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Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

I wish bisexual's were blue-skinned and all flashy... Kinda make them easier to find...

I just keep finding lesbians... Which is as effective as asking a family member to hum on my genitals...
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Really sorry to hear about the hardship Hettie but way to go on gettin married.
may it be a love that last for eternity and fill with joy, wonderful memorys and no sadness


sry for any misspeling
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

You get my hopes up every time there's a new post in the jungle girl remake thread... Will you all stop it please?
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

I've always said I'd like to see a Liara x Aria pairing...

Almost as much as I'd like to see a Wrex x Miranda coupling...

Or Ashley learning a bit more of the "Enkindlers" than she'd like through some Hanar filled tentacley fun?

Mass Effect is chock full of H-Fodder... Just nobodies done much on it yet... Probably waiting on me I guess...
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

U could always go to Hentai Foundry. They got a bit of Mass Effect stuff
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

I've always said I'd like to see a Liara x Aria pairing...

Almost as much as I'd like to see a Wrex x Miranda coupling...

Or Ashley learning a bit more of the "Enkindlers" than she'd like through some Hanar filled tentacley fun?

Mass Effect is chock full of H-Fodder... Just nobodies done much on it yet... Probably waiting on me I guess...

You know there's an actual Fornax magazine, right?

And that the artists who took part in it are even going for a Vol. 2 now as well.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

when was the last time hettie posted anything..my mouse scroll is melting.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl


But seriously, Hettie have now more risks of cancelling the whole project. So He/She/It will post when they can or atleast if they are closing it.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

i need to play these jungle girl/demon girl games someday :D

NinjaCreep said:
i need to play these jungle girl/demon girl games

NinjaCreep said:
need to play jungle girl/demon girl

NinjaCreep said:
need to play

Uh... Why are you sitting there posting this in THIS thread of all of them?

You can find the two games just about anywhere... Literally... INCLUDING here...

So why don't you stop visually sizing up your thing... No, it doesn't reach your mouth and I beleive you've aready tried that plenty enough to figure that out... Open up another tab... And just google it... Chances are your bound to find it in the top three choices... And if you can find ONE you can find the OTHER...

Now this ought to throw him for a loop...

Now shoo... Away with you untill you can at least provide a decent screen shot of the "Jungle Girl Showcase"

Fuckin greenhorn is most likely underage too...
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

in case you havent noticed im new here.. it just got my attention because of the jungle girl/demon girl thing we got on our name.. jesus, nice rage, youre a fucking idiot
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Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

If by assholes you mean we don't tolerate those that don't do a quick search for the product they're looking for or you and your Klub loving ilk then yeah, we are assholes. This forum and the forums before it were made as a place to talk about Linemarvel and his creations; Jungle Girl and Demon Girl as well as a place to share similar games and the overall discussion of tentacle and other /d/ related hentai. And while we've branched out since then I'd and I'm assuming the rest of the people from the original forums and the ones that don't keep themselves locked away masturbating to a, quite frankly, hideous looking game, expect people who're coming here to at least know of the person we were originally centered around and his works.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

For once, Oni and I are in complete agreement. Stop trying to hijack conversations, it just makes you seem more like an ass.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

I was talking to the fuckass after your post, and how he was calling us regulars assholes because one of us decided to have a go at you for not knowing about the games. But yes, if you want to get like that I guess I was technically talking to you as well, though simply in passing for being a moron for not knowing about the games. And whatever you're working on probably isn't even worth the time of us playing.

Also, try to use proper spelling and punctuation. It makes you look less of a retard.