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Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

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Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

The books were indeed far too numerous to simply go through without knowing where and for what to look. Lexwyn could feel the strange sensation of curiosity beginning to fade as she dragged herself away to prod the comatose madman on the floor. It seems whatever he had done was thankfully only temporary.

After several minutes of increasingly violent shaking the Ulrich began to come around once more. Gone were his insane ranting only to be replaced with the familiar wide-eyed but paranoid look in his eyes. Despite his comical and foppish appearance his eyes shone with an unusual brightness as he looked up at her. "Are we safe now? They would stop at nothing to find the information I have."

That was kind of the idea, you are a Brujah after all. Though Lexwyn does fit as the dark ages Brujah quite well, they were a bit calmer than their modern counterparts after all.
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

In almost a cruel way Lexwyn had an idea for how to get Ulrich moving faster. Maybe playing along would be more effective if she was leading the madhouse, though such a crazy plan might not work. "Yes Ulrich we are safe. But who knows for how long! You must assist me in establishing a haven of my own, then we can move these works into it, where I can keep them safe for us!" Of course, an experienced creature of the night would probably not like such a proposition, but if Ulrich would be worked up enough... And it wasn't like she was stealing, anyway, she did just want to have them closer at hand... After his little display of madness a little payback might be hand anyway. She smirked as she stared down at him, taking a rather intimidating pose. "You should be happy I am on your side, no?"

Let's use Awe on this idiot and see how he takes that. I suppose while I put level 2 into it, 1 is more useful.
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

A low wail escaped from the mad apothecary's throat as the young noblewoman towered over him. Her words obviously having had the exact effect she sought as the fear returned to his eyes. He quickly scrambled to his feet and having thoroughly checked every shadow in the cellar they had entered through he closed and barred this door. The fear remained but this time Ulrich seemed to be more in control as he turned to Lexwyn.

"Of course I will help you in any way possible, Lexwyn. I simply have no choice but to do so as I have seen your destiny in the bones. You will release us from the Norman yoke I am sure."

His attention turned to the books and the wall and he presented them as though for the first time. "Both mine sire and mine own work. It has taken far longer than you can imagine to gather it all but it was done with this day in mind. But first you must come we will find a lair for you to learn of our enemy."
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

A slight bit of nervousness drained from Lexwyn. She'd never had to take such a firm line against a fellow kindred before, but it seemed to work. Still, this was an ongoing process, and she would be careful. She had heard stories of many hubrisitic schemers trying to use Malks for their own purpose, only to find out their lacky was the one running the madhouse, so to speak. For now, though, she doubted Ulrich would be too much of a threat.

"Very good. Do you know of any good spots nearby I might select that is quiet, and hopefully within view of the local foodsource? I don't want to have to travel far when I'm in the mood to read these, and this warehouse is not... the best place, and 'they' might have followed us here too, hmm? Once I'm settled you can quietly move everything over. You seem to be very good at that." Lexwyn mused inside about just how much Ulrich was going to be tagging along. Preferably he'd stay at his own lair, she wasn't a babysitter after all, and definitely required her privacy. She highly doubted that was a unique trait among her kind, either. She didn't want to have to spend time in this place while she poured over the texts, though.
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

Ulrich seemed surprisingly calm as he stopped to stare at one of the genealogical charts on the wall. One might even say he was sane if they saw him in this moment but Lexwyn of course already knew better. "It's true their agents can be quite devious, even with such precautions as I have already taken. It is good that you understand how dangerous they can be though. An ounce of prevention is worth far more than any cure."

He began to stack the books back into their former state as though the disorder within his mind were quelled by the creation of order without. Once the books were once more into their former state he stroked his bearded jowls as though deep in thought. "It's true this warehouse is hardly the place to make one's lair but there are many suitable choices nearby. You could always do as I have and open a shop if you are knowledgeable in some trade. There are many empty counters to choose from or perhaps you wish to live more of a life of ease as the nobles in the area are wont to do. Let us take a look around and see if something strikes the right nerve."

I pretty much leave the description of players havens up to aid players. So feel free to think up the perfect haven for Lexwyn to hide during the day. Just about anything shop, apartment, or inn wise is available in the neighborhood. So just let your imagination flow as long as it's reasonable, you only have enough power to hold a few rooms at most as domain, but you can always gain more.
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

"Well, my main concern is with the current occupants. Most those like us, though even a mortal starting to act weird, for vanishing, can cause quite the stir. I don't want to make a stir." Lexwyn put a finger to her lips as she thought. "Let us take a quick walk then. I want something in view of this 'Guilded Noble' inn.... something on the second floor of a building, heights are good for a number of reasons... but also something with an alley behind it for covert exit. Doesn't have to be *too* large... I'm really thinking residential, as I have no interest in running a shop, but having one below would be very helpful as camouflage.... hmmmm.... I suppose people typically rent upstairs out, or live there themselves... I think we can find such an arrangement and make them a better deal, no?" The idea hadn't fully formed yet, and while Lexwyn did prefer to think things out ahead of time, she needed to get a feel for the specifics of her target before she could tailor such an arrangement. "Come now, I fear I have used much of tonight already, and I don't want to settle on the first beat up enterprise we come across."

Basically she wants the top floor of a shop, with the shop below not hers, so the mortals serve as an extra layer of camo. She has no problems "paying" for such an arrangement, though of course she's going to work it out so it's heavily in her favor. Not exactly ghouling them, and not revealing what she is, but kind of going for a "I'm a rich and powerful noble, and this might be a bit weird, but your cooperation is MUCH appreciated. You'll find it'll be worth your while.
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

Ulrich carefully led the way out of the warehouse as he listened to Lexwyn's preferences. As would be expected from one so deep in the throes of utter paranoia he led them out a different exit and doubled back through a few alleys before they returned to the main street.

"The Guilded Noble is just over there and my shop is down that side street there." He said pointing to the two blocks of buildings in turn. "It would be wise to keep an eye on Valerius inn for despite him being of Saxon blood like myself he is far to willing to consort with the enemy. There are several shops nearby and most have rooms above perhaps we can even find one that is currently unoccupied by the shop owners."

Leading the way through the muddy streets along a road filled with merchant shingles they looked for the perfect haven. After there quick survey of the street they noticed that 2 shops seemed to be the best to choose from. Both provided a perfect view of the inn and the surrounding streets and both had the necessary height. The first was Galleir's Perfumery and the other didn't have a shingle though it seemed to be a jeweler or silversmith's shop.

Should be easy enough to make something that fits. Now to think up some interesting shop keepers and perhaps some shenanigans to pull.
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

"Yes, that is a reasonable concern..." Lexwyn was quite pleased with Ulrich's moment of sanity. She dared not make assumptions about how long it would last, though. The thought of being too close to his usual whereabouts made her a bit apprehensive, but it couldn't be helped. Hopefully he could contain himself enough that she would not be forced to such annoyance very often.

"Let us check this one first, hmm?" She came back to Galleir's shop. Though not the be all to end all of luxury, such a shop might give the hint of eloquence Lexwyn wanted to maintain. A silversmith's shop just didn't compare in that regard, and she would prefer to have to divert her own attentions to upholding her image as little as possible. Not that a truly wealthy noble would be staying in such quarters anyway, but subtle details DID matter.
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

Ulrich nodded serenely his madness currently held back by his apparently immense willpower. Who knew how long such a moment would last for the Malkavians unlike your typical lunatics were notorious for their swings in temperament. The only reason they were even allowed to remain within Cainite society at large was their propensity for seeing things that others might miss.

The interior of the shop was awash with a cacaphony of smells as they entered. Ulrich following the young Brujah in after taking a quick glance around the streets. The interior of the shop was small but rather well-appointed leading to the obvious conclusion as to the shop keepers normal clientele. A wizened voice came from the back of the shop saying he would be with them in a moment allowing Lexwyn time to peruse the many wondrous odors present or to simply wait.

Ulrich seemed to take interest in a bottle of fragrance on one shelf as though he were some simple merchant on a buying trip. Leaving Lexwyn to look around on her own.
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

Once in Lexwyn was slightly unsure how to proceed, having never actually attempted to do anything like this in practice. Surely it couldn't be too hard, though. On one hand Ulrich keeping to himself was nice, and she did want him out of the way, but on the other hand his abruptly leaving it to her was slightly jarring. She shot him a little glance before taking up position where she expected the shop keeper to emerge from. As she waited she prepared her composure, hoping to look as impressive as possible for the first impression.

Prepare to use presence again I suppose. Lexwyn doesn't want to waste time with this guy, as haggling isn't in her interest right now
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

Ulrich somehow seems to take note of the glance and whispers ever so softly with a curious turn of his head away from a rack of sachet bags. "I thought perhaps it would be better for you to handle your own negotiations. I'll be nearby should you need aid of the merchant art of haggling."

Just as Lexwyn steps up to the counter a silk curtain is pulled quickly to the side as a fashionably dressed older gentleman steps into the room with an appraising look. He takes one look at Lexwyn and smiles as he steps forth before bowing. His wizened voice floats along with the lovely scent of rose and orange blossom. "Ah, milady. Pardon my keeping you waiting but I had no idea I would be receiving such a endearing customer at this time of night. Pray tell what might Raymont Galleir provide for your worthy self."

Kind of weird how the most useful powers of a discipline seem to come first isn't it? I was curious though is Lexwyn still dressed essentially the same as she is described. Not that a noble would never wear traveling leathers but I want to make sure people react appropriately.
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

"Heh, yes, it is quite late, I apologize". Lexwyn instantly matched the man's demeanor. Be harsh with the harsh ones, but friendly with the friendly ones. It was as important a language choice as picking Welsh, Latin, Greek, or otherwise. "You see, I am here on official business, and must stay for quite awhile. It is business of my own, though, so I should not impose upon my associates here. At the same time, the atmosphere of the inns is a little too... public for my tastes. I was hoping you had extra accommodations upstairs that I could perhaps rent. I can pay in standard currency, but I could also offer to help you as well."

Lexwyn paused to wave a hand dismissively at her travel clothes. "I may not look the part right now, but I could use my connections to assist your business as well. Think of it as an offer of partnership really."

A good question. I guess, in all likelihood, her clothes aren't exactly the right thing for such a role right now. Lexwyn herself would probably overlook such a thing, as it's been awhile since she's played the role. Probably nothing too shabby either, though.
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

The perfumer looked her up and down as she spoke in a quick but thorough manner. His kind smile never ceased as he listened carefully and nodded as though he understood. His accent placed him as being more French than Saxon though he was far shorter than any Norman she had seen. "Ah, such an unusual request though I imagine it is not unheard of. I am not overly fond of staying at inns myself, they can be so boisterous at times and I have found I prefer the quiet in my old age."

The man smiled as he looked curiously at Ulrich who still seemed more interested in the scents on the shelves before continuing. "I see no reason why I would object to such a partnership. However I feel I must inform you that it is completely unfurnished as I have never had the need for such a large living space myself. Would this be a problem, milady?"

That's what I kind of figured considering she has been living deep in a primeval forest for some time. It's not like she's wearing rags or anything of course since she should know how to take care of her gear and the like. Plus presence will help to cover any shortcomings there may be.
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

"No furnishings are required. I can handle that myself. Such strange requests do indeed bring such problems, so I would not hesitate to assume responsibly there." Lexwyn smiled back. He was an interesting fellow, and for once Lexwyn did not have a preconceived notion to firmly categorize him already. Though the purpose of her words did take a moment to sink in, even with herself. It would probably take awhile to get set up, and leaving herself vulnerable in an empty room overday would be not only less than ideal, but a bit... awkward too... No matter, she pushed it aside for the moment. It was business for Ulrich, not Raymont.

"Tomorrow evening I shall arrive with some things to fix the place up. In the mean time I can make do, hopefully." She maintained her cheerful tone, though didn't go full bore with her wave of confidence. Throwing in a little subtleness away was just as important for an act, as she found it made her seem more personable and more likable.
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

"Excellent. Than I suppose the only matter remaining of importance is cost." The old man's eyes glowed hinting at a bit of greed but no more so than any other merchant's. He smiled once more and mused.

"I would say a few silvers a week would be adequate as you have suggested that you might aid me in other matters should they arise. Not to mention their is little loss to myself in space or trouble. Does this seem acceptable to...well silly me I haven't even bothered to learn your name. I have become so forgetful in my old age."
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

Lexwyn's lips wrinkled a bit, but she passed it off as thinking when it was really a hint of displeasure at his greediness. She didn't let it bother her too much. After all, not all were as enlightened as her, and in most cases it really wasn't their fault. "Very well. I assume in the future, depending on how things go, we may renegotiate. I am Lady Lexwyn." She extended her hand for a handshake. She decided sometime in the past not to bother changing her name. As much as it would hurt her pride to openly think such thoughts, her father's holding was not too particularly well known, and her less so most likely having barely reached adulthood. Besides, those that did know would probably be shocked to see her, and hopefully a bit intimidated that she survived...
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

"A pleasure, Lady Lexwyn." The old perfumer said with a bow of his head and a kiss to her hand. He stood and pointed to the side where an entrance behind the counter sat and began to walk towards the back. Pausing at a door before turning and saying

"I suppose the only thing remaining is to show you and your companion the rooms. I hope they will not disappoint."

Assuming Lexwyn follows, Ulrich stays behind her still not saying anything. Raymont lead them past a workshop to some stairs that were thick with dust. Up to the second floor they traveled. He pointed out another door that lead to a balcony at the top of the stairs before opening the doors to 2 plain and simple rooms. The dust was thick lending to the veracity of his saying they were rarely used. He stood back while his new tenant looked them over and waited for her to respond.
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

Lexwyn shot Ulrich another glance. She had actually thought his routine was decently convincing, but apparently not convincing enough. She follows Galleir though, not waiting for Ulrich. She made note of the balcony, that could be useful for an exit sometime. The rooms themselves were indeed simple, but would suffice. Lexwyn was put off by the dust, but the momentary revulsion actually made her laugh out loud. "Yes, these will do. Could be cleaned a bit, but disuse does this to places, and I can't fault you for that. Do you have time to clean it tomorrow, if that is too much to ask. If not I can probably bring some extra help..." Lexwyn was tensing a bit, she was going to have to rely on Ulrich a lot more than she wanted. A scowl almost escaped her lips as she realized this was how her kindred got so entangled in the grand web. No matter, it was just for now, she would break free again soon enough...

BTW, starting a Vampire campaign in person, psudo-GMed for the first time yesterday, char creation is actually pretty easy. Kinda wish I spent background points for Lexwyn now. Might make a sheet for her anyway, just for fun, and use her as an NPC in my campaign, though probably genderflopped seeing as I play with a bunch of girls so we have no shortage x.x
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

Ulrich simply shrugged his shoulders at the look as though he thought the same and remained silent and unintrusive as possible for one so rotund as he. Having looked over the room and returned to Raymont, the perfumer nodded quickly at Lexwyn's request, saying. "Of course. I can't blame you for wanting some place a little more lived in. I scarcely had any idea it was this bad myself, it will be taken care of as soon as possible. I suppose I should have a spare key made as well. What time can I expect you tomorrow so I know when to have things prepared by?"

Yeah actual character creation is kind of fun at least for PC's, ST characters are a little more difficult. Originally I was planning on having everyone do that but the more freeform version I use is better for the forum and this particular game. I do have an approximation of everyone's sheet for my purposes made, which you might not have noticed if you don't often look at the character sheet thread. Though I don't exactly follow the method in the book or even use them other than to keep track of blood and the like.
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

"Yes, that sounds good. We will return around sunset, then. I apologize for not keeping better hours myself, but especially right now I am quite the busy person." This would be a time for sighing, if Lexwyn's body still did that. Mostly wrapped up here, she nodded to the store owner, then looked back to Ulrich again. "We must be off now for the night, there is a bit more business to take care of I'm afraid." It was directed at both of them, both as a farewell and to let the little creeper know she still required a bit more of his services.

Yeah, haven't made any yet, though I'll need to soon. The idea for night one actually came pretty fast, and I have a map and locations for people, just not the actual mechanics behind those people yet.
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