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Peiquok Town Hall

Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Kaci said to the girl "Let me answer your question with a riddle... How many paramedics go to work with a bunch of money?" She said this knowing full well she didn't look anything like a paramedic and was wearing her 'normal' clothes. After she said this the lights flickered, she looked around again seeming to be in her own world. Not seeing what she wanted to she sighed and looked sad. She just hung her head and stared at the table now.
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Her momentary waking calm broken by the woman, the images of the lizard man returns. Moving closer to the woman, Is... is it the l-lizard man? She asks shakily. She avoids touching the woman having draw the conclusion that the lizard man and any of his allies might be able to extend their reach through physical contact.
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Shiva was ready to take any excuse she could get to put distance between herself, and this crazed woman. She looked at Kaci quickly, and whispered, "Excuse me," before quietly sneaking in the direction of the soldiers, wanting to eavesdrop on what they were up to, what with the strange sounds in the distance she wasn't about to pass off as just lightning...

Not only that, but Shiva was still very suspicious about the soldiers actions, about why they'd want to keep everyone in a town where people disappear, and why so many people seem to be going insane with all kinds of unusual mental trauma. She didn't think she could find one woman who was being effected in this way without the soldiers carting them off to who-knows-where, so she thought to spy on the soldiers themselves, and see if they run their mouths about what was happening.

( Shiva uses stealth to stay out of the soldier's attention, while trying to listen in on what they're saying )
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Cara, Shiva
The two women wind up focusing on the same group of soldiers, two of which are actually women, one of which is a man.

Stealth and awareness checks
11+8+2 vs Soldiers 12, success.

6+8+6 vs Soldiers 12, success.

The trio doesn't notice the blonde nor the albino-like woman...

8+5+2 vs Soldiers 13, success.

7+7+4 vs Soldiers 13, success.

...however, the two women spot one another and realize that one another are basically after the same thing.

The male soldier tells the one who's stumbled, "it's getting worse, isn't it?"

The brunette -- the one who hasn't stumbled -- grumbles, "you know what, fuck Peiquok; I never liked this place even when it wasn't straight out of a bad horror story. We should just pick up and get the hell out of here; townies'd be happy enough to get out on their own, too."

"You know we can't do that," the man tells her, giving her a hard look.

The blonde -- the woman who'd stumbled -- pauses in rubbing her head and tells the both of them, "look, I'm fine, alright?"

"Bullshit you are," the other woman confronts her. "You got that feeling where you're getting torn apart by a hundred different fucking tentacle-things?" When the other purses her lips, the brunette continues, "or something like it? Everyone here's getting something, and if the higher ups aren't going to give us a fuckin clue..."

"Calm down," the man tells her, then double-checks to make sure that the both of them are quiet. "They need backup down in the park, so we're going there whether you're chasing ghosts or not. That's too close to the townies; if they begin panicking, there aren't enough of us to hold them all and God knows what will happen if they scatter." He casts the two of them a meaningful look that tells them to stop worrying. "It doesn't matter what this town is full of, it's our job to protect these people."

"Yessir," the two reply, one a little less enthusiastic than the other. the three eventually make for the door, though a single guard now stands there, his hands straying nervously to the butt of the rifle slung over his chest. From there, they head out into the rain, leaving Shiva and Cara to wonder what, exactly, they're fighting...

Melissa and Morgan
((Waiting on Janna's post, then I'll get to you two.))

The young woman finds herself having a hard time conversing with the terrified newcomer, as two medics are wrestling to hold her down. "Snakemen!" she gasps, "all kinds of foul get as God is willing to put on this earth!" She nearly bites an attendant before being forcibly restrained. "That's only the tip of it, only the very tip! Let me go, they're coming to feast!"

Either the medics have injected her with some sort of tranquilizer, or the woman has passed out on her own, but she collapses back on the cot, unable to answer any of Jen's further questions. Everyone else in the small room has gone silent, though the boy who'd been weeping is now outright bawling.
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Shiva was astounded by the development. She stood up from where she was hiding, making sure to try and blend in with the crowd of people around, as not to appear like she was eavesdropping, and made her way over to the blond haired, blue eyed girl who was spying with her on the soldiers. Shiva wasn't much for just walking up and talking with people, but the strange images appearing in her head, along with her strange developments in her head made her want answers as to what was happening.

Shiva walked up to the blond haired, blue eyed woman, and asked her in her soft, whisper of a voice, "Excuse me..." she called to Cara softly, trying to get her attention, while not being to rude as to start asking questions right away.
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Jen backs up to the far end of her cot and curls back into a ball, clutching desperately at the town minutes. W-worse than the l-l-lizard m-man?... She whispers to herself.
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Kaci stayed quiet as Shiva left. In truth Shiva was helping distract her from thinking about her parents. She sighed and turned her head over to the strange girl that stole Shiva's food. She said to her looking for another distraction, "You don't live here do you... how'd you get to this place? by the way the food on that table is free."
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Leianna sticks the fork into her mouth as she thinks, then answers, "I would think paramedics carry lots of money around, I mean, what happens if you get hungry on the job?" She waves the fork around as she smiles and looks away, "I walked here, from a small town nearby, I heard something about an arcade around here..." She looks around, feeling a little annoyed, "Better not be some bastard out there stealing all the prizes from the UFO Catcher machines..." (Btw, UFO Catcher machines are those games where you put a coin in and you get about 10 seconds to try to position the claw right, so that it drops down and grabs the thing you wanted)
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

She laughed at the girl's answer to her 'riddle.' She said to her "We don't really have time to stop for food. You know trying to save people and all..." She sighed. She liked Shiva better then this girl but pressed on anyway, "I'm sure whatever is causing a lock down wouldn't be too interested in stealing some cheap toys, it's probably not something you have to worry about... What's your name by the way? Mine's Kaci."
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Leianna grins and shakes her head, ""That's where you're wrong, see, new arcade owners are usually idiots and think that if they put a big enough prize in the machine, it'll make money for them, and it's usually true~" She thinks about what the girl said, then looks at her, "So... um, what happens if you're really hungry, but you have to rush a patient to the hospital? And by that, I mean you're so hungry you're going to collapse! My name is Leianna, Leianna William Sebastian Tsui."
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

This girl seemed more concerned about toys then what was happening. What did they tell her when they rushed her in here? She said to her, "Why are you so concerned about toys right now...? Did you just wonder in here or something...?" Then answering Leianna's question she considered idiotic, "That has never happened to me... and is probably one of the-" She stopped considering maybe she shouldn't make anyone mad right now, later probably.

Thinking about her name she said, "Your name reminds me of a character from an anime..." As she said this she looked like she was deep in thought staring at the ceiling, "Oh yeah Edward, from Cowboy Bebop..."

(( Don't ask me when I heard that name I thought of Edward and was like... meh might as well! ))
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Leianna shrugs as she plays with the bowl, "I was pretty much grabbed when I came into town, then I was taken here, where I got hungry, then I started talking to you!" She laughs at the toys comment, "I don't know~ having lots of toys makes me happy I guess! Uh... anime... yeah, I watch that sometimes.. can't say I know this Edward though!" She laughs again, a little uneasily as she watches the trio of soldiers leaving.
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Griffen snorts, then looks across the way to the refreshments table. "If your majesty would prefer, I'm going to go get some chow. Stay here if you want."

Cat would tell him off, but at that very moment she is overcome with a heady rush that makes her sink back into the chair, eyes closed and arms relaxing, dropping Moxie into her lap. She feels like she just ran a marathon, but sexier. . . A more experienced woman would recognise it as the feeling you have after being thoroughly fucked till your brain melts. At the same time all the voices seem to fade away, and lonelyness covers her like a thick, comfortable blanket. Just making her want to wrap up in it-
Moxie prods her with his nose, and the feeling goes away as quickly as it came. All that remains is a languidity and a strange feeling of security. "Woah. . . what the?" She stares at the cup of coffee, standing long forgotten on a nearby table. "Did. . . did they put something in there?"
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Shiva was astounded by the development. She stood up from where she was hiding, making sure to try and blend in with the crowd of people around, as not to appear like she was eavesdropping, and made her way over to the blond haired, blue eyed girl who was spying with her on the soldiers. Shiva wasn't much for just walking up and talking with people, but the strange images appearing in her head, along with her strange developments in her head made her want answers as to what was happening.

Shiva walked up to the blond haired, blue eyed woman, and asked her in her soft, whisper of a voice, "Excuse me..." she called to Cara softly, trying to get her attention, while not being to rude as to start asking questions right away.

Cara hadn't noticed Shiva until the soldiers had taken off, but the moment that the other woman began walking over, she had to do a double-take. Her first impression was of someone incredibly sickly, to have hair and skin like that, then she noticed the woman's eyes and settled (albeit uncomfortably) over the realization that Shiva was probably an albino. Still...

There were more important things to worry about than the colour of someone's skin, like oh, say, people wielding mind-fucking drugs, or even ghosts or monsters... Cara's tripes felt tense, she simply felt uneasy all over. "You heard what they said?" she asked Shiva without much preamble, as her fingers worked nervously over the case strap that rested over one shoulder. "Because I'm not sure that I believe that I heard what they said."
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Shiva's expression took on that of concern, as she couldn't help but address her suspicions to Cara, knowing she must have at least been as curious about what has been happening as she was. Shiva's brows furrowed together, as she asked the blond haired woman in her soft, whisper of a tone, "Have you been feeling strange lately?" Shiva asked Cara, folding her hands in front of her, relaxing them on her black dress, "Please tell me... Have you been feeling strange? Seeing images in your mind, or feeling sudden influxes of mental instability? Such as dizziness, or fatigue?" she asked Cara. Although her voice was still in a soft whisper, anyone who payed attention would note the tinge of concern on her voice, as she desperately sought answers from Cara, hoping the two could piece together another part of this strange puzzle.
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

"Yeah," Cara answered simply, her own darker brows drawing together as the woman came right out and asked it. "Yeah, well, at least I think I have; there's a couple of people here who might say that I'm just a little crazy... why, you too?" Of course she was going to refrain from mentioning the unanticipated lust... if they were up against drugs or ghosts or monsters, they'd want to be killed, not just... have a good time, right?

"Looked like they were having the same problem," she added, jerking her head towards the door so that her bangs fell into her face. She wiped them out of the way again, adding, "I'm thinking that they and us aren't the only ones, either."
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Shiva's head lowered, her eyes shutting tight, as she whispered grimly, "... There is something effecting the minds of everyone here..." she looked up to Cara, "We seem to be fine, but since others are sent away, seeming to be traumatized with conditions I've never seen in my life as a doctor, I think it's only a matter of time before we share the same fate..."
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

She leaned forward, straining to hear the other woman as she whispered. She wondered if Shiva simply smoked so often that she had lost her voice, or if she was just eccentric in more than her appearance. ...But again, that was a side-thought, and didn't necessarily hold relevance at the moment. "Oh, great," Cara grinned sardonically, looking past Shiva to the other refugees (maybe?) who were gathered in the hall. "So I -- we're -- going crazy after all. Somehow I'm not comforted."

Mulling on what Shiva'd mentioned -- she was a doctor? She looked more like a french maid, ferchrissakes! -- Cara tried to think of what they could do with the limited information that they had.

There was one guard at the door, she'd seen. It looked like much of the other military presence inside the room had thinned out as well. They could potentially get out of here, but what then? She made the assumption that whatever the soldiers were 'protecting the townies' from were the same things causing said townies (and vagrants, as Cara was definitely no local) to go nuts. That meant that they might have to face said things, and though Cara had training in defense and fighting, she hadn't handled a weapon in a couple of years. That left the unknown of whether what was happening in Peiquok was happening just in Peiquok. She thought no, considering she'd seen people calling others, and the one soldier'd been wanting to desert...

God, what was so bad that it made people want to desert, aside from the distressing fact that people had outright disappeared? Surely the soldiers here could find whatever was causing people to go crazy and take care of it, right?

Speaking aloud, she told Shiva, "if anyone's gonna get out of here, we're probably gonna have a shit time once we're out the doors... who knows how many soldiers are on the road between here and the highway we need to get out of here. You said you're a doctor? Anything you can think of to keep the crazy at bay until we can figure out an escape route?" ...and that left Cara with another question. How many people was she willing to escape with? Technically, if she could get to her car, she could give four other people a lift, but that was assuming that they could get out to the highway... she had no doubt that they'd meet confrontation on the way out. She had spent the last two years covering her own ass and no one else's, so she couldn't help but think that she might be better to try doing this on her own...

Still, she should probably find Buster and let him know. She had told him that she would do so, and he seemed a little like a lost puppy otherwise...
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Shiva slowly shook her head as Cara asked if she could do something medical about what was happening to everyone's minds, looking down to the floor with shame as she didn't have any idea about what she could do to stop what was happening...

Shiva's gaze looked outside the window, at the rain pounding against the glass, as she whispered to Cara in her simple, soft voice, "Those soldiers were backup..." she blinked, shifting her eyes to Cara, "I think they might be fighting what is causing our mental trauma..."

Shiva suddenly felt herself fill with shock, she was worried about Kaci. Shiva felt strange because of this, as she wasn't used to having friends, or worrying about them for that matter, and the thought that Kaci might be subject to the strange mental trauma began to form into an itch in the back of her mind, driving her mad. But, she wasn't about to leave this girl so rudely, she would finish her conversation, and return to Kaci, who she hoped dealt with the strange girl who wanted her food...
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Melissa and Morgan
When Melissa asks Rosie about her own experiences, she looks to the floor, thinking long and hard. "Before I met Morgan," she begins, "a few minutes before, actually." She chews on her lips and thinks. "I just got this awful feeling that I'd gotten sucked up and entombed by something. I think if I hadn't been in the middle of the open hall I'd be a lot worse for wear, but I just..." she shrugs, "shrugged it off at first."
Morgan nods in agreement with Melissa, straightening up and running her hands through her hair and looking less pale than she did a moment ago.

"That's... kinda how I've been feeling too, Rosie," she offers, wondering if Melissa will think that she's crazy. She rubs her arm nervously, "And not just trapped... I've been feeling like something has been after me." She looks down at the ground and swallows hard, "Did your grandfather's stories say anything about that?"