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Prison Planet Escape. (the end)

Re: Prison Planet Escape.

A) Have Eline pour fire onto the floating tentacles with the wave pulsar, while 569 blasts the Water tentacles, they're up to no good.

Also yay! Eline's pregnant again, another chance for her to develop a pregnancy fetish.
Re: Prison Planet Escape.


Well attacking seemed to be the only option around here..

569 didn't mind that at all! She prepared her weapon and figured that big tentacle monster of the bond would have to go down!

But before 569 got her chance to get ready, the floating tentacle darted right at her!


One tentacle darted right underneath her arm bit and tangled around her breast.. And another tentacle did the same!

The two tentacles did the same positioning as they did with Eline, their mid bodies tangled around 569's breasts and began to massage them in a thrusting matter.. The tentacle heads opened up as they were trying to latch on her nipples!

The last tentacle also tried to dart at 569, but she dodged downwards as it missed!

"Hey, I don't have time for this right now!"

569 took a grip of the tentacles one by one and tossed them aside.
They slipped right up from around her breasts and flinged across the air as 569 threw em off!

She didn't seem to harm them though cause they just stopped in the air..
Well they were scattered again, so thats not really nice when it comes to shooting em.

The watery creature's tentacles flinged in the air as it spit a liquid ooze towards 569's position! The ooze was flying across the air like a water balloon, all plumbed up and ready to splash all over whatever it hits!

Well it didn't hit anything, the creature's aim was quite off. It ended up going bit too much to the side and 569 only needed to step one step away to avoid the little droplets of the splash.

"Oh ew. Didn't know it could shoot some icky stuff."

569 took out the good old blaster and fired a shot at the watery thing.

The shot didn't charge quite enough, but it hit the creature quite dead on otherwise dealing some damage at least!

The Z'ril girl was running towards the items on the ground.
She picked up the laser pistol and seemed to fiddle with it.. She couldn't really do much just yet.

Eline pointed the wave pulsar towards one of the tentacle's floating by..

"..This better hit"

And she fired!

The wave pulsar shot arced and smashed the tentacle right to pieces!
The pulsar short rebounced and smashed the other tentacle nearby to pieces as well.

Quite the overkill.

(6 exp)

The Z'ril girl pointed her gun towards the last tentacle that floated solo.

She fired a shot at it! ..But barely missed.


The tentacle was interested on her now.. And it darted right towards her!

Yet the Z'ril girl was slightly faster on the art ducking and the tentacle swooper over her, going between her antennas.

There was a short showdown going on between 569 and the water creature.

The water creature's tentacle arced as it fired one towards 569 in an attempt to grapple her! But 569 did not want any of those right now. She stepped back from the grapple attempt.

"Want some of this huh? Well have it!"

569 pulled the trigger but nothing happened! no charging, nothing!

"...Huh? what's up with THI"

Suddenly BAM!

The laser blaster fired one hell of a blast that took both, the water creature and 569 by surprise! The shot hit the water creatures tentacles right in the mid section with brute force dealing huge amount of damage to it

The creature's tentacles stopped mid air and shaked. It was squirming with pain!

"That went better than expected!"

The z'ril girl was still trying to shoot down that tentacle. But her aim really was only that little off. Once again her shot missed just barely!

"Stay still will ya!"

Yet to her surprise, suddenly the creature exploded to small bits as a giant pulsar shot smacked through it!

(2 exp)

Eline wasn't standing idle.


So that only lead that water creature left. The creature that was squirming with pain to begin with.
"Well thats not a challenge anymore is it?"

569 was just calmly walking towards the thing.

She took her pick axe out, and with one side swing, the pick axe punctured the side of the thickest tentacle! One splash and the tentacles collapsed inside the pool of water.

splish and splash, the creature was dead.

(12 exp!)

"Oh my, Oh my. You two are pretty good!"

"Why thank you!"

".. I-I guess."

"And specially you! I haven't seen such strength before! oooh you're even an android! Oh my oh me! Sowellbuildsorealevenwithnorealskintonesuchbigaeaaaclickclickclick click!"

She seemed to take attachment to 569.

"uhm yeah. I'm great. I know. could you calm down a bit though...?"

"oh yes. Sorry!"

Eline and 569 walked towards the shirt and the wire and picked em up.

"Oh hey. Can I have those back please?"

"oh they are yours?"

"..uhm yes. The shirt matches my shorts, see?"

The Z'ril girl looked at em for a while with her big bug eyes, and the got her shirt and wire back.
She put it on, but the shirt seemed to stain a bit due of nipples still seemingly 'lactating'

"ugh, I hope this mammal breast thingy that creature did to me isn't permanent. That'd suck.. ..They are so sensitive too.."

"you don't even know half about sucky things that can happen around here.."

"So hey. Who are you? And what's your deal anyway? you don't seem the type to live here"

"Oh. I'm Fe'da, station engineer from station Folklore 24. Nice to meet you... ..uhh?"



"569 and Eline. Okay! yeah! Like I was saying, I am a station engineer. I was on my way to another station in a bit more further station. But I picked a signal from this planet and checked it out.. and managed to accidentally crash to the side of this building because my ship was a piece of trash that I have been struggling to keep moving for a while now"

"you seemed to be luckier than I when it comes to crashing.."


"Yes! A repair request signal! From another ship! Located at the roof of this place! I figured I could go fix whatever is wrong and get an extra credit roll going. But when I saw the ship, I didn't pick any life signals from it.. and then my ship began to malfunction and I crashed it bit above this room, between this floor and the one above.."

"A ship?! You mean we have a chance to get out of this horrible planet?"

"...uhh, I guess? I don't even know anything about it though, nor about this planet. But I guess it is terrible enough to want to get out of.. I for sure don't want to be a tentacle creatures toy. I just wanted to a relaxing little path on the watery bond, and then mid stripping I get grabbed by slime tentacles.."

"Well better get used to that. It's pretty common around here to get grappled by horny creatures."


Fe'da seemed to shudder a bit.

Eline was feeling pretty down. Fe'da couldn't help but to notice it
"..So uhh. Eline? What's up with you? You don't seem to well.."

"... yes I'm fine if you take out the facts that I'm almost out of energy, unwilling horny, been fucked by so many things in the last few days I don't even know.. my private places are burning so bad even a breeze of air feels like I'd get fucked by a studded baton due of some malfunctioning machine shooting at it with some foul beam gun. and on top of it all a single, floating little bastard of a tentacle managed to somehow knock me up due of my species stupid, stupid omni breedability."

"...Okay! Well. I uhh.. Found this here when I descended down. Guess you might find it useful at some point or something? I don't know!"

Fe'da gave Eline a birth control pill.


She stashed it for now.

It was obvious that the girls needed a bit of rest here. Been a pretty rough ride, especially for Eline.

Ask Fe'da to join the party?
like i even need to ask this

A) Yes
B) No

destination afterwards.

1. Take the north door from this room.
2. Go back past the unsafe feeling room and take the east door there
3. Other?

x. Additional other such as item use?


Eline's stats:

Level 11.

Endurance 9 (+1 from item)
Stamina 10
Agility 9
Strength 7
Willpower 8
Technic 11
Psychic 11

33/100 HP
55/55 psychic energy
78/110 exp.


Slightly horny! -10 to struggle
Extreem sensitivity+! -50 to sex resist. Dodging moves causes minor damage. -10 to attack.
Impregnanted by a floating tentacle! (???)

Psychic abilities:

Shockwave. 15 energy. 5 - 20 damage.
Light up. 10 energy. Provide light
Kinetic. 20 energy. Next attack is Autohit. Can be used to take items from afar.



Head - Nightvision Goggles
Top - Labcoat.
Legs -
Boots - JetBoots (30/30 fuel). (+1 agility)
Wrists - PDA (hacking key (2 charges)) Shield PDA (200/200 'HP').
Hands -
Waist - Item purse. Technic waist (+1 endurance, shield gadget (5 charges)) Psychic Amplifier (50/50)
Back -

Weilding: Wave Pulser (10/12)(ammo modded)

Special gadget:

Power Trick. Transfer normal energy to power for Electric and Laser weapons and gadgets.

(3 uses a day) (3 left)

Purse(level 3):

Psychic charger. 3x Antidote. Wave Pulser (12/12)(ammo modded). 4x energy pills (hp). 2x Sludge vials.
1x damage increase tech mod. Shield Generator (7 charges(modded, charge increaser) 2x grenade. Gadget energy charger.
Teleport disc (9/10), 2x Canned food, Scanner(16/20), Odd rope. Breast increaser gadget (3 charges) 2x Super Energy pills (hp)
2x gas grenade (fatique) Mysterious Gadget. Tazer. Laser pistol (192/200) 1 birth control pill.
0 credits.


XXX-569's stats:

Level 11.

Endurance 10
Stamina 10 (-1 by status)
Agility 12
Strength 16 (+3 from item)
Willpower 6
Technic 8
Psychic 1

80/100 HP
30/110 exp.

Slightly Egged up! -1 stamina(tentacle plant)

569's specials: Cannot be impregnated apart from egging. Resistant to sex attacks. (-5 damage).

Sensitivity and horniness always jumps to moderate or high if these statuses happen. Either she's turned on or off.

Passive ability: Head Trauma.



Head -
Top -
Legs -
Boots - Jetboots (30/30 fuel)
Wrists - Technic Bracers (+3 str)
Hands -
Waist - Item purse. Pickaxe
Back -

Weilding: Laser Blaster. (28/40) (modded: Damage increase (+2), Scope mod (+10 accuracy)),

Purse(level 2):

0 credits. Vibrator (10 charges) Flash Light. 3x grenade. 1x healthkit. 1x Boltgun (20/20)
2x vials (???, muscular symbol), 2x canned food, Weight mod, 1x energy pill (hp)
2x Super Energy pills (hp) 2x vials (light pink liquid) Laser Blaster (40/40)
Robot servant. 2x gas grenade (fatique) Vibrator (10 charges) Shield Generator (5 charges)

Robot Servant

50/50 HP.

Status: Packed up.



can modify and make clothing. Can remake clothing articles to other. Can fuse gadgets and clothing articles. Can fix clothing.


Inbuild tazer for self defence.
3 - 9 electric damage. Can cause flinch (50%)

Tentacle B vs 569
46 vs 45

Tentacle F vs 569
51 vs 16 - 5 (11)

Tentacle G vs 569
14 vs 83- 10 (73)

569 struggle!
86 vs 57


Water creature vs 569
34 vs 86

569 vs Water creature!
98 vs 9 - 10 (-1)
11 + 1 (12) dmg

Eline vs tentacle F
87 - 10 (77) vs 50
44 dmg overkill.

53 vs 13
26 dmg to Tentacle G

Z'ril vs tentacle B
1 shot
78 + 10 (88) vs 94


Tentacle B vs Z'ril girl
41 vs 91

Water creature vs 569
42 vs 90

569 vs water creature
1 vs 3 - 10 (-7)
43(max) dmg

Z'ril girl vs tentacle B
1 shot
32 + 10 (42) vs 46

Eline vs tentacle B
97 - 10 (87) vs 32
18 dmg

8 vs 50
no bounce

569 finisher.
Re: Prison Planet Escape.

A3. Ask Fe'da where she has been and what she's seen so far so we can make an informed decision as to where we'd like to go.

X. Give Fe'da the other laser blaster to up her firepower if she joins.
Re: Prison Planet Escape.

3. Ask Fe'da where she has been and what she's seen so far so we can make an informed decision as to where we'd like to go..

"So hey, where all have you been in this place? Got any info on these rooms around here?"

"...uhm, I've only been at this room and my ship.. I spend most of my time on my ship to recover from the crash.. the ship broke so badly though that there was nothing to be done in there after I got myself together, so I figured it'd be safest course of action to leave it incase it would start burning or something, you really never know about old space ships...
It wasn't actually even too long since I got to this room. The spot I crashed wasn't really connected to anything, but there was an opening to a very thight vent kind of space. I crawled underneath some floor I guess? I did hear some noise above when I was crawling through the thight dark inbetween area.. I found a collapsed spot that emited light and that lead to this here room. I descended down using my metal wire.. But I don't think I can get up there anymore."

Fe'da pointed upwards. There indeed was a hole in the ceiling. Pretty high up too!


"well thanks anyway"
Re: Prison Planet Escape.

I guess A1x as before but going north, we should probably avoid as much danger as possible until Eline shrugs off those status affects, then we can take our new party member and go curb stomp the Trapmaster Omega and that Zr'ill, and if we find/Fe'da gets the parts to make a flame weapon I wouldn't be opposed to going to kill the big planta either.
Re: Prison Planet Escape.

I guess A1x as before but going north, we should probably avoid as much danger as possible until Eline shrugs off those status affects, then we can take our new party member and go curb stomp the Trapmaster Omega and that Zr'ill, and if we find/Fe'da gets the parts to make a flame weapon I wouldn't be opposed to going to kill the big planta either.

Re: Prison Planet Escape.


569 looked at Eline, but Eline seemed to be bit down still so she just waved at 569 to do the honours.

"So.. Wanna join our jolly little group of adventure, Fe'da?"

"I don't wanna be alone here, this place is scary. Ofcourse I'll join! ..If its okay, right?"

Fe'da joined the party!

"For your joining to our ranks, please be presented this complimentary weapon!"
569 acted all military like and handed Fe'da the extra laser blaster

"umph! This things heavy! I'm gonna have to hold this up with both hands.."

Fe'da weilded the blaster regardless and switched her pistol away to her waist.

and with that, and short moment of recovery, the girls we're off to see what awaits behind the door in the north.

They found themselves in yet another hallway.. But this one seemed bit, cozy? The lights were working, there was a comfy sofa and few chairs, a small table holding some magazines.. Like a waiting room?

Fe'da attention was grabbed by some of the posters, and she began reading them as they seemed to be written in Z'ril language.
" 'Nature and science work together. But if you make a bio weapon, make a cure first!' "

Eline saw a bit more disturbing poster that seemingly had a nas'cal with a penis. She rolled her eyes and slowly turned away.. But Fe'da still went to read what the text read.

" 'Has science gone too far? Is this image fake? Only 73% can tell, can you?' "

569 looked through the magazines a bit.

" 'PlaySpace 23/63. Human girls voted for hottest girls in the galaxy! Read more about the shocking turn of the online reviews and votes.. ... Z'ril super star sleazy wings tells about her secret mind pleasure techniques... ...' Oh hey Eline, you'd like this article! 'Accidents happen, for some species more than others. 10 tips how to avoid knocking up Nas'cals'"

"... Please don't"

569 put the magazine back.

The girls continued down the hallway. It just kept looking the same, nice and cozy.

.... the room afterwards however.

"good lord"

It was pitch black! And as they stepped in, there was water up to their ankles! Jet boots won't be working here.

Eline put on her night vision goggles, 569 digged up her flash light. Fe'da had a flash light too! ..But she was holding her blaster so she just stuck close to 569 instead.

Eline nearly stepped on something! She looked down and it looked like a mine
"huh? ..Are there traps in here as well? Do they even work underwater?"

569 seemed to see another mine as well.
"Yep, there are mines here alright"

"...But who would put mines inside a building?"

Well the girls took a short hold on their moving and decided to look around while they could..

Eline noticed there were two doors at the other end of the room. One going north, one going west. Between the doors there was a vault. She also noticed there was a door way underneath a lot of rubble going east.

569's flash light reflected some light from few tables not too far from them.

It seemed like the table had a weapon of sort and other items too! seemingly gadgets and credits?

"hmm hmm. I have a feeling this is a nice room afterall"

There was some splashing sounds going on about behind Fe'da..

"...? EEEK!"

Fe'da suddenly screamed as something grapple'd her from behind! Big hands tried to slip underneath her shirt! But Fe'da struggles made whatever this creature was unable to do what it was trying to do. Yet Fe'da wasn't able to struggle it off completely!

"get it off get it off!"

569 noticed Fe'da problems and was about to help..! But then something did the same for her! A large splashing sound emitted behind 569 and then gas like pitch black arms took a big grope on her! Something tried to bend her over!

569 however did a twist of her body and forcingly made herself get loose! After she took a little a distance she pointed her flash light towards her assaulter..
It seemed to be humanoid creature.. That was made entirely out of.. gas?! Or something like that, it was pretty fadey and dark..

The creature seemed to be hurt by the flashlights light and moved swiftly away.

Yet 569 was able to guess where it moved.
A swift shot from the blaster and she heard another hiss!
She hit whatever this thing is but it wasn't dead, thats for sure cause there was still sounds of movement.. It was pretty difficult to try to tell where it is moving in such pitch blackness.

Eline moved towards Fe'da position and smacked the creature that was holding her!
It released Fe'da and the outlines told Eline just what it was
"Oh not another one of those perverted spectres!"
The spectre took distance.

the spectre seemed to jump a bit, guess it nearly stepped on a mine..


"Gosh, dark room filled with traps and sneaky foes, just what we all wanted.."

Eline felt bit of relief..

A) Attack! (who and what, etc..)
B) Retreat!
C) Other?

x. Additional other?

Eline's stats:
Level 11.

Endurance 9 (+1 from item)
Stamina 10
Agility 9
Strength 7
Willpower 8
Technic 11
Psychic 11

58/100 HP
55/55 psychic energy
78/110 exp.

Slightly horny! -10 to struggle
Very, very sensitive -40 to sex resist. -5 to attack
Impregnanted by a floating tentacle! (???)

Psychic abilities:
Shockwave. 15 energy. 5 - 20 damage.
Light up. 10 energy. Provide light
Kinetic. 20 energy. Next attack is Autohit. Can be used to take items from afar.

Head - Nightvision Goggles
Top - Labcoat.
Legs -
Boots - JetBoots (30/30 fuel). (+1 agility)
Wrists - PDA (hacking key (2 charges)) Shield PDA (200/200 'HP').
Hands -
Waist - Item purse. Technic waist (+1 endurance, shield gadget (5 charges)) Psychic Amplifier (50/50)
Back -

Weilding: Wave Pulser (10/12)(ammo modded)

Special gadget:
Power Trick. Transfer normal energy to power for Electric and Laser weapons and gadgets.
(3 uses a day) (3 left)

Purse(level 3):
Psychic charger. 3x Antidote. Wave Pulser (12/12)(ammo modded). 4x energy pills (hp). 2x Sludge vials.
1x damage increase tech mod. Shield Generator (7 charges(modded, charge increaser) 2x grenade. Gadget energy charger.
Teleport disc (9/10), 2x Canned food, Scanner(16/20), Odd rope. Breast increaser gadget (3 charges) 2x Super Energy pills (hp)
2x gas grenade (fatique) Mysterious Gadget. Tazer. Laser pistol (192/200) 1 birth control pill.
0 credits.

XXX-569's stats:
Level 11.

Endurance 10
Stamina 10 (-1 by status)
Agility 12
Strength 16 (+3 from item)
Willpower 6
Technic 8
Psychic 1

87/100 HP
30/110 exp.

Slightly Egged up! -1 stamina(tentacle plant)

569's specials: Cannot be impregnated apart from egging. Resistant to sex attacks. (-5 damage).
Sensitivity and horniness always jumps to moderate or high if these statuses happen. Either she's turned on or off.

Passive ability: Head Trauma.

Head -
Top -
Legs -
Boots - Jetboots (30/30 fuel)
Wrists - Technic Bracers (+3 str)
Hands -
Waist - Item purse. Pickaxe
Back -

Weilding: Laser Blaster. (27/40) (modded: Damage increase (+2), Scope mod (+10 accuracy)), Flash Light.

Purse(level 2):
0 credits. Vibrator (10 charges) 3x grenade. 1x healthkit. 1x Boltgun (20/20)
2x vials (???, muscular symbol), 2x canned food, Weight mod, 1x energy pill (hp)
2x Super Energy pills (hp) 2x vials (light pink liquid)
Robot servant. 2x gas grenade (fatique) Vibrator (10 charges) Shield Generator (5 charges)

Robot Servant
50/50 HP.
Status: Packed up.
can modify and make clothing. Can remake clothing articles to other. Can fuse gadgets and clothing articles. Can fix clothing.
Inbuild tazer for self defence.
3 - 9 electric damage. Can cause flinch (50%)

Fe'da's stats:
level 10
Endurance 6
Stamina 9
Agility 11
Strength 7
Willpower 8
Technic 13
Psychic 6

90/90 HP
30/30 psychic energy
30/100 exp

'Lactating' ! sensitive breasts. - 10 to breast strike resistance.

Psychic abilities:
Mindblast. 20 energy. 10 - 20 damage. Only works on organic foes. Can cause flinch. (25%)
Shield. 15 energy. Blocks an attack.
Special: Poison bite. (100% full, 20% per bite, slowly refills.)
Head -
Top - Solid shirt.
Legs - Shorts.
Boots -
Wrists - PDA. Gadget: Hacking Key.(10 charges)
Hands -
Waist - Item purse. Laser Pistol. (198/200 ammo). Crowbar
Back - A coil of metal wire.
Weilding: Laser Blaster (40/40)

Purse items:
1 food ration. 1x Energy pills. Flashlight. 150 credits. Gadget Energy charger. (5 charges)

Eline perception!
94 vs 45

569 perception!
95 vs 75

Spectre sneak attack Fe'da!
86 + 25 (111) vs 95
grope grope hands undershirt!
51 + 11 (62)vs 83 - 10 (73)
5 vs 78

Shadow Stalker sneak vs 569!
48 + 25 + 20 (93) vs 31
61 vs 31 + 20 (51)

Shadow stalker dmg!
6 dmg

569 vs Shadow Stalker
41 vs 26 + 10 (36)
22 dmg!

Eline vs spectre (smack and release)
97 - 10 (87) vs 95 - 20 (75)
5 dmg

Fe'da released!

Spectre perception!
73 vs 28


Spectre! lvl 9 (65/70) Slower than girls
Shadow Stalker lvl 13 (82/110) Faster than girls.
Last edited:
Re: Prison Planet Escape.

A. Eline use kinetic on the gas thing then 569 blasts it, Fe'da can take pot shots at the spectre.
Re: Prison Planet Escape.

A, everyone zap the spectre (569 using her flashlight). The less enemies, the better
Re: Prison Planet Escape.


The shadowy gassy thing was moving around the room.. You could hear the splashes but he was hard to see..

Eline figured that the old hold and blast could work here.
"Hey 569, hold your fire till I can get that thing on kinetics, okay?"


Fe'da was still trying to see where the spectre was, she wanted to give it a good laser shot at its manhood.
Splashing intensified as Fe'Da got grappled again!

The gassy stalker took a grip on her!
Fe'da kept struggling to get it off but it was no use!
..Fe'da felt that this creatures gas like hands going through her shirts fabrics.
"..Wha what!"

It was about to get busy but suddenly, the creature got flinged from Fe'da and it was hold still in the air!


569 charged her blaster and fired a big nicely charged shot! The shot traveled across the creature's body and critically damaged its body!
The gas ignited from the laser shots critical damage as the gas creature made one last hiss and vaporised right there.

That thing was as dead as it can be.

14 exp to all


Fe'da was now back at her spectre hunt.
569 lended a bit of hand by pointing some light.. And there he was.
Fe'da took aim and fired the blaster! And much to her pleasure, the shot did a critical hit, right at the things manhood.


The creature began to bleed like no tomorrow.
infact, it bleed out and died right there.

4 exp to all

".. Wow. Felt odd to actually kill something."

"Well that's that for those creatures"

The girls could resume investigating this room..

569 walked towards the loot table as Fe'da and Eline followed closely.

as they were almost at the table 569 stepped on a mine.
"ah crud"
The mine was pretty much broken though!
It send out a minor shock that went through out the waters!

Didn't do much damage at all.

The girls got to the table.
First things first, credits for everyone!
30 credits split evenly for all. 10 for all.

The table also had some other more.. Interesting items.

A big plasma gun and what seemed to be power shield generator. A weird cube shaped gadget, and a PDA. Also one vial with a hearth symbol.

There was also a note on top of the plasma weapon.
"I here by resign from marine duty. For whom my find my gear, please take good care of it, I would not be able to do so when I go mad. - UC80"

Heavy Plasma
20 - 40 plasma damage. Slow fire rate. Knockback on user and target
50/50 ammo. High strength can negate users knockback.
This is rare weapon.

Power Shield Armor Generator

When weilded on the back and turned on, generates a full body energy shield for the user that shocks anything that makes contact and negates incoming damage. Can absord up to 200 damage. Contact shock takes 25 damage worth of energy. Once 200 damage has been reached, the armor generator needs to be refilled with plasma and needs to cool down for a random amount of time.
Not to be used in flooded areas.
This is a very rare item.

569 took the plasma and the generator for now. They'd seem like the perfect set for her. Though Eline wouldn't mind such a generator either.

Eline took the vial and Fe'Da took the weird cube gadget.
Fe'da also took the PDA and began to identify it.
"This seems to be a liquid identifier PDA"

Liquid identifier
Identifies Vials.


Fe'da wore the PDA on her other wrist that still had room.

With no more items, the girls now made their way upwards to the room.
For their surprise they did not run into any traps at all.

So now there was a cross road of 3 directions and a vault.

the vault looked pretty tasty, Fe'da was wondering if she could manually open it..

Fe'da rushed past Eline and had a crack at the vault.
She opened it up no trouble!
(+10 exp)

"Oh, not a challenge afterall, shame.."

The vault had 40 credits.
Fe'da let Eline and 569 have a bigger slice, she had quite a bit of her own, (15, 15, 10)

Fe'da digged up bit deeper to see whatelse could be there..
"Oh my"

Another powershield generator! Holy crap that was lucky

Now 569 could wear hers with no worry.
Fe'da handed the other one to Eline, she figured she could do with some protection in her shape.

"..I might want it back later, okay?"

So now the girls were at the crossroad. And looking at the doors, they were both locked too! What luck.

569's lower stomach seemed to get a small bump..

A) Take the north door (Technic check moderate)
B) Take the west door (Technic check moderate)
C) Clear the rubble at west (Psychic or strength check, hard)
D) Other?

x. Additional Other on top?

Eline's stats:
Level 11.

Endurance 9 (+1 from item)
Stamina 10
Agility 9
Strength 7
Willpower 8
Technic 11
Psychic 11

56/100 HP
41/55 psychic energy
98/110 exp.

Slightly horny! -10 to struggle
Very, very sensitive -40 to sex resist. -5 to attack
Impregnanted by a floating tentacle! (???)

Psychic abilities:
Shockwave. 15 energy. 5 - 20 damage.
Light up. 10 energy. Provide light
Kinetic. 20 energy. Next attack is Autohit. Can be used to take items from afar.

Head - Nightvision Goggles
Top - Labcoat.
Legs -
Boots - JetBoots (30/30 fuel). (+1 agility)
Wrists - PDA (hacking key (2 charges)) Shield PDA (200/200 'HP').
Hands -
Waist - Item purse. Technic waist (+1 endurance, shield gadget (5 charges)) Psychic Amplifier (49/50)
Back - Power Shield Generator (200/200)

Weilding: Wave Pulser (10/12)(ammo modded)

Special gadget:
Power Trick. Transfer normal energy to power for Electric and Laser weapons and gadgets.
(3 uses a day) (3 left)

Purse(level 3):
Psychic charger. 3x Antidote. Wave Pulser (12/12)(ammo modded). 4x energy pills (hp). 2x Sludge vials.
1x damage increase tech mod. Shield Generator (7 charges(modded, charge increaser) 2x grenade. Gadget energy charger.
Teleport disc (9/10), 2x Canned food, Scanner(16/20), Odd rope. Breast increaser gadget (3 charges) 2x Super Energy pills (hp)
2x gas grenade (fatique) Mysterious Gadget. Tazer. Laser pistol (192/200) 1 birth control pill. 1x Hearth symboled vial
25 credits.

XXX-569's stats:
Level 11.

Endurance 10
Stamina 10 (-1 by status)
Agility 11 -1 by status
Strength 16 (+3 from item)
Willpower 6
Technic 8
Psychic 1

83/100 HP
48/110 exp.

Slightly Egged up! -1 stamina. -1 agility(tentacle plant) (Advanced)

569's specials: Cannot be impregnated apart from egging. Resistant to sex attacks. (-5 damage).
Sensitivity and horniness always jumps to moderate or high if these statuses happen. Either she's turned on or off.

Passive ability: Head Trauma.

Head -
Top -
Legs -
Boots - Jetboots (30/30 fuel)
Wrists - Technic Bracers (+3 str)
Hands -
Waist - Item purse. Pickaxe
Back - Power Shield Generator (200/200)

Weilding: Laser Blaster. (26/40) (modded: Damage increase (+2), Scope mod (+10 accuracy)), Flash Light.

Purse(level 2):
25 credits.
Vibrator (10 charges) 3x grenade. 1x healthkit. 1x Boltgun (20/20)
2x vials (???, muscular symbol), 2x canned food, Weight mod, 1x energy pill (hp)
2x Super Energy pills (hp) 2x vials (light pink liquid)
Robot servant. 2x gas grenade (fatique) Vibrator (10 charges) Shield Generator (5 charges)
Heavy Plasma (50/50)

Robot Servant
50/50 HP.
Status: Packed up.
can modify and make clothing. Can remake clothing articles to other. Can fuse gadgets and clothing articles. Can fix clothing.
Inbuild tazer for self defence.
3 - 9 electric damage. Can cause flinch (50%)

Fe'da's stats:
level 10
Endurance 6
Stamina 9
Agility 11
Strength 7
Willpower 8
Technic 13
Psychic 6

88/90 HP
30/30 psychic energy
58/100 exp

'Lactating' ! sensitive breasts. - 10 to breast strike resistance.

Psychic abilities:
Mindblast. 20 energy. 10 - 20 damage. Only works on organic foes. Can cause flinch. (25%)
Shield. 15 energy. Blocks an attack.
Special: Poison bite. (100% full, 20% per bite, slowly refills.)
Head -
Top - Solid shirt.
Legs - Shorts.
Boots -
Wrists - PDA. Gadget: Hacking Key.(10 charges) PDA: Liquid identifier. 20 charges.
Hands -
Waist - Item purse. Laser Pistol. (198/200 ammo). Crowbar
Back - A coil of metal wire.
Weilding: Laser Blaster (39/40)

Purse items:
1 food ration. 1x Energy pills. Flashlight. Gadget Energy charger. (5 charges) Weird Cube shaped Gadget.
170 credits.

Shadow stalker vs Fe'Da!
15 + 20 (35) vs 8!
38 vs 36 + 20 (56)

Eline vs Shadow Stalker!
82 + 5 (87) vs 68
569 vs Stalker, autohit
34 * 3(crit!) (102) dmg overkill!

Fe'da vs Spectre!
94 vs 7
16 * 3(crit!) (48) dmg

Spectre bleed out.

569 perception!
52 vs 72
Minor shock!
2 * 2 (4 dmg)
2 to Eline and Fe'da

Fe'da technic check! (hard 60+)
99 + 15
easily passed.
Re: Prison Planet Escape.

C, have Eline try to shift it through the power of her mind
Re: Prison Planet Escape.


Eline viewed the rubble at the side and began thinking..
"hmm.. I think I could kinetic this stuff aside"

"or I could muscle it!"

"Lets try that if I fail.."

And she did not.

Eline focused her mind and the rubble began to shake.. Picking up a big rock from the mid section of the rubble, Eline made the whole thing collapse and the door way was revealed!

Eline felt very accomplished and her good mood made her feel so much more refreshed.

Eline leveled up!

+3 stat points to spend!.

Available skills:
Upgraded shock wave. Increases knock waves damage by 50% and each time it hits a foe, they are ensured a concussion from the pressure that makes it easier to hit em. Concussion does not work if the foe has no visible head however
Costs 1 stat point.

Gun Tweaking. With some tech, multi shot weapons now have their shots raised by one. (pistols shoot 2-4 shots instead of 1-3)
costs 1 stat point.

The girls headed in the doorway to check whats inside..
The ahead room seemed to be nearly outright connected to this room. There was water up the ankles there too. But that room had light!

And in the room.. There was two Z'rill males and one of those female androids again. They were getting bit busy.
The android girl was on her knees, sucking up the "stinger" of the Z'rill male on her front, and the other Z'rill male behind her was buzzing up in the air, humping her doggy style with their "stinger".

Fe'da was bit embarrased from the sight. 569 and Eline were not that much different about it.

They seemed to be pretty much nuts like usualy the z'rill males and other androids have been so far.

On a chair not far from them there was a ammo box with plasma icon on it, a tazer on top of the said ammobox and a pair of nightvision goggles around the tazer. There was a weird looking gadget floating in the waters near them.
This room also seemed to have three more doors, no wait, 4 doors?! Lots to choose from.

Shame the water keeps the girls from using their new armor toys. But seems easy?

A) Attack them while they are distracted.
B) Lets leave these horn dogs alone and take another path.. (where to?)
C) ..We could watch them go and then do a move.
D) Other?

x. Additional other on top?

1. also remember to vote for the stat ups (and possible skill pick)

Eline's stats:
Level 12.
(3 unused stat points)
Endurance 9 (+1 from item)
Stamina 10
Agility 9
Strength 7
Willpower 8
Technic 11
Psychic 11

86/100 HP
46/55 psychic energy
8/120 exp.

very sensitive -30 to sex resist.
Impregnanted by a floating tentacle! (???)

Psychic abilities:
Shockwave. 15 energy. 5 - 20 damage.
Light up. 10 energy. Provide light
Kinetic. 20 energy. Next attack is Autohit. Can be used to take items from afar.

Head - Nightvision Goggles
Top - Labcoat.
Legs -
Boots - JetBoots (30/30 fuel). (+1 agility)
Wrists - PDA (hacking key (2 charges)) Shield PDA (200/200 'HP').
Hands -
Waist - Item purse. Technic waist (+1 endurance, shield gadget (5 charges)) Psychic Amplifier (48/50)
Back - Power Shield Generator (200/200)

Weilding: Wave Pulser (10/12)(ammo modded)

Special gadget:
Power Trick. Transfer normal energy to power for Electric and Laser weapons and gadgets.
(3 uses a day) (3 left)

Purse(level 3):
Psychic charger. 3x Antidote. Wave Pulser (12/12)(ammo modded). 4x energy pills (hp). 2x Sludge vials.
1x damage increase tech mod. Shield Generator (7 charges(modded, charge increaser) 2x grenade. Gadget energy charger.
Teleport disc (9/10), 2x Canned food, Scanner(16/20), Odd rope. Breast increaser gadget (3 charges) 2x Super Energy pills (hp)
2x gas grenade (fatique) Mysterious Gadget. Tazer. Laser pistol (192/200) 1 birth control pill. 1x Hearth symboled vial
25 credits.

XXX-569's stats:
Level 11.

Endurance 10
Stamina 10 (-1 by status)
Agility 11 -1 by status
Strength 16 (+3 from item)
Willpower 6
Technic 8
Psychic 1

83/100 HP
48/110 exp.

Slightly Egged up! -1 stamina. -1 agility(tentacle plant) (Advanced)

569's specials: Cannot be impregnated apart from egging. Resistant to sex attacks. (-5 damage).
Sensitivity and horniness always jumps to moderate or high if these statuses happen. Either she's turned on or off.

Passive ability: Head Trauma.

Head -
Top -
Legs -
Boots - Jetboots (30/30 fuel)
Wrists - Technic Bracers (+3 str)
Hands -
Waist - Item purse. Pickaxe
Back - Power Shield Generator (200/200)

Weilding: Laser Blaster. (26/40) (modded: Damage increase (+2), Scope mod (+10 accuracy)), Flash Light.

Purse(level 2):
25 credits.
Vibrator (10 charges) 3x grenade. 1x healthkit. 1x Boltgun (20/20)
2x vials (???, muscular symbol), 2x canned food, Weight mod, 1x energy pill (hp)
2x Super Energy pills (hp) 2x vials (light pink liquid)
Robot servant. 2x gas grenade (fatique) Vibrator (10 charges) Shield Generator (5 charges)
Heavy Plasma (50/50)

Robot Servant
50/50 HP.
Status: Packed up.
can modify and make clothing. Can remake clothing articles to other. Can fuse gadgets and clothing articles. Can fix clothing.
Inbuild tazer for self defence.
3 - 9 electric damage. Can cause flinch (50%)

Fe'da's stats:
level 10
Endurance 6
Stamina 9
Agility 11
Strength 7
Willpower 8
Technic 13
Psychic 6

88/90 HP
30/30 psychic energy
58/100 exp

'Lactating' ! sensitive breasts. - 10 to breast strike resistance.

Psychic abilities:
Mindblast. 20 energy. 10 - 20 damage. Only works on organic foes. Can cause flinch. (25%)
Shield. 15 energy. Blocks an attack.
Special: Poison bite. (100% full, 20% per bite, slowly refills.)
Head -
Top - Solid shirt.
Legs - Shorts.
Boots -
Wrists - PDA. Gadget: Hacking Key.(10 charges) PDA: Liquid identifier. 20 charges.
Hands -
Waist - Item purse. Laser Pistol. (198/200 ammo). Crowbar
Back - A coil of metal wire.
Weilding: Laser Blaster (39/40)

Purse items:
1 food ration. 1x Energy pills. Flashlight. Gadget Energy charger. (5 charges) Weird Cube shaped Gadget.
170 credits.

Psychic check (hard 60+)
74 + 15 + 5 - 5 (89)
passed with flying colours!
Level up!


Maddened Z'rill male (lvl 9) (80/80) ??? speed
Maddened Z'rill male (lvl 10) (90/90) ??? speed
Crazy Android (lvl 11) (130/130) ??? speed
Re: Prison Planet Escape.

A. Have Eline use kinetics to grab a taser, then zap the water at the feet of your enemies. While they're twitching, 569 and Fe'da set up a crossfire and start blasting. Maybe we can efficiently win at least one battle.

Also, we have three stat points but only two available stats. Was one of them supposed to cost more points? If not, I say, get all the things!
Last edited:
Re: Prison Planet Escape.

^ If it's possible to do that then have that happen. Get the upgraded shockwave. I'll let others choose the stat points.

I have to ask, is there anything Fe'da is good at? I mean, we've been letting Eline try unlocking all the doors but would Fe'da be better at that, or perhaps some other skill we should know?
Re: Prison Planet Escape.

A pew pew,
Eline takes Gun Tweaking, +1agility, +1psyhic for upgrade