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Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

Keti, still focused on the Nekomata - particularly, what he and the Harpy thought of his suggestion - was once again caught unaware, another voice coming from behind him. He turned, almost sweeping a wing over the catman when he did, and blustered silently for a moment before writing something on his slate for the black-winged Siren.

Would you like to come with us to see
the festival? Us three are staying at
this inn, and seem to all be alone, so...

Keti gave Violet a moment to read before he pointed at himself, the Nekomata, and her. When his finger settled on her, his eyes momentarily directed themselves to her chest - but he quickly looked away, in what he hoped was the politest way possible.
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

As the siren pointed at his blades, Atair chuckled, especially as he interpreted the meaning behind the first message. With any luck, his weapons wouldn't be...no, they really shouldn't be needed, not here. Regardless, if the siren felt that he'd be a suitable escort, it really wouldn't do to turn her down.

"I suppose that all depends on if you're planning on performing or looking around," he replied to the second statement.

As the first siren turned, he ducked back and down with a soft "Whoop," avoiding getting buffeted by her wing. Probably would have wound up covered in pollen, too. Hearing the second siren speaking made him wonder about the first. Maybe it was a choice for her not to speak, but then again, why go through all the trouble for just a casual conversation? His conclusions were starting to be drawn in a different direction.

And so were his eyes, given the other siren seemed...happy...to be coming over to speak with them. Watching the exchange between the two of them, well, powers bless females and their posturing now and again. Made for nice distractions, though given the first's reaction, it was likely a sticking point. Seemed to be common among females and not something a male like him should get in the middle of, if his married and courting clan-mates were any indication.

((I am having so much fun with this. The reveal is going to be hilarious. I hope.))
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

Violet's look of confusion at the slate lasted only a moment, and then she adopted her smile once more. "I suppose that couldn't hurt! I'm not here with anyone else." She cheerfully replied, and kept her gaze focused on the other Siren's face once she had read the board. "My name is Violet."
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

Keti's face lit up when he heard her name, letting his wings flutter a little bit. A few clacks on his slate, and he turned it over so she could see -


He poked himself in the chest to indicate himself. That hand moved back to make a few more clacks on the opposite side, but he didn't turn it over just yet - instead, extricating a little, deep purple bloom from his hair. Using this flower, he tapped at what he'd written -


- and offered it to her.
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

"It's very nice to meet you Keti." Violet said politely, but then smiled broadly - and genuinely - when he offered her a flower. She let her hands go and took the bloom, holding it delicately up to her nose and inhaling its scent. "Thank you, Keti! That's very sweet of you." She said, and then tucked it behind her ear. Despite the festival, until now Violet hadn't had any sort of decorations about her yet, having just arrived the previous night.
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

The silent Siren smiled happily back, wings still fluttering. He then turned to the two others there, showing them the side of the slate with his name, and holding a hand out to each of them in turn.
Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf, Winter)

((Can't let you do that, Courage Wolf. Can't let you make a combat attack before I've officially started the combat, I was basically giving people a chance to take other actions such as deciding to flee or the life, as well as determining where people are. You can fight now though :p

For those at -1, don't worry about waiting until your turn to post, or waiting until after the cultists go, I'll adapt actions as they make sense if what you wanted to do becomes invalid, but to keep things moving just post asap.))

Laughing in a dark, booming voice, the spectre's disembodies clawed hands, floating forwards with no visible arms attaching them to the main body began to glow in a dull, dark energy. From beneath the tattered cloth-like parts of it, it drew forth a blade, gripping it in both hands and swung forth at the Lightborn, hissing a curse as it did so. Preparing himself for the attack, Ar spun his scythe in a circular motion, deflecting the incoming sword stroke easily and causing the spectre to give another angry hiss.

In each of the hallways, a figure cowled in black robes appeared, their features hidden beneath the dark shrouds. Each of them carried a longsword in their hands, the dull silver reflecting what little light shone down each of the paths as wordlessly, they began to advance towards the room.

Turn Order:
Spectre: 4
Soren: 3
Meaghan: 3
Cultishs: 0
Irla: -1
Ar: -1

Room (contains - Spectre, Sorren, Meaghan, Ar)
North Doorway (contains Irla)
West Doorway
East Doorway
North Corridor (Contains Cultist 1)
West Corridor (Contains Cultist 2)
East Corridor (Contains Cultist 3)

Soren P O O O, M O O O
Meaghan P O O O O, D O O
Irla P O O O O
Ar P O O, M O O O

Spectre P O O O
Cultist 1 P O O
Cultist 2 P O O
Cultist 3 P O O
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Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf, Winter)

Irla growled to herself as she noticed one of the spectre's minions coming from behind her. The subashi pulled back on her bow and aimed at the cultist, the string giving a nice bit of resistance. Her fingers released the bottom edge of her first arrow, her hand slipping down to her quiver to quickly draw another.
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

As the small gathering introduces themselves to one another, with Drago watching from a short distance away, they begin to notice an increase in traffic, people shouting more excitedly and moving towards a nearby square. It seems some form of commotion was occurring, one with mixed reactions ranging from jeers to shouts of encouragement to ribald jokes to people expressing disgust or outrage.
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

Drago kept himself quiet during the whole conversation, debating going with them or flying off on his own. While there was indeed a higher chance of finding the information when everyone crowded around the performers, he'd be gagging rapidly at all the different races that might gather around.

"I might as well join you all. After all, two is better than one." he said in response to Atair's mention of performing or looking around. His back began to arch backwards as he shivered slightly, then straightened back up. Afterwards, he turned around and planted his wings on his hips, his feathers jutting out to either side. "Might as well stick around you three. Seems the only way I'm going to find information."
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

Taking notice of the sudden crowding, Violet tilts her head to look around Keti, and says; "Something seems to be happening." Then turning back to the others, who now included Drago as well it seemed, she smiled and continued; "Well, I can't have helped but overhear you... It seems that we're all looking for something. Maybe whatever is happening could be important to us, hm? It couldn't hurt to go look, at least."
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

"Atair," the nekomata says by way of introduction, adding a slight bow to the two sirens, seeming to be including Drago in that as well. "Pleasure to meet you, Violet. Keti." He gives both of them a smile. His brows arch in the harpy's direction, being as how he's the only one that really hasn't given his name yet. His choice if he decides not to, however.

As the noise picks up, his ears twitch a little and he turns toward the apparent source of the din, nodding in agreement with Violet. "Might not be information but might at the very least be entertaining." As long as the others are coming as well, he'll turn and start in that direction, scanning for the best way to get through the crowd and have a look at what's going on in the square.
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

Drago stares back at the nekomata's arched brows. "Drago." he says plainly, then turns slowly as the grouping begins to pick up, and his eyes begin to narrow. "Well, looks like we should check it out." he says, rolling what would be his right shoulder if he had regular arms.
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

Keti shakes Atair's hand. He looks at Drago hesitantly, and almost tries to shake his wingtip... but decides the better of it, at the last moment.

Seeing them look off to the sound of some commotion, though, Keti raised one finger before charging into the inn and up the stairs to his room, to retrieve his moneybag. It took him but a moment, and when he came down it was already stowed in his bag containing his slate. He smiled at them, waiting, looking slightly expectant and ready to go.

(short postan. Minimal interactan.)
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Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

The group departed, making their way towards the rapidly gathering crowds as many festival goers flocked over to see what all the fuss was about. Getting to a spot where they could see was beginning to get difficult; for normal folks at least, but between the wings of most of the group, and the natural catlike ability to slip into places, it wasn't too difficult for them to witness the spectacle.

The crowd had circled a ring around one of the squares, where in the centre of it, a young elven couple were furiously making love, seemingly oblivious to the reaction they were getting they were so lost in the act. The female elf, blonde and fair skinned, had both her arms and legs wrapped around her partner, a dark haired, tanned man, who was thrusting into her with wild abandon. They had not fully disrobed; some garments had been tossed aside to litter the ground around them while others had merely been shifted so that they were out of the way, as if the pair had been so desperate that they had begun as swiftly as they could manage.

While none of the group were exactly locals here, it was fairly obvious from the reaction of the crowd that this was not normal behaviour. This was further proven as some members of the town watch moved forwards, hesitantly at first, to pry the couple apart. The pair thrashed and pulled against their captors, desperately trying to reunite as they were marched off through the jeering crowd.

Keti and Atair
As the group made their way towards the crowds, out of the corner of each of your eyes, you noticed a women in red, an elf, with equally bright red hair, carefully weaving her way through the gathering crowd heading in the other direction. She quickly disappeared into the crowd, before a proper look could have been gotten.
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

Finally managing to get a good look at what was going on, Atair's eyebrows - and ears - went up. From the expression on his face, he was surprised by the display of what was going on. Not shocked, well, perhaps a little, but definitely surprised. A quick scan of the crowd determined that this wasn't a scheduled performance.

Given what was going on, something prickled at his mind and he scanned the crowd again, looking for the woman in red. He could see someone being disgusted by the spectacle and refusing to watch, but she seemed to have been retreating with more of a purpose.

"Did," he's still glancing around, but addressing the group, actually up on tip-toes, though it doesn't do him much good. "Did the lot of you see that red-head? A..female? I think she went..." He's sort of leaning back now and somehow managing to keep his balance, all while on the balls of his feet. "She seemed...odd."
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

Drago seemed disgusted by the act he was witnessing in public. Even back at his community, there were unspoken rules about common decency. He turns from the spectacle with a disgusted "Feh!" and crosses his wings over his chest.

When mention of a red-haired woman, Drago began to smirk "I could find her for you. We Harpies see things most races don't." he says with a slight hint of snobbyness in his voice.
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

Not surprisingly, words failed Keti when he was finally able to get through the crowd. Right in the middle of the street like that?! What... what were they doing? I mean... he knew what they were doing, but why were they doing it in public, right in the middle of a square, in broad daylight?? The Siren's face turned scarlet, and he turned away immediately.

He heard Atair mention a red-haired elf, though... funny, now that he mentioned it, he had sorta-noticed one run by while they'd been going to scope out the commotion. Bright red clothes and hair - much like the Siren's face at the moment.

She'd been heading down the road, past them and the inn, hadn't she? Was that right? He had only glimpsed her...

The mute thought he was right, pointing back down the road they'd just come from over the press of the crowd. He didn't think he could take to the air with so many people around him, so he just tried his best to shoulder out and through, to follow in pursuit.
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

Violet stared in shock and disgust at the spectacle, and looked away as quickly as she could. Turning and walking a few steps in the opposite direction with a bright blush on her face, she shook her head. 'Some people.... No shame to speak of. Why would they do.... That in the middle of the street!'

"No... I didn't see anything." Violet replied, somewhat perplexed by the question.
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

"Well, I've given you a lead then, maybe we should follow up on it?" Only one of Atair's brows relaxed, leaving the other in a look that seemed to match the harpy's tone. "You may definitely have an advantage of spotting her when we won't be able to."

At Keti's gesture, he nods. "Well, with most of the folk crowded around here, might be a good time to go look. And it'll give us something better to pay attention to than what was going on here." He'll start working his way back toward where he'd first spotted her, hoping to perhaps get a lead from there.