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Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Damn, ya caught me. I've lost my lurker status...kinda. but now i must get some sleep, got work in the morning. G - night all. cant wait for updates on this remake.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

As Jungle Girl exits the forest she hears a number of tentacles approaching from behind.

She runs into her dark and empty hut and closes the door to find some safety.

While they screen shows her exhausted face pushing against the fourth wall a shadow moves behind her. She looks up quickly, a bead of sweat on her face before a large red tentacle wraps around her waist and drags her into the darkness where she fades from sight.

Insert multiple scenes of massive red tentacle sex here. Scenes may include inflation and egg laying.

"The next day..." opens with the hut door opening and the red tentacle trying to slither away.

Camera shifts to a view of the tentacle leaving with the dark hut interior behind it, but two red eyes suddenly open behind it. A bead of sweat forms next to the tentacles head before JG's arm reaches out and grabs the tentacle. An evil looking smile appears, and the tentacle struggles in vain as its dragged back, and once it fades into the darkness the hut door closes once again.

Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

I agree with Termite,

But with one little change...

Just a bit of dialouge:

After slamming the door closed and letting out a sigh

JG: "Honey I'm home!"

Big Red slithers on screen

JG: "It's a Jungle out there!" (continue)

JG: "Come on lets get to bed..."

Fade to black

Fade into:
Insert multiple scenes of massive red tentacle sex here. Scenes may include inflation and egg laying.

"The next day..." opens with the hut door opening and the red tentacle trying to slither away.

JG: "And when did I say you get to leave?"

Camera shifts to a view of the tentacle leaving with the dark hut interior behind it, but two red eyes suddenly open behind it. A bead of sweat forms next to the tentacles head before JG's arm reaches out and grabs the tentacle. An evil looking smile appears, and the tentacle struggles in vain as its dragged back, and once it fades into the darkness the hut door closes once again.

Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

I love Masters' and termite ending, in fact, I was gonna give the same sorta idea myself ^^' But mine woulda had dragons and laser beams and shit! However all jokes aside, I am finding it hard to think of how the creators will select from these multitude of endings.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

I'm actually thinking of moving away from the "giant red tentacle in the hut" ending altogether. Perhaps Jungle Girl's destination in this game could be a river, and after the "You Win" text appears, an entirely new tentacle monster grabs her from the water and lays its eggs in her.

It's a thought.

Anyway, since I mentioned there's room for a fourth tentacle in that last animation, here's what it would look like with an additional high and low tentacle:


(this combination wouldn't actually appear in the game, but it's easier for me to animate both at once, then remove one or the other later)

I still don't have the last part done, but Merry X-mas anyway.:D
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Perhaps win features a hermie tentacle queen of some sorts that then surprises JG and final raepage ensues :p
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Perhaps win features a hermie tentacle queen of some sorts that then surprises JG and final raepage ensues :p

Perhaps instead of a river, Jungle Girl reaches a bathing pool. There's already a girl in the water, resting her head on her arms, draped over the side of the pool. We don't see the lower half of her body, but JG gets into the water with her to bathe. Suddenly, tentacles grab JG, and we see that they are the lower body of the other girl.

Yes? No?
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

I think you'd make everyone's head explode if the girl in the pool turned out to be Demon Girl *snickers*
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Better yet, it could be from Oni's Doujin.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Perhaps instead of a river, Jungle Girl reaches a bathing pool. There's already a girl in the water, resting her head on her arms, draped over the side of the pool. We don't see the lower half of her body, but JG gets into the water with her to bathe. Suddenly, tentacles grab JG, and we see that they are the lower body of the other girl.

Yes? No?

I support this idea wholeheartedly =D No argument with a little yuri mixed with my tentacular fun.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

I still don't understand how the game mechanics of this are going to work. What page were they talked about on?
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Better yet, it could be from Oni's Doujin.

Haha, yes, the doujin. I wonder where that lazy bastard's gotten to. Sounds like a good alternative idea though.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Haha, yes, the doujin. I wonder where that lazy bastard's gotten to. Sounds like a good alternative idea though.

It's nice to know I'm not the only one on your case about that ;P

At least I have an excuse for not writing a Jungle Girl/Demon Girl novelization yet - I discovered someone had already beaten me to both. Mystic Girl on the other hand is already in progress.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

I'm a lazy, procrastinating and unmotivated tool. There's my reason :p
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

I'm a lazy, procrastinating and unmotivated tool. There's my reason :p

Translation: He needs someone with a whip following him wherever he goes before he'll get anything done. ;P
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Perhaps instead of a river, Jungle Girl reaches a bathing pool. There's already a girl in the water, resting her head on her arms, draped over the side of the pool. We don't see the lower half of her body, but JG gets into the water with her to bathe. Suddenly, tentacles grab JG, and we see that they are the lower body of the other girl.

Yes? No?

Better yet, it could be from Oni's Doujin.
Oooh, tempting. But on the other hand, I do think Jungle Girl's ending should actually be a victory for the character - JG intended to come "here", knew what would be waiting, and wants it to happen.

Whether that means she's dragging Big Red back into her hut for another go-round, or giggling as Slime Girl starts massaging her back in the spring, or even just going "ooogh..." and passing out on a bunk as the forest tentacles peek in her window... winning the game means the character wins.

Totally hated Terranigma for not doing that.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Oooh, tempting. But on the other hand, I do think Jungle Girl's ending should actually be a victory for the character - JG intended to come "here", knew what would be waiting, and wants it to happen.

Whether that means she's dragging Big Red back into her hut for another go-round, or giggling as Slime Girl starts massaging her back in the spring, or even just going "ooogh..." and passing out on a bunk as the forest tentacles peek in her window... winning the game means the character wins.

Totally hated Terranigma for not doing that.

It's not supposed to be about Jungle Girl winning. It's supposed to be about the player winning. If it was about Jungle Girl winning, the game would have a story of her going off to find some fancy treasure and getting it, like how Angel Girl ends.

This is how the original Jungle Girl ended - with the player winning, not necessarily JG herself.