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Re: Baphoriel's Thread

The girl was blonde, with a pair of big brown eyes and fine features. She was a small girl, some would say petite, with a slightly athletic build. And she smiled warmly as he turned back to answer her question. "I've just moved into town for the new semester and I don't really know where anything is. I'm horrible with directions and stuff," she admits with a slight laugh.

"Do you know how I get to the gym from here? I remember seeing one coming into town, but I have no clue where it was..."

I'd like to take this moment to remind you that you have no idea where anything is in this town. The only reason you even know there is an Eden U is because of your Role.

However, due to said roll, you're able to make a roll to determine what you know. 2d6 rolled (5,1) for a total of 6, TN being 8 (Role + Int) Check digit rolled a 4.

With this, you know the way to the University, and that there's a gym on campus. You also know the location of a few good hangouts, a good bar, a local coin laundromat and a few places that sell decent quality takeaway food for quite cheap. So basically all the essentials for a student.
Re: Marim's Thread

"Oh," she replied. The task set to her by Nybbas was quite sparse on details; she'd expected Kurt to know at least something.

"Well," Mary started, "In that case, our employer thinks it not in the best interest for the people of this lovely little town to listen to a certain radio show, run by one Julian Wheeling. As such, we've been hired to move interest, so this man doesn't mislead these people further." She nodded slightly to herself while she spoke, as if affirming to herself each word's validity.

She stood up, grabbing her bag. "Unfortunately, it seems our employer neglected to mention the time and station this show plays, so unless you've heard this show earlier seems we've got some research to do!" She combed her mind on the off-chance Nybbas had implanted the knowledge like he had with Kurt's name, on the off chance she'd just overlooked it.

She got up and walked over to Kurt, offering him her hand. "I don't suppose your phone has internet access? Either way, I don't know the town very well, so why don't we go for a drive?"

(My Balseraph of Nybbas and my lies-as-truth thing don't cause detectable disturbances or eat up essence, right?)
Re: Marim's Thread

(No, they don't cost essence or cause disturbance. I'll write up what does cause a disturbance soon)

"Phone, laptop, I've always got a few ways to get online when I travel," he informs her, lurching back to his feet. "It shouldn't be hard to find out about this radio program from the information you've got. The tricky part will be finding a way to get people not to tune in to his show. Oh well, if you want to go for a drive Boss, I guess we could go get my rental car," he stretches and generally seems unenthusiastic about it as he climbs to his feet.
Re: Baphoriel's Thread

Baphoriel allowed himself a sly smile. He loved helping mortals, really he did. He loved giving them directions to follow as well.

"Yes, I know where the gym is. It's right next to the campus. I'm headed that way myself. If you want I could walk you most of the way and point at it when we're close. Might be better than just giving you directions, if you're horrible with them. My name's Kieren by the way."

He held out a hand, knowing that mortals liked to affirm a meeting in this way. In fact, he was less interested in seeming friendly and more interested in using his Attunement as an Impudite of Fate to learn more about this delicious young thing's past. He was not above working on a couple personal projects while carrying out Kronos' orders.
Re: Celetial User's Guide (How mechanics work)

Celestial Disturbance

Every time a celestial interferes with the world, they create ripples and noise. Many of these are too small to notice, but certain actions create enough noise that it can make them stand out to celestials and anyone else able to perceive the "noise" it creates. The following are a list of things that cause these "major", detectable ripples and noise, as well as an idea of how much noise each action takes.

It's important to note that each noise created within a short period of time within the same general place will add to previous ones. A fight between celestials can quickly escalate and leave an cacophony echoing over an entire city, drawing everyone's attention.

Spending Essence: +1 per point of essence

Every point of essence spent by a celestial automatically generates noise. This includes essence spent on dice rolls, as well as that used to power songs or artifacts.

Using Songs: Varies depending on song.

The use of Songs themselves also generates noise, in addition to the noise created by the essence used to power them. The more subtle a song is, the less noise it creates, but likewise songs that dramatically alter the world will have a louder effect.

Entering/Leaving the Mortal World: +number of forces entering or leaving

It almost goes without saying that this would also create disturbances. This also applies to when an angel/demon assumes their "true form" whilst on the mortal plane.

Appearance of a Superior: +20 or +30

When an archangel or demon prince appears on the mortal plane, it generates a great wave of disturbance. The +20 is used if they appear in a mortal guise, or +30 if they appear in their true form. If this was a result of a demon using an invocation, the essence they spent on it should also be added to this.

Destroying: +1 per corporeal force or 4 hits of physical damage.

Every corporeal force in a living creature killed by a celestial, and every 4 hits of damage done to an object, sends out a small ripple. It should be noted that emotional or mental attacks generate very little noise, and few celestials can pick up on such things. Also, damage done by one celestial to another's mortal vessel does not generate any noise.

Killing a Human: +10

Humans are the most sophisticated natural construction of the world, and destroying one before its time creates a thunderclap of noise, above and beyond the damage done.


This is where a celestial's role proves useful. If an above action falls within normal for a celestials role, they may make a roll to determine if their action manages to avoid disturbance. As long as the GM believes that it can be justified, they may roll their role's level + their corporeal forces. A successful roll means that the action generates no noise.

Of course, this only really applies to damage and deaths caused in the line of their mortal duty. There are no roles that can justify the spending of essence or use of songs.
Re: Baphoriel's Thread

"Oh, there's one near the campus? Cool. The one I saw must have been a different one, I don't think I was anywhere near campus," she explained, taking his hand. "I'm Cindy," she added, introducing herself.

This that touch, the demon attempted to draw upon her memories, but after a moment's concentration she pulled her hand back away and he found himself with no new insight.

"Sure, I'll let you walk me to the gym. Company is always better than being alone," she said, moving towards the exit of the building. "But I won't let you slow me down, so I hope you can keep up," she adds, teasingly.
Re: Marim's Thread

"Let's," she said, a pleasant grin on her face.

She re-opened the door, closed barely a minute, and then stepped through the doorway, turning back towards the elevator. On the walk back and the trip down, she flipped out the journal from her bag, looking over the various logins to which sites she'd been provided. She scanned for a bank account, reasoning Kurt's casual dress would contrast with her more office-worker outfit, making them stick out. She suggested as much to him, and asked if he'd seen anywhere she could pick up some more comfortable clothes.

Marim tried to form a plan, but with the sheer lack of information she found herself drawing a blank. There were so many approaches she could take... She could slander his character, exposing some skeletons in the closet to discredit him... or fabricating something, on the off chance he was clean. She could figure out who the preacher of the predominant church was here and use her powers to alter what was said on the show... though that would likely cause more confusing than disillusion, and they only had a day to do it, if tomorrow was Sunday... What to do, what to do.

"Say, Kurt, do you know anything about the religious community in town? Specifically where the biggest church is. I'd like to attend tomorrow, and I've always found church to be the most enjoyable with more people," she said to him, smiling pleasantly as she'd been doing.
Re: Baphoriel's Thread

Baphoriel smiled back and walked out the door with her.

"I'm not dressed for a jog, if that's what you mean. But I can walk fast if need be."

On the inside, the impudite was frustrated that his first attempt to use his attunement had failed miserably. He wondered at that, for he could perceive much with the strength of his Celestial forces. He looked Cindy over more closely now, wondering if perhaps it had just been a fluke and that he would need more time to touch her. He wouldn't mind that, from the look of her. She was quite easy on the eyes.

"So your first semester then. What are you studying?" he asked as he started them both in the vague direction of the campus.
Re: Marim's Thread

Looking through the book, there was a few bank accounts; in fact, more than the average person would need. And most of which were not in her name. Of course, the book could hardly tell her the current balance in these accounts, but it did provide everything she'd need to access them. She also had a credit card in her bag, which appeared to match the main one under her mortal name.

"There's plenty of clothes shops along the main shopping strip," Kurt explained upon being asks. "Maybe you can find something you like there, who knows? I wouldn't presume to know your tastes..." He sounded rather unenthusiastic about the idea.

Arriving at his rental car, it was a sporty looking thing, black with tinted windows, definitely a status symbol. It seemed likely that Mr. Able was a lot wealthier than his rather casual clothes might suggest. "As far as the local religious nuts, what can I say? It's a town out in the middle of nowhere that attracts a crowd of young people from afar to study at the local university. The oldies gather there to complain about how young people these days act, with all the sex and drugs and alcohol and sin. I bet any one of them was just as bad at that age..."

Opening the door of the car and putting a foot in, he looks over to her and asks, "So, where to then?"
Re: Baphoriel's Thread

She gave a slight giggle at his response, "Why? Would jogging be a problem?" she asked teasingly, taking off at a slight jog once she was outside and looking back over her shoulder with a cheeky smile.

"I'm studying arts, majoring in literature. Some people say it's a complete waste of time, but I love poetry. Browning... Bryant... Rossetti... " she explains, drifting into a dreamy voice.
Re: Baphoriel's Thread

Baphoriel smiled and nodded, though on the inside he is frowning, trying to wrack the memory of his corporeal role to see if its basic schooling had made him familiar with any of the mortal poets the young student had just named.

He strolls at a walking pace, wondering how far the young woman would run ahead of him before slowing down a bit. She needed him for directions after all, though it seemed she had as much energy as an Ofanite.

"Poetry I can understand... I'm in photography myself. A picture being worth a thousand words."
Re: Baphoriel's Thread

Rolled it, but with a penalty considering study of poetry is hardly common knowledge for your role. No such luck, you draw a complete blank on the names. At best, you might be able to recite a few well known lines from a very well known poem.

She came to a stop and turned back, crossing her arms and looking at him unimpressed, although whether this was due to his statement or lack of speed was not clear.

"Honestly," she said in an melodramatic huff, "I warned that you had to at least try and keep up with me, Mr. Photographer," she chided him, tapping her foot as he slowly caught up.
Re: Baphoriel's Thread

He smiled at her cheekily. "I must take your picture sometime. I'll caption it: poetry-in-motion. How about we compromise and walk at a brisk pace then, shall we? I have to show you to the gym don't I? And why are you in such a hurry anyway?"

He quickened his pace, but would not run. She had a pretty face, but he didn't feel like chasing tail so quickly after coming to earth. And he was still frustrated that his attunement hadn't worked on her.
Re: Baphoriel's Thread

Continuing the melodrama, she rolls her eyes in an overly exaggerated manner. "You're not coming anywhere near me with a camera if you keep making jokes that bad," she teased him, falling into step beside him. "Besides, we girls in this day and age need to be careful around boys with cameras," she added, poking her tongue out at him.

"And it's not like I'm in a hurry, it's just... well, this is too slow. If we go faster, I'll have more time to do more things. And besides, it's good for you," she added.

The streets didn't have a lot of traffic, foot or otherwise, this early in the morning, but there were a few people moving around. As they walked down the main street in town, most shops were either already open or in the state of becoming so. Cindy studied the various shops with interest, seemingly cataloguing the contents of the shop windows as they walked past.
Re: Border of Paradise 24 hour Diner (OOC Thread)

Round 2 of applications are open. The next 4 people to post one will get characters generated.

If you see there are already 4 people applying since the reopening, please do not post.
Re: Spiritual Entity Exam (Signup Thread)

Character Name: Kadolon
Gender: Unknown

1. Which of the following do you see as most important?
a) Truth
b) Justice

2. Which of the following do you see is the biggest threat?
a) Your ancient enemy
b) The enemy within
c)Traitors in your ranks
d) The unknown

3. Mortals are...
a) the life-force of the world, for good or for evil.
b) something to be protected.
c)strange creatures full of impure ideas
d)tools one can use to achieve their goals.

4. Your boss orders you to do something that goes against your moral code. You...

a) do as instructed, but let them know firmly you don't agree with it
b) go over their head and inform their superior of the situation and your problem with it.
c) keep your mouth shut and follow orders, after all, they're the boss for a reason
d)stand your ground and outright refuse to do it.

5. A comrade of yours has confided in you that they're in a bit of a tough situation and need your help, you...

a) Agree to help them, but make it clear in no uncertain terms that they owe you for it
b) Find out details, and wait and see if it's beneficial for you to assist before doing so
c) Find out details, but betray them for personal gain.
d) Tell them they made their own mess and they'll have to sort it out themselves, you want no part of it.

6. Which of the following is the virtue that resonates most strongly with you?
a) Prudence
b) Justice
e) faith
f) hope
g) charity

7. Which of the following is your greatest vice?

a) Avarice
b) Envy
e) Pride
f) Sloth
g) Wrath

8. Would you rather a mission that is stable and longterm, or something more short term and risky, if both offered comparative benefits?

a) The longterm, it'll give me a chance to get used to my surroundings and really excel
b) The longterm, the security if offers is important to me.
c)The shortterm, I'd hate to get tied up in a task I didn't enjoy for an extended period.
d)The shortterm, I'd probably get bored if I had to stay anywhere for too long and my work would suffer.

9. How trustworthy are you, really?

a) My word is my bond. If I've given it, I'll uphold what I said.
b) I'd never betray those close to me
c) A deal is a deal, although a loophole is a loophole.
d) Heh, suckers.

10. What would you say your biggest flaw is?

a) Impatience
b) Aloofness
c) Overzealousness
d) I don't have any flaws~
Kadolon's Thread

Name: Kadolon
Choir: Malakim
Archangel: Jean
Word: Lightning

Essense: 9

Corporeal Forces: 3

Str: 6
Agi: 6

Vessel: Lvl 2
Role: Lvl 2 (Apprentice Motor mechanic)
Status: Lvl 2 (Average)
Body: 30

Ethereal Forces: 3

Int: 7
Pre: 5

Mind: 21

Celestial Forces: 3

Will: 7
Perc: 5

Soul: 21

Character Points: 0


- Rest for an hour touching the turbine in an electric power station.
- Rest for two hours plugged into a wall socket.
- Spend an hour in a thunderstorm, on a cliff.


Computer Operation /2 (Intelligence)
Dodge /1 (Agility)
Driving /1 (Precision)
Electronics /2 (Better of Intelligence or Precision)
Engineering /3 (Precision)
Fighting /1 (Strength or Will)
Ranged Weapon [Pistol] /2 (Precision)


Song of Shields /2 (Corporeal)
Song of Thunder /3


Stunt Cycle: Talisman, Driving 2; Brief, silent incantation required to activate

Attunements and Distinctions:

Malakim of Jean: May add Ethereal Forces to any roll involving the skills Chemistry, Electronics, Engineering - or any other roll to repair a technological object.

Elohim of Jean: For 1 Essence, create a temporary pocket-sized computer lasting a number of minutes equal to Ethereal Forces. It has high-speed wireless links to the Internet (allowing access to anything the GM rules as available on the Net). It is immune to electromagnetic pulses, requires on power, and has an unlimited amount of storage. Its cables can connect it to any non-encrypted computer system with a serial port – and it also increases the user’s ability at Computer Operations by the amount of their Celestial Forces.

Dissonance & Discord

Dissonance: 0

Summoning Jean

Base Chance: 3

Invocation modifiers

+1 A scientific formula
+2 A demonstration of mathematics
+3 A microscope
+4 A complete laboratory
+5 A new, working scientific theory
+6 The Grand Unification Theory[/QUOTE]

Adrift in the empty white room, Kadolon waited until at last the voice spoke out. "I have the results of your examination back."

Strongest Match

Malakim - Warrior angels, peerless crusaders of light, the fight against evil is the only duty of these champions. And they carry out their duty with zealous efforts and often ruthless efficiency. They often pride themselves that no Malakim has ever fallen to darkness, but this is as much their own resilience and sworn oath to the light as it is their own ruthless self-regulation.

Being born for combat, Malakim cope remarkably well from the possible trauma of having their mortal body destroyed; it's an occupational hazard and they can deal with it, unlike other celestial creatures who risk going into shock. They also have the ability to make snap judgements about a creature's honour and integrity; simply studying them for a moment is enough to give them a summary on the deeds of the individual, allowing them to make a judgement and if necessary carry it out. They are also burdened by their own honour, they are known to hold oaths to the highest regard. No Malakim will ever hold less than 4 personal oaths, with two of them always being the following:

1) A Malakite shall never suffer an evil to live when its his choice. If you see a Malakite tell a demon he'll be allowed to live if he co-operates, you've just seen a Malakite lie to some poor bastard demon who's about to die.

2) A Malakim will never surrender in a fight, nor allow themselves to be captured by the armies of Lucifer. Surrender to hell would be to dishonour heaven, and death is preferable. As stated earlier, Malakim are used to dying.

Other Matches

Seraphim - Described by some more crass creatures as angelic lie detectors, Seraphim are the farthermost from mortals and have the most difficulty dealing with them. They represent truth in its purest form, so much so that it's difficult for them to stand idly by while lies are spoken in their presence, and doing so themselves will taint their soul.

That said, they're not required to always blurt out everything. They have a duty to keep certain secrets and while they may feel an urge to shout out wildly whenever someone lies around them, they acknowledge that this is not always the best course of action and can resist said urges. They remain rather socially awkward, however.

Balseraph - Some of the greatest creatures of deception, Belseraphs have fallen from grace but as is always the case, maintain certain core things, such as their affinity for truth. In their case however, they do not deal in the absolute truth of the world; rather they only deal in their own personal truth, the only thing that matters to them, which they can force upon the world as they see fit. In order to do this, he creates an entire reality within him in which what he says is the absolute, undeniable truth; he then unleashes this truth at someone, forcing his way of thinking upon them.

It is, however, a delicate and sometimes dangerous process. If the would be victim manages to resist the truth, or the truth proves to be contradictory, the manufactured truth is shattered and the Balseraph has just lied, which causes them great pain and damages their very being. They are paranoid and arrogant beings, all wrapped up in their own little worlds.
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Re: Kadolon's Thread

There was no pause for thought, no hesitation over what the celestial named Kadolon would be - already was...

"I am Malakite."
Re: Marim's Thread

"Hm-hm-hm... let's go down to the strip. Let me see your laptop, will you? I really would like to know more before I decide."

She took a seat, the heat in the car barely phasing her. Along the way, she looked up Wheeling on Facebook and Myspace, and ran a few searches on Google, looking up the radio stations and segments in Eden. In addition, she also flipped through the radio, attempting to find Julian's station, as well as checking out the other stations, looking for Nybbas' talkshow or anything that might be interesting enough to steal away attention from Julian.

She also remembered to look up as they were leaving, noting the hotel's name.
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Re: Baphoriel's Thread

He peered into the eccentric Cindy's eyes, wondering if there was some underlying reason to her mania that he might perceive if he looked hard enough. How would a woman so manic have the patience to sit down and observe the world enough to write poetry?

"You're safe around my camera. I'm much more traditional with my photography. If you were my subject, I'd make your image into a work of art - provided I could get you to sit still for half a tic."

His steps quickened to fall into sync with hers, but he constantly tempted the pace to slow down a bit, only very slightly, trying by force of will and slight manipulation to make the quick-paced Cindy slow just enough to walk with him.

"Tell me what you find so interesting about poetry? Do you want to be a poet yourself?"

He asked the question to force conversation, and by forcing conversation he could force her to slow down a bit - or else she might break away from him, but then she'd be directionless, and he liked the idea of slowing her down for some reason.
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