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Power Overwhelming (lurker)

Re: Power Overwhelming (lurker)

Zeta: HP = 34, PP = 34, EP = 68, Status = Pregnant, Dark Armor X = 6

Grapple: Zeta wins.
Resistance Damage: 3, for a total of 4 Resistance damage, leaving her at 1 before getting Aroused

If you want foreplay damage, you're going to have to actually give me something to work with. She's also not naked, so it would behoove you to get her clothes off first.

With her magical enhancements, Zeta was easily able to keep the struggling rlathatur attached to her, but then she had to decide how best to savor her catch now that she had it.
Re: Power Overwhelming (lurker)

As Zeta held the girl tight, her tendrils would slacken slightly, soon replaced by the changed one's hands gripping like a vice around the younger woman's arms. Her tendrils would very quickly tie into the rough garments on her prey's form, and an evil smirk goes over her face as she quickly pulls them outward, fabric straining at it's seams gracing her ears.

With the human unclothed (hopefully), the tendrils once again returned to exploring the girl's form. Zeta quietly watched the creature as she toys with her, trying to examine it's exterior for weaker areas to explore. She was going to spend her time examining this one before she converted it...

Shred dem clothes, and then going for some good ol' tentacle gropings~

1. Strip Attack, via Tentacles
2. Foreplay, via Tentacles
Re: Power Overwhelming (lurker)

Zeta: HP = 34, PP = 34, EP = 68, Status = Pregnant, Dark Armor X = 6

Grapple: Zeta wins.
Resistance Damage: enough over 2 rounds to cause Horny.

Ye person is left naked and then fondled, I guess.
Pleasure: 14 + 13 = 27 PP. Her victim climaxes, allowing Zeta to drain a total of 28 EP, making ye person helpless.

Stripping the helpless girl to her skin while she whimpered and cried and squirmed against her, Zeta quickly found her victim's tears fading as her slime took effect, producing a maddening lust in the young woman. The girl stopped actively resisting just as the corrupted faerie began exploring her body with her tentacles, her terrified whimpers turning into ones of arousal as she ran the agile appendages over her erogenous zones. Finding her clitoris was easy, and after only a few short moments of even teasing attention she gasped and moaned suddenly, her body tensing and her feeble spirit opening up for the kynoshoa to feast upon, restoring what little energy she'd used in making the capture and leaving her subsequently totally helpless. Her body went limp, her loss of energies dulling her mind, and it would be easy for Zeta to pluck her soul from her body and begin the transformation process on her, though it would take a prepared soul to make a true kynoshoa like her.
Re: Power Overwhelming (lurker)

Zeta smirked a little to herself as she keeps the girl held tight, thinking a little. Sure, making just a simple thrall would be a boon to the collective, but she really wanted to impress the Masters with her development.

As a result, Zeta quickly wrapped her arm around the woman, her tendrils tightening thier grip. Two of them would encircle the woman's chest, the tips wrapping lazily around her neck and sliding towards the woman's mouth, the other two wrapping around her legs, yanking them tightly as the tendrils slid downward and home at her slit, ready to work her body to it's very limits and properly convert her.

Penetrative Assault via Tentacles, the plan to basically screw the living daylights out of her until she's prime for conversion to a full kynoshoa
Re: Power Overwhelming (lurker)

Zeta: HP = 34, PP = 34, EP = 68, Status = Pregnant, Dark Armor X = 6

The woman was a helpless puppet in Zeta's grasp, her essence weakened to the point of passing out and her body actively compliant now that her poisons had done their work. Converting her into a full kynoshoa, however, was done via placing a converted soul into an empty shell, this much Zeta knew. She lacked such a soul, and could only extract her victim's soul if she raped her. Doing so would produce a suitable shell for implantation, as was generally done with such hosts, and would all a lord or slime to later extract the spirits from her and convert them properly.

(Tis up to you to describe the rape position and whatnot in this situation, not me. Also, dat above lore bits about how gemini are made.)
Re: Power Overwhelming (lurker)

(Time to get stuck in on this. Hopefully I won't get sucked into time as much more x,x)

Zeta smirks deeply as she watches her victim squirm more, her tendrils still keeping her busy. Remembering the proper order she must do things, she focuses harder on her victim, her arms gripping tight on the woman's midriff. Her tendrils, meanwhile, would grow more forceful, as the two in the woman's lower holes trusted and hammered into her hungrily, eager to empty the shell for later use, while one tendril near the woman's mouth would slide in slowly, simply acting as a blockage in case enemies were near enough to listening in to the action. Even still, Zeta herself was enjoying her torture of this new prospective sister, her own fingers twitching into her arms from the feelings her tentacles were experiencing.
Re: Power Overwhelming (lurker)

Zeta: HP = 34, PP = 34, EP = 68, Status = Pregnant, Dark Armor X = 6

And then, just as she had done before, Zeta claimed another for her masters. Another body to become a sister, and another soul to be reformed for use just as her own had been, as the human woman was even more helpless than she had been before to resist the pleasures of Zeta's tendrils and the poisonous fluid that she secreted. Her scattered energies were consumed to restore what the gemini needed to hold her securely, and when her empty shell went limp in Zeta's grasp she would feel a third core resting against her own, joining the soul that she had already claimed earlier. No more humans were detected in the corridor where this one had attempted to hide, but that wasn't to say that none were there to look for. Much of the ruined fortress was still unexplored, and she could go hunting further if she so wished, her kin being already victorious outside. She could just as easily leave the hunting for the magotha and go outside to enjoy herself, however, and for once the choice was hers.
Re: Power Overwhelming (lurker)

A content sigh leaves Zeta as she feels the creature's essence drain into her, her tendrils slowing as they removed from the vessel and gently laying it onto the ground. Her task complete, she took a moment to listen to the dying sounds of the latest conquest before moving to the door of the room, her defensive armor fading for the moment.

As much as she probably should leave the scouring to the rest of her kin, Zeta was feeling much interest in what these depths held, as it seemed the unchanged really were focused on holding this place. As a result, Zeta quietly continued her trek into the broken keep, her ears alert and eyes questioning the quiet crevasses as she explored.
Re: Power Overwhelming (lurker)

Zeta: HP = 34, PP = 34, EP = 67/68, Status = Pregnant, Dark Armor X = 6

Going further down the hall she had been exploring when she'd heard the girl she had just caught, Zeta found that it proceeded a ways past a number of empty and collapsed rooms before reached a larger hall. The whole complex was dark, the only light filtering in through cracks in the crumbling structure, but it was more than enough for the fallen faerie to see by. Unfortunately, there wasn't much for her TO see, as the dilapidated decorum of the once proud throne room into which she walked was completely lost on her inhuman sensibilities. There were two more doors that she might explore through, one directly to the left of the crumbling stone chair that stood across from her against the opposite wall of the large ruined chamber, and the other over to her right on the wall. There was also a collapsed archway, but it seemed to lead out into an alleyway that would likely bring her back to the courtyard where her allies were finishing off the remaining rlathatur. A more thorough search of the vast, columned room might yield something of greater interest, but as far as Zeta could tell nothing living was here, and had not been here for some time.
Re: Power Overwhelming (lurker)

Zeta's eyes scoured the alien landscape as she moved, the creature moving with a unearthly grace while her tendrils lazily drifted behind her. Relics of the latest conquest seemed to be few and far between, and the lack of anything deliciously flesh-like was annoying her slightly with each passing second. She was made to gather and create more soldiers, why was this being so difficult?!?

Upon reaching the throne room, Zeta would take some moments to quietly explore the room, giving a brief overview to ensure there wasn't any notes or anything laying around that could be found. With the appearance of the room though, she wasn't hoping for too much- it seemed that her prey had all fled this place long ago, or had all been dragged out in the conquest for her and her fellows to devour and add to the collective.

The temptation to return to her other creatures was strong, but Zeta stopped herself, and decided to check that one last passage, just in case others were hiding into this area. If she wasn't distracted by anything in the throne room, she'd quickly move towards the door near the stone throne. There's a good chance that'd lead to a royal chamber, and if memory serves, others may cower in there, or try to loot it in the confusion...
Re: Power Overwhelming (lurker)

Zeta: HP = 34, PP = 34, EP = 62/68, Status = Pregnant, Dark Armor X = 6

Moving towards the door to the left of the throne and ignoring the one further off on the right, Zeta entered a dark passage that her unnatural eyes easily allowed her to see down, and through it she would eventually find a small chamber. There was a door over on the right, but the majority of it seemed to be empty... Until, suddenly, there was a scuffling sound just before the door on the right was pushed open, and a girl and a man stood in the doorway. They stood blinking at Zeta for a moment before the man said; "Uhhhh.... Hi!" And then he hastily slammed the door shut again, and the sound of running footsteps could be heard from the other side.