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Possible Bible Black ERP


Dec 6, 2009
Reputation score
I discussed it a little on the shoutbox, but I don't really have any thoughts yet for mechanics, or style. And Inc has informed Id not be the one to do it properly, but I have thought of Bible Black ERP for some time now; but as I'm not the best person for the job, I was wondering if anyone is interested if there would be any potential GMs/players for this? It's just a simple Interest get thread. So fire away peoples! :D
Re: Possible Bible Black ERP

As I mentioned, if someone were to run this properly, they'd have to be a very clever GM. Bible Black is not simply about smut, it's about consequences of dark magic and cause and effect.
Re: Possible Bible Black ERP

Were I capable of devising a system for this, I'd GM, but as you know, I suck at designing systems. I'd be good at the story aspect, but that'd be about it.

Either way, Count me in for interest.
Re: Possible Bible Black ERP

I know magick, but I don't know if I have the experience on this site to be respected as GM. But I would enjoy playing.
Re: Possible Bible Black ERP

A large portion of this would be less about concrete rules, and more about creative consequences.

In a hard rule system, girls get knocked up, more enemies are usually born, it looks a lot like one of the RoR games we've had going on.

For this style of an RP, a few things would likely need to shift around, and although a ruleset similar to a standard RoR being in place would be helpful, the actual results could not be so easy to dismissively toss out.