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Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)



RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

I would say at the very least wait til I have posted up all the new character classes and said as much. No point in having you make one, only to find out another class posted later is something you like more and having to re-roll. For the time being, I'm only going to allow one character per person, per mode.

Yes, you heard that right, I'm also working on a method that could work for a single mode play through, however that will require significant testing before I actually release it. When the time comes, I will ask for a few volunteers to be "beta" testers.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

I should be resuming work on this in the next week or so after a long break to test a few things. So for those still interested, check in sometime next week with the character classes thread for updates.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

OK so here is the deal. Still tweaking the combat system and getting that ready to go, and almost done with the character class adjustments. Monster setup is about 85% complete, just need to add a few descriptions for new entries, as well as adjust certain enemy skills (yes some of them will have skills.)

The goal at this point is to put up one updated character class every three to four days, and then part of the combat data or finished monster data after that. It may take me some time to complete this still, however I want to start releasing data I feel is ready to be out there. I will leave it open to suggestions and I will consider them, but I make no promises that anything will be concretely changed. However, if there is something that needs to be and someone spots an issue I have not, I will be quite happy to make that change and give credit where it is due.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

More Changes:

Added two new stats to be used during combat, with an outside chance another one may get added.

Added a "Rage" spell to all classes that will, when they recover from an orgasm, temporarily enhance their combat based stats. The numbers for this are yet TBD, however this stat WILL remain in the game, nd should help balance some things out.

Added the groundwork for a Critical Hit System, granting a chance to inflict double damage. This would factor in after all other calculations are completed. Additionally, skills will do a preset amount of damage (plus strength or magic attack bonuses), rather than going by the margin of victory.

Started working on a system that would limit monsters ability to cause pleasure, by setting a pre-constructed skill network for that purpose. I am uncertain if this current idea will be the way I go as of yet or not, so I am not placing any information on this yet until I can determine if it is a viable option.

Realized that with two new character classes comes the task of assigning KL penalties to them. This is yet TBD, and will probably be one of the last things I do as it is not a vital component to completing this project at this time.

Started working on potential one use items that would allow a character to instantly (at their choosing) escape one grapple, or one rape attack. Liking this idea, so it will likely become a fixture of the game system.

Started working on potential "cutscenes" that would describe the history of the planet, and the main enemy, as well as hinting that this may not be the only issue the characters would have to face.

Finished differentiating systems between Party Mode and Solo Mode versions of the game. Party Mode will be completed first, followed (hopefully) shortly after by a Solo Mode version.

That's all for now, updated Character Sheets and added the next completed one to the list. I expect to have another character class added by Wednesday or Thursday, along with updates on how the combat and enemy systems are coming along.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Alright so after a slew of problems getting time to work on this, I have FINALLY managed to compile enough of my scattered files to begin working on this again. Changes thus far are as follows:

SCRAPPED the cutscene idea due to losing all the information I had saved for it after my motherboard and HD fried. It is unlikely that I will pursue this again as I just don't have the time to work on it.

ADDED passive character skills (still sifting through the classes that have not been posted yet to tweak these) that would give each class either a better chance of evading attacks (Ranger and Assassin), pulling monsters to them (Warrior), or the ability to temporarily reduce the damage taken to their stamina bars.

STARTED working on potentially making this game muli-racial. Human and Elf are definitely making the cut, though at this time I am uncertain as to if I will add any others. I am considering a race called the "Mathosians" (yes I took that from Rift, I liked the name) as well as another few that are yet to be named. Each "race" would have specific racial perks as well as "cons" to them. Most likely this would be something along the lines of one race being very strong against a certain enemy type or attack, with the "con" being they are weaker to certain other enemy or attacks. It is likely this will come down to types of attack given the KL system would conflict potentially based on the character class.

FINISHED work on the Critical Hit System, this is now ready to go, albeit the game as a whole is not.

FINISHED work on enemy pleasure caps (this will extend to traps as well). It will now be possible if the entire party is all in the "turn lost" status for them to be "mini-wiped' resulting in a temporary orgy that would leave them humiliated, but alone after a brief "cutscene" describing their utter domination and Corruption Gain. This will also apply in regular combat where a character has been raped to a certain amount of corruption points in a single battle. In that case, she would pass out and become unavailable until the enemies are defeated, or the rest of her team is overwhelmed and raped senseless. The enemy who caused her to hit the KL cap for that battle would vanish from the field of play regardless of if it was pregnant or not.

REMOVED the enemy anger system save for a handful of enemies where it made sense. On the whole, the enemy anger system wasn't feasible and was taking far too long, not to mention all that work was lost.

RESTARTED work on the new character class KL system, having to go from scratch there. In addition, restarted work on the one use items as well. Rather than being drops, these will end up eventually being random chance encounters, with the spawn points capable of being in the same room as enemies. Characters would automatically pick these up before combat initiated, and these items would be listed as usable in the character options, meaning you can CHOOSE when or if to use it. Maximum cap of 3 per character at any given time.

STARTED working on nerfing certain enemy special skills. While the principle is good, some of these I deemed too overpowered after considering how the previous version turned out.

In addition, I am toying with the idea of a few new enemies and traps which will almost certainly be implemented. I have also made it impossible for a character to lose turns over and over like the last time, they will now only be able to lose their turn if they suffer an orgasm while able to actively attempt to get free. If they are in the "lost turn" status and suffer another orgasm, they will still be able to attempt to free themselves on their next turn as they were unable to resist or fight. Further work to this may be required to balance it out still, however this will not be done until the game is ready for "Beta" testing.

That is it for now, I am going to start taking a SMALL list (probably 4 people at the maximum) for Beta testing when it's ready. I will inform those who "make the cut" as the term goes, by PM and inform them when testing begins. Tentatively, I'd like to say I'm hoping to have this ready for testing by no later than the start of May. It may be sooner than that depending on how much free time I actually have between now and then.


Demon Girl Pro
Dec 28, 2010
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Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

After reading through all the old threads, this does seem very interesting to see it back, may even sign up for it when your starting again.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

That would be awesome :)

OK so as of 2 PM Eastern for updates ...

FINISHED character class "passive" skills. These are now ready to go and shouldn't require any more work, with the possible exception of the Chantress's skill. I am uncertain if it will prove to be OP or not yet.

DECIDED to make the game multi-racial. Making the cut are the following. Humans, Mathosians (Humanoid), Elves, Norn (9 foot tall humanoids), Sylvari (Had to put them in cuz they are interesting), as well as the option to have a hybrid between all of them (minus humans who will not have encountered them until now).

To follow up with that process, STARTED working on a scaling KL system for each new RACE, rather than by Class like humans will be. This allows for proper combination of the repsective race's KL systems while keeping it similar to the structure of the human one.

CONTINUING to work on one use items. This is giving me some issues as to what to include and what not to include, and whether to have these items cause damage or not. I'm leaning towards it causing some damage, but not a whole lot of it.

FINISHED Nerfing the pre-existing enemy special skills to make them more balanced for gameplay. However, with several new enemies in wait, there will be a few more tweaks to newcomers before the enemy skills are finished.

STARTED working on making enemy attacks do a pre-set amount of damage to the characters (be it via rape or those few who have scenarios where they WILL try to kill you.) This should make the system a bit more straightforward and more maintainable in the long run of things. Attack power will vary by the type of attack used, and will be present in the "Scanned" data acquired at the beginning of combat with them.

STARTED Classifying enemies by type. For example, Rigel's Lamia's and such now are classified by the category "Snake Creatures." Traps that classify into one of these will also be included, such as Plants. While bosses will classify in these categories, they will not be subject to some of the rules others of that type are. IE: A Mathosian at KL 5 will not be able to resist being penetrated and raped by Tentacle Creatures or Traps. However, during a boss fight she will be able to resist, albeit at a very sluggish rate. I've not finished with the exact workings yet, but I am confident in the end it will work out.

For now this is it. I am continuing to work on this today, so later tonight I should have a second update for today. I've been quite surprised at how easily ideas are coming to me, pleased actually. By the end of today I should have a lot of the missing pieces filled in, or at least under construction.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

I find this thing intriguing, and am considering signing up, though the beginning of May is probably the worst of all possible times for something to start for me.


Demon Girl Pro
Dec 28, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Out of curiosity I have to ask, how did you nerf the lesbian trap plant? That story was a great source of hilarity to me and to do like the concept of the petals closing trapping a hero.
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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Lesbian Trap Plant was not nerfed. I had been working on giving some enemies specific skills that would prevent a character from resisting rape on many of them. Initially it was resisting their attacks for multiple turns, but this seemed a touch overpowered to me, so instead it was changed to "the skill prevents you from resisting the rape (and subsequently the pleasure) for the one turn", while having a long cool down before it can be used again. These skills are not a 100% activation, which helped to further make it seem less over powered. It is my hope that these changes will give a level of thrill to the prospect of being captured and raped by certain enemies, but without leaving it to the point of "I have no hope of escaping". At least until you hit KL 5 that is, then you'll discover your character might be into some kinds of sex she normally wouldn't be into.

Anyway, since I am posting a reply, I may as well make the 10 PM Update (which MAY or may not be the final one of the night)

So what's changed since 2 PM? Well let's see ....

FINISHED all character Classes and filling in their starting stats. The final four classes will be posted up within the next hour.

FINISHED classifying enemies. This is more for my own notes than anything, but it will make life MUCH easier for me in determining if an enemy qualifies for certain situations or not.

FINISHED the racial system along with perks/debuffs. Racial perks WILL stack with class specific skills. An example of this would be the Norn perk reduces incoming pleasure by 50%. So if you have a Norn Sorceress (which sounds strange actually), the Sorc also has a passive skill which when active lowers their pleasure received by 75%. In this case let us say the character suffers an attack dealing 100 pleasure and has her passive shield up at maximum power. So she will only receive 25 Pleasure. However, because she is a Norn, this is now cut by another 50%, so she will receive 12 Pleasure instead of 25 (rounded down in the case of reductions to the nearest whole number).

FINISHED a new KL System. Penalties are no longer present until KL 5, where girls will be unable to resist certain enemies. While this may seem like a downgrade from the previous system, it makes life easier and on the whole should balance the game out much more than it previously was.

FINISHED adding in 4 Different One Use items for instant escape, which also allows you to launch an attack of your own on the same turn. These will be the only 4 I add in.

FINISHED adding in the new traps stats and descriptions.

FINISHED adding in damage values to the Traps.

FINISHED assigning stats to the newest enemies.

Currently Working on: Adding descriptions for new enemies and Assigning damage values for each enemy for their attacks.

Once these last two things are done ... Well, the game will be ready. I hadn't expected things to go as fast as they have today, but I've had an abundance of spare time for a change, and with the ideas continuing to come, I just haven't stopped yet. This is the first break I have taken since 2 PM on this, so just about 7 hours, almost 8 now have gone by with non-stop work.

As previously mentioned, I will be posting the final four character classes upon the completion of this post. When that is done, I will be creating a new thread with all the pertinent information required for creating a character. This will include a small sheet outlining the fields I need you to fill in, including race.

Do not worry about trying to copy and paste the perks/debuffs and stats to your sheet, I will handle that for you once I have the information I require. I ask that no one tries to post a character design up until the sheet thread is up. As I get characters and enter them into the RP, I will add them to the "Finished Characters" thread which will be created upon the first completed entry. All comments regarding the character sheets should be placed here, where I will address them ASAP.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Still interested in play this game


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Awesome. Thread is up for folks to begin giving out information now. Still have the last 2 items on my list from before to do, but I am stopping for the night on it due to being ready to pass the hell out. I hope to finish that tomorrow so this can finally get started on the "signup" and "begin" phases.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)


Finalizing the character sheets is on temporary hold while Emergency Reconstruction of the Class stats is done. Thanks to Shrike pointing out an error, it has been discovered that the Amazon/Ranger class had an extra TEN stat points compared to the other classes. Her point total was 160 when it should have been 150. Because of this, I now need to check through ALL the regular enemies as well as the other character classes to ensure this oversight didn't happen anywhere else.

Boss monsters are fine due to them running off a different system, so the "down time" for this shouldn't be hellaciously long.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)


Tiffanian and darksophina's characters are ready to go. I will be starting with a party mode ONLY first, so this won't get started just yet. Ideally I would like to get at least a few more people in before resorting to "bot" characters. If we haven't gotten any more people by the time I have the Solo version ready to go, then I may convert you both to Solo Play, if you wish. Later, or Tomorrow, I will send out PM's to all the former players and see if I can draw more interest in.


Demon Girl Pro
Dec 28, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Sounds good to me, and while solo is a last resort i guess, group play judging by its history should be much better with this game, and will save you having to rebalance everything for solo.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Tentanrix and plmnko's characters are now locked and loaded.

Current Formation for Group 1:

Iris (Tiffanian), Level 1 Sorceress (Half Elf and Sylvari)
Sophina (darksophina), Level 1 Necromancer (Half Elf and Sylvari)
Tania (TentanariX), Level 1 Warrior (Half Mathosian and Norn)
Lazuli (plmnko), Level 1 Chantress (Mathosian)
(Slot 5 OPEN)
(Slot 6 OPEN)


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

I would probably prefer single player, to be honest, but multi is fine too.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Single Player mode for the time being is not ready to run. There are lot of elements that need to be changed to make it fair for solo play, as the current system was designed for group. While some aspects are easy to change, some need a completely NEW system altogether.

I have sent out PM's to all former players to see if we can get more. I will give it til Sunday Morning and if we have not gotten anymore people by then I will assign two bots to the team and NPC them so we can get started.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

OK we have one new entry which I am working on for the sheet now. Once that is done I will set up a quick "bot" character to go along with Party 1 so you folks can get started. New arrivals have until the thread for Party 1 goes up an officially opens to join and have a chance to be in that party. However, if no new arrivals enter until AFTER that game has started, they will be relegated to the formation of a second group.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Alright, Mindflayer's character (with the removal of the starting futa) has been added into the game. In addition, I randomly selected a character to "NPC" for Party 1. The random selection gives you a lovely Amazon/Ranger to explore with, and it remains of course to be seen if this is a good or bad thing, since you technically have no healers.

The finalized Party 1 looks like this:

Iris (Tiffanian), Level 1 Sorceress (Half Elf and Sylvari)
Sophina (darksophina), Level 1 Necromancer (Half Elf and Sylvari)
Tania (TentanariX), Level 1 Warrior (Half Mathosian and Norn)
Lazuli (plmnko), Level 1 Chantress (Mathosian)
Elia (Mindflayer), Level 1 Assassin (Elf)
Zhara (GM Controlled), Level 1 Amazon/Ranger (Half Elf and Mathosian)

Thread is going up for Party 1 Now, and officially, this party is now LOCKED.