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Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)



RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

So, an update: it was the graphics card that went and nothing more. I should be back up and running by tomorrow night or Wednesday at the latest.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Graphics, huh? Annoying and costly, but ultimately not that horrible a blow. At least you're not losing data. Good to know everything else is ok.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Yup, and just a quick update before bed: I am back up and running, updates expected either tomorrow evening, or at the latest, Wednesday morning.

All Systems GREEN (and then some).


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 12, 2011
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Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Yay :-3

I wonder if you should start putting a copy of your game files on a cloud service. That would make having hardware problems much less stressfull in that regard :p


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

OK so some updates to the game that have been a long while in the making.

#1 Precise Hit - This skill is acquired by EVERY Class except for Amazon/Ranger at Level 5. When used, if it lands, it will do 100 damage to the target, as well as stop it's rape attack. Note that some enemies can't have their rape attacks stopped.

This skill has been a thought to add for some time now, and I have decided that it is worth doing. This can balance things out, and these skills can't be countered. However, to full balance things out, all Precise Hits will require a roll from this point on (even the Rangers) to ensure if the attack hits, or misses by a mile. The attack happens fast enough that it can't be countered, AND it will not consume your turn. So you may attempt to use it to free a friend in need, AND still have the chance to attack a target each turn. If under the effects of Mantra of Speed, you would have the chance to try to use this skill a second time as you'd have two turns.

#2 Adrenaline Boost Changes: I've been considering a change to this, and I think it's worth doing. As you already know, enemies CAN steal your adrenaline under the right circumstances, and so far, you've not been able to gain more adrenaline when it's been raped out of you. That has now been changed, allowing a PC or NPC to gain adrenaline more than once in a single fight REGARDLESS of if they had a boost raped out of them already or not. However, do note that it IS possible to enter a sexual frenzy at the same time as getting a new boost, so you might lose some of it's use time. In addition, enemies can't gain a SECOND adrenaline boost to stack, so you don't have to worry about +20 rolls with them. Furthermore, from this point on if an enemy has an adrenaline boost active on them, that will remain in effect until it either wears off or THEY have an orgasm themselves. Once they orgasm, the boost dies off like it would with a player, minus the fact they won't get stunned.

#3 Fake Map Piece Traps: So far if you have encountered a 'free floating' map piece, it's been a 50-50 chance if it is real or fake. From this point on, that number has been changed. Encountering these seemingly 'lost' map pieces now has a 75% chance to be a REAL map piece, and only 25% to be fake. This is to hopefully allow players to progress a little quicker, and eliminate so many of the empty rooms we originally had been having.

#4 New Enemy Attacks: As of Act 2, some enemies will gain new attacks to use. Note that in SOME cases these attack completely replace old ones, IE: Tentacle Creatures having special tentacles to rape futas, so if your character is a futa, they WILL use that attack over the old one(s). However in some cases, like Succubi, these new attacks will be potentially used attacks, and some are situational. A full list of these new attacks will be made available the moment any single player's thread reaches the start of Act 2.

For now, that's it. It's great to be back, and here's to hoping these new changes make life more interesting, and for smoother game play.


Dec 9, 2010
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Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Do you plan on giving Amazon/Rangers something since they lost a unique skill?


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

I haven't decided on that just yet. I was considering making theirs the only skill that auto-landed as one option to make theirs unique still.

If you've got any suggestions, I'll be willing to listen and consider them as options as well. For that matter if anyone has any ideas/suggestions, feel free to message me or put them here.


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

How about having necros death touch working on bosses; but at just like a lower percent than normal? Like 2.5-5% at start and maybe a half a percent to a percent increase every level, so it only has like a 5% chance or so of affecting the bosses. Or just lowering the damage done or both.
Or maybe an ability to take an amount of KP in exchange for a plus to attack or whatever or for an increase in damage? Like maybe 50 or 100 KP per bonus up to +10 or so max?


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Class Specific Skills like that work on Shrine Bosses, but not True Bosses. That I doubt I will change, I'll be honest.

As for the Rangers, I'm going to go back to their interrupt attack will be an auto-hit, whereas other classes will HAVE to 'roll' for it. Makes the Ranger skill still a bit more useful.

As for your other idea Tenta, here's what I have come up with on the fly (with some help):

Over-Drive Skill: Gained when a character reaches Level 5, this skill allows them to DOUBLE the BASE DAMAGE of any skill they wish to use, guarantees a hit AND, provided the skill wasn't shadow damage dealing or otherwise stating it can't, have a chance to critical hit as well. The skill may only be used once on a shrine boss, twice on a true boss, and not at all on normal enemies, aka trash mobs. 5 turns must elapse before this skill may be used again in a True Boss Fight, and will additionally DOUBLE the cool down of the skill it was used on. If the skill did not have a cool down to begin with, it will enter a 5 turn cool down for that one, or two times depending on the type of fight. In addition, all damage dealt with this skill will be IMMUNITY IGNORING.

How does that one look Tenta?


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Looks pretty damn good honestly. I take it its KP level not character level right?


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

No that's character Level. KP has nothing to do with any of the skills.


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Oh. Okay. It still works good then. I assume it was too much work or headache to math out trading KP for bonuses? I still really like it, but just depending on how much work it is or isn't to get to lvl 5, I thought it might be better at like 8 or 10 or something. I mean it has a cool down and is only applicable to bosses, but I just think 5 is a lil early for such a useful skill.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Well most everyone has fought at least 1 Boss by Level 5, and after Level 5 it starts getting progressively harder to level as you start needing tons of XP by comparison.

For Example, to go from Level 1 to 5 is a Grand Total of 15,000 XP. From Level 5 to 6 is 10,000 MORE XP just for the one level. 6 to 7 is 16,000 more, 7 to 8 is 32,000 more. It levels off for a bit after that, but you're still talking far more XP to go up a level from 6+ than it is for 1 to 5 COMBINED. The thinking is that Level 10 probably won't be reached until some time in Act 2, or at least that was the basis for all of this.

And yeah, KP math for this would be a real headache.


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Ah. I see. Good point. Yeah it's fine, then. :)


Dec 9, 2010
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Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

If you've got any suggestions, I'll be willing to listen and consider them as options as well. For that matter if anyone has any ideas/suggestions, feel free to message me or put them here.
Do Amazons still have an evasion bonus?

It is tough to really comment on skills since the dice in my game are legendarily bad. Chain skills do not seem to be interesting since a miss breaks the chain. Maybe a skill that allows the Amazon to focus on a particular enemy? Giving a bonus to hit/evade the selected target at a penalty toward other enemies?

Flavorwise it feels like they should be really good against a single target but not so much when it comes to groups of enemies. Mages/casters should in general be the inverse, good vs a group but not so much against a single enemy perhaps?

I have not thought it through much, but that is what i currently think would be useful to have.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Do Amazons still have an evasion bonus?

It is tough to really comment on skills since the dice in my game are legendarily bad. Chain skills do not seem to be interesting since a miss breaks the chain. Maybe a skill that allows the Amazon to focus on a particular enemy? Giving a bonus to hit/evade the selected target at a penalty toward other enemies?

Flavorwise it feels like they should be really good against a single target but not so much when it comes to groups of enemies. Mages/casters should in general be the inverse, good vs a group but not so much against a single enemy perhaps?

I have not thought it through much, but that is what i currently think would be useful to have.

In order of your thoughts:

Yes, Amazons have a +3 to evasion rolls aka avoiding tackles (Assassins have a +5 as well).

Probably not on this one, see below for more on that.

Therein lies the problem with something like this. You can want to do something like that, but inevitably unless you have different mechanics for EVERY situation, it will never balance out. For example with the mages, if you make them mostly AoE and high damage, well those AoE's will STILL be useful on a singular target. In order to 'balance' that and make them only good against multiple foes, you would then have to have a different mechanic that the skill does less damage when hitting under x amount of foes. Truth be told, that's a bit much for work for me to do, especially on the fly. Not to mention inevitably I'd find something that was too underpowered doing it that way, and 'buffing' it might make it then overpowerd, or vice versa. In short, #'s 2 and 3 are too much of a mathematical headache to justify taking lord knows how much time to actually alter that.

Flavor wise yeah, it might make sense, but mechanically it'd be a nightmare to include for a dice based RP game. For a flash game, absolutely that'd be something you'd HAVE to do, but for something like this, the headache alone just isn't worth it. Besides which, there's already too many different mechanics based on this or that to even properly name them all. Any more and we might have mechanic's overload :p

The game was designed with the idea in mind that each class has it's own unique properties to it, and each one CAN be good on their own, but moreso with an ally to bolster them. That being said, there are DEFINITELY some combos that are better than others, that's just luck of the draw.


Dec 9, 2010
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Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Fair enough. That kinda makes it hard to say then what I would be missing. I would like to have some way to "aim" at an opponent to make it easier to hit them. Kind of like when I line up my sniper rifle for a shot, I dont just hipfire it. It can take me up to a few minutes to dial into a perfect shot, though flavor wise with a bow in game taking a few seconds to aim the shot better seems like it would make sense. On a firing range, I would say it normally takes me 20 seconds to go from start to finish to fire off a shot if I wanted to make sure I hit my target. This ignores one minor detail, paper targets in a firing range do not attack back.

Possibly delaying the action in the turn order to get off a better aimed shot? In a sense it would be a risk vs reward thing. Not sure if there is an expression of time involved with how long a turn, action, round or whatever is. I could get out the crossbow from storage and fire off a few arrows to see how long it takes me to load, aim and fire to the point where I hit dead center repeatedly. No one will bother me on christmas eve thats for sure.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

You know, I had actually thought about something similar to that for PoP 2 as an experimental skill later down the line, where you could 'dead aim' your attack from range (not melee) and do that. The problem, as you already stated, is what happens when your intended target takes the time to attack back? Your concentration would be broken on aiming if you had to dodge an attack, or if you got a counter attack roll, rendering the whole thing useless.

I just don't see how it'd work in a turn based RP like this, but I do know a few people who I can check with and see if they have any ideas on how to make that work. The only other thing I could think of would be to add a skill for Rangers (which might have already been written down for a later game, I'm not 100% sure) that auto lands at a cost of MP and such.

Ideally I'd like to be able to give more than just Rangers this, although as has been pointed out, Ranger is actually one of the weaker damage dealing classes in the game, so it might balance them out just a bit. I'll have to think on that one and get back to you later.


Dec 9, 2010
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Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Well, taking away the one thing Rangers had with the Precise Shot and giving to everyone else kinda sucks in that Rangers get nothing in return. Granted they have it better in that it always works for them, but I feel like something should be given in return to Rangers since they gave but did not receive as it were. I recall Rangers having an ability to manifest the arrows of their choice in the past, but I do not see it now. Would it be possible to have a Ranger always able to exploit a weakness of a enemy? Aka if something is weak to fire, the Ranger would manifest a fire arrow to exploit the weakness?

Another alternative is having chains last X number of attacks hit or miss with the death of the first target allowing for the chain to continue on another target? (Not that my character actually hits anything ever.. but ya know I can hope right?)

For example purposes only I present a few ideas.

High damage low volume chain: 4 attacks at 200 damage each

Mid range chain: 6 attacks at 150 each

low ball chain: 10 attacks at 100 each

Each would have some issues, as the heavy chain does the high damage missing an arrow does kill the damage possiblity. The lower damage chains do more damage overall but give more opportunity to miss attacks, it is more about mitigating how much a miss affects the attack as a whole. Again its an idea and little else at this point.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

I don't recall there ever being an elemental manifestation for arrows, at least not for PoP 1 anyway. I'll have to see if I placed that for another game, but that WOULD actually make sense for them to do. Check back later when I've had some time to think on how that'd work.

As far as the chain skills, I think I'm going to keep them as is, for now anyway. I have some plans for much further down the road, but that'd be in one of the later sequels most likely, considering I was already going to be doing an entirely different setup there, and that is plenty far away enough for me to properly hash something out.

As far as if your chain kills an enemy and has hits left over, swapping to another target, yeah, consider that done as of now, that makes a ton of sense to me.