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Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

*sad faces* why you swearin at me copper...

anyway it is an option, but still getting those sounds sorted out is for someone other than me as i don't have the required resources to do it.

You could always have me comically make man-moans for the game?

I have a mic, though it's poor quality, the kind strapped to the headphones you get for 20 cents :3
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

given that everyone else is putting in effort, perhaps not. maybe for a future project.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

given that everyone else is putting in effort, perhaps not. maybe for a future project.

Future project, hmm, somehow I think I will regret my words one day.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

One good point is to try to take some sound clips from the movies in the movies section. That may work, but you would need one voice actress or else it won't work very well.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

One good point is to try to take some sound clips from the movies in the movies section. That may work, but you would need one voice actress or else it won't work very well.

That could very well work, though it would take work, much easier to bribe somebody into doing it for you :p
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

i don't have to bribe, also i think thats how its done a lot of the time.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Because I love the expression.

And what makes you think I have the appropriate resources?
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

because i was making a joke silly. but if your interested we could probably take up a collection to get you a microphone so you can get your sounds going.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

I can take an audio file and cut it up into a whole bunch of little audio files. If each moan is recorded separately, i.e. with a second or so of silence either side of it, it makes it really easy to edit, but otherwise I can just decrease the scale I'm working on down to ridiculously small and find the gaps, and using fading and the like to get rid of and hard cutoffs.

I'm certainly not a pro at digital editing, but I know my way around enough to do a decent job of it.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

because i was making a joke silly. but if your interested we could probably take up a collection to get you a microphone so you can get your sounds going.

*laughs* It'd probably be too hard for me to get it done between the giggle fits. Sorry, Nu.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

I can take an audio file and cut it up into a whole bunch of little audio files. If each moan is recorded separately, i.e. with a second or so of silence either side of it, it makes it really easy to edit, but otherwise I can just decrease the scale I'm working on down to ridiculously small and find the gaps, and using fading and the like to get rid of and hard cutoffs.

I'm certainly not a pro at digital editing, but I know my way around enough to do a decent job of it.

Sounds like a decent offer to say the very least.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

yeah i did digital video and audio and radio production at university to.

then again less work for me is better.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Pretty much my thoughts. You're already doing coding, pretty sure I can handle the sound.

I also have one or two people I can ask to record sounds for me. I dunno how good my chances are, but at least they won't flee from me if I ask :p
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

What exactly do you want in the backgrounds, basically what do you want them to look like? Obviously a Jungle... but is there anything special to these?

So you want a static and a moving background?

What sizes do the renders need to be?
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

well larger (1600x1400) is better so they can be changed to fit any size. you get a better definition of depth with multiple, simple background layers.

something along the lines of what the old jungle girl had would be good. thats really what were working off here.

if its all possible for it to be done in flash or illustrator though, as it would reduce resource drain i think. flash you see does not use graphics cards so it doesn't handle large computations well. things should be fine either way but i don't like to push these things.
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Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

I've got Illustrator so I'll use that. I've got Flash as well, but I dont think I'm good enough to try working with that just yet. Do you want each background layer as a separate file or do you want all of them together in one file? Also, what file format would you prefer? I've got an idea with the static background; how about adding some clouds moving between the blue sky background and the tree's midbackground? That way you'll see clouds occasionally between whatever gaps there are in the tree's. Sure, a JG remake isn't about pretty clouds, but I'm a fan of little touch's like that.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Good idea. But I think it needs some editing. We're supposed to be in the middle of a jungle (dense plant growth) not a forest where we're able to see the sky. Maybe the occasional insect or little flying creature floats by instead?
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

There will be a total of four separate layers:

1) Foreground, where grass or undergrowth is animated to give the appearance of movement. Can either be scrollable like midground (preferred) or animated like original game. Situated in front of Jungle Girl.

2) Action layer, where all animations involving Jungle Girl and tentacles will be placed.

3) Midground, which is scrollable to give illusion of moving forward. Situated behind action layer. Will have transparent spaces to show background behind. Could contain several trees with vines, bushes, etc.

4) Static background, which remains motionless to give illusion of depth compared to "moving" layers. Will fill entire screen.

I would suggest saving them as separate files rather than lumping them together.


My first walk cycle! Yay! ^_^'


It's not exactly top quality stuff, but keep in mind that the level of her feet will be hidden by foreground. I'll also try to animate some boob jiggle, hair movement and eye blinks if it doesn't look entirely too amateurish.
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Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Very nice indeed! I think I'd prefer it a little slower, but I think I'd be walking quicly in her situation too...