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[PIXEL FACTORY[ parasite in city (RJ123294)

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Re: parasite in city

Lately I reflected upon at how many projects and games I have seen unfinished with the maker disappearing without a trace for at least a year and there really is a ton.

These makers made lots of concept art, lay out their plans of what features they are gonna implement in the game and sometimes even a demo only to left them unfinished for unknown reasons. It's kinda sad.

It's just feels like it's getting common.

I think I know this
Just wait for another 5 years
Just maybe it will be release
I get a lot of bad rep for saying the dev is a slowpoke 2 Years a go
People is really pamper him too much

Whatever , dun care anymore

I mean, Dot_Slave had just released a game, then his team kinda split (the other one doing the Fighting Girl Sakura/Mei games) and then he'd just come up with a concept for the character of the next game and said it would take a long time.

Go read the last post on his blog, he says "please be patient, it may take year but I will never stop"

So yeah, don't wait up on the games, but at the same time I don't think he's abandoned the whole thing.

Well , he might say will never give up
But there is also some-many case they in the end give up
Just posting to say hi once in a while is good
No communication in almost a year
I take it for a bad sign
But that's only Me
Re: parasite in city

Does anyone know what happened to Dot_slave?
Is he dead?
he's still alive, at least i still saw him online a few days ago. He's either put Parasite in City 2 on hold or abandon it.

He said he's starting a new project, something about a village girl and orcs. Will he able to finish this new one or will it ended on hiatus forever, that i don't know ^^; .
Re: parasite in city

Lately I reflected upon at how many projects and games I have seen unfinished with the maker disappearing without a trace for at least a year and there really is a ton.
It's just feels like it's getting common.

Wow, that sounded... scary :---)

he's still alive, at least i still saw him online a few days ago. He's either put Parasite in City 2 on hold or abandon it.

He said he's starting a new project, something about a village girl and orcs. Will he able to finish this new one or will it ended on hiatus forever, that i don't know ^^; .

Good to know, pity he's not sharing any public info though. Just seeing some examples of his new pixel art is a pleasure in itself.
Re: parasite in city

Last we supposedly heard of him:




I can't verify the legitimacy of this but I want to believe.
Re: parasite in city

Alright. Apparently this needs to be explicated since... well, since no one seems to get it.
  1. Check if devs have been active recently.
  2. Willfully maintain optimistic outlook in spite of unanimously understood fact that people usually don't follow through with difficult projects.
  3. Provide sardonic commentary to discourage people from making the same "It has been a long time since he posted an update. He probably won't finish the game. But it would be good if he finished the game." comments every month or two
Yes, it's been a while. No, it probably won't get done. Yes, it'd be rad if it got finished. But we can't do anything about it, except wait and occasionally provide encouragement in the form of "are you still working on this project? I hope so! You are a talented developer, so I was eagerly anticipating your game!" posts made to the person's website.
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Re: parasite in city

this quote is a joke and not from this Dev

''i'm redoing the game because i think the gameplay could be so much better. and i'm changing how the character looks, back to the drawing board guys don't worry about it''

Try not to cry..... cry alot.:(
Re: parasite in city

he's still alive, at least i still saw him online a few days ago. He's either put Parasite in City 2 on hold or abandon it.

He said he's starting a new project, something about a village girl and orcs. Will he able to finish this new one or will it ended on hiatus forever, that i don't know ^^; .

Seriously!? That would be the most disappointing thing ever! What is with japanese people and friggen orcs??
Re: parasite in city

Seriously!? That would be the most disappointing thing ever! What is with japanese people and friggen orcs??

Big. green. massive dicks. rapes everything in sight.
Re: parasite in city

Before I joined this site I used to be at LoK forums and let me just say.... nothing got done around there >_>. Devs used to hype people up with tons of concept art animations and even demos, (i.e "The Legend of Krystal") but would burn out before the game ever even got close to completion.

The first project ever to be completed there was "Dusty's Castle" and later "Sakyubasu no Tatakai" and since then that dev became a god on the forums. So trust me I know the signs of a dead project.

Even Urielmanx7, a guy I used to praise because he would at least say hi once a week even if he didn't do much, has started posting once a month now and has even announced a new project he's working on. We'll all just have to settle for that awesome demo we've got that was 8 years in the making.

Vosmug seems to be the last one-man show that's still pushing, but if he gives up idk who any of the other devs can look up to for inspiration. But yeah it's not becoming a common thing, it is a common thing. This is just what it's like when there's only 1-2 people working on a project.
Re: parasite in city

it's been very loooong time
i guess very difficult to be a hentai game developer without suicide
i was have hard time.
now i decide continue made another hentai stuff
please don't waiting for me i can not trust my self
Re: parasite in city

it's been very loooong time
i guess very difficult to be a hentai game developer without suicide
i was have hard time.
now i decide continue made another hentai stuff
please don't waiting for me i can not trust my self

We dunno what are your problems but hey! Just know that you always have our support!
Re: parasite in city

it's been very loooong time
i guess very difficult to be a hentai game developer without suicide
i was have hard time.
now i decide continue made another hentai stuff
please don't waiting for me i can not trust my self

You made the very first hentai game that I was comfortable buying, you opened a whole world for some of us.
Re: parasite in city

This announcement is extremely shocking and grim. Do not do anything stupid.
Re: parasite in city

You're one of the reasons why I came back to pursue this career.
Your work is an inspiration. Don't give up! Do take your time to sort things out.
You have followers and believers here.


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Re: parasite in city

It's only understandable that he's having a hard time. He lives in the country of suicide and hentai afterall.

Dude, just know that you've done well surviving so far.
Re: parasite in city

it's been very loooong time
i guess very difficult to be a hentai game developer without suicide
i was have hard time.
now i decide continue made another hentai stuff
please don't waiting for me i can not trust my self

I've known people with depression and suicidal tendencies, and all I can say is "Take your time and get help". It'll do wonders for you :). And if you think something is making you feel down, then to hell with it. YOU are the most important person in your life, do not get yourself down.
Re: parasite in city

it's been very loooong time
i guess very difficult to be a hentai game developer without suicide
i was have hard time.
now i decide continue made another hentai stuff
please don't waiting for me i can not trust my self

I am glad to hear from you! Welcome back!
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