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Pokemon go


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Apr 24, 2014
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I know its hoax so dont smite me but i smell it will happened soon :p


Big Sis
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Pokemon go

tbh I've been having a lot of fun, hanging late night at parks after dropping a lure mod and seeing the people trickle in and then spending hours talking with people, yelling all excitedly about rare pokemon that pop up...

It's been a blast so far.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Pokemon go

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Tentacle God
Mar 10, 2013
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Re: Pokemon go

tbh I've been having a lot of fun, hanging late night at parks after dropping a lure mod and seeing the people trickle in and then spending hours talking with people, yelling all excitedly about rare pokemon that pop up...

And I don't even play the game!
^ I thought for sure you were going to say this instead. :D


Big Sis
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Pokemon go

^ I thought for sure you were going to say this instead. :D

I very much play the game. I walked myself sick and sore last night hunting with a friend. It's been amazing.

It must be driving baby boomers up the way to see roving packs of millennials, eyes glued to their phones, looking up every so often to change direction.


Demon Girl Pro
Oct 25, 2015
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Re: Pokemon go

I've been playing, and walking incredible distances, but my area just doesn't have a lot of pokemon. Partly due to being rural, but also due to my neighborhood not conforming to a grid pattern. It's impossible, with the street layout as it is, to deliberately try to figure out what direction a nearby pokemon is at.


Jul 5, 2010
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Re: Pokemon go

*Not available in your country*
A coworker of mine created an Australian-based account and runs the game with no problems.

Regarding the game itself:
  • One coworker came to the office today, told everyone about this game and how he spent four hours driving and walking around with his friend, hunting Pokémon.
  • Another coworker grabs the game, leaves the office for a moment, and returns shortly afterwards, proudly telling us that he caught a Pokémon while being on the toilet.
  • By the end of the day, another coworker and even my boss grabbed the app and started hunting. And my boss actually walked over to one of them and said "Hey, there's a rare -some Pokémon- around here, drop the papers and come along and catch it."
  • It turns out that around the entry to our company's office, there's one of these arenas. And another department has three players who took it over, but my boss and our buddies kicked them out and went to their office, mocking them and basically declaring war.
  • ...and I sit there all day, do my work, not owning a smartphone (yet) and not being able to hunt. :rolleyes:

I do believe that the attention paid to the phone while running this game might turn out badly sometimes. The newspaper made a report about the game (even though it's not offically) and stated that in a very busy shopping area in Vienna, there's an arena practically on the middle of the street. But I have to admit that combining a game with physical workout like this sounds really great, as the constant walking and movement, combined with the joy of a collecting game, might really help some chubby gamers lose a kilo or two. Might, but not necessarily.

Since I do not own a smartphone, I can't even try it for myself. But half the office is practically "kindly bullying" me into getting a phone and catching some Pokémon, so we can keep that other department away from our arena. :D


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Apr 24, 2014
Reputation score
Re: Pokemon go

A coworker of mine created an Australian-based account and runs the game with no problems.

Regarding the game itself:
  • One coworker came to the office today, told everyone about this game and how he spent four hours driving and walking around with his friend, hunting Pokémon.
  • Another coworker grabs the game, leaves the office for a moment, and returns shortly afterwards, proudly telling us that he caught a Pokémon while being on the toilet.
  • By the end of the day, another coworker and even my boss grabbed the app and started hunting. And my boss actually walked over to one of them and said "Hey, there's a rare -some Pokémon- around here, drop the papers and come along and catch it."
  • It turns out that around the entry to our company's office, there's one of these arenas. And another department has three players who took it over, but my boss and our buddies kicked them out and went to their office, mocking them and basically declaring war.
  • ...and I sit there all day, do my work, not owning a smartphone (yet) and not being able to hunt. :rolleyes:

I do believe that the attention paid to the phone while running this game might turn out badly sometimes. The newspaper made a report about the game (even though it's not offically) and stated that in a very busy shopping area in Vienna, there's an arena practically on the middle of the street. But I have to admit that combining a game with physical workout like this sounds really great, as the constant walking and movement, combined with the joy of a collecting game, might really help some chubby gamers lose a kilo or two. Might, but not necessarily.

Since I do not own a smartphone, I can't even try it for myself. But half the office is practically "kindly bullying" me into getting a phone and catching some Pokémon, so we can keep that other department away from our arena. :D
Lol you're building is more like a gym building (where all the cool kids hang out, haha) than a company.


Jul 5, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Pokemon go

Lol you're building is more like a gym building (where all the cool kids hang out, haha) than a company.
Well the atmosphere in my department is rather light-hearted, everyone's nice and joking around, and work is shared equally most of the time. Folks can go on their smartphone in between work for a little break, before continuing. Since I can't do that with my old brickstone of a phone, it can be a bit annoying to see the others browsing the web while I'm basically working non-stop (I'm more serious about work than most of us I guess, I wanna get everything done first, then take a good break).
And well, today....today the boss and the guys turned into boys, going around hunting all those Pokémon and training and evolving them to conquer that arena. While that's great fun for them, they were out A LOT and left quite some work for the rest of us. So I'll laugh for now, but if that keeps up I'll have to be an a**hole and ask them to cut it down a bit, because I'm not ready to work their quota, just so they can evolve their Eevie.

...either that, or I get a smartphone soon and turn into a "professional Pokémon trainer" myself! XD We'll see. Anyway, my department is a madhouse. And apparently, our office building and its surroundings do have a lot of Pokémon, according to the coworker who started it all.


The Dark God Of Lesbians and Memes
Jun 15, 2014
Reputation score
Re: Pokemon go

Damn the game has a lot of bugs, but it is fun. The only real negative is, in my area people are jumping on pokemon go users on rest stops and gyms. (this why we can't have nice things.) :(



Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Apr 24, 2014
Reputation score
Re: Pokemon go

Damn the game has a lot of bugs, but it is fun. The only real negative is, in my area people are jumping on pokemon go users on rest stops and gyms. (this why we can't have nice things.) :(

Haha you sir just make my day better xD.


Lord High Inquisitor
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Pokemon go

This is absurdly awesome, now that I know what it is. Only wish there was more support for rural areas, pokemon really don't spawn that much in smaller towns. Which is funny, b/c when you think about it, you wouldn't find THAT many wild pokemon roaming around a city... right?


Big Sis
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Pokemon go

This is absurdly awesome, now that I know what it is. Only wish there was more support for rural areas, pokemon really don't spawn that much in smaller towns. Which is funny, b/c when you think about it, you wouldn't find THAT many wild pokemon roaming around a city... right?
you would think. I've got a stop by the house though that i can hole up at tomorrow and put up some lure mods to see if i make any more friends


Jul 5, 2010
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Re: Pokemon go

Well, the war for our office arena continued, as it was taken from the competing department in the early afternoon, but gloriously recaptured by my boss and two of my coworkers in the late evening.
And later at night, when I was wondering if I should get a snack, one of them walked up to me and said: "Hey no problem, I'll take you to the gas station (with a small convenience store) if you want!". I thought "Great!" and we went to the parking lot. I sat down in the passenger seat, and right after I locked in my safety belt, he handed over his phone and told me that we'll "take a little de-tour, because I need more super balls to catch stuff!". Uuuh okaaaay....XD

For a trip that would've taken maybe ten minutes, we drove around for almost 30 minutes, with me using those resupply points pointed out on the map and refilling his supplies. At some point I told him there is a grey shadow of a pokémon (not yet discovered/caught) on the screen. Coworker looked right over and said "Omg it's a Kabuto, seriously need that!".
We turned around along that road we were driving down at that point, taking short stops here and there for the game to synchronize, but we didn't get it.
I mean he didn't get it. His Kabuto.
I didn't get any of this at all.

This constant hype in the office does make me curious about the whole game though.
Last edited:


Well-known member
Apr 9, 2010
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Re: Pokemon go

It almost makes me wish people would make neighborhood watch PokemonGO groups who patrol gyms and other iconic or actively lured locations in watch of predators or muggers. It's dangerous enough for kids or young middle-class to upper-class people who would normally own smartphones to just walk around by themselves or even in small groups, without a definitive way for criminals to make sure they have something expensive on them to steal and simultaneously having a way to literally "lure" them into a trap. No Team Rocket flunkies can oppose the Jenni Squad, give up now criminal scum!


Sex Demon
Apr 3, 2016
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Re: Pokemon go

*Hanging around the park, waiting for people to steal pokemon from*
What do you mean its not implemented? Just gimme your entire phone, Rocket Lyf.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Pokemon go



Big Sis
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Pokemon go

Honestly, while that's happening in some places, its not as widespread as you would think.

I till think this is a good thing. (mostly because I'm motivated to walk and exercise now)