time..

also cause this is a level up i'll probably wait bit longer for some decisions.
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Re: Prison Planet Escape.

1.We've got a better tech character now, so let's make Eline our go to Psychic.

+1 willpower (will make Eline less emo, and more resistant to psychic attacks), +1 Psychic (duh), and upgraded shockwave.

A. If Eline takes the upgraded shockwave, use that to knock the enemies down while Fe'da and 569 clean up with their blasters. Otherwise Eline should just use the wave pulsar.
Re: Prison Planet Escape.

1.We've got a better tech character now, so let's make Eline our go to Psychic.

+1 willpower (will make Eline less emo, and more resistant to psychic attacks), +1 Psychic (duh), and upgraded shockwave.

A. If Eline takes the upgraded shockwave, use that to knock the enemies down while Fe'da and 569 clean up with their blasters. Otherwise Eline should just use the wave pulsar.

This, but with +2 Psychic instead of +1 to Willpower and +1 to Psychic. MINMAX ALL THE THINGS!
Re: Prison Planet Escape.

1.We've got a better tech character now, so let's make Eline our go to Psychic.

+1 willpower (will make Eline less emo, and more resistant to psychic attacks), +1 Psychic (duh), and upgraded shockwave.

A. If Eline takes the upgraded shockwave, use that to knock the enemies down while Fe'da and 569 clean up with their blasters. Otherwise Eline should just use the wave pulsar.

Re: Prison Planet Escape.


Eline learned:
Upgraded Shockwave.
+1 stat point to psychic and +1 to willpower

Eline felt her mind to be at more ease.. Her head become a lot clearer once again. Maybe things will get better afterall.

Eline got a weird idea.. She was tempted to kinetic grap the tazer far away.. but she had her own already.

She took the tazer and howered it over the water..

"Hey.. what are you.."


She activated the tazer on the water and the electricity conducted through the water zapping absolutely everyone in the room! Even the flying z'rill male got a zap due of being.. connected to the android.



Every was really dizzled from the strike!

569 was not amused at all

"..I thought it was a good idea."

"ow ow ow.."

"GRAH! You! you! IT was just... GETTING.. GOOD!"
The crazy android was spazzing out and cursing loudly.
The two Z'rill male's were not feeling so turned on anymore either. they weren't too amused..

Seems pretty much everyone but Eline was feeling bit shocked from that strike.

"Get em! Get em! Kill em my. Bug lovers!"
The android was flailing and pointing at the girls.

The two Z'rill thus prepared themselves.

"uh huh."

Well it was battle time.

Eline really wanted to try out her new upgraded shockwave so Fe'da figured to wait a bit..

The flying Z'rill male was staring at Fe'da rather akwardly.
His eye's glowed for short while as Fe'da felt a stinging headache!
It seemed to use some sort of psychic move on her!
"... ach! "
Fe'da holded her head and kept still.. It hurt, but Fe'da was able to resist any other effect. The pain shortly moved away.

Eline kept her focus up.. And blamo! She launched the shockwave!
The upgraded shockwave pushed through the room, with the foes being still so close to each other it seemed to go through them all..! Apart from the flying bastard. It took some height and dodged the move.

The android was hit really heavily as she slammed to her back to the watery bottom. The other Z'rill male was able to keep his ground but, he seemed to start to hold his head..

Fe'da and 569 felt like a little clean up was in order at the aisle 3.
They both took aim at the Z'rill that was still holding their head.
Both of the girls were able to shoot a nice shots at it, though 569's blaster's shot didnt seem as well charged as Fe'das.

The Z'rill took both of the hits.. but was still standing. Really determined fellow.

His determinance was more of an act. He tried to do what seemed to be a charge but slipped back on his knees. Pretty pathetic, really.

The crazy android slowly got back up.. She was looking even more pissed than before. Yet she had not done a move yet. She was just staring towards Eline with quite anger. If a stare could kill, this would be the one to do it.

The situation was looking pretty good for the girls though!

A) Continue Attacking! (you know the deal)
B) Retreat!
C) Other

Eline's stats:
Level 12.

Endurance 9 (+1 from item)
Stamina 10
Agility 9
Strength 7
Willpower 9
Technic 11
Psychic 12

81/100 HP
34/60 psychic energy
8/120 exp.

very sensitive -30 to sex resist.
Impregnanted by a floating tentacle! (???)

Psychic abilities:
Shockwave. 15 energy. 8 - 30 damage. (causes concussion)
Light up. 10 energy. Provide light
Kinetic. 20 energy. Next attack is Autohit. Can be used to take items from afar.

Head - Nightvision Goggles
Top - Labcoat.
Legs -
Boots - JetBoots (30/30 fuel). (+1 agility)
Wrists - PDA (hacking key (2 charges)) Shield PDA (200/200 'HP').
Hands -
Waist - Item purse. Technic waist (+1 endurance, shield gadget (5 charges)) Psychic Amplifier (47/50)
Back - Power Shield Generator (200/200)

Weilding: Wave Pulser (10/12)(ammo modded)

Special gadget:
Power Trick. Transfer normal energy to power for Electric and Laser weapons and gadgets.
(3 uses a day) (3 left)

Purse(level 3):
Psychic charger. 3x Antidote. Wave Pulser (12/12)(ammo modded). 4x energy pills (hp). 2x Sludge vials.
1x damage increase tech mod. Shield Generator (7 charges(modded, charge increaser) 2x grenade. Gadget energy charger.
Teleport disc (9/10), 2x Canned food, Scanner(16/20), Odd rope. Breast increaser gadget (3 charges) 2x Super Energy pills (hp)
2x gas grenade (fatique) Mysterious Gadget. Tazer. Laser pistol (192/200) 1 birth control pill. 1x Hearth symboled vial
25 credits.

XXX-569's stats:
Level 11.

Endurance 10
Stamina 10 (-1 by status)
Agility 9 -3 by status
Strength 16 (+3 from item)
Willpower 6
Technic 8
Psychic 1

67/100 HP
48/110 exp.

Slightly Egged up! -1 stamina. -1 agility(tentacle plant) (Advanced)
Shocked! -2 agility!

569's specials: Cannot be impregnated apart from egging. Resistant to sex attacks. (-5 damage).
Sensitivity and horniness always jumps to moderate or high if these statuses happen. Either she's turned on or off.

Passive ability: Head Trauma.

Head -
Top -
Legs -
Boots - Jetboots (30/30 fuel)
Wrists - Technic Bracers (+3 str)
Hands -
Waist - Item purse. Pickaxe
Back - Power Shield Generator (200/200)

Weilding: Laser Blaster. (25/40) (modded: Damage increase (+2), Scope mod (+10 accuracy)), Flash Light.

Purse(level 2):
25 credits.
Vibrator (10 charges) 3x grenade. 1x healthkit. 1x Boltgun (20/20)
2x vials (???, muscular symbol), 2x canned food, Weight mod, 1x energy pill (hp)
2x Super Energy pills (hp) 2x vials (light pink liquid)
Robot servant. 2x gas grenade (fatique) Vibrator (10 charges) Shield Generator (5 charges)
Heavy Plasma (50/50)

Robot Servant
50/50 HP.
Status: Packed up.
can modify and make clothing. Can remake clothing articles to other. Can fuse gadgets and clothing articles. Can fix clothing.
Inbuild tazer for self defence.
3 - 9 electric damage. Can cause flinch (50%)

Fe'da's stats:
level 10
Endurance 6
Stamina 9
Agility 10 -1 from status
Strength 7
Willpower 8
Technic 13
Psychic 6

75/90 HP
30/30 psychic energy
58/100 exp

Slighty shocked! -1 agility

Psychic abilities:
Mindblast. 20 energy. 10 - 20 damage. Only works on organic foes. Can cause flinch. (25%)
Shield. 15 energy. Blocks an attack.
Special: Poison bite. (100% full, 20% per bite, slowly refills.)
Head -
Top - Solid shirt.
Legs - Shorts.
Boots -
Wrists - PDA. Gadget: Hacking Key.(10 charges) PDA: Liquid identifier. 20 charges.
Hands -
Waist - Item purse. Laser Pistol. (198/200 ammo). Crowbar
Back - A coil of metal wire.
Weilding: Laser Blaster (38/40)

Purse items:
1 food ration. 1x Energy pills. Flashlight. Gadget Energy charger. (5 charges) Weird Cube shaped Gadget.
170 credits.

Eline's shock: 5dmg. No status
569 shock: 8 * 2 (16) Shocked!
Fe'Da shock: 6 dmg! Slighty Shocked!
Z'rill lvl9 shock: 9 dmg! shocked!
Z'rill lvl11 shock: 7 dmg! Shocked!
Crazy android shock: 7 * 2 (14) shocked!

Z'rill male (11) vs Fe'da! (psychic move!)
54 vs 12
7 dmg!

Eline shockwave!
vs Z'rill 11
39 + 10 (49) vs 96
vs Z'rill 9
59 + 10 (69) vs 17
13 dmg
vs android
22 + 10 (32) vs 7
31 dmg

Fe'da vs Z'rill 9
92 vs 45 - 10 (35)
18 dmg!

569 vs Z'rill 9!
4 vs 11 - 10 (1)
5 dmg

Z'rill 9 vs 569!
58 - 10 (48) vs 69

Crazy android did not move.

3 PE recovery to Eline.

edit: woops I have forgotten about 569's scope mod on blaster. Well it hasn't had much effect on rolls so far, I hope.


Maddened Z'rill male (lvl 9) (35/80) (-10 to atk&dodge)
Maddened Z'rill male (lvl 10) (83/90)
Crazy Android (lvl 11) (85/130) (-10 to atk&dodge)

Speed order
Z'rill male (11)
569 - Eline (tied)
Z'rill male (9)
Crazy Android
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Re: Prison Planet Escape.

A.) Upgraded shockwave rocks lets do that again.
Re: Prison Planet Escape.

Electric shock the water! It totally worked the first time!!!

(Or we could have Eline use shock wave and the others shoot stuff)
Re: Prison Planet Escape.


Well back to ol hammering them down
Fe'da got her blaster ready and aimed at the already suffering z'rill male.

Fe'da blaster shot hit the z'rill male, but did not kill it. It didn't have enough juice on the shot.

"shees, I never thought I'd actually attempt to kill someone of my own kind.."

"It's self defense try not to worry about it. And cause they are insane; you're doing everyone a favour"

"and not like this place has any law anyway"

While the girls were talking, the flying z'rill male had taken a bit of a speed.
One big swoop and the z'rill male did a dive bomb! While diving, he grapple'd Fe'da and took her to the air, which shortly after he slammed her against the wall above the ground.


Fe'da tried to push him off but she was overpowered.
The thing seemed to take out its poison fangs and tried to bite Fe'da near her shoulder area!
Fe'da was able to elbow the thing in the face and it moved its head back away from her.
But he did not release her. Wasn't a good enough blow for that!

"Well shit!"

569 tried to take a potshot at the z'rill male holding Fe'da high against the wall, but her half assed attempt missed terribly.

Eline wanted to help Fe'da down but, if they all focus on her, the two foes could get behind them and close on in!

Eline focused and prepared another shockwave.
She was going to finish off the z'rill male that was not doing well.. however her focus shifted at last second!
The shockwave missed the male but hit right at the crazy android!
It would've been a direct hit but the effect faded a bit when it reached to her.

Regardless the android seemed hurt by it, quite a bit too!

The z'rill male had stopped moving, but it was breathing.. It got up for a bit.. And began to look what seemed to be, meditating?
It kept its eyes closed and was calmly breathing while focusing quite a bit while holding its hands on its forehead..
It seemed like its burn marks from the laser blaster shots faded a little..
It looks like it is trying some sort of a psychic healing trick?

The z'rill male kept on meditating, it's unlikely it will attempt to attack for a while unless interrupted.

the android wasn't calming down. It was furious.

It pointed its fist towards Eline and the fist fell downwards? From the wrist on where its hand was, something pushed out what seemed to be a some sort of a blaster!

"Eat. PLASMA!"


The arm blaster fired a nasty looking plasma shot! Eline was able to dodge it in time and the shot flinged past her and 569!

"Needs salt!" 569 yelled at the android

"You. Are NOT. funny!"

Fe'da was still struggling with the z'rill male.
She figured if its gona go to poison games, might aswell give it her own bite!
Fe'da attempted to bite the guy back, but it moved its arm away and slammed back at her!


That took air out of Fe'da's struggle attempt.
After slamming Fe'da the z'rill male seemed to start coping a bit of feel..
It began to touch one of Fe'da's breast with its other hand..
It was starting to go back to that mood

"...d-don't even..!"

The z'rill male attempted to take a grip on Fe'da shirt in a plan to outright shred it from her!
Fe'da wasn't too fond of this idea and struggled accordingly.
"click click!" The z'rill male was bit disapointed

569 was trying to figure out a good shot. If she only could get close, she could just toss the guy off of Fe'da. But it just had to fling it high up to make this harder.

569 made another shot..! But missed barely. She was trying to shoot in an angle that would miss Fe'da incase of a too big charge of a shot.

"Oh for fucks sake.. Why did it have to take her up there?"

"Try it again, third times the charm!"

569 rolled her eyes for bit.

Eline decided to shockwave once more.
And once again she missed the Z'rill male with her shockwave.. But hit the android dead on.


The android was knocked down from the strike once again.. it was starting to fizzle and sparkle on some parts of its body.
Clearly starting to take too many hits to handle.

The z'rill male had done its meditating. It raised back up and seemed to crack its knuckles, well, whatever seems close to those on these bug people knuckles.

"click click. cliiick."

He was looking confident again.

The situation was still in the girls favour.. atleast a little bit.

A) Keep attacking!
--1 Have 569 or Eline help to release Fe'da if she fails to struggle
--2 Focus on releasing Fe'da with both of the girls if she fails to struggle
--3 Fe'da can take care of herself, better have both focus on the other foes.
B) Retreat and leave Fe'da behind
C) Other

x. Additional other?

Eline's stats:
Level 12.

Endurance 9 (+1 from item)
Stamina 10
Agility 9
Strength 7
Willpower 9
Technic 11
Psychic 12

81/100 HP
13/60 psychic energy
8/120 exp.

very sensitive -30 to sex resist.
Impregnanted by a floating tentacle! (???)

Psychic abilities:
Shockwave. 15 energy. 8 - 30 damage. (causes concussion)
Light up. 10 energy. Provide light
Kinetic. 20 energy. Next attack is Autohit. Can be used to take items from afar.

Head - Nightvision Goggles
Top - Labcoat.
Legs -
Boots - JetBoots (30/30 fuel). (+1 agility)
Wrists - PDA (hacking key (2 charges)) Shield PDA (200/200 'HP').
Hands -
Waist - Item purse. Technic waist (+1 endurance, shield gadget (5 charges)) Psychic Amplifier (46/50)
Back - Power Shield Generator (200/200)

Weilding: Wave Pulser (10/12)(ammo modded)

Special gadget:
Power Trick. Transfer normal energy to power for Electric and Laser weapons and gadgets.
(3 uses a day) (3 left)

Purse(level 3):
Psychic charger. 3x Antidote. Wave Pulser (12/12)(ammo modded). 4x energy pills (hp). 2x Sludge vials.
1x damage increase tech mod. Shield Generator (7 charges(modded, charge increaser) 2x grenade. Gadget energy charger.
Teleport disc (9/10), 2x Canned food, Scanner(16/20), Odd rope. Breast increaser gadget (3 charges) 2x Super Energy pills (hp)
2x gas grenade (fatique) Mysterious Gadget. Tazer. Laser pistol (192/200) 1 birth control pill. 1x Hearth symboled vial
25 credits.

XXX-569's stats:
Level 11.

Endurance 10
Stamina 10 (-1 by status)
Agility 9 -3 by status
Strength 16 (+3 from item)
Willpower 6
Technic 8
Psychic 1

67/100 HP
48/110 exp.

Slightly Egged up! -1 stamina. -1 agility(tentacle plant) (Advanced)
Shocked! -2 agility!

569's specials: Cannot be impregnated apart from egging. Resistant to sex attacks. (-5 damage).
Sensitivity and horniness always jumps to moderate or high if these statuses happen. Either she's turned on or off.

Passive ability: Head Trauma.

Head -
Top -
Legs -
Boots - Jetboots (30/30 fuel)
Wrists - Technic Bracers (+3 str)
Hands -
Waist - Item purse. Pickaxe
Back - Power Shield Generator (200/200)

Weilding: Laser Blaster. (23/40) (modded: Damage increase (+2), Scope mod (+10 accuracy)), Flash Light.

Purse(level 2):
25 credits.
Vibrator (10 charges) 3x grenade. 1x healthkit. 1x Boltgun (20/20)
2x vials (???, muscular symbol), 2x canned food, Weight mod, 1x energy pill (hp)
2x Super Energy pills (hp) 2x vials (light pink liquid)
Robot servant. 2x gas grenade (fatique) Vibrator (10 charges) Shield Generator (5 charges)
Heavy Plasma (50/50)

Robot Servant
50/50 HP.
Status: Packed up.
can modify and make clothing. Can remake clothing articles to other. Can fuse gadgets and clothing articles. Can fix clothing.
Inbuild tazer for self defence.
3 - 9 electric damage. Can cause flinch (50%)

Fe'da's stats:
level 10
Endurance 6
Stamina 9
Agility 10 -1 from status
Strength 7
Willpower 8
Technic 13
Psychic 6

75/90 HP
30/30 psychic energy
58/100 exp

Slighty shocked! -1 agility

Psychic abilities:
Mindblast. 20 energy. 10 - 20 damage. Only works on organic foes. Can cause flinch. (25%)
Shield. 15 energy. Blocks an attack.
Special: Poison bite. (100% full, 20% per bite, slowly refills.)
Head -
Top - Solid shirt.
Legs - Shorts.
Boots -
Wrists - PDA. Gadget: Hacking Key.(10 charges) PDA: Liquid identifier. 20 charges.
Hands -
Waist - Item purse. Laser Pistol. (198/200 ammo). Crowbar
Back - A coil of metal wire.
Weilding: Laser Blaster (37/40)

Purse items:
1 food ration. 1x Energy pills. Flashlight. Gadget Energy charger. (5 charges) Weird Cube shaped Gadget.
170 credits.

Fe'da vs Z'rill9
81 vs 20 - 10 (10)
12 dmg

Z'rill male11 vs Fe'da
91 vs 80
9 vs 28
Z'rill male11 Poison bite!
14 vs 37

569 vs Z'rill male11
32 + 10 (42) vs 90 - 10 (80)

Eline Shockwave! (Aimed towards z'rill lvl9)
vs z'rill9
8 + 10 (18) vs 53 - 10 (43)
how bad did it all miss?
(100) Just the wrong target, silly!
vs crazy android!
50 + 10 (60) vs 52 -10 (42)
8 * 3 (crit) 24 dmg!

Z'rill male 9 psychic skill ???
95 - 10 (85) vs 46
11 hp recovery.

Crazy Android vs Eline (Plasma gun)
87 - 10 (77) vs 99

-5 PE recovery-
---new turn---

Fe'da struggle! (poison bite)
71 vs 79
Z'rill male 11 strip attempt
30 vs 54

569 vs Z'rill male 11
1 + 10 (11) vs 27 - 10 (17)

Eline shockwave! (aimed at z'rill lvl9)
35 + 10 (45) vs 99 - 10 (89)
did it miss how bad
(53) not that bad actually
vs crazy android
88 + 10 (98) vs 4 - 10 (-6)
28 + 6 (34) dmg!
Knocked down! (misses this turn)

Z'rill lvl9 psychic skill ???
75 - 10 (65) vs 40
13 hp heal

-4 PE rescovery-


Maddened Z'rill male (lvl 9) (47/80) (-10 to atk&dodge)
Maddened Z'rill male (lvl 10) (83/90)
Crazy Android (lvl 11) (27/130) (-10 to atk&dodge)

Speed order
Z'rill male (11)
569 - Eline (tied)
Z'rill male (9)
Crazy Android
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Re: Prison Planet Escape.

A2, if Fe'da saves herself before their turns, then focus on most wounded (crazy android)
Re: Prison Planet Escape.

A1 have eline use her physics powers to grab the enemy and fling it off
Re: Prison Planet Escape.

A3 Have 569 and Eline shoot at the Android. Have Fe'da use Mind Blast on the thing holding her. Once Android is dead, switch over to flying bastard.
Re: Prison Planet Escape.


Fe'da was still up there holded off by the winged bastard.
She was starting to get real frustated and was trying to resort to her psychics..
She was focusing... and.. suddenly her focus broke when she felt something try get in her shirt again
That z'ril male was trying to move his hands up up and lift that shirt off.
Fe'da headbutted the guy! And he backed off a bit again, but still no releasing.

"Shees, We've gotta get her down already"

569 tried to shoot her blaster again, but she was too careful once again.

Eline sigh'd.. She wanted to fling that z'ril with kinetics but, she didn't have the PE for it. Instead she prepared her wave pulser.. Took aim and..!
BLAM! The shot smacked the z'ril right on the back and curved to the ceiling where it blew up!
The z'ril had to release its hold and was twitching with pain.

Fe'da fell straight down to the watery floor with her butt first!
splash and slam.

"ow owo wo ow..!"

Fe'da got slowly up while holding her behind. The water softed the impact a tiny bit but still falling like that hurts! Her shorts were luckily the more slim kind and thus they did not seem to get wet at all. Her shirt's sleeves got bit watered though.

"urg.. I wish I had a dry cleaner.."

Eline was bit worried about the two foes they had left completely out this turn.. As she and 569 turned around, seem the worries were completely unneeded.

The z'ril that had done meditating, seemed slip and fall on something underwater and hit the floor face first.

..The crazy android shot a nasty spark from its wrist blaster that only caused it to shock itself.



So intimidating.

Still cursing about her shirt, Fe'da rearmed her gun again.
The android seemed to be easy picking so a little aim and..
..The fired shot fly somewhere else that was not towards the android.
and bits of water driplled from the blasters barrel.

The flying Z'rill buzzed about and was focusing its eye sight at Eline..!
It attempted to do a psychic move.. But Eline didn't even notice it. nothing happened.

Eline aimed her wave pulsar at the Android and..! Missed. Even the rebounce went completely out to hell.
569 tried her shot at the android aswell.. ... And another miss.
"What the heck"

It's like nothing wants to hit right now.
The ground z'ril male finally got on his feet and rushed towards 569!
569 gave it a good smack in the head as it got too close to her and the Z'ril stumpled backwards like someone who's had too much to drink

The android finally got itself back together and attempted another shot at Eline!
...Missing terrible ofcourse, did you not see that coming, did ya?

Well the android didn't survive for too long regardless. Fe'da had gotten her blaster working again and gave one good shot that hit the android right in the mid section.
The crazy android collapsed, and it melted a bit. It really wasn't looking so hot anymore.

(12 exp each)

The two Z'rill guys looked a bit shocked. Their fun fun toy had just gone to pieces.
The flying one was just furious. It tried to dive bomb Fe'da once again! But Fe'da was faster and got out of the way.
569 tried to take the moment and fire at the flier, yet she did not hit. The blaster's hud complained about 50% of ammo remaining.

"Gosh 569, your aim is seriously off today. Allow me!"
Eline fired her wave pulsar towards where the flying bastard was gonna move to.
The hit smacked the flying bastard right out of the sky! This z'rills wings seemed to have broken from the hit, they no long buzzed and made clipping sounds.. The z'rill crashed to the watery floor face first. The hit didnt get softened as much as Fe'das though
The hit was still in the air, rebouncing.. And for the other z'rills unfortune, it smacked it right in the stomach.

The z'rill males were bit too weakened now to fight back anymore. Their morale and prides were crushed. They just made weird hissing and click sounds.

569 figured to give the grounded one another smack to the head, finishing it off.

The flying one was acting quite patheticly. Fe'da was just looking at him. Fe'da turned around but Eline seemed to give her a stare, judging from Eline's look, she figured she should be the one to shoot him regardless.

Fe'da felt bit uneasy and nervous but.. She pulled the trigger and headshotted the heavily wounded flier.

(20 exp total)

"..That felt so odd.."

Fe'da did not however feel too guilty though, cause after what that tried to do to her but still her face seemed bit cringy.

569 and Eline went to the items that were now floating across the water.
569 noticed that there was another plasma ammo box floating by near the crazy now broken android.
Guess that android was carrying one aswell.

Two boxes is better than one!

569 was about to also take the extra nightvision goggles. They seemed quite fancy however Fe'da pointed out that she'd need em more, cause she can't carry the blaster one handed like 569 can.
Can't argue with that.

Fe'da also took the tazer and the weird looking gadget.

This room seemed pretty clean now..

That only left to check the doors in this said room.
It seemed some of them had text and signs!

The door to north had a text that appereantly read
"Chemical Labs"
There was a image of a staircase next to it.

The door quite next to it going to east had text..
"Hibernation chamber room 1"

Going downwards..
The down east door had no text, but it was a laser door.
Through the door the girls could see a lot of cube shapes past the fizzling effect.
..And slight movement?

Finally the southdoor.
The text had been scratched off and instead someone had crudely written
"Heaven" On it using bad english.

Seems pretty much all of these directions are gonna have something going on in them.
Fun stuff: They all have events. 1 is bad. 1 is neutral. 1 is potentially good. 1 is potentially good or bad.

A) Go through the northdoor "Chemical Labs"
B) Go through the northeast door "Hibernation chamber room 1"
C) Go through the laser door southeast
D) Go through the south door "Heaven"
F) Other?

X. Additional other on top?

Eline gained bit of PE back

Fe'da struggle! (mindblast!)
5 vs 69
zrill10 attempt of lewd acts
24 vs 43

569 vs z'ril10
38 + 10 (48) vs 85
Eline vs z'ril10
30 vs 7
19 dmg!
5 dmg to fe'da

Z'ril male 9 vs 569!
1 - 10 (-9) vs 1
slip and fall.
(4 dmg)

Crazy android vs Eline
3 - 10 (-7) vs 10
(3 dmg)
---Eline gains 4PE----

Fe'da vs Crazy Android
12 vs 58 - 10 (48)

Z'ril10 vs Eline! (Psychic)
77 vs 88

Eline vs Crazy Android
27 vs 97 - 10 (87)
28 vs 74
no bounce

569 vs crazy android!
57 + 10 (67) vs 84 - 10 (74)

Zril9 vs 569!
48 - 10 (38) vs 99
SMACK! (8 dmg)
Crazy Android vs Eline
54 - 10 (44) vs 69

---Eline gained 3 PE---

Fe'da vs Android
49 vs 5 - 10 (-5)
36 dmg (overkill)

12 exp

Z'rillmale10 vs Fe'da!
32 vs 66

569 vs Z'rillmale10
23 + 10 (33) vs 94

Eline vs zrill10
86 vs 24
34 dmg from shot!
10 dmg from fall.
90 vs 65
34 dmg to zrill9 aswell!

Clean up.
20 exp each

Eline's stats:
Level 12.

Endurance 9 (+1 from item)
Stamina 10
Agility 9
Strength 7
Willpower 9
Technic 11
Psychic 12

81/100 HP
35/60 psychic energy
40/120 exp.

very sensitive -30 to sex resist.
Impregnanted by a floating tentacle! (???)

Psychic abilities:
Shockwave. 15 energy. 8 - 30 damage. (causes concussion)
Light up. 10 energy. Provide light
Kinetic. 20 energy. Next attack is Autohit. Can be used to take items from afar.

Head - Nightvision Goggles
Top - Labcoat.
Legs -
Boots - JetBoots (30/30 fuel). (+1 agility)
Wrists - PDA (hacking key (2 charges)) Shield PDA (200/200 'HP').
Hands -
Waist - Item purse. Technic waist (+1 endurance, shield gadget (5 charges)) Psychic Amplifier (46/50)
Back - Power Shield Generator (200/200)

Weilding: Wave Pulser (7/12)(ammo modded)

Special gadget:
Power Trick. Transfer normal energy to power for Electric and Laser weapons and gadgets.
(3 uses a day) (3 left)

Purse(level 3):
Psychic charger. 3x Antidote. Wave Pulser (12/12)(ammo modded). 4x energy pills (hp). 2x Sludge vials.
1x damage increase tech mod. Shield Generator (7 charges(modded, charge increaser) 2x grenade. Gadget energy charger.
Teleport disc (9/10), 2x Canned food, Scanner(16/20), Odd rope. Breast increaser gadget (3 charges) 2x Super Energy pills (hp)
2x gas grenade (fatique) Mysterious Gadget. Tazer. Laser pistol (192/200) 1 birth control pill. 1x Hearth symboled vial
25 credits.

XXX-569's stats:
Level 11.

Endurance 10
Stamina 10 (-1 by status)
Agility 9 -3 by status
Strength 16 (+3 from item)
Willpower 6
Technic 8
Psychic 1

67/100 HP
80/110 exp.

Slightly Egged up! -1 stamina. -1 agility(tentacle plant) (Advanced)
Shocked! -2 agility!

569's specials: Cannot be impregnated apart from egging. Resistant to sex attacks. (-5 damage).
Sensitivity and horniness always jumps to moderate or high if these statuses happen. Either she's turned on or off.

Passive ability: Head Trauma.

Head -
Top -
Legs -
Boots - Jetboots (30/30 fuel)
Wrists - Technic Bracers (+3 str)
Hands -
Waist - Item purse. Pickaxe
Back - Power Shield Generator (200/200)

Weilding: Laser Blaster. (20/40) (modded: Damage increase (+2), Scope mod (+10 accuracy))

Purse(level 2):
25 credits.
Vibrator (10 charges) 3x grenade. 1x healthkit. 1x Boltgun (20/20)
2x vials (???, muscular symbol), 2x canned food, Weight mod, 1x energy pill (hp)
2x Super Energy pills (hp) 2x vials (light pink liquid)
Robot servant. 2x gas grenade (fatique) Vibrator (10 charges) Shield Generator (5 charges)
Heavy Plasma (50/50) Flash Light. 2x Ammobox (Plasma)

Robot Servant
50/50 HP.
Status: Packed up.
can modify and make clothing. Can remake clothing articles to other. Can fuse gadgets and clothing articles. Can fix clothing.
Inbuild tazer for self defence.
3 - 9 electric damage. Can cause flinch (50%)

Fe'da's stats:
level 10
Endurance 6
Stamina 9
Agility 10 -1 from status
Strength 7
Willpower 8
Technic 13
Psychic 6

70/90 HP
30/30 psychic energy
90/100 exp

Slighty shocked! -1 agility

Psychic abilities:
Mindblast. 20 energy. 10 - 20 damage. Only works on organic foes. Can cause flinch. (25%)
Shield. 15 energy. Blocks an attack.
Special: Poison bite. (100% full, 20% per bite, slowly refills.)
Head - Nightvision goggles
Top - Solid shirt.
Legs - Shorts.
Boots -
Wrists - PDA. Gadget: Hacking Key.(10 charges) PDA: Liquid identifier. 20 charges.
Hands -
Waist - Item purse. Laser Pistol. (198/200 ammo). Crowbar
Back - A coil of metal wire.
Weilding: Laser Blaster (34/40)

Purse items:
1 food ration. 1x Energy pills. Flashlight. Gadget Energy charger. (5 charges) Weird Cube shaped Gadget.
Mystery gadget. Tazer.
170 credits.
Last edited:
Re: Prison Planet Escape.

B. Heaven is probably an orgy room of enemies. Maybe we'll find another party member in the hibernation chamber.

X. Use the charger gadget to reload 569's blaster.

When did the psychic amplifier get used? I thought it had full charges when we found it.
Re: Prison Planet Escape.

When did the psychic amplifier get used? I thought it had full charges when we found it.
It does it automaticly for each succesful psychic cast, I recall I had that in the description.