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Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf, Winter)

Having to crawl through the hole in the cracked door in order to proceed, progress was slowed somewhat. As they came through the doorway one by one, they found themselves in yet another corridor; but this one had an opening overhead through which they could see more of the black cowled cultists. A pair were standing over the hole, one with his back to it, the other facing them, holding in their hands a black sword, it's blade tempered with darkness itself, with what appeared to be a dark altar behind them.

"I give myself to the dark ones!" a voice cried out overhead, moments before the black blade was driven through the one standing over the hole. At first, the figure reacted as you'd expect, shuddering as the blade pierced him before falling back as the newly made corpse was shoved from the blade, falling down the hole to land before the group. But the wound festered with evil power and the body's limps began to twitch and shake and the body rose once more. Twisted and mutating before their very eyes, the creature's face was gaunt, its limbs thin and lean, it was as if the figure had gone through a week's starvation in those few moments. It lowered itself into a predatory stance and snarled at the group, hands twisted into horrible clawed things dripping with dark energies while overhead, the could see a new figure had taken the place of this one, and the cultist with the blade was chanting in some dark tongue. It seemed they intended to make more of these things and if they all came out like the one before them, that could be a very bad thing.

The ghoul lets out a primal roar before looking over the group. "I hunger," it hisses as it rushes forth with uncanny speed, charging at the subashi those dark claws. Sword out, the nekomata stood ready to defend herself. The blow came in fast, however and she barely managed to deflect it, shifting it away from vital areas, although it still pushed forwards, aiming to rake across her torso with more power than she could have imagined from such a starved looking creature; it seemed this thing was unnaturally strong and fast. However, Irla was a seasoned subashi, armed with her subashi's blade and plenty of practice wielding it; instilling renewed effort into the blade, she managed to turn the blow aside completely, but it was obvious that this thing needed to be taken down fast, it's power and speed was more than she could handle in a prolonged fight. (Irla spent a fate point on her defence roll, giving her a +2 bonus and enabling her to parry the attack, avoiding a 3 stress hit)

((For some idea of layout, you're in a short hallway that has a corner up ahead. Around that corner is a stone stairway heading up, which has been barricaded at both the top and bottom with debris and stakes to impede progress; in order to both enter and exit the zone, an appropriate skill check (usually athletics) is required with a success of at least 2. Alternatively, the barrier itself may be attacked in order to damage it so that it is easier to bypass. The top of the stairs exits out into the room above, the far end of which contains the cultist with the dark sword and the altar. The hole overhead is open and a few feet in size; ranged attacks can be made through it as can flight with a successful athletics check, but it is too high to making jumping plausible, and too far away from the walls to make climbing really doable either. You're welcome to try by rolling athletics, but the difficulty is likely beyond the realm of what's possible for your character.))

Turn Order:
Ghoul: 6
Soren: 1
Meaghan: 1
Cultist Leader: 1
Ar: 0
Irla: -1
Cultists: -1
Hallway - Ar, Meaghan, Soren, Irla, Ghoul 1
Base of Stairs - (Empty)
Stairway Barricade (barrier 2, both sides) - Cultist 1 & 2
Room Above - Cultist 4
Dark Altar - Cultist Leader, Cultist 3

Soren P O O O, M O O O
Meaghan P O O O O, H O O
Irla P O O O O
Ar P O O, M O O O

Ghoul 1 P O O O O
Cultish Leader P O O O
Cultist 1 P O O
Cultist 2 P O O
Cultist 3 P O O
Cultist 4 P O O
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Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf, Winter)

Ar was against open fighting, too many variables. Too many ways for things to go wrong, and the damn cultists making these abominations had to be dealt with. But seeing what this one had just done meant it couldn't be ignored Either. Readying his Scythe the Oracle moved forward and took a broad swing at the undead.
Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf, Winter)

Irla would let out an angry hiss of her own as the ghoul struck towards her. The subashi gripped her blade tightly, striking back at the creature with her it in a trained fury. Her mind and muscles moved in reflex as she did what she had been taught from a young age. She had killed far too many opponents with this blade to doubt her own abilities with it. This fight would end like every other she had been in, even if she would be a little bloodied for it.

"You'll not get the better of me, abomination!" Her eyes flashed in the dim light. "I'll gladly kill you a second time."
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

"Ey, why don'tcha just walk away, bird boy, and leave the damsel to us, arright?" came a shout from behind him. A group of four somewhat dirty looking elves were slowly advancing on him, their clothing ragged and tattered. He'd seen enough to know their type instantly, ruffians who lived in the backstreets and preyed on the weak, opportunistic cowards who took what they could. Each of them casually held an improved weapon, a piece of wood, a section of pipe, nothing overly dangerous but enough to hurt someone.

"My heroes, I would be ever so grateful to repay you for your assistance," came the voice of the red woman, tone and mood changing once more, this time her voice practically crackled with sensuality and seduction, which got a crude laugh from the group and straightened their backs slightly; the sight of an obvious reward before them giving them extra incentive.


The watch captain shook her head. "We found no such sirens when we got here, much to our dismay. We weren't sent here about a perfume, but rather a pair of sirens causing destruction and mayhem, you're an associate of theirs?" she asked pointedly, eyeing the nekomata firmly.

It was the harpy who spoke up next, however. "The bathhouse will not seek punishment against..." she blushed slightly and glanced away from him. "This nekomata, or his siren associates. If anything, we owe them an apology for the... uh... mistreatment they've experienced here. He is right that I had not experienced that particular scent before, but I did identify it as having the signature of Lady Udete, the very red haired woman he speaks of. She has reliably provided the more exquisite perfumes and incenses to us for years now... for her to be behind this... it's a little hard to believe..."/

"And yet we found no trace of her when we got here, which means she was here and then fled the scene," the watch captain replied sternly. "At the very least, I think we may need to have a word with her, although I'm sure the city council won't appreciate accusations against a lady..." she muttered bitterly.


With the spell complete, there was a momentary pause, the seconds slowly passed as Violet waited for an indication as to whether or not her calling had succeeded. At last, a flicker of blue shot towards the circle and then circled it slowly, Corelin had arrived. He was a tiny creature, his skin a pale blue colour while his hair was a more richer shade of the same colour. Upon his back, a pair of dragonfly-like wings buzzed as he eyed the circle suspiciously. At last, he darted in to claim the tasty treat and the trap was closed around him.

"I shoulda known it was you," he spoke in a high pitched voice as Violet approached. "Come to give me another show, have you? I've got all sorts of ideas of things you could do for me."

"Oh, someone who knows these parts, huh?" he said, frowning somewhat as he tapped his chin. "Where are we again...? Oh, I know. I do know someone here actually!" he exclaimed excitedly. "What do you want from them? Local information, I'd guess, otherwise you could just use me. I know someone, if I tell you her name, are you gonna trap her as well? I suppose you'd have to, wouldn't you. Maybe you could trap me with her, I think I'd like that, we could put on a dirty show for you, how does that sound? And you could put on one for us. If you've got more of this stuff, I'm sure she'd be good for it!"
Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf, Winter)

Meaghan stood for just a second, taking in a deep breath as ghoul clashed with companion, before she began to move for the barricades, determined to get over them and to the cultists behind. Saliva dripped from her mouth as she thought of the feast about to be had.
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

Drago turns about, to notice the thugs behind him, the he unfurls both his wings and rolls his right shoulder. "Well, it looks like I get the fight I've been aching for after all." he says, heaving up into the air with his wings and floating just off the ground by flapping steadily. "You ground-walking vermin think you can beat a harpy while he can fly?" he seems to both ask and state, before a bloodlust begins to overtake him and he lunges forward with the talons on his right foot, intent on tearing off the face of the man closest to him.
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

"Many thanks, dove," Atair says quietly, especially as the harpy speaks up in their favor. "At least from me, apology accepted, though I don't feel you and yours have done us wrong, at least not wittingly. Perhaps once things quiet down, I can express a more proper apology." He gives the harpy a bit of a bow, lowering his head just a little, his gaze on her but his look is one of respect now, not the uncontrolled lust of before.

After he straightens, he returns his attention to the guard captain. "Having...experienced the effects of that scent first-hand, I can only imagine it is the same as what helped bring about the," the tip of his tongue peeks out from his lips as he considers his words, "disturbance in the square earlier. My companions and I noticed your Lady Udete leaving rather hastily and we followed her here simply to talk things over. Unfortunately, we, apparently, encountered this...scent first. Still, rather a bit of coincidence, her being around both places, perhaps?" His ears perk a little as his brows arch, watching the captain. "If I know the other two, they're likely seeking her out as we speak. If I might be permitted to join you as you do the same?"
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

"I'm afraid that a pastry is all you'll get today, Corelin. You'll have to do a lot more than give me a name to get another show out of me." Violet replied amicably, trying to make it seem like she was more open to the idea than she was. Truth be told, if the little pixie never saw her naked again, it would be too soon for her, but she couldn't let him know that or she'd have trouble calling on him next time. So, she remained pleasant and smiley and at least mildly flirtatious, with her chest perhaps puffed out a little more than usual.

"Perhaps next time I'll have some real work for you, eh? I think a name will be enough for today. No one who's ready to lead me into trouble now, this girl better be reliable. And you'd better not warn her or anyone else either. I just need help finding someone, and am willing to trade fairly for it." Violet said, and hoped that soon she'd be resetting her trap, and looking to ensnare another sylph with her pastry, which she split in half once more. This time, she added a little bit of her blood the pastry for good measure, ensuring that the binding would be more powerful than when she'd summoned Corelin.
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

Something blue buzzed by him, and before Keti could even think to flinch it was down around by Violet, circling her little hoop. He peered over the side, trying to figure out what it was, but he couldn't really tell... and... it was talking to Violet? Something about a show...
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

That Drago launched at them so suddenly and without hesitation caught the thugs by surprise, particularly the closest, who's face was introduced to talons while he was still mid-taunt, leaving himself overly exposed. (You would not believe how badly he rolled for his defence)

Screaming and bleeding, the ruffian hit the floor, causing the other two to look at one another with hesitation for a moment, before moving in to strike at the harpy. The first swings his pipe at the harpy, managing to crack it against Drago's wing, causing pain to shoot through it (3 stress hit) The other swung his improved club and found nothing but air, the blow missing widely.

Turn Order:
Drago: 1
Thugs: -2

Alleyway Mouth: Drago, Thugs 1, 2 &3
Alleyway Mouth (Airborne): Empty
Alleyway Deep: Red Woman
Alleyway Deep (Airborne): Empty

Drago P / O O O, Min: Bruised Wing

Thug 1 P -down-
Thug 2 P O O O
Thug 3 P O O O


The pink harpy blushed and looked away from Atair at his bow. "I... I think I'd like that..." she replies softly.

The watch captain simply shakes her head slightly. "So the disturbance earlier today and this are related? This is just what we need, a major disturbance during the festival, the council will have my head if I don't sort this out," she muttered bitterly. "I'm sorry..." she paused trying to recall a name, before giving up. "Nekomata, but the watch cannot involve civilians in their open investigations in such a way, much less guests of the festival. Your information has been useful, but my suggestion is to take no further part in this mess and advice your associates to do the same. If you think of any other information, don't hesitate to get in touch. Ask for Captain Ashicer." And with that, she moves away, beginning to shout a few commands to her subordinates regarding things to be done, mostly regarding investigating the scene. She seemed to be in particular interested in finding any trace that could have been left behind by this Lady Udete.


"No chance of letting me play with her a bit while she's caught them? You're no fun," he declared, crossing his arms. "Fiiine, her name's Sult, she's as reliable as any other air spirit," he answered with a grin. "She's pretty fun when she's been drinking, but can be boring as well. But you like boring, don't you? I suppose I wouldn't want to make you jealous though... oh well, if that's all, I guess I should go see if I can find... hey, there's some fancy party in town right? Fancy parties always have some fun going on."

Once released, he quickly disappeared, no doubt searching for the aforementioned "fun".
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Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

"No no, can't go and make a mess of things with the locals, now can I? Thank you, Corelin, you've been most helpful." Violet said, and then released the circle binding the tiny fairy. She watched him flutter off, and then prepared the circle again, first cutting her thumb with a small knife and placing a drop of blood on the bottom of the other half of the pastry. She placed it into the center of the circle, and then placed another drop or two on the outer ring.

Then, she prepared her will and began to sing once more, still remaining quiet so as not to attract any attention. She was less familiar with Sult than she was with Corelin, but the wee folk tended to be cut from the same cloth, and from what the other sylph had said she was just as likely to indulge her appetites as Corelin was. The blood would strengthen the binding, a precaution that she probably didn't need with such lesser spirits but one that she used anyway, and then set about calling to the other sylph magically, waiting to spring the same trap that she had used on Corelin on her.
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

Drago falls to the ground and lands on both of his feet as his wing droops down to his side, the bones inside feeling like they had most likely broken. "Damn you!" he yells, then leaps at the man with the pipe feet-first, his right wing flapping to keep him aloft somewhat while he held his injured left close to his body.
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

She was singing again. Keti sighed sadly, continuing to watch. What had she told the little blue thing that had flitted off? It hadn't even been there for very long... He supposed he could ask when she was done.

The sun felt nice, at least. He hoped this wouldn't take too long... he really wanted to see some more of the festival before it was over...
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

Atair gives the harpy a little smile before putting his attention on the Captain once again. A bit of a frown crosses his face as she refuses to allow him to assist, but he also understands that she's simply doing her duty. And in truth, he merely wanted to tag along, given it seemed as though they'd be looking for Drago, Keti, Violet, and their quarry.

"They seem too similar for it to be a coincidence," he says of her remark about the two incidents.

For now, though, finding the others was growing paramount. It was clear that Udete didn't exit out of the same door that they entered, which meant that she was either still here (Doubtful.) or there was another way out of the spa. And the fastest way to find that, perhaps...

"I need to take my leave for now, dove." Provided she wasn't being corralled by the watch into helping, he put his attention on the harpy. "Need to make sure my friends aren't getting into any trouble, like the good captain said. Though I can't see how the Lady avoided us. Is there another door she might have slipped out? I can see if they picked things up from there." An escort might be nice, to give them a few more private words but he'd understand if she couldn't just up and wander off. He could just go around the building, but where would the fun be in that?
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

Launching at the next goon, Drago clawed at him leaving a series of nasty marks, but before a decisive blow was dealt the thug manage to turn away and dodged back out of reach. They once again swung their weapons at the black harpy, although they were quickly running out of steam as the fight was seeming much less in their favour, the reward not worth dying over. Drago easily evaded both the blows.

Turn Order:
Drago: 1
Thugs: -2

Alleyway Mouth: Drago, Thugs 1, 2 &3
Alleyway Mouth (Airborne): Empty
Alleyway Deep: Red Woman
Alleyway Deep (Airborne): Empty

Drago P / O O O, Min: Bruised Wing

Thug 1 P -down-
Thug 2 P O O /
Thug 3 P O O O


The pink harpy seemed to be slowly overcoming her embarrassment. "Yes... there are two other ways out. We have a service entrance where we receive supplies for the bathhouse, as well as a back door so that certain individuals who tend to attract crowds can leave discretely if they so wish, it comes out in one of the alleys. I'd be happy to show you to them..."

If anything, she seemed thankful to get away from the ongoing investigation, but then, who could blame her. The service entrance was the one they went to first, it was fairly open and there were a few people lingering around, none of which had seen Udete come this way. The back way out was cleverly hidden from the inside, if one didn't know it was there they'd certainly miss it, although it's a little more obvious from the outside. The door was distinctly one way, however, with no method of opening it from outside, no doubt a prudent security measure. And perhaps most interestingly, when it was opened, a strand of red hair slowly drifted to the floor.


Sult arrived much as Corelin had, although she was green to his blue, with a short outfit made of leaves covering her tiny form. Once the trap was sprung however, she began to scream and curse, pounding her tiny fists against the invisible boundary. "Who's responsible for this? Who? I won't abide such treatment, I am the great and powerful Sult!" she declared, for all the good it did her.
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

"Tis I who has bound thee, Sult. I have need of thine services, sylph, and it would be unwise to continue your tantrum lest I grow impatient with thee." Violet said coldly as she towered over the lesser air spirit, and her raven wings spread out behind her. Sh wasn't really trying to intimidate the sylph, so much as impress upon her that Violet, and not her, was the one in power in this situation. Which was the truth of course, but the tiny fey likely didn't know that.

"I was given your name by another of your kind, who told me that you know of this area. I seek a man. A specific man. Drago, a harpy, is here, and I need to find him quickly. Were the tales of your skill a fabrication, or can you show me to this man as I was told you could?" Violet said, her voice a hint more even than before. All at once, she had to stroke the sylph girl's ego, tell her what was needed of her, and impose her will upon the little creature. All in all, Violet thought she'd done a decent job of it, though she knew that she'd still come out a hint on the strong side.
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

Ooh. It looked like this one was green - and a lot more reckless than the last one was - it hadn't stopped and circled, for one. And now it looked like it was mad... like it was smacking a wall, but there was only air, there... Keti supposed it was some more magic. He thought he could hear it squeaking something, too...

Violet stretched her wings out... he couldn't hear, but he thought he saw her lips moving, though... He continued to watch, silently from above.
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

It did seem like the staff was going to have a time of it and respite would probably be welcome. As the door opens and the hair drifts from it, he'll try to catch it, not knowing if having a piece of his quarry might come in handy.

"Looks like someone did make a rather hasty retreat. I'm on the right track now." He'll step a bit closer, brushing his fingers lightly through the harpy's hair. "My thanks, dove. I hope once this business is concluded, I can come back and thank you properly." He gives her a bit of a half-bow. "You're certainly a treasure." Earlier behavior forgotten, she's getting treated quite like the professional lady that greeted them at the door initially. If she'll permit, he steps close enough to lay a kiss on her cheek. "Until later, dove."

And with that, he'll slip out the concealed door, taking in the street that it lets out onto and trying to discern which way the red-headed harridan might have gotten herself off to. As he debates, he also removes his sword from his back and undoes the peace-knot completely. Adjusting it to still appear secure as best he's able, he resettles the blade against his back and makes his conclusion as to where Udete might have gone.

((Likely need a quick layout of my choices and might make an attempt at a tracking roll, or at least best guess. Probably figures on her heading further 'in' and not toward main streets, though, so likely heading in that general direction.))
Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf, Winter)

Soren didn't even bother to draw his crossbow in these tight quarters, he merely tried to stay out of the way and focused on drawing heat from the ghoul and dispersing it into the leader of the cultists.

((Added a Rote spell. Heat Leech!

Inky Edit: Alright, this one is a bit complicated looking at it, but I can make it happen.

Heat Leech
Power Required: 4
Draws heat out of one target for a Str 2 hit resisted by Endurance, then directs it at a different target as a focused beam of heat, dealing another str 2 hit resisted by Athletics.))
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Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

Drago makes a cawing noise similar to a crow as he dodges both attacks with only one wing to aid him "You're too slow, ground-walkers!" he says as he leaps up and scratches at the thug he attacked earlier, a delighted smile playing across his face.