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Piracy Resailed - IC


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Apr 21, 2019
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71138225_p0.jpgEopeia the Sailor! Location: Docks, Tag: The crew, Status: None, Mood: confused

Eopeia's eyes twitched as she observed the proceedings. Sure, the frog and the parrot were cute, but there was something... off about this crew. Still, with Tortuga under Dreadmaws control, how else was she supposed to find any employ? Besides, this amazon island sounded interesting, none of her previous crews had made stops there.

"I think I will pass on anyone breeding me." She finally declared, her legs stretching to make her look larger. "But aside from that, me and Rikard will help you bring back your captain!" Her large jumping spider companion shimmied his pedipalps as she patted him. "Oh, and can I hang my hammock between the masts?" She asked, her legs folding slightly again. She gave Ylria and Marnia and the others an enthusiastic smile.
Feb 5, 2020
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At the mention of breeding Bea blushed a bright blue, hiding her face in her hood glancing at her wolf.
"I apologise for my actions towards him Captain"
She scratched at Vorons head, just behind his ears listening to the rhythmic thumping of his tail to calm herself.
"Would a cabin or area near the back of the ship be available Captain, I request a window as well"
Moving to the back of the ship again Bea moved with Voron and looked out of the empty sea outside the bay walls with a sense of optimism . . .and dread.
the thought of facing off against the DreadMaw that attacked her village.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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Marnia, the (hopefully temporary) Captain!
: Everyone
HP: 68/68 Armor Class: 21 (+4 fight defensive/+4 crane wing vs melee!) Initiative Bonus: +5 Speed: 50ft. CMB: +12 CMD: 33
Saving Throws: +8 Fort +9 Ref (+Evasion) +6 Will (+2 vs enchantment)
Ki Pool: 8/8, Stunning Fist: 8/8, Conditions: Corporeal

"No, I want to revive Rovana, our previous Captain!" she explained to the spider-girl!

"Bea! Didn't I just say no fighting between the crew?! You will have to apologize to the poor fishy, and I will also visit you tonight for some educational spanking!" she declared "Arrrr-m I clear?" since she was the captain, she had to practice speaking like a pirate too...didn't she? Or maybe make all other pirates speak like her...hmmm...

Marnia then would go through the water, to bring the scared fishfolk back, and would later comfort him with some lewd massaging!

"Of course, pick your rooms or your resting spots as you want! Captain's room is reserved for keeping our beloved previous Captain, and she also has tons of dangerous stuff in there so you better not snoop around. I mean, you can if you want, but no breaking stuff for sure."
Feb 5, 2020
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tumblr_ocosg2qgh11qj7ctbo1_500.jpg Bea Autumn, Location: Aboard Ship, Tag: Crew, Status: Apologetic, Mood: Aroused

"I apologise Captain! I will apologise to him when he gets back on the ship, Ma'am"

Bea bowed her head and turned to the stern of the ship, opening one of the cabin doors and putting her bag down and laying back on the bunk.
Voron nuzzled at her hand with his wet nose, slipping his tongue between her fingers.
"Go lay down Voron, when i get my punishment later i might have some fun with you. . .might" Bea flushed and scratched at his head, feeling herself getting a little aroused at the thought of the spanking and fucking she might want afterwards.

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Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Tag: All

The Crew of the Red Dawn, old and new, got comfortable upon the ship, looking around, taking in their cabins to be, scaring off local fishfolk.. one of them trying to sneak back on board.. only to be kicked off of the gang-plank in a high arch, and explode! "Purging Radiance!"

In a glow of glittering showers of light, Bea never getting a chance to utter her apology...
As a happilly smiling, rather pretty blonde, with.. perhaps ever so slightly a bit of psychopathy in her eyes strolled up to the ship as if she owned it, fish-folk workers rightfully fleeing, the most daring ones snarling a little on their retreat.

Siley Lightbringer

"Ugh there's more? I purged how many of these un-pretty things you have onboard from my memory already... Anyway!

Hello there!"

She waved one hand, spinning a glowing, overly effeminate looking wizardry staff in one hand. "Oh new crew! That's great, good thinking new captain Blueberry bitch! Now I'm just here to.. ata ta ta.. let me.."
She grinned, hopping upon the reiling of the ship. "Hmnn .. kind of cute.."
She mused, looking at Bea with a hint of hunger, before clearing her throat. "Anyway, I am super glad to see you recover well from the little problem earlier. Getting your stuff together quickly will be great in helping you help us by helping you fulfill your tribute-quota as determined by my beloved captain."

She smiled. "Yeah.. being pirate-queen doesn't come cheap, we got a lot of expenses but luckily, our mighty, wise captain has decided that you can take it easy for the first month. A mere five thousand gold should do.. of course that doubled if you take too long sailing about. You can pay ahead of time or whenever you return to Tortuga. Any questions?"
She smiled, whipping her legs back and forth.


Active member
May 4, 2018
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Allisane Blackwell.jpg Allisane Blackwell
HP: 49/54 Armor Class: 17 Initiative Bonus: +6 CMB: +3(14 with telekinetic maneuver) CMD: 15 Speed: 30 Active effects: Conceal thoughts.
Fort: +3 Ref: +4 Will: +6
Power Points 73/82

Allisane was busy with the memories linked to the splinter thing, so she wasn't entirely aware of what was happening for a moment, finally returning to the world of the waking she suddenly turned as someone screamed something, one of the fishmen flying up and exploding, well that didn't seem good. She listened as the overly cutesy girl started talking about how they needed to pay because of her captain or something, she assumed she worked for Dreadmaw.

She decided to go deal with this before it turned into a thing, walking towards the girl, "Hello there miss, I'm sorry I cannot greet you properly but I am Allisane Blackwell, it's nice to meet you," She reached out to shake the girls hand. Meanwhile all her shipmates others would hear in their head, "Don't interfere, she wouldn't be on an enemy ship like this if she wasn't confident she had the upper hand, she probably has friends nearby." Although whether or not she took it Allisane would then attempt to reach into the girls head and modify her memory, making her think that Allisane had handed her over the money she had on her as the first payment to her captain, since they didn't have all the money at the time.
DC 21 will save to resist the memory modification I take 5 damage from overchanneling to boost my ML, so I can pay 2 extra powerpoints raising the DC from 20 to 21 using mental intrusion
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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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Marnia, the (hopefully temporary) Captain!
: Everyone
HP: 68/68 Armor Class: 21 (+4 fight defensive/+4 crane wing vs melee!) Initiative Bonus: +5 Speed: 50ft. CMB: +12 CMD: 33
Saving Throws: +8 Fort +9 Ref (+Evasion) +6 Will (+2 vs enchantment)
Ki Pool: 7/8, Stunning Fist: 8/8, Conditions: Corporeal

Marnia gritted her teeth hatefully. "No, you don't understand. Those fishfolk were bred and raised by our crew..." she would reply to Allisane mentally.

"SILLEY." she rushed forward, her hands dripping acid, as her skin turned a deeper shade of blue! "We will pay when we get back...but you and me have left a fight midway. Your captain is fine with one on one fights...THE REST STAY BACK!" she ordered, as she attacked the Silley. If anything, killing Silley here would keep the doggie safe. Unless Silly had a very good apology prepared, Marnia would attack her!

Marnia did manage to trip and strike Silley, however, she didn't seem to get stunned! But Marnia had another trick in her sleeve (even if she had no sleeves!)

"Fishfolk lay eggs...they find suitable females, then their shamans bless them with the ability to breed anything...and then they fill them with eggs, fucking them one after the other...until the whole tribe is done. Wouldn't you imagine yourself getting bred by countless fishfolk, Silley....?"

[15 Initiative
Flying Kick, jump up to 20ft then flurry of blows.
1st Trip attack misses, 2nd does the Trip, Attack with +17 for 5 damage, attack with +17 for 7 damage
Swift Action: Breaking-Down Koan (Su) Will DC 18 or get confused for 1 round.]
Feb 5, 2020
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tumblr_ocosg2qgh11qj7ctbo1_500.jpg Bea Autumn, Location: Aboard Ship, Tag: Crew, Status: Alert, Mood: Annoyed
AC: 20 CMD: 23 Fort: +6 Reflex: +12 Will: +3
Suddenly blinded by the flash outside the door Bea jumped out and off the bed, grabbing her bow and notching it loosely as she poked her head out the door.
Leaning out a little and hearing Allisane in her head, Bea lifted her bow and pulled back on the string aiming at the new persons ample chest.

Despite the Captains warning of non interference Bea wanted to prove herself after the. . .fish man incident.

Attack from Range, Shot 1: 24 to hit 3 damage Shot 2: 16 to hit 3 damage
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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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71138225_p0.jpgEopeia the Sailor! Location: The Red Dawn, Tag: The crew, Siley, Mood: determined

Status: In combat, armor on, HP: 60/60, AC 20, CMD 25 (37 against trip and overrun [and maybe drag too, depending on GM])

Eopeia watched the fishman gibber in panic and jump over board with subdued enjoyment and slight relief. If they were so easily scared, maybe they wouldn't be as much of a nuisance as she first thought. Plus, she had a gut feeling this crew was going to be alright, especially Bea, even if they acted rather odd.

"Hey Rikard, go check out the rigging, will you?" She whispered to her companion, sending the mischievous spider off with a pat on the spinnerets.

Eopeia herself started heading below deck in search of the crew cabins to take one of the hammocks and take it to the rigging with her. Most of her personal effects had sunk with her previous ship, the Emerald Wind, though Eopeia had managed to save her most precious tools, her own bad-weather fund, and a few other items before the ship had broken apart completely. Her face still sank when she thought about her beloved plush tiger that had been lost. The ship's helmsman's young daughter, Cassia, had loved the old thing. She might have been holding it as the ship started to flood and she-

Eopeia shook her head. Now was not the time. She'd make Dreadmaw pay in good time. One way or the other.

She was about to follow Bea inside when she noticed the flash out of the corner of her eye and heard the shout. Eopeia turned around and carefully walked closer. Something about the blonde girl made her gut turn.

At first she wasn't sure what was going on, but as she watched Marnia's reaction and heard "pirate-queen," the copper dropped. This must be one of Dreadmaw's lieutenants! Something scorching, burning flared up in her abdomen, her legs' tension increasing. This woman was exhorting tribute for Dreadmaw! Luckily, Marnia seemed to have none of it, and started laying into her.

Yes! A fight! A chance to pay Dreadmaw back! Even if it's just a lackey!

Both Marnia, and somehow the girl with the tattoos, told her to stay back and not interfere. But she would have none of it. Eopeia did not care for the fishman this woman seemed to have assaulted, but her new captain was incensed enough, and Eopeia had always been easy to infect with enthusiasm, or rage. If Marnia was going to duke it out, Eopeia would do her best to help her.

"Every journey begins with a single step. This - is step one." Eopeia whispered to herself, uncaring who would be able to hear it.
It had taken a moment of contemplation, but she had made up her mind. This blonde, psychotically gleeful bitch would pay. For what exactly, she'd figure out later. Not that it mattered. Memories of dead friends flashed before her eyes.
To avenge those who drowned with the Emerald Wind. To prevent the same happening to any other ship. That was reason enough.

Eopeia saw that she wasn't the only one who had made the same choice. Bea was leaning around the door leading inside and readying a volley. It was time to act.

Eopeia scuttled towards the midship as fast as possible and up the rigging to get a heightened position. She pulled the rolled blanket from her back and unrolled it, revealing her trusty rifle inside. She tossed the blanket aside and loaded a cartridge as her legs carried her upwards.

Eopeia raised the rifle and pressed the buttstock into her shoulder, aligning her sights on the blonde woman.

She took a deep breath, held it in, and pulled the trigger.

You first. I'll get to Dreadmaw in due time.

(Initiative: 22, Delaying until last (6))
(Move 40 ft, towards the nearest mast and then upwards as far as possible, Take 10 for accelerated climb: 30)
(Draw and load rifle as free actions while moving)
(Attack on Siley with Deadly Aim: 28 (29 if within 30 ft.), Damage: 9 (10 if within 30 ft.) Unless Siley is suddenly >200 ft. away, the attack is resolved against her touch AC)
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Active member
May 4, 2018
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Allisane Blackwell.jpg Allisane Blackwell
HP: 49/54 Armor Class: 17 Initiative Bonus: +6 CMB: +3(14 with telekinetic maneuver) CMD: 15 Speed: 30 Active effects: Conceal thoughts.
Fort: +3 Ref: +4 Will: +6
Power Points 73/82

Allisane was surprised when the captain suddenly replied telling her that thing had been one of their kids, why the hell were they breeding those things? With everyone getting into the fight she'd decide to instead simply step away, out of the way of the fight and not actively taking part in it.

Initiative 6
Move action to move away


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2019
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Ylria Seaspray Tag: The entire cast! Location: The Ship
Saving Throws: Fort +4 Ref +12 Will +3

Ylira watched with wary curiosity as Siley came aboard. She grimaced as the woman exploded one of their fishfolk and with a purr of pleasure and anger she drew forth both Master Rahadin and his brother Master Toradin. She licked both blades lovingly as Marnia challenged the bitch. Now as the others attacked Ylria moved forward as well from behind and struck tellingly with both daggers.

OOC: Initiative 17
34 and 35 to hit
13 and 13 damage
10 and 16 damage from sneak attack
Foe is Disoriented: take -2 on all attack rolls and a further -2 on attacks against Ylria
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Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Siley Lightbringer, Combat Round 1

"Oh hello there Allie, glad you see reason.. I guess a down-payment will go a long way to show some goodwill towards my captain. Also, you know, if you allowed a bit of cutie restyling you could be sooo pretty, you know." Siley grinned enthusiastic and rather than shake her hand, gave Allisane a smooch on the cheek, before noticing Marnia's ire.

"I'm -really- happy you see things my way, Blueberry. We got a little.. thing to finish."
Siley grinned, ever so much a lot less kind as she shook her head. "Maybe you like fucking these disgusting fishthings but they are as far above touching me as any of you are above touching my captain."
She nodded, lifting her staff to distract Marnia with it's glowing light when her tripping attempt failed (Dazled for one round!) The next strike, however, felled her and she grunted, a little annoyed.. only for her skin to become oddly tough and hard as stone under Marnia's fist.. "I see an ugly villain like you isn't above punching people while they are on the ground. Lucky I, Siley The Lightbringer, can bring judgement for you. Perhaps the sloppily dressed one of yours could be a better captain, with a cutesie makeover.."
She glanced over to Allie.

Next, two arrows harmlessly plink-plonk off of Siley's strangely hard skin.. one was deflected by her gaudy armor yes, but the other hit her arm, yet, it was as if it impacted solid stone.

"You really suck at being honorable among pirates you know. Dreadmaw really prefers you going out and making money for her. Then again, if you're all so pathetically weak that..."
Siley mused, arms crossed on the ground., only for Ylria to jump at her and stab her, lightning and thunder crackling.. through whatever defenses she had, responded with an annoyed. "Graaaaaah ! Fuck! The Fuck are those daggers! Fucking.. whore! fpfeeww.. ok.. I'm alright again.. but seriously stop it with that..."
She gasped, seeming decidedly less amused by them, even as Eopeia's arrow in turn seemed to leave her unaffected, looking a little nervous for the first time.

"Well...well..well.. one would think that meeting the Captain wold help you ugly bitches understand where your place is in the world.. but! I am happy to remind you. Nimbus of Light!"
She smirked, and lifted her staff and a near blinding blash of light emanated from her, bathing the ships deck in the light of the midday sun. (As undead Marnia takes 11 damage, no save.)

"Your problem, little stupid blueberry, is that you keep doing the same thing and hope for a different outcome. Like a brainless little punching machine bimbo, you think more punches and kicks will be the sollution, when everyone can buy themselves a little contigency stoneskin pendant.. the price for that will be added to your tribute, by the by."
She shook her head.

"I can tell that you haven't learned your lesson, but with respect to my captain, here's my offer. If you behave, I'll.. kill only one of you and let the others live to do. If you don't, I'll remind you.. who's in charge, and who owns you now, if you like it or not.

I'm going to stand up now, and the next one to attack me, will be the one to die as is Dreadmaws law, which is now the law of the sea itself.. oh and before I forget it. Light! Heal all our wounds and destroy the evil undead!"

She declared, the wounds from Ylria's daggers fading away.. as Marnia found her undead body wracked with agony.. (Marnia takes another 14 damage, dc 20 Will for half)

Siley sighed, standing up. "We are the pirates of the light. The defenders of hope and love. Don't you see? Our wonderful, mighty captain has to sometimes be a little brutal and rough, and a lot of people have trouble swallowing the one death for loyalty thing, but it works. It brings order to these lawless seas. I have no hard feelings against any of you, except perhaps this dumb blue whore, but I am still happy putting those aside!

Still.. if you insist on like.. totally fighting on, I guess I'll have to kill you all, as we do with all the mean evil, ugly, filthy rebels threatening Dreadmaws wonderful new world order.. shame.. was really hoping you'd gotten the message the first time around.. guess Rovana's folks were really not worth it, short of the adorable doggo.."

(Standing up in melee-range provokes an Aoo! Keep in mind any undead within 30 ft of Siley still take 11 damage every turn!

Initiative: Marnia (Moderatly heavily injured) -> Ylria -> Bea -> Eiopia-> Allisane -> Siley(Stoneskin, Daylight, barely injured)
(assigned by DM)
Feb 5, 2020
Reputation score
tumblr_ocosg2qgh11qj7ctbo1_500.jpg Bea Autumn, Location: Aboard Ship, Tag: Crew, Status: Determined, Mood: Irritable
AC: 20 CMD: 23 Fort: +6 Reflex: +12 Will: +3
Arrows: 58

With a mild snort of annoyance Bea reloaded her bow, clearing the stray hair from her eyes and lining up her bow again with the glowing figure that used to be the intruder

"Lets hope this works. . ."

As Bea lined up her shot she felt voron nuzzle at her thigh with his big shaggy head. . .

"Not . . .now. . .Voron. . .VORON!"

Releasing the tension on her bow Bea moved to a kneeling position and scratched at Vorons ears, opening the door wide and showing the glowing person to him.
The soft growl, turning to a snarl as Bea gave the order. . .

"Sic 'Em boy"

Voron pounced, hitting the deck with a thumb as he sprang on his paws towards the intruder, hoping to knock her off the ship.
With Voron leaping into the field of battle, Bea loosed another 2 arrows, aiming dead centre of the womans head

"For this ship to be safe from harm. . .i must strike again"

Push attack move by Companion: move by 5 metres CMB 28
Roll: 15

Attack with bow, Shot 1: 34 to hit 3 damage Shot 2: 15 to hit 8 damage
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Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Siley Lightbringer, Combat Round 2

Siley deflected one of the arrows mid-air with a slap of her light-staff, the other scratching against, and being deflected by her magic, as she complained: "You guys are really stupid aren't you, welp, guess we found the volunteer dead. maaaah!"
What her magic couldn't deflect, however, was a massive wolf colliding with her, with her already on the edge of the ship it managed to toss her off, half onto the pier, where she failed to hold on and landed with a -not- happy sounding splash.

Her tone was decidedly less cute and girlsy after the involuntary bath.
On the upside, her own rage seemed to interfere with her getting back onto the walkway, decidedly not happy. Marnia decided to use the opportunity to draw her sword (well, Rovana's sword) and command the Red Dawn to set sail. Even if they could deal with Siley here and now after all, there were a lot of onlookers on the docks and it was only a matter of time before Dreadmaw herself was alerted. And they didn't have what it took to fight the self proclaimed pirate queen.. not yet.. not without losing more of the crew.

Especially as Siley smirked and spit out some water before shouting up. "Actually, way fucking better idea for you WHORES! That's it... watch me kill all of you bitches with a single spell!"
She declared, having dragged herself b ack up on the dock before pointing her staff up in the sky, a globe of light shooting out, before forming the red-clawed Dreadmaw insignia, which had the interesting effect of causing a near panic on the docks as all that saw it fled, with perhaps a moment of staring from the more dim-witted pirate denizens of Tortuga.
It's just a modified dancing lights

(Feel free to make supportive profession sailor checks and etc as we go on the voyage!)
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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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Marnia, the (hopefully temporary) Captain!
: Everyone
HP: 43/68 Armor Class: 21 (+4 fight defensive/+4 crane wing vs melee!) Initiative Bonus: +5 Speed: 50ft. CMB: +12 CMD: 33
Saving Throws: +8 Fort +9 Ref (+Evasion) +6 Will (+2 vs enchantment)
Ki Pool: 7/8, Stunning Fist: 8/8, Conditions: Corporeal

It goes without question that Marnia would not leave the chance of slapping Silley when she was getting up!

"YOU ILLITERATE BITCH, DO YOU KNOW HOW TO COUNT? YOU ALREADY KILLED TWO OF OUR CREW!" she angrily screamed back, ignoring the pain of the positive damage!

She wasn't sure if Silley getting knocked out of the ship was a good or a bad thing...but it had happened, so it was obviously better to leave...she would pay back Silley too, in the future, however.

"SET SAIL!" she ordered, using the amulet and the sword for the first time to aid along!

"SILLEY YOU ARE A BITCH! IF YOU WEREN'T UGLY YOU WOULDN'T NEED MAKEUP." she shouted, as it was already too late to stop that bitch from casting whatever!

[18 Captaining check - We will sail ahead to throw off the Dreadmaws off our tail, and then we will go towards the Amazon island.]


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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71138225_p0.jpgEopeia the Sailor! Location: The Red Dawn, Tag: The crew, Mood: determined

Status: Out of combat, armor on, HP: 60/60, AC 20, CMD 25 (37 against trip and overrun [and maybe drag too, depending on GM])

Eopeia, already on the rigging, fastened her rifle to her backpack for the time being. "Aye Aye, captain!" She called out, moving upwards to help unfurl the sails together with Rikard, who couldn't actually help her directly when it came to working the sails and ropes, but could at least keep her company and keep an eye out.

Eopeia looked back at the blonde psycho pulling herself out of the water, thinking about whether she should have taken another shot but decided to conserve ammunition.
"Count yourself lucky, you bitch!" She called out over the water they were leaving behind. "Next time, you get a bullet into that ugly head of yours!" She added, only to then twitch as she saw the light brighten.
"Come on, Rikard! Let's get out of here!" She quickly scurried deeper into the ship's rigging, not sure if that sign might explode or something. (Spellcraft would have been 13, but no untrained usage, doesn't matter anyway)

The two of them climbed and jumped around the mast, helping to unfurl the sails in time for the wind that their new captain seemed to have conjured up, though the new ship was slightly unfamiliar to her, and having fishmen crawl around the masts only distracted her.
Wow, I gotta get one of those blades for the next gig.

(Profession (Sailor): 13)
(Take 10 Acrobatics for jumping between masts: 33)
(Take 10 Climb for Accelerated Climb for moving across the rigging as needed: 30)
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Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
Reputation score

On The Voyage

The fishmen, unless discouraged, got a little touchy with the rest of the crew. At least Marnia seemed to be used to this, although Ylria excused herself, happily going to her private room and mumbling something about 'needing to learn more discipline. Perhaps she was some sort of religious Zealot, as even though it was only her in the room there were wet slapping sounds, moans, and you could have sworn a male voice speaking about discipline and obediance to her.

Allisane examined the speartip a bit closer. Yes, that's what it was, she realized, a shard from a magical spear, tip covered in blood magic and shaft made of darkwood. The owner, past the woman that must have been Rovana, was a dark-skinned, dark haired vampiress with a lustful, hungry expression. A peek into the captains quarters revealed a portrait there of that same woman, albeit looking a lot more noble and sophisticated in art.

Marnia found that the amulet gave her an innate link to the ship. She could feel it and steer it, albeit only sluggishly without the aid of others. She also felt more powers hidden beneath in the amulets abilities, and with a little study, she'd master that red lightning that Rovana had summoned. Sadly, there were still secrets that elluded her, mainly because she could not use both amulets at the same time.. the ghost-touch one to make her solid and the one to control the ship. At least Dagon's Eye performed admirably, able to somewhat negate unfavourable winds. They needed that, for Dreadmaw seemed not the kind and unforgiving sort, perhaps even less so than her pretty, but belligerent officer.

The new crewmembers also.. adjusted. Bea was just suprised by the sheer size of she ship, and the wonders of the world above. Eopeia was happy climbing form mast to mast and, slowly but steadily, befriending the grumpy old pirate-parrot living in the main Crow/parrots nest. Rovana's parrot, the creature seemed sly and old and, on closer examination, the spiderwoman wasn't even sure if the bird was still alive.

Either way, the Red Dawn had set sail early to the Voodoo islands and although everyone pulled their weight, they lacked in experience yet.. the journey took longer than expected and, although it seemed they'd make it just fine, they had to make a decision....

-> Forced Sailing to arrive at your destination with haste, greater risk of trouble on the way and damage to the ship.
-> Rationing food to continue at a steady pace, at maybe the cost of some unrest among the crew
-> Pirating! There were not as many vessels in the southern sea past the Voodoo islands but if they could find and plunder one for food and booty...
The decision was up to the captain, although others could speak up as well.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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71138225_p0.jpgEopeia the Sailor! Location: The Red Dawn, Tag: The crew, Mood: elated

Status: Out of combat, armor on, HP: 60/60, AC 20, CMD 25 (37 against trip and overrun [and maybe drag too, depending on GM])

Eopeia sat on top of the mast near the crow's nest, letting the wind rush through her hair. Finally! She looked back one last time to the slowly fading sight of Tortuga in the morning glow. It felt good leaving this hole behind. Nothing good had come from there. She couldn't wait to sail different seas and walk different lands again. Of course, there probably would be another confrontation with Dreadaw there, but for now, Eopeia was in her element. Blue skies above and blue ocean below. Just as she liked it.

Of course, there was the issue of her new ship and crew. Eopeia took another look at the parrot in the nest, trying to discern if he was just sleeping or already dead. (Perception: take 10 for 22)

Then there were the fishmen making advances at her and generally just getting in the way. Having seen how Marnia reacted, Eopeia realized that anything that making an example by lethal force would be out of the question.
"Remember Rikard, no snacking on those fishmen." She told her companion while scratching his cephalothorax right above his eyes. "I'll try to catch some fish for you. Too bad I didn't save the fishing pole. Gotta ask if we have one on board."
She looked back at the fishmen. needed something flashier...

The next time one of the fishmen tried to grope her abdomen, Eopeia reached out, grappling the thing, pinning it against the mast, then wrapping up its legs in sticky silk, the other end of which she fastened to the highest point of the main mast. (Take 20 on CMA for cinematic combat: unarmed grappling, pinning, tying up a fishman.)

Then she carried the yelping fishman to the end of the spar, and throwing it over the side. The screaming creature fell down, the silky thread expanding, before reaching maximum expansion, the momentum shifting, as the unlucky fishman started swinging perpendicular to the ship, like a pendulum between the sails. The silk retracted slightly during the swing, only to expand again as the sea-creature went overboard, before being pulled back on another swing. This process repeated itself half a dozen times, the poor thing screaming all the way, before the silk thread finally came to a stop parallel to the main mast, the fishman still hanging upside down, looking around confused before belching green slime out of its stomach. Eopeia carefully reeled the thread back up and freed the fishman to use the rope on a later occasion, leaving the dazed and sick creature to find its own way down.

Back on deck, Eopeia picked up the spent casing she had dropped in the earlier and the blanket her rifle had been wrapped in. She'd hunt for scrap metal and unused black powder on the ship later to make some more cartridges later. This blonde bitch looked like she would need a few bullets.

Eopeia walked towards Marnia to confer about the details of the voyage, asking for a fishing pole and about their supply situation. If asked what to do on the voyage, Eopeia supported raiding food and supplies off of nearby ships.
"Hey, you're pirates, remember? Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do to survive." She explained with a shrug. She had plundered ships and farms before. It was dirty, but it beat starvation and exposure every day.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Tag: Eopeia

The Parrot is most definitly dead, judging by a lack of breathing on closer observation. It also turns to rawwrk at Eopeia after prolonged examination, one good eye burning with undying intelligence and a sharp beak readied if her investigation tries to close in any further and bother the ships oldest inhabitant.

The fishmen were decidedly not happy about the spiders treatment, but, easily intimidated, gave her a white birth in the future.


Active member
May 4, 2018
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Allisane Blackwell.jpg Allisane Blackwell
HP: 54/54 Armor Class: 17 Initiative Bonus: +6 CMB: +3(14 with telekinetic maneuver) CMD: 15 Speed: 30 Active effects: Conceal thoughts.
Fort: +3 Ref: +4 Will: +6
Power Points 82/82

Allisane looked as the wolf pushed Silley in the water, she walked to the edge of the ship and waved at the now wet girl. She would then turn around and yelled in aquan,
She'd then turn towards the others, "so, is it just gonna be a thing, us not listening to the captain when she gives orders which are meant to save our lives?" She asked, looking out across the group.

As they traveled Allisane got curious about the visions she had from the speartip and going into the captains quarters revealed the painting, having the woman from her vision, she smiled to herself, this had to be part of the key to the stories of Captain Rovana going so far back, perhaps she could find out something about how to extend her own life in here. She'd start with psychometry on the picture, then see where that took her.

When not working on her own private pet project Allisane would be mostly wandering about the ship and lazing about, the groping of the fishmen annoyed her somewhat, but she was happy to use it, she didn't fully discourage it, but never allowed them to go further than a few stray touches, instead, she told them, that if they were really good, then she might just help them have some fun with the new elf which had joined, that she could make her interested in having fun with them.

Lastly, she was curious about this last member of the crew which seemed to isolate herself and decided to figure out what she was doing, sending in her psicrystal ant, Antoinette to figure out what was going on inside the room. Like Eopeia she would also agree that piracy might be a good idea, it was better if they got some extra rations and resources to make the trip easier for them, and, she thought to herself, maybe get her something nice.