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Peltas Five Space Station

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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"Sounds like a plan ta me. And who knows, maybe it wasn't the Klarnell but the ones that made 'em. They are a bit out of time, ain't they?" He rolls his shoulders a couple of times. "Tell ya what, Ah'm gonna grab a bite. You handle the official stuff with the Nox. Call me when yer ready ta head out?"
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Siphon chuckled.

"I'll join you in that quest for food, the official bit was handled before I came down here. Aya's sticking around to help where needed, and they can get in touch with us if need be. I'll let Julia know our plan before we head out so they can reach us if need be. We just have to be careful, apparently there is a disease afflicting human populations here in the galaxy, something that popped up on the Vorian planet and has since spread out. We think it's spreading anytime an infected person steps through the gate, but since both our intended destinations are off the 'grid' of other worlds so to speak, we should be fine. Anyway, what's on the menu?"

About then Vanessa caught up and smiled.

"Not sure about either of you, but a steak for me. Where are we heading first though after?"
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"So, it's spread by the gates or it's aihborn and highly communicable," which sounds real fun in the accent. "Well, Ah'll be sure ta be careful. Ah'd say Ah don't quite register as human, but at the core, Ah am."

At Vanessa's comment, Ian chuckles, clapping her lightly around the waist. "Y'been packin' those in pretty good lately. Where ya keepin' it all?"

Provided he doesn't need to detour to the medical bay, he'll head for the mess. "Ah'm plannin' on seein' what strikes m'fancy when Ah get theah. Ya want a menu, apparently Nessa's the one ta talk tah."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Vanessa just smiled at him.

"I'll never tell, you'll have to guess."

Siphon laughed, shaking his head.

"Ah, after the way today has gone I needed that laugh. I'm thinking broiled fish today, supposedly someone brought in Haddock from Earth, so I think I'll have some of that before we go."

Soon enough they were in the mess hall, and orders were being placed.

((Leaving it up to you when you want to move things along, this is quite a nice relaxing moment before any more potential shitstorms.))
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

((Well, while a relaxing dinner might be nice--and a good night's sleep--we can move along to the main plot point, unless you'd like to do a little slice of life bit. Likely not a lot of conversation, though, if that's the case, since our on times are kind of erratic. Don't want it to drag.))
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

((Dinner yes. Sleep? Since when? :p))

After some time, the group had their food and Siphon returned to talking about the disease briefly.

"Well, we also know there's something similar going on in the Pegasus Galaxy, and here's the real kicker. According to the Wraith Council, it's been infecting Wraith and killing them as well. They originally thought the Rebels created it, but it seems to be killing them off more than allied Wraith. They think someone might be using the disease as a means of poisoning the rebels to wipe them out, since they feed on humans. If that's the case, whoever it is clearly doesn't care about collateral damage."

After a bit more, they would finally be in the gate room, with the gate dialing. Once it was ready to go, Siphon couldn't resist a small grin.

"Alright kids, you have all your gear with you? We don't want any sudden oh shit moments now."

((Ready to rumble through the gate after your reply.))
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"Eh, sort of like the saltin' of the ea'th they used ta do back in the day. Made places right inhospitable for the folks that lived theah and any that might'a thought of settlin' down. Ruined it fer ev'ryone. Still, sounds like we're dealin' with someone who hates the rebels and doesn't hold humans in high regahd, eithah. Charming combo, that."

In the gate room, Ian let out a laugh at Siphon's remark. "Thought those were our bread and buttah," he replies with a bit of a chuckle. "Let's get gone."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Siphon nodded, dialing the gate himself. Soon after, they were stepping through, on their way to Cassie's old planet...

(Thread Change time!))
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Stepping through, Siphon nodded to both Vanessa and Ian.

"Be back soon, just getting these to the right people and giving Julia a quick run down."

Once they had replied, he was on his way, making a couple of quick stops to get the samples and data pads in the right places, leaving a few instructions of how he wanted results handled. Then, he went and spoke with Julia, who didn't seem thrilled to hear Nirrti had her fingers in at least one more pie that they hadn't known about. She then informed him what they knew so far about the wraith on the other planet, which was very little. She also told him they had lost contact with the Tokra ship watching the area too.

Returning to the gate, Siphon dialed it, and without another word, withdrew his pistol, then stepped through the gate, leaving the other two to follow him.
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"Nevah good when he does that." Ian shakes his head and makes sure Vanessa is ready before following Siphon through the gate.
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

((Suddenly occurs to me that poor Sho has had nothing this whole time, and doesn't know half of what's going on!))

Elsewhere on the Station

Sivok moved towards Sho's quarters on the station, needing to fill her in on what was now going on. He was hoping she was there, especially when he arrived and rang the chime.

((Ring ring HAHA)).
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

((No worries.))

If he waits long enough after ringing the bell, and providing he doesn't do it more than once, he's treated to a casually dressed Sho who is currently rubbing her eye with the heel of her hand. There's a faint, slightly annoyed growl rolling in the back of her throat, though she'll blink a couple of times, because, well, Draque.

"Sa--Sivok." There's a bit of a shake of her head. "What's up? You usually don't darken my door."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Sivok looked at her for a moment, frowning.

"My apologies for waking you Shoni, but there are pressing issues at hand. Siphon wanted me to pass along a message to you, as he was already on his way back through the gate with Ian and Vanessa. As you know they were planning to search the planet where Cassie was originally found. They found an underground lab there, one specifically used by Nirrti. It would appear Nirrti had something to do with those people being wiped out, however there is much more. There were several bio-samples that Siphon was able to identify, one of them having come from Cassie. That's where things get strange. He's been able to determine for certain now that Cassie is not a Maltaran, she's not technically human. This may come as a shock to you, I know it did to me but ... all indications are that Cassie is Lantean. Possibly Alteran, from before the Ancient/Ori split."

He let that sink in for a few moments, then continued.

"Unfortunately, there is more. Siphon wants you to travel with Henry, the Tokra, to Atlantis and look after Cassie. There's large reason to believe due to the second sample he discovered, that Nirrti may still be alive. It appears she was trying, and may have successfully cloned herself. If so, she may try to make a run for Cassie and take her as a host now. We also know Nirrti was not working alone, and based off information they found, and some of Vanessa's memories from her time in Nirrti's captivity, Siphon has a bad feeling we know who her 'master' is. Somehow, it may be possible that Anubis isn't dead. We're trying to keep this as on the low as we can, we think for some reason Cassie's memories have either been stripped or blocked, and it's safe to say that if she was a prisoner of Nirrti, the girl probably underwent an extremely traumatic experience, and it would be better if she doesn't remember it all at once. Only a handful of people know this, you, Siphon, Ian, Vanessa, Myself, and he wants Henry and Jacobs in on it, that's it. Not even Aya will know."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

She lets out a bit of a rumble-growl and scrubs at her face as he mentions Nirrti's past dealings. "Not surprised," comes out on a heavy sigh. She listens to him explain further, brows arching slightly and her fingers come up to pinch and rub at the bridge of her nose. "Wait...before...that'd make her..." The pinch turns into a scrub at her face again as she puts two and two together.

"Okay, so rendezvous with Henry, head to Atlantis, check in with Jacobs, stick with Cassie, keep her in the dark, and watch out for not one, but two pains in our asses that just won't stay dead. Gotcha." She shakes her head, looking slightly more awake but no less grumpy, but given the news, it's understandable. "I'mma need a hell of a lot more coffee. Tell Henry I'll hook up with him in the gate room once I get my stuff together for an extended stay. Shouldn't be too long."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Sivok gave her the seemingly traditional Draque bow, then nodded.

"Very well, I will let him know. It goes without saying, be careful. Nirrti alone is a major thorn in our side, but if Anubis is in fact still alive, or has somehow returned from the dead ..."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"Okay, that statement right there is funny in an ironic sort of way. Lemme get to packing and I'll be there," she stifles a yawn, "soon enough." She'll incline her head in a return to the bow and let him get going, ducking back into her room to get things ready for an extended stay in the city. Thankfully, given their penchant for travel like this, it was a matter of grabbing one of a couple already packed bags, throwing in some essentials that wouldn't keep otherwise, getting changed, and grabbing her coat. All in all, it doesn't take her very long to head off for the gate room. She'll scope around for Henry, moving to join him once she locates the man.

"Sivok brief you or did he leave that one for me?" she says by way of greeting.
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

(Right. Time for ze small time skip discussed with Siph, to get me back on the track.)

Nearby, within the Etherian star ship Al-Sora still docked with the station, a Nox girl would finally begin to regain conciousness. Blinking, Lyra's vision would gradually come to her, revealing some kind of unfamiliar room. Clean white and softly lit, she would find herself initially staring at a simple ceiling, whilst she layed at a shallow angle in some kind of bed or pod. Casting her eyes down would reveal more such pods, with their cover open like hers, three of them spaced against the walls of the circular room.

"Welcome back Lyra..." she'd hear a familiar voice say softly. It was Ayla sitting in the other pod opposite from her. To her left she would notice Henry also, waking. Whether or not she actually knew him before, she'd feel like she did now. A hazy rush of memory would come to her of having just spent quite a bit of time with these two just now, but it was a lot like trying to recall a dream. A moment later, as the lights gradually brighten, a gentle looking woman she didn't recognise would enter the room seeming cheerful.

"The dive appears to be a complete success. Well done." Mirrelle says smiling, addressing the others first before turning to Lyra. "How do you feel Lyra?"

- - - - -

Ellisia meanwhile is standing in the command room of the ship, having just finished a discussion with her superiors back home. She leans against what would otherwise look quite a bit like a control console, if it weren't for being a smooth and near featureless piece of polished metal. Pondering idly how much longer Lyra's dive would take.
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Lyra blinked a few more times before everything seemed to completely return to her.

"I believe the human expression is, I've felt better, but I'll live. I have fragmented memories from Janus' facility, and beyond that regarding a Klarnell, but not much more than that. Perhaps it is for the better though. How long have I been out for, days?"

Shortly after her conversation finished, an incoming alert indicated another transmission was being received. A quick glance told her it was coming from Sivok's ship, which seemed odd, considering it was marked as urgent. Usually anything like this came from Peltas, which meant that either something big was going down that Sivok had decided to contact them first, or for some reason Peltas wasn't in the loop on things.

((Should be only a couple more posts until Sho is ready to rumble.))
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"More or less." Ayla replies, then telling Lyra the actual amount of time she'd been sleeping. "Although you've been under stasis for most of that of course."

"Physically you're fit and healthy. You might feel a little dazed for a while, but that should pass soon. You're one hundred percent you again." Mirrelle informs, stepping over and offering Lyra a hand out of the pod, just since she hadn't moved in a while. Ayla climbs out of her own also and speaks again. "Since this was an interventive dive, if there's anything you want to know or aren't sure about, do feel free to talk to me about it Lyra. You're currently aboard our vessel 'The Al-Sora', docked at the Peltas Station, and are welcome to stay a while or depart as you please. We'll let the others on the station know that you're awake again. They'll appreciate the good news."

- - - - -

"Hrmm...?" Ellisia voices inquisitively turning her head to see the new signal alert on the displays. Being the person currently responsible for incoming coms, Olrenn sitting across the room is the one to answer the transmission. Since it was marked as urgent he gives it the short response and lets the transmission get on with what it had to say. "This is the Al-Sora. Receiving."

Ellisia leans off of her resting spot and strolls over to stand behind Olrenn, listening with her arms crossed.
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Lyra nodded, then for a moment paused, her eyes seeming to drift ever so slightly before retaking their normal color. Shaking her head, she very abruptly asked, "How are the rest of my people? I ... saw what they had in mind for an invasion. They are part of us, and I believe I may know how they came to be. I appreciate the hospitality, and the help, as well as the offer. However I believe I must travel to Atlantis, there is someone there I must speak with."

"This is Sivok, the message is actually for Henry, who I am told is aboard your ship. Siphon had a direct request for him to travel as soon as possible to Atlantis, he wants him to keep an eye on Cassie. There is far more to it than that, however we are keeping as few people in the know on this as we can for now, mostly to keep word from getting to Cassie. There is something else you should know however, that partially ties into this. We have reason to believe that not only could Nirrti still be alive, but that Anubis has returned. Will you pass on to Henry that he is needed as soon as possible please, and send him to the gate room. He will be meeting Shoni there."
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