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RPG [ポンズラボ / Pon's Lab] ポケットギャルハンター / Pocket Girl Hunter (RJ123427)

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Re: Pocket Girl Hunter

Did you use the repel item while traveling? I think that might be what scares her off, but if I take it off walking takes forever.

no didnt used it
Re: Pocket Girl Hunter

is that green girl worth training? She's in the first area and you can catch her.
Re: Pocket Girl Hunter

I think I accedentaly found an exploit. :O

When I caught the hat and backpack girl I accedentaly opted to name her, trying to back out I erased the name and tihs wound up to her name being blank.

When I caught the catapillar girl she wound up cloning by overwriting my other girl.

Just a heads so people don't copy my error, I have to load now as I lose my exp share as a result of my moment of stupid. D:
Re: Pocket Girl Hunter

i think i'll wait for some sort of translatio...even if it's only for menu.....Aght is missing most of the text, even with /c/x3/kf/ks2 so...i can't really understand what i'm doing >.<
Re: Pocket Girl Hunter

someone can tell me if i am able to retake the cut and rocksmash items?i messed up and released a girl that had those items
Re: Pocket Girl Hunter

<script src="http://static.fc2.com/video/js/outerplayer.min.js" url="http://video.fc2.com/en/a/content/20131228D63mmUAN/" tk="" tl="ポケギャルのネット対戦" sj="22000" d="210" w="448" h="368" charset="UTF-8"></script>

This video shows the trainer capturing a monster girl from a trainer.
Furthermore I've managed to do something similar in my game, but it's not the same.
I somehow managed to get the H-scene sprite for one of the gym leader's pokegirls, one I've yet to encounter in the wild, much less actually capture.
Also what do condoms do, is breeding and procreating in any way possible in this game?

the place in that video is after the third gym and it is an arena u can sign up for go through the left door after signing up and u face 6 battles in a row with the third being a character from one of their previous game (cow girl for instance)however u cant catch theirs but every(pending just seemed that way to me)other trainer is good to go captured a level 33 one my highest was a 29 ghost girl

Edit=just realized someone already explained most of it srry
Re: Pocket Girl Hunter

Alright I'm stuck after the 4th gym now, I obviously need cut but I'm not sure which tm that is or if I even have it... I have one tm that is red so that might actually be it and used as an hm? I've saw some rocks blocking things too, so I guess I should have rock smash by now but don't have that either.
Re: Pocket Girl Hunter

The HMs aren't TMs- they're the equippable lightbulb items.

Anyone get through the jail gym yet? One of the prisoners is asking for something and won't let me by. No idea what.
Re: Pocket Girl Hunter

what is HM'S and TM'S i'm stuck in the same tree like alls, u.u and where are the lightbulb items?
Edit: ok i can now broke rocks, but not trees u.u... aaarggggg
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Re: Pocket Girl Hunter

bottom of the equip screen their is some light bulbs if u have beaten the respective gym leader also does anyone know what the prisoner wants from u cant proceed due to that
Re: Pocket Girl Hunter

what is HM'S and TM'S i'm stuck in the same tree like alls, u.u and where are the lightbulb items?

To get past the tree.
1) Go to that trainer battle place in that video
2) Keep playing and capturing the girls.(Not only is it a step, it also gets you very powerful girls)
3) Sooner or later you'll come across the delinquent girl but evolved. That's your target.
4)Capture her and make her equip whatever light-bulb items she can.

I did that and not only did I pass the tree, I also have girls over 10 levels above the norm. But don't try to capture the 3rd trainers girls(The only ones that have an actual portrait) it's n̶e̶x̶t̶ ̶t̶o̶ impossible.
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Re: Pocket Girl Hunter

I did that and not only did I pass the tree, I also have girls over 10 levels above the norm. But don't try to capture the 3rd trainers girls(The only ones that have an actual portrait) it's next to impossible.
"Next to impossible" would imply that it's actually possible. So can you capture those girls if you're persistent enough?

And on the topic of the arena, is there a move that stronger monsters can use to weaken lower level monsters without killing them? I'm trying to get the girl from the 3rd trainer in the 1st level of the arena (Hope level), but I end up killing her, even with Neko Punch.
Re: Pocket Girl Hunter

"Next to impossible" would imply that it's actually possible. So can you capture those girls if you're persistent enough?

I tossed about 20 pokeballs at it down to a sliver of health and didn't catch her, so either it's impossible or my luck is just that bad. Tried it low with status effects, too.
Re: Pocket Girl Hunter

3) Sooner or later you'll come across the delinquent girl but evolved. That's your target.

i still fightning during 30 minut, but the delinquent girl didn' appears xD where is she? who is she? xDD
Re: Pocket Girl Hunter

i still fightning during 30 minut, but the delinquent girl didn' appears xD where is she? who is she? xDD

Fight all of the tiers, I think she's in the third difficulty. She looks like every generic Jap delinquent in manga. Also, typing like that only makes yourself look bad, look at your post before you submit.
Re: Pocket Girl Hunter

Anyone get through the jail gym yet? One of the prisoners is asking for something and won't let me by. No idea what.
1) He first asks you to bring him a Normal type girl (ex. macho girl, yankee girl)
2) He asks for a "differently colored" girl. Bring him a shiney girl (shinies will have a sparkle icon on the right side of the window in the PC)
3) He asks for an item. *blank* Drink. It's the 5th item from the shop when buying from the female cashier.
4) He asks for ごきげんアッタク. This can also be bought at the shop. ***You can proceed forward after this request***
5) I can't read what he wants for this request. Some kind of girl. Seems like I had what he wanted though.
6) He asks for a "pregnant girl". Not sure if the pokegirls can get pregnant or if there's a pregnant looking one in later areas.

This quest chain cannot be cleared until end of the game, so there's no point wasting time in it this early.
6) He asks for a "pregnant girl".
7) Bring a Lv45 gal
8) Bring a legendary gal (Chronosu) - Post Game Clear
9) 50k

You get an evolution item at the end that is applied to only one gal.
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Re: Pocket Girl Hunter

1) He first asks you to bring him a Normal type girl (ex. macho girl, yankee girl)
2) He asks for a "differently colored" girl

I'm stuck on request #2. I've tried the bee, rabbit, mushroom, magnet... Nothing.

That was all the clue I needed. He wants a shiny- hope you have one. There's a third request after that- if you get to it, can you clue me in?
Re: Pocket Girl Hunter

4) He asks for ごきげんアッタク. This can also be bought at the shop. ***You can proceed forward after this request***

Wich shop? i bought 150000 worth items and stil i cant past this one.
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