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RPG [ポンズラボ / Pon's Lab] ポケットギャルハンター / Pocket Girl Hunter (RJ123427)

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Re: Pocket Girl Hunter

Well i didnt upload it, and it alredy sold quite a lot

Fairly sure he was being sarcastic, nobody is legitimately that stupid while maintaining the ability to operate a keyboard......

Please tell me he was being sarcastic....
Re: Pocket Girl Hunter

Did you figure out how to NTR and evolve pokegirls?

same questions and how to rape other trainers?

i think it could have something to do with the system config and the player title maybi.
Re: Pocket Girl Hunter

Fairly sure he was being sarcastic, nobody is legitimately that stupid while maintaining the ability to operate a keyboard......

Please tell me he was being sarcastic....

You gave yourself an answer
Re: Pocket Girl Hunter

How do you smash the rocks and cut the trees? I've just beaten the fourth gym leader, but I can't get any further because a tree is blocking my path.
Re: Pocket Girl Hunter

It's hilarious that you're assuming people can't do something just because they don't want to and wont. The hilarity is mainly in that the embargo till monday was no more reasonable than the impatient people that apparently spammed pm.

It's his link, bought with his own money. What he does with it is his own business.
If we're really going to be talking about being reasonable or not, is it really reasonable to be downloading a game for free in the first place?
Re: Pocket Girl Hunter

really reasonable to be downloading a game for free in the first place?
If the game isn't even worth a dollar in terms of gameplay. Otherwise I don't mind the $10~$15 when a good one's out.

Anyone figured out how to catch the ghost chick yet? The one right after the 2nd gym.. not the ones that pop up during roaming around but the one that disappears every time you go into her room
That's a trainer, not a ghost chick.

How do you smash the rocks and cut the trees? I've just beaten the fourth gym leader, but I can't get any further because a tree is blocking my path.
Equip all the lightbulb skills (They are HM as opposed to TM) on a knight (centaur look alike) then keep the knight forever since it can use the flight HM after evolution. (i.e. just that one gal can use all the HMs to make life easy)

So, I assume you can tell me how to get past the 4th gym yes?
Unless you have the same problem as above, no, I cannot help you since I have no idea how you got stuck in the first place.
Re: Pocket Girl Hunter

If the game isn't even worth a dollar in terms of gameplay. Otherwise I don't mind the $10~$15 when a good one's out.

That's a trainer, not a ghost chick.

Equip all the lightbulb skills (They are HM as opposed to TM) on a knight (centaur look alike) then keep the knight forever since it can use the flight HM after evolution. (i.e. just that one gal can use all the HMs to make life easy)

Unless you have the same problem as above, no, I cannot help you since I have no idea how you got stuck in the first place.

So really, the only question left unanswered is how to evolve each girl that has an evolution.

How do you do that?

Edit: Nvm, most evolve on their own from level-up's, but for some reason I can't get my starter to evolve. Awkward.
Edit,Edit: Nvm, starters evolve at lvl 25.
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Re: Pocket Girl Hunter

As a huge tip, there's this item that can be equipped on the mons, it's icon is a pair of goggles I think? It allows you to see the weaknesses of the girl you're fighting as long as the one with the goggles equipped is the active girl in battle. A Circle means they're weak to it, a Triangle means they have resistance to that attack. I don't know if it's in since I haven't run into an opponent with it but if a X shows up for a type, it probably means they're completely resistant to it, they won't take damage from that type of attack. If there's no icon, it means they take standard damage from that attack.

The item with the teddy bear icon seems to act like the Exp.Share item as well, so just equip it on something that's a pain to train like say, the game's equivalent of Magikarp.

I haven't evolved any of the girls yet, but if it's anything like pokemon, they'll evolve eventually, but admittedly, I haven't gotten that far into the game yet either.

In any case, is there any reason to use the love hotel in the 2nd town? It gives you more sprite sex and seems to affect something else.

And it also gives me the sneaking suspicion that the Female MC is actually a trap(unless I actually missed something in all the moonspeak) or a futa since she actually fucks the girls(excluding the cheapest option and the most expensive option, which then they get fucked by someone else) at the love hotel, given that there can't really be any other explanation on who is doing naughty things with the gym leaders once you defeat them.

Unless there's an actual scene with the Female MC proving me wrong that I haven't run into, I'm only making this assumption for now.

Edit:Nevermind, I found the answer to that question myself from poking earlier in the thread.
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Re: Pocket Girl Hunter

Too bad YoungMike's ugoupload link has been overloaded for a good 12+ hours. Guess I just have to wait longer, oh well.

Translator Agregator + AGTH combo still works for me with these codes: /x3 /kf /ks2

Can't hook the some menus though
Thank you for this! I'm still a novice when it comes to this stuff. I need to take time to learn more.
Re: Pocket Girl Hunter

Go easy on me for asking this, but how do you encounter the other pocket girls? Going by Pokemon logic, I just walk in tall grass, but I've done that for literally 30 minutes and haven't gotten a single encounter. I've fought the other trainers. I've gone back and beaten the professor's three girls. And I've even beaten my rival at the first gym.

I now have a level 18-ish starter, but no extras for a party. And I know (based on Pokemon) you don't want to storm a gym with just one.
Re: Pocket Girl Hunter

Just so you know...a link to the full game is out there (check h4day...you know what I mean).

didn't try it yet but never encountered a fake link from their website.
Re: Pocket Girl Hunter

Go easy on me for asking this, but how do you encounter the other pocket girls? Going by Pokemon logic, I just walk in tall grass, but I've done that for literally 30 minutes and haven't gotten a single encounter. I've fought the other trainers. I've gone back and beaten the professor's three girls. And I've even beaten my rival at the first gym.

I now have a level 18-ish starter, but no extras for a party. And I know (based on Pokemon) you don't want to storm a gym with just one.

They're indeed in the tall grass, though beware of the grass that is a darkish shade of green, I think your starter warns you about it the first time, since you'll encounter girls that are 10 levels higher than those found in the normal grass.

You can also force random encounters by using the Meat item(Not the burgers, but the lump of meat) in an area with tall grass
Re: Pocket Girl Hunter

Thanks. I had a bit of a face smack moment when I realized that I was walking around with my girl equipped with this game's equivalent of repel. I just pulled all the non recovery items off of her, and took one step right into a battle.
Re: Pocket Girl Hunter

Still no word on how to rape other trainer's mons and how to fight the ghost trainer girl?
Re: Pocket Girl Hunter

Still no word on how to rape other trainer's mons and how to fight the ghost trainer girl?

Unless there's supposed to be some sort of item that does that, you probably can't, since in whatever universe this game takes place in where fucking the pocket gals means you "capture" them and that the game is applying similar rules of the game it's based on, it would be the equivalent of trying to steal someones mons in pokemon, the game simply won't let you do it and you actually waste a turn trying to do so, unless someone proves me wrong by actually finding out how.

And if it's anymore similar to the game it's based on, you probably need a certain item equipped to be able to properly fight her without running off.

On another note, at the third town, any idea what's the use of the building with the grave markers in front of it? The nickname changer is inside there but I'm not sure what the other guy in the building does.
Re: Pocket Girl Hunter

<script src="http://static.fc2.com/video/js/outerplayer.min.js" url="http://video.fc2.com/en/a/content/20131228D63mmUAN/" tk="" tl="ポケギャルのネット対戦" sj="22000" d="210" w="448" h="368" charset="UTF-8"></script>

This video shows the trainer capturing a monster girl from a trainer.
Furthermore I've managed to do something similar in my game, but it's not the same.
I somehow managed to get the H-scene sprite for one of the gym leader's pokegirls, one I've yet to encounter in the wild, much less actually capture.
Also what do condoms do, is breeding and procreating in any way possible in this game?
Re: Pocket Girl Hunter

so i figured some stuff out.

1. for evolve the pokegirls youst ned ther right lvl and ther a only 1 evolte for everyone.

2.you cant rape other trainers like the pokegirls but you get a cg for beating any femal trainer (real femals not these cosplayers).

3. these love hotels seams for making extra money, prostituting the pokegirls and geting special cgs but if you do it to mutch the cops will show up.(loking like pathfinder) and ataking you (they hafing stronk lvl 50 pokegirls) and you lose arount 1500-3500 mony (if you lose), if you win you get a cg and some mony noting spacial.
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Re: Pocket Girl Hunter

On the way to 4th city at the north there a building called "Tokyo Dome" there you can fight trainers and be able to catch their pokegals, also battle end when you catch one of their pokegals.
The 3rd trainer in every "difficulty" are cameos from Sugar star games and their pokegals have a really low catch rate.

Also apparently you can actually fight other players and catch their pokegals but you can only catch one per player.
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Re: Pocket Girl Hunter

Still no word on how to rape other trainer's mons and how to fight the ghost trainer girl?

i fought her, not sure how
Try doing this:
-go to her room
-visit the rooms in the first floor
-try to exit if she appears smiling that mean that she will spawn at the cave entrance (at the nord)
not big deal anyway,she only have 1 girl
Re: Pocket Girl Hunter

Did you use the repel item while traveling? I think that might be what scares her off, but if I take it off walking takes forever.
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