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Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Permanent Change:

HP draining enemies will now drain 1/10th of the pleasure you take every turn they are raping you, and 25% of the pleasure you take if you orgasm.

This balances out an issue with magical chair attacks becoming a little too OP in the KP you can gain before a KO frees you, since you don't revive until either all enemies are dead, or all party members are dead. This will take effect starting now. There will be no retro-active changes made.
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

I will be mostly gone for the holidays, and only able to make posts off of my phone. Unfortunately, I won't be able to take my files for this game with me due to their nature. This means that most likely I will not be able to post again for this until about this time next week (when I expect to be home next). After the New Year rings in however, I should hopefully be able to post multiple times in a week once more, and get this really rumbling again.
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

I will be mostly gone for the holidays, and only able to make posts off of my phone. Unfortunately, I won't be able to take my files for this game with me due to their nature. This means that most likely I will not be able to post again for this until about this time next week (when I expect to be home next). After the New Year rings in however, I should hopefully be able to post multiple times in a week once more, and get this really rumbling again.

Sounds good, thanks for keeping this going.
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)


On a side note, there will be some changes coming to this little world of ours. For starters, it has become increasingly difficult to manage the character class + race perks / debuffs, since they number so much. So, in a moment of infinite wisdom, I have decided that as soon as I can write up a new system, those will be changing! Instead of being weak or strong to specific enemy types or enemies in general (in most cases), those will now be changing to be geared to specific sex ATTACK types. IE: Sorceress weak vs. Blowjobs.

Second, as of Act 2, any enemy that can use a dual rape attack (Sucking a futa's dick while thrusting their own inside of the poor girl) will deal 2x the normal pleasure. Stands to reason she'd experience pleasure in double with two sex organs active.

Third, tentacled enemies will be getting an upgrade to allow them to suck a futa's dick while still using their tentacles to fuck the girl. This will take effect in Act 2.

Fourth, some other enemies may be getting additional attacks, to spice things up, as well as balance out the number of potential 'weaknesses' available.

I will keep you updated on the progress of these changes, as well as any others that might help make this smoother.
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

OK, so I have reached a point where reality and trying to be fair have intersected grand plans and put up a big ole' stop sign. I have been working on some potential new attacks for enemies to spice things up, some of which could be EXTREMELY potent in their damage dealing ability. The problem is, they're a little too potent. So, I have decided to call a vote. The options are as follows.

1: Don't implement the attacks until MUCH later in the game/wait until one of the sequels, when things maybe will balance out better.

2: Significantly Increase the base stats for Stamina on each class to counter some of these changes (which could lead to some fights being incredibly long and drawn out even more than they already are, leading to less adrenaline boosts).

3: Fuck it, bring on three orgasms in one round if it happens!

4: Do away with HP, MP and Stamina increasing by level, and set each character class to MAXIMUM stats possible for this game now. This in effect would make level ups ONLY for gaining new skills for players.

5: Completely do away with the level up system. This branches in to two distinct sub-options.

5a: Every character, regardless of class has the exact same HP, MP and Stamina values, and has access to all their skills at the start. Enemies would go to what the planned maximum values would have been, and the flat character stats would be based off of this to balance things out.


5b: Almost the same as 5a, except instead of every character having the same HP, MP and Stamina values, it changes based upon class, keeping the diversity alive in more than just their skill set. For example, a Warrior might have 2,000 Stamina, while a Sorceress only 750.

Option 6 would be if anyone has an idea that wasn't covered by this that would even be feasible to try and implement, without the need for me to read up on some other game mechanics, thus taking time away from all of this.

So yeah, what's your pick? I'll give it until this time next week for everyone to have a chance to vote, at which point whichever option is has the most votes will be implemented. Or, if no one votes, I'll go with whatever system I can implement the fastest.
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

3 :]
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Well, how potent are we talking by comparison? Like it's hard for me to visualize these now since all the reworks, no offense. So I'm trying to figure it out. It also depends how frequent these moves would come up yeah?
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

OK there's a specific attack in mind that Flesh Teaser would gain, it would be a % chance of that attack being used (based on how many she ends up having, 2 at this point so 50-50), where it basically would cause triple normal pleasure. Base for her at Level 1 is 60, so 60x3=180, then because all classes/races would be weak against it another 5, so 185. But then if it has a critical hit landing, that becomes 360+5=365 Pleasure in one hit. Simply put, at Level 1 not even a Warrior could stop herself from having an orgasm on the first hit. Now granted, Flesh Teaser is a sub boss, but this attack currently would make her the hardest hitting creature in the game.

I've been trying to do something with it, but short of seriously nerfing her base damage, or assigning a different damage enhancer modifier to that attack, I can't seem to find a way to balance it out to keep it a serious threat, but not be to the point of literally one hit = 1 orgasm on even the hardiest of classes. I don't even want to think about how many orgasms a Sorceress would have in one attack ...

As far as frequency, at the moment she's the ONLY enemy in the game with the triple modifier. But a lot of others will be getting a double modifier, so let's use that as another example.

Enemy A does 40 base pleasure. 40x2=80. If it crits, 80 becomes 160, with a max of 165-170ish depending on it they are weak or doubly weak to the attack (race and class malus can stack).

Also at the moment, the new system I have in mind removes class and some racial perks (Sylvari and Norn remain unchanged as of right now). I may make race perks but not class perks, mostly to balance some things out. But yeah, even 170, particularly for a COMMON enemy is a bit high on a Level 1, hence why I was considering beefing everyone up to a flat stat and then basing all NORMAL base damages off of that.

Did that make any sense?
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

You could maybe make the attacks do increased damage only against specific races and such maybe? Or perhaps your best method is to use a flat value that scales by level? I'm not quite sure.
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Actually a thought just came do me.

Base Damage = 60. Additional damage +10 for each other organ active.

New Damage off Attack: 80 + 5-10 for Weakness(es) = 85-90 normal hit.

Critical Hit (Rare chance) = 170-180 MAXIMUM damage on a single attack.

Still hits weaker classes hard, but not to the point of being virtually an insta-gib. That formula look a bit more workable to you Zilrax?
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Yeah looks a lot better for certain.

That said Fleshteaser is still one of the scariest opponents haha. Beat her twice so far though.
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Alright, most of the new system at a glance:

Weaknesses are only +5 Pleasure rather than a malus to a roll. There are no Class Strengths, however racial strengths come into play.

Warrior: Weak vs. Being Double Teamed.

Sorceress: Weak vs. Blowjobs from Succubi.

Assassin: Weak vs. Pussy Rides.

Amazon/Ranger: Weak vs. Blowjobs.

Chantress: Weak vs. Anything with tentacles inside or outside their body (Plants count).

Ritualist: Weak vs. Being Unable to Fight their rape (IE: Magical Chair Restrained or some form of

special restraint skill that effects them for either a singular turn, or over a long period of time.)

Spiritmaster: Weak vs. Succubus Pussy Rides.

Necromancer: Weak vs. Tentacle Rapes (Penetrated ONLY)

I may create potential canon explanations as to why the classes are weak against specific attacks later, for now though, I have nothing written.

Racial Changes:

Human: No Strengths or Weaknesses.

Mathosian: Weak vs. Pussy Rides. Strength: 2x Effectiveness on Class Specific Skills.

On that note, changes by each class go as follows (Note that True Boss monsters are IMMUNE to all these attacks. Shrine Bosses however will be affected as of now.):

Warrior: Sexual Rush deals 600 Base Damage, +2 damage for every 10 points of pleasure taken during the rape that brings her to an orgasm.
Amazon/Ranger: Celestial Strike will have a 10% chance to activate, and if in a boss fight the Boss will lose 50% of it's maximum HP instantly (if below 50% already it will only lose 50% of the current remaining HP).

Assassin: Assassins Defense now deals 10% damage when she has a Vaginal Orgasm.

Necromancer: Magical Armor now has 400 Base Health to protect her, and gains +40 with every level she gains. Golem Strike now deals 200 damage per hit, +40 per level in addition. Deathly Touch now has a 20% chance to activate, deals 200 damage over 12 turns, and 600 damage per turn over whatever amount is left if she continues to be raped, or is penetrated again.

Ritualist: Spirit Shield now reflects the FULL amount of pleasure taken off the attack back at her rapist. In addition, it can now block a base amount of 700 pleasure, and gains 40 more to that each level. Spiritual Salvation now has a 20% chance upon orgasm to activate.

Sorceress: Deflection Shield now can block 800 pleasure as a base, and gains +40 to that with each level. Staying Frosty now has a 10% chance to activate.

Chantress: Sexual Frustration deals 2x what her current maximum stamina level is.

Spiritmaster: Spirit Substitution now grants her Spirit 700 HP to start, with it gaining +40 for every level. Kamikaze Spirit will deal 2x the HP the spirits have for damage.

Note that these changes ONLY take effect if the character is at least half Mathosian.

Elf: Weak vs. Blowjobs. Strength: Half MP loss on MP using Skills.

Norn: Weak vs. Full out restraint/unable to fight the attack/resist. (See Ritualists Examples). Strength: Half Pleasure Gain.

Sylvari: Weak vs. Tentacle 'equipped' Creatures (Male and Female). Strength: Half KP gain.

Halfling: Based on Species.

Changes as of Act 2:

Tentacled Enemy Changes: All creatures with Tentacles (Male, Female and Traps) will have the ability to use special 'mouth' tentacles to suck the dicks of any women who are a futa at the time. This will create a dual rape situation where the victim will suffer +10 normal pleasure (IE: 40 instead of 30, with the chance to become 80 if critical pleasure).

Additional Attacks:

Certain Succubi will get the Pussy Suck, or Womb Fuck abilities.
Certain Succubi might get a Pussy Suck + Womb Fuck Combo attack.
Flesh Teaser gains Pussy Ride + Blowjob + Tentaclejob attack (+20 Pleasure).

Womb Fuck - Any orgasm suffered while this attack is going on will automatically impregnate the Succubus.
Pussy Suck - Effectivly acts like both a Pussy Ride AND a Blowjob on the same organ at the same time. +10 Pleasure.
Pussy Suck + Womb Fuck - See the other attacks.
True Womb Fuck - Supreme Succubus ONLY - Insta Impregnation and Orgasm causing skill. No natural weakness to this.

All Women are Weak vs. Womb Fucks, Pussy Sucks, Womb Fuck + Pussy Suck combos and Flesh Teaser's Ultimate Attack. These attacks automatically supercede any other weaknesses. +5 Pleasure (+10 on Pussy Suck and Pussy Suck + Womb Fuck).

End of Changes.

So, what do you folks think? I'll be updating the character creation sheets, as well as everyone's files to reflect the new changes from this point on, no retro active stuff.
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Can only imagine what sorta tricks the actual bosses will have after this haha. Looks good to me. I'll have to crunch the numbers later.
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

How did I miss this?

Amazon's seem to get nothing out of this.
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Amazon's have the guardian that can randomly appear at any time during a fight, which one shots ALL normal enemies and hits for like 50% of a Boss or Shrine Bosses HP. Basically every turn the Amazon has, being raped or not, she has a chance for her guardian to show up once during that fight and open a can of whoop ass. Didn't really need another buff imo lol.
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Oh, I though that these were taking the place of what was originally there. Don't mind me then.
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

In a way they are. Just the Amazon didn't get changed much because she didn't need it. I just tried to simplify the system and buff the other classes a bit to make them a bit more even leveled with the Amazon, trying to balance out and whatnot.
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Here I thought the Amazon was the worst class.

I guess the mantra of speed thing looks completely busted to me from the outside looking in. Though I certainly can see why the Amazon skill could be the most powerful, there is no control over when it actually happens.

Probably not a big surprise that I am likely doing it wrong somehow with my character. Just a few idle thoughts.
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Amazon probably does the weakest damage of all the classes with her attacks, though she does make up for it with that one hitter thing. Also she can paralyze an enemy, interrupt MOST sex attacks from range on her allies, prevent enemies from using special skills (at level 6) and once she gains to level 20 she actually gains a bit of damage with her bow mastery. Amazon tends to shine more when she has an ally and she can paralyze an enemy, allowing her and her team mate to focus burn a single target without worrying about at least one other.

I will agree without a companion, Amazon is a bit limited. However this system wasn't designed with the intent that she would go half the game without an ally.