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Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

OK so survey time folks. I'm thinking about NOT posting the actual dice rolls in the threads anymore, so I'm wanting to know who wants me to continue doing that, or if you don't care.

Basically instead of having the dice rolls shown and the result, you'll only see the actual result and it will feel more combat fluid (at least in theory. It's also less to write out!)

Anyway, what's your thoughts on it?

1: Keep them in!

2: Doesn't matter.
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

i enjoy to see my rolls, its in part funny.

Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

I think I am siding with #1 myself. Mostly just to find a way to say you messed up lol. However I think the issue I have with the rolls not showing a modifier to them is that it is confusing for me to know what happened. For example my last move had rolls and I have no idea if the adrenaline boost was applied or simply forgotten.

At the end, its more about the roleplay anyways to me. I just would prefer to have an open policy instead of showing any way in which the GM is just "making things up". I am expressing this wrong most likely and I think not having to drive my bus for a 14 hour day would leave me with a clearer head on how to express my feelings better.

Long story short is that I think the transparency is a good thing, so allowing the player to see how things happened can only aid the player/gm relationship. I know I made enough mistakes that were pointed out in game threads I am running, and that would not have been possible if I did not post the rolls.
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Alright, I'll go back to showing the modifiers as well. I'd been combining them into a single number for ease, but I can return them back to the original format no problem.
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

I've already mentioned this over AIM with you Siphon, but I give zero fucks about seeing the dice rolls. Whatever makes it easier for you to write things out so that it can get done quicker and more often is best in my opinion. I'd much prefer to see more dialogue and descriptions on how our characters are raped and whatnot than see a bunch of numbers and have to imagine what all actually happens to them, when all you're able to write out is a single small paragraph detailing the sex stuff.

I vote 2, because lets face it, the less you have to write out, the more often you can post, and the more enjoyable it ends up being in my opinion. Because we may actually manage to get more than one post per week, and it keeps interest better.
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Just so everyone is aware, starting with the NEXT update (will not affect any current Shrine Activities going on right this second), I will be altering which Shrine Bosses show up at which Shrine to properly balance out the 'Guardian Level'. What this means is that I feel the 'best' shrines in the game should have the toughest fights, while the 'less worthy' shrines should have the weaker foes. This won't change a thing except what enemy is associated with a shrine.
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

You know, one thing occured to me. With so many enemies having access to a futa spell - pretty much every female boss for example, and a number of regular enemies too I think? - why is it that PC's and NPC's are always the ones targeted? Has none of them thought to use it on themselves and rape women that way?
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

That will happen sometimes with double teams. The reason they do it this way is because it's 'more pleasure dealt' to their victim, and something they aren't used to seeing happen to them.

On a side note, I won't be able to update until Thursday at some point. Long day tomorrow, and Wednesday I have a big $$$ Bowling Tournament to prepare for and bowl in that night.
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

It;s true, it;s happened against Lorelai a few times. So far only with bosses and they haven;t shot her eggs down yet. Not that bosses can breed generally though Lorelai;s not betting on being the first to form the exception if she can :p. Lord knows could lead to some awkward discussions when she has to try and raise a teenage 6 limbed giant succubus futa demon thing. :p
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

OK so I have been thinking up possible ways to make the battles less drawn out, and I think I have come up with a solution. My solution? Turn the normal mechanics into the same as the Arenas function on, with some adjustments made.

Sexual Combat (resisting rape, enemy rapes): OK so this would be pretty straight forward. A single 'round' would consist of the enemy (after grappling you) attempting to penetrate, and if they do, they would continue to rape you until you or they gave birth (if that can happen in that fight), OR you are able to escape the grapple/rape. Basically I auto-run the fight until you get free from the attack.

Actual Combat (Kill them!): This is where the adjustments get made as technically this is a new addition. Like the sexual combat portion, a single 'round' is done. In this case though, you can keep stringing attacks together until either that foe is dead, OR it manages to grapple/rape you. At that point the round then ends, and you are given the choice at the end of the post to fight, or give in (time optional).

Now this means at the start of each combative sequence, you'll want to plan how you want to use attacks in advance, for example use Beast Swipe, Signet of Agony, and then other attacks if you were an assassin, repeating the Beast Swipe and SoA as they were off cool down. You'd also want to ensure to include any buff spells on usage for them.

The Tricky part with sexual combat is this. You'll have to figure out based on the enemy spawns, if your character is raped, would she succumb to the pleasure for a time or not, and if so, under what circumstances, and for how long? That part is totally up to you though.

So, who all would want to experiment with this system to see how it affects game flow and such? Most likely it will be implemented in later games anyway, but who would be interested in seeing it done now? If enough want to, I will start doing that as of my next update (currently scheduled for Sunday if all goes well.)

In addition, I am considering making female enemy rape slightly more interesting by allowing the possibility if your character is sucked off, or ridden off to an orgasm while you have an adrenaline boost, that the enemy could 'steal' that boost, and almost literally suck the adrenaline out of your body, giving THEM a boost for a short time. What do you folks think of that as a possible add-on in the near future, once I have a mechanic for that thought out?

It has also been suggested to me that I might consider implementing a 'fucked silly' or 'sexual frenzy' "debuff" that would come into play for a short time on all characters who'd had 'x' amount of orgasms in a single fight without breaking free of their rape. I'm considering this as a possibility, but as of yet have no true mechanic in mind for it, so I figured I would put it out there to see who all likes the idea.

So give me your thoughts on all of this stuff, and we'll go from there. On a side note, some NPC's mind set's WILL be getting reworked, so I will keep you posted as to when that takes effect, and what those changes are, and to whom.
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Sounds fine to me. I dont really have any complaints with the current layout or time for posts, but I am not against mixing things up some. I think depending on the enemy/Shrine Master that we should be given the option of recruiting them if we let them rape, and give them a child or whatever it is they want.
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Yes, all the ideas sound great and i will enjoy if they get implemented, over all the " fucked silly" stat
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

I am quite interested in seeing the combat rework in action. It sounds like it'd make the battles less tedious and more fun. Stealing adrenaline boosts is... A curious idea, I suppose, though my final opinion will depend on mechanical implementation. And the fucked silly/sex frenzy idea has my approval.
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

@ Tenta: The recruiting Shrine Boss thing probably won't ever happen. However you do have the option of trying to 'talk' a normal enemy into turning against your foes. There actually is a plan for those enemies you do convince to turn against Thembrihkal later on down the line.

@ plmnko: Why am I not surprised that's your favorite item on the list? :p

@ cross_grave: That's the hopeful idea anyway! As for the adrenaline thing, that'll take a bit to implement as I need to find a suitable balance for how long it lasts vs. what makes it too powerful in the enemies favor.
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Double Post ftw! Some ideas/mechanics on previously mentioned additions, see what you folks think of them.

Adrenaline Stealing:

If raped by a Female Enemy to an orgasm while under the effects of the Adrenaline Boost, your enemy will gain an adrenaline boost of it's own by quite literally sucking out the adrenaline from your body with her mouth, or her pussy. Normal Female Demon creatures will gain a boost in duration equal to 2x the number of rounds your own had left when it was raped out of you.

If the enemy was a Succubus type though, it is 3x the duration yours had left. In both cases, it is a +10 to their rolls, same as you would normally have.

Sexual Frenzies:

A woman will enter a sexual frenzy if she suffers more than 3 orgasms in a single fight without breaking free at least once from her rapist. These kinds of frenzies will last 5 'rounds' unless the woman suffers 2 more orgasms in this time, at which point it will refresh and she'll be in frenzy for another 5 rounds. This can happen with the refresh only once, and then the 'bar' resets.

A woman will enter a sexual frenzy if she has more than 5 orgasms while made a futa in the same fight, regardless of if she breaks free from her foe at any time during the fight. The frenzy state operates the same way as the previous rule set does from this point on.

A sexual frenzy is a state where the woman in question has been raped enough to become momentarily lust crazed, and she will not fight having any kind of sexual thing done to her while in this state.

During a sexual frenzy state, if a woman's ally free's her, she will be so lust crazed that she will seek to rape her ally, at least until her frenzy has worn off.

Additional Note:

Starting with each character's NEXT FIGHT I will use the new combat system. Please note that I will NOT be showing every single roll as that would take forever, but rather it'll be a 'recap' so to speak of how the fight turned out until the next decision making point. The Adrenaline Stealing and Frenzy parts will also take effect on the NEXT FIGHT. Current fights will NOT be affected by this.
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Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

See how it goes, heh. Least mines easy, Lorelai doesn't submit generally. And talks to everyone :p.
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Hey there. I submitted my character in the character building thread. If you open new games, I'm interested in signing up in one of them.
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

So ....

I've had a rather bad computer issue come up where it seems like some of my hardware might be going out or something. On top of that, the drive that had all of my game backup files has somehow become corrupted, and I can't upload the physical copies anywhere because of the current issues I am having. So that being the case, I do not know WHEN I will be able to post again, or even if I'll have all of my files when I get this PC back, or a new one. So this message is to let everyone know that I do intend on eventually returning to this, hopefully in the very near future. Just cross your fingers that whatever the issue is, that the hard drive itself ISN'T affected, and I'll at least be able to keep it as a slave drive at worst, with all my files still intact.

I will be able to post updates on the situation from my phone periodically on the site, but as I won't have access to the actual game files, I can't update threads. So again, keep your fingers crossed that it's nothing more than needing a new stick of RAM or a new Graphics Card, or that at the very least my HDD doesn't have a problem.
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

*Crosses fingers as tight as he can* Hard drive problems are always so stressful. I wish you luck on that one.