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Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)



RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Sure you can use the same character. I'm dancing back and forth between having the extra "disadvantages" being for companions only or for characters as well. What I may do is put that to a vote at the start of January amongst all those who have shown interest and go based off that.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

I kind of liked the disadvantages for my character honestly, so it's fine if both the PC and their NPC companion can get them to me.

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
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Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

This still female only as far as player characters go?

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

My character Telara was a futa for the previous solo run, so I believe that they can still be, at least that's why I was wanting to reuse her character sheet and all.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

I might like to have a go at a solo thread of this.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Female characters yes, but you can make a perma-futa character. I might make special added bonus perks and disadvantages for those types of characters as well, varying on class too.


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Potential interests got here.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)


So as I said, many things will be getting a change, some buffs are being made to character classes (not just PC's!), and some new skills are being added. As a small sample of one of the new skills, take a look at this one.

Deathly Touch - The Necromancer has a small chance upon her orgasm to make her bodily fluids toxic to demons. She has a 10% chance of having her orgasm inflict poison status on her rapist. If she does, the poison does 100 damage every turn for six turns. If the enemy penetrates her again while under the effects of Deathly Touch, the poison will spread in it's
body faster and be more aggressive, dealing 300 damage for each remaining turn she's being raped. Clever Necromancers may be willing to take a risk and if grappled, allow her attacker to penetrate her again and hasten it's demise.

There are more coming for each class, and enemies may get some abilities as well! (Nothing as fancy though, I promise).

Also, perks and weaknesses will be varied by class and possibly race, rather than selectable, so stay tuned for more info on that.

Other Changes/Notes:

REWORKING some of the combat system for those new rolls previously mentioned. In addition, % chance rolls are now likely to be D1000 rolls. For example, a 10% chance would mean you need a roll of 900+ to 'Proc'.

WORKING on companions systems, such as how to determine when and where they'll spawn, how their stats might be affected, and classifying each character 'model' as either "TANK Class", "MAGE Class" or "NEUTRAL Class". A Neutral Class can have either a TANK or MAGE as her companion, while TANK'S can only get MAGE or NEUTRAL, and MAGE'S only get TANK or NEUTRAL. Examples will come later when I have classified everyone.

REWORKING the Chanter class to give her some love on attack abilities, thus making her a more formidable opponent.

STARTING potential work on the old cutscenes again, detailing some potential information of how an enemy behaves, and giving you a glimpse of those who have come before you and lost.

ADDING a system where only certain enemy types can spawn early in the game, varying by area and gradually working up to having all the enemies in the game.

REWORKING shrines, seals and boss minion systems to only have a 2 to 1 ratio, rather than potentially having 6 minions + the boss trying to rape your character. If you'd prefer the challenge of more, we can put this to a vote.

ANNOUNCING the possibility of an EXPANSION in the future. Yes, there might be a "second" Planet of Pleasure in the workings. It was something I had been working on prior to this going into reboot phase, so much of the groundwork is already in place. What, you didn't REALLY think it would be so simple as clearing one planet did you? How gullible! :p

I think this about covers what the process is detailing. If returning players see anything that wasn't potentially addressed by any of these headlines, say something and give me something to work with, and I'll look into it.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

I personally think that with the multiple enemies in boss battles, there should still be the possibility of it being even more challenging than normal with more of them, just a much lower possibility of that happening I think and or the minions in boss battle situations should be weak enough that they could be 1 shotted with even a basic attack from the PC while still posing a small threat if the bosses attack alongside them. Or maybe there could still be half a dozen minions or so, but maybe the bosses themselves don't start attacking until maybe half of them or more are gone perhaps, that way there could still be quite a few minions, but the PC's aren't so over matched they can't possibly win before they're corrupted too much, so that it's still fair enough for them to win and make it not so counterproductive just to get there, or they should always be gifted a corruption lowering potion in the case where they are greatly over matched by bosses and their minions, should they manage to scrape a win despite that. Either way the minions should be able to be taken out easily with just a single hit or maybe two if they are slightly stronger minions. That's just my opinion on it though.
Last edited:


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

I'll take that into thought Mind Flayer, thanks.

Final Update for tonight:

New Character Class Skills are completed, and I will post the new sheets for each class once I figure out potential strengths and weaknesses. The old Perks/Debuff system is gone since I am including them for the classes at the outset.

CHANGED the KL System to no longer give additional debuffs upon reaching KL 5. If you folks want that in place though, I could increase the penalties each class starts with to double once you hit KL 5. That's officially up to a vote now.

Enemies will now dismount after making you orgasm, even if they have not climaxed yet. They will wait for you to make a move before attempting to continue the fun.

Classification of Classes are complete, I am still working on the companion spawn system and determination for how their stats are. I'm thinking that by the time you end Act 3 if you have not found one, you will automatically acquire one on the first encounter of Act 4.

FINISHED Reworking the Chanter's skill set, she is now a much more formidable opponent.

Everything else mentioned in the last update is still in the infancy stage. Hoping to resume work tomorrow afternoon for a few more hours, so hopefully progress will be made.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

OK so more updates!

STILL working on Character Class Buffs and Disadvantages. This may take some time still.

KL System vote is officially up: Do you want KL (Corruption Level) penalties at KL 5 still, or leave it as no additional penalties so as to not stack too much against the players?

UPDATED the entire dice rolling system. Percent chances are now all handled by a D1000 roll to give it more of a true random feel.

CHANGED certain enemy types to not dismount after you orgasm. Certain enemies will not let go/give up until you have hit the KP cap. All traps won't let go until you break free or hit the KP Cap. Note that certain traps CAN be damaged and must be killed (sentient traps), and will continue to fight just like a normal enemy would. Bosses won't let go, and there is NO KP CAP in a boss fight.

CHANGED Boss Minion Setup: Minions will now only spawn 2 at a time for those bosses who have multiple minions, or 4 at a time if you have a companion. All enemies must be defeated to win the battle, killing the boss when it joins the fight will not initiate an automatic win scenario.

FINISHED detailing a spawn system where certain enemies don't start showing up until later in the game. Initially there are 5 enemy types in the first area, and as the game progresses you will 'unlock' more potential encounters, until everything is able to spawn eventually.

STILL WORKING on the Following:

Character Class Buffs and Disadvantages. This may take some time still.

Cutscenes for the first time you encounter a new enemy. These will not be present for traps. Some of these cutscenes might reveal clues to things.

Companion Spawn System. Undecided on how late is too late to get one, or how their stats should look.

Companion Names and the like (because they need a name!)

New Introduction System, along with a potential historical account of what has happened since you were captured.

I am definitely going to work on the possible expansion after this is complete, much of the ground work was already in place, so it won't take much. In addition, I may include in this portion some "notes" left behind by previous women who failed to get out.

I may also introduce a mysterious phantasmal image who appears at times to help guide the characters along their way, who WILL play an important role later on down the line regardless of if they appear now, or later.

I won't lie, the further into the game you go, the worse the minion spawns will be. You may have to slaughter your way through a gauntlet in some cases, but here's an awesome thing. I'm making minions a 100% drop rate for at least one item as well.

Potential Change:

I'm considering slightly changing the way KL potions work. Previously it would remove only the current KP on the level you were on, however I am considering that if you find one and use it when you have less than 50% towards your next level, having it remove not only the amount you have gained thus far, but HALF the amount from the previous level and actually 'de-level' it.

For Example, you are 45% of the way to KL5 when you use a potion. It not only removes the KP towards KL 5, but bumps you to 50% of the way to KL 4! So you just went from KL 4 back down to KL 3. Given how rare KL potions SHOULD be with the drop system, this seems fair and doesn't seem too OP since it's impossible to carry more than one at a time per person.

Also, with regards to companions: I'm thinking if your companion is corrupted and you move on, you have a chance of finding another one down the line, albeit it weaker than the one you just had and a different class. By weaker I mean she'd have more KP on her than the first one you had when you first met her.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Of the potential changes I like the idea of maybe finding another companion later on if you lose the one you've got, whether you start with one or find one early on. About the KP penalties at KP lvl 5... I'm thinking if there are any they shouldn't be too harsh against the player, because I mean at that point you'll probably lose all of the next battles before you can even dish out enough damage to take out a single enemy if there are multiple enemies, and against a single enemy if you have no companion you're probably gonna lose as soon as it manages to grab you. I mean it's your decision in the end, I'm merely saying to not make any penalties at that point too harsh to still give them a faint hope of making it through or maybe finding a KP lowering potion somehow.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Another early morning update:

Redid the KL 5 and beyond system one final time. Decided to keep the penalties in, but obviously with a major change since "not resisting" really fucks Solo Mode up. Instead, each character class is going to have something they start out a little weak against, for example Spiritmasters and Sorceresses are weak against Succubi. That's a -10 on the final roll vs. any and all Succubi. However at KL 5, that becomes a -20. This keeps some of the "she's weaker", but still leaves her a chance despite that due to the wider dice rolling margin. However, the normal Succubus and the Dark Elf have a special aura that adds an additional -5 roll, which stacks, so those two could actually prove even more dangerous to them than a boss!

CLASSIFYING Bosses into classes due to the KL system change.

Decided to make the maximum level YOU can reach Level 30. Once you reach level 28, ALL enemies will be level 30 and give +2 level XP until you hit level 30. Once you hit level 30 you are capped and will not gain any more XP. Your stats will also be considered MAXED out, and you won't have any more points to spend. I might give you the option later to reset your stat points and re-spend them, but I'm not sure where that would happen yet.

BUFFED Adrenaline Surge. It now lasts 8 turns instead of 4, giving you a longer boost. However, if you are raped to an orgasm while under the effects of Adrenaline Surge, the fight is literally raped out of you, and you won't be able to get another Adrenaline Surge for the entire remaining combat. So if you were in a fight with 4 enemies and got raped while you had Adrenaline Surge active, you wouldn't gain any more Adrenaline Surge's from being raped until all those enemies were slain and you encountered a new set of enemies.

FINISHED new introduction system, however the historical database thing will not be at the outset, but rather Bosses will let slip clues about certain things that have gone on when they die. Some will let slip more than others.

CONTINUING to work on the following:

Finishing out Character Class Strengths and Weaknesses.

Naming NPC Allies.

Giving NPC Allies a Race they belong to.

Creating the Spawn System for them.

Cutscenes showing random women who have come before you, and what happened to them vs. the enemy you just encountered. You will see each cutscene for each NEW enemy right at the start.

Other Changes that might get a revision, but as of the moment are semi-finished:

When dealing with bosses who have enough minions that they will come in waves, there are two different scenarios.

1: Any boss except the final boss will have their minions emerge with the highest initiative rolling ones entering the fray first. The Boss will also have a roll, but that won't factor in until they enter the fight. All bosses are IMMUNE to attacks and can't be targeted until they OFFICIALLY enter the fight. Certain Bosses MIGHT be able to attack your ally and capture them, freely raping them while you fight their minions off.

2: Against the final boss, waves will come in the order of weakest minions to strongest minions. This will be done by their pleasure dealing stats, and if tied then they will come out in alphabetical order until all minions are slain. Then and only then will the final boss actually truly reveal himself.

For now this is it. I will be posting another update later tonight. I must say, this COULD end up being completed much sooner than I first anticipated.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

It certainly does look like it's shaping up quite well and fast imo Siphon. I like the fact that they get a longer bonus for the Adrenaline Surge. But I do have a question about it though. What if they lose their adrenaline surge in a waves type of battle in the first wave? Would the recover it for the second wave, assuming they manage to finish up the first wave before the second one arrives? Or would it be they just get it back period for the second wave like as soon as it arrives perhaps? Just wondering how it would work is all.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Against the final boss it would definitely be as soon as the next wave spawned. For normal bosses it's unlikely I'll do that since it's WAY less in the way of minions.

The way I had this set up, normal bosses have something like 4-7 minions total, which isn't bad. The Final Boss I kind of set up like Diablo 2 had where it was 5 waves of I forget how many in each wave. I wanted to stick with 4 at a time, and where there are 76 different enemies currently in the game, at 4 a wave, that's quite a few waves. The good news though is that by that point and time, most of the low to mid ranged enemies are going to get absolutely annihilated by the characters, and it should be only the high level ones that last any decent amount of time. IE: a Zombie with 300 HP isn't going to last as long as say a Kraken with 1,000 HP. (Actually I do believe I have some of the later skills your characters get doing like 4K+ damage a hit, so the numbers I listed there are really low.)

I suppose though I could change all bosses to be wave types, really all I would need to do for some of them is add like 1 extra minion to make it a round number, so that's actually quite feasible.

Originally the idea was for most bosses (not all), that had minions to enter the fray when they had 3 minions left on the field and you needed the boss to make #4. I could change those fights to be wave based (where there's more than 4 minions), and have the boss only "officially" enter after every minion is dead, giving the chance of the adrenaline surge meter resetting. Although your companion against certain bosses is probably going to have a lot of fun, muhahaha.

Hopefully that made sense, I'm only half awake at this point and heading to bed. No further update for tonight due to my day suddenly becoming a "oh, you won't be home so therefore no work got done past about 11 am eastern!"

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

I was just wondering really, but with the way you have minions set up currently, I'd say it probably works out fine the way it is. Though you could do it either way really I suppose, maybe do it one way for the first person to get to a boss and do it differently for the next person on their first boss to see how it works I guess. It's up to you though really which way you do it.

Another thing you could do for the companions for when or if the PC wins and defeats the final boss is maybe they break the corruption enough to save their friends from it, though they are still corrupted somewhat and are horny nymphos for the rest of their lives maybe, just a thought. :p


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Late Morning Update:

FINISHED Character Strengths and Weaknesses. Some of these may seem a bit over the top in cases, but I think it will balance out in the long haul. Also do note that racial perks or weaknesses will STACK or in some cases, cancel out a specific class perk. You can't fight your heritage! I tried to keep this as minimal as possible, but with a limited series of different enemy classes, it's impossible not to have it happen somewhere.

Note that if you have a -20 roll against something, at KL 5 it will be -40. Still, with the new dice roll system, this should balance out and still give them a chance.

DECIDED to go with the wave based idea where a boss with more than 4 minions will have 4 come out at once, followed by the next set when the final minion from wave 1 falls. This means a slight tweak to the minion system which won't take long to do.

WORKING on NPC Ally names, spawning system and races. There will be names for each class AND for each RACE as well. This grants a more randomized approach, and fits into the system I want where you can't get the same woman again. Should someone actually manage to get EVERY possible combination of companion corrupted, they might be SOL. There are 3 TANKS, 3 MAGES and 2 NEUTRALS for classes in this game, so each class has a minimum of 5 potential classes they could get for a companion. Then there are 11 possible combinations for races to go with those 5 classes, so at minimum you have 55 potential companions that could spawn. If you manage to lose 55 or more companions in this game without becoming corrupted yourself, I applaud you for breaking the system.

Cutscene System will be amongst the final finishes made as that is the most time consuming, and if need be it is a component that could be CUT from the game entirely and wouldn't break it.

Phantom Guide will be making an appearance, I am going to design a system where they will appear to give you a clue, or hint, or some random bit of advice.

In addition, the companion spawn system is likely to have several options in it. When a companion is deemed "found" by the spawn system, how she first appears to you will be based upon if there is also an enemy spawn, or trap spawn in the area, or if it's an empty room. There will be a small chance of getting a companion the moment you 'wake up' as well. In that case she'll be at full strength. If you find her later, she may be at full strength, she may be slightly weakened, or she may be greatly weakened depending on how late in the game you found her. She might mistake you for an enemy if it's an empty room, and try to attack you at first, only to realize you aren't one of them. I may also institute a rule where when you do find one, she can't be any worse off than you are at that time.

Still working on classifying bosses into their proper categories.

As a side note, and this is mostly for myself off hand, I decided that with the level cap, I can now officially create a table for each enemy as to what their stats will be for each level, so it doesn't have to be calculated on the spawn. I can simply find the proper enemy, and have it's stats right there in front of me. That should make posting times much quicker as I won't have to figure things out on the fly at every single spawn. Like the cutscenes, this will be time consuming, and will be amongst the last things done.

Theoretically speaking, this could actually all be done and ready before we get to the start of January. It's only the 12th (5 days since I really hit the workings for this), and it's probably close to 50% revamped already. Maybe, just maybe it'll be done early enough to toss this up a a Christmas Present, muhahaha.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Mid-Day Update:

FINISHED creating NPC ally names and classes, plus races. Now creating descriptions for them, and some of them might have some additional background besides their smoking hot looks.

Companion spawn system will be the next in line to be worked on, followed by your phantom guide who now has an even bigger role in things than I previously had in mind. Let's just say when you find out the truth about her (yes, it's a her), you might be in for a very big surprise.

After the guide is completed, I am going to revisit the trap spawns and possibly make it to where certain traps don't start showing up until certain areas, much like enemies. Unlike enemies, they may have specific areas they ONLY will show up in at first, and then later all of them would be in the same area. This I think would spice things up.

I have decided that rather than my placing character stat points for your companions, YOU will decide where those points are spent from the moment she joins you to fight against the creatures you will face.

Cutscenes and the previously mentioned data table will be the last two things I work on, and I have decided that I will create a complete database for MOST of the important stuff such as enemy descriptions and attack patterns. Said database will also include historical accounts that eventually will become knowledge in game, and will grant you the opportunity if you choose, to have something in mind for a character reaction upon finding out in game.

FINISHED Classifying Bosses.

Possibly more updates later.


Demon Girl Pro
Dec 28, 2010
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Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Oh nice to see this is being revived, long live siphon! question though isit possible to continue my current solo story arc from where it is currently, tweaking if needed?

Either way good to see you back.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

I'm going to say no on that only because enough has changed and you had spawns that aren't in that area anymore, so it wouldn't be fair to keep the results of that in. That said, you can have the same character if you like.

Updates will be coming a bit later on the progress of things, and it might be a big one.