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Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Now that it was mentioned a few posts ago, what exactly is rep and how can you tell if yours has been modified somehow, and if I have bad rep does that mean I'm close to getting banned or kicked off???

I never want to be kicked off or banned... *shiver* that means I'll have to look for free hentai in the dumpster, and I... I can't- nay, I SHAN'T bring myself to do the "toon-look-for-hentai-porn-in-the-dumpster-pimp.com" ever again. I'm scarred and traumatized for life after Pepe the skunk does Tom & Jerry in hot gay action. *trembles visibly*

...so please don't ban me... ever...
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

If that happens, we'll be having so much fun neg-repping you, that we won't want you to leave.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl


Ain't going to let people forget that one, especially not Toxic.

How are you gentlemen!! All your Toxic are belong to us. You are on the way to destruction.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Now that it was mentioned a few posts ago, what exactly is rep and how can you tell if yours has been modified somehow, and if I have bad rep does that mean I'm close to getting banned or kicked off???

I never want to be kicked off or banned... *shiver* that means I'll have to look for free hentai in the dumpster, and I... I can't- nay, I SHAN'T bring myself to do the "toon-look-for-hentai-porn-in-the-dumpster-pimp.com" ever again. I'm scarred and traumatized for life after Pepe the skunk does Tom & Jerry in hot gay action. *trembles visibly*

...so please don't ban me... ever...

rep is represented in the little green-or red if you've been bad- bars under the top right. if you want to see your actual rep click user cp, its listed right there.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

I think he meant "stiff" cuz I'm definitely that right now what with being dead and all
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Pfft, it's clear I'm the only staff member in this thread.

I'm the only one with an appropriate hat, afterall.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

yeah that totaly doesn't have what i need.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

yeah that totaly doesn't have what i need.

If you want to find the files Nunu, I suggest you . He always knows!
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Nunu needs some tentacle files.

I'll probably end up changing the middle tentacle to the standard "floating in midair" thing I don't really like, but this one can at least be a placeholder for now.

Sorry I've been scarce, guys. I work in a department store, and it's kind of December-y over here. (yay! overtime pay!)
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

It IS the crazy retail time of the year for sure! Hang in there, Hettie! It'll be 2011 before you know it.

Merry Approaching Christmas, everyone! Grab a helmet if you need. I've got mine ready, hehe
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Thanks, critchett.

I'm hoping to unwind a bit this Sunday at the local goth club. There's going to be a X-mas (or rather, XXX-mas) -themed burlesque show, as well as a "Seasons Beatings" spanking booth with the very dominatrix who introduced me to my love of being spanked. Joy!
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

I need to live within reach of such places.

Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Ah club shampoo, it's the next state over and about 8 minutes away. Wednesday night is goth night (Nocturne) and then there's the midnight mosh pit and provocatively dressed teenage girls...

Maybe I should return there and cure my lack of female affections.


This is why we don't drink and post, kids
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Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Ah club shampoo, it's the next state over and about 8 minutes away. Wednesday night is goth night (Nocturne) and then there's the midnight mosh pit and provocatively dressed teenage girls...

Maybe I should return there and cure my lack of female affections.

Just kidding: Female affection is a myth that the entertainment industry and the Illuminati want you to believe so that you buy moar pron to learn how to pleasure them... Then when you're all used up you find out that they're really soulless creatures from a distant planet programmed to feast on the shattered hearts of men!

In turn, after being fed upon, the surviving remnant of what used to be the man grows spiteful and clings desperately to the hopes of what the movies say, committing the act of "cheating" the system and downloading a new corrupted .heart file and thus beginning the cycle all over again, until everyone has AIDS and dies. The End.

...And that, my friends, is where bastard babies come from, Charlie Brown :p

I was going to give an elaborate answer to your post, but instead I decided to go with:

Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

So female affection is a myth? And we're all souless creatures... harsh words.

I am thinking of saying something but I'm starting to think that Magus is just trolling there and I don't want to fall into that little bait and trap once again.

If he's not trolling... well then maybe I'll come up with something harsh to throw back until then...
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

So female affection is a myth? And we're all souless creatures... harsh words.

I am thinking of saying something but I'm starting to think that Magus is just trolling there and I don't want to fall into that little bait and trap once again.

If he's not trolling... well then maybe I'll come up with something harsh to throw back until then...

...It's clearly a joke. Admittedly not a very good one, but still.