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Paths of Adventure: Advanced


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
Reputation score
My CYOAS story returns, hopefully a little bit better then last time.

The rules are pretty much the same- Players will get a set of various situations to play the character's part in, with the character dealing with tiebreakers, and me beating around the head people that abuse the good ol' other option.

So without further ado, a quick profile of each character/situation, to start us off with:

Sarah Miranda Quintex- A survivor of the Malton zombie outbreak, this adventure will focus on the daily life of survivors in the apocalyptic setting. Featuring several safe zones, the character will contact NPCs that can help or hinder them as her experience in the situation grows, as does her scientific research into her own strange gift- the power of keeping her sanity when killed, allowing for a deadly, zombified creature with all the cunning of the living and the desire to avoid harming the living.

Kelinas Soulstorm- The Connector of Paths and one of the more unique followers of Chaos, Kelinas feels herself equally serving under the banner of both Slaanesh, the Dark Prince, and Nurgle, the Plaugefather, even if her chosen deities do bicker between each other, often leading to wanes of her Chaos gifts for temporary reasons. As her band of growing heretics begin to get a hold of the world of Marika XVII, the Tyranids invade by a relatively small strain known as Hivefleet Venomancer. Kelinas and her remaining allies must work to both deal with the short uprisings of Imperium troops, her own discourse of her attack fleet (many of which being of other Chaos factions) and the Tyranid threat of the world they rightly conquered from the False Emperor.

Glint, Space Pirate- An oddity even among the Scyther-like Blade Dancer race, Glint's arm blades were severed during combat with a outer-rim law enforcement team, instead replaced with high-tech laser weaponry, and while she isn't quite as dangerous up close as she used to be, these weapon replacements make the female pirate even more dangerous at ranged. Hearing of a strange but rewarding treasure hidden deep in a abandoned starship, Glint and her crew take off, hoping to take the treasure for themselves.

Smerik the Undying- A drow sorceress and necromancer with a lust for power and world domination, among a curiosity about the more perverse sides of magic. Quite literally staging her own death so as to create herself as a Undying- A mix between a mummy and a Lich, where the body is preserved but grants enhanced magical powers due to the energy that used to be devoted to mundane bodily tasks- Smerik is working on gathering the artifacts of the 3 Dragons of the Gods, which will grant the holder's control over Light, Dark, and Balance, and when fully assembled will have the power to change the world. At hearing of the location of the Darkened Sceptre- hidden in an ancient catacomb long revered as Lloth's Throne- Smerik begins her trek, not resting until she gains her dark powers.

Voting options:

Roleplay style!

1. Erotic Role Play: I want my smut!!!
2. Standard Roleplay: Less likely on the smut, except with characters that are made around it, though it will be kept for a low minimum

A. Sarah: Huge probability of zombies with chance of humans and necromatic revival.
B. Kelinas: The glory of Chaos, threatened by true heretics and alien scum, not to mention other Dark Powers
C. Glint: Space Pirate and oddball crew manages to reach abandoned space wreck, but of course it's abandoned for a reason...
D. Smerik: Play as the bad guy! Never be killed again! Chance to rape enemies?!?

Storyline style!
1. Defensive: I fucked up somehow, and now I got a whole horde of monsters on my ass. Only thing we can do is hunker down and hope they don't crawl in and rip us to bits...
2. Exploration: Relatively openworld, I can do what I like, and react to things how I best think they will go. Not saying that bad things won't happen, but I can get the option to be diplomatic about it.
3. Action!: We all like this in a story, and with this vote style the character will be set for a almost-constant line of encounters/a small area with a decent amount of foes. Success will all depend on how fast you either succeed at your goal, or slay the enemy before they get you.
4. Oh Fuck...: Oh Fuck is actually more a modifier to another mode. Adding 4 to one of the 3 votes above will make enemy encounters extremely unfair, leading to more chances of rape/defeat scenarios

Comments, responses, and votes below. GO!.
Re: Paths of Adventure: Advanced

Lets see...




Re: Paths of Adventure: Advanced

Jeeze, you've got three Warhammer40k inspired options, and one Fantasy... I would have voted for Smerik if she was a

I'm torn between 1D4(2) (Vampire Chick explores the zombie city, and monsters are likely to rape her) and 2B3 (Chaos Bishop must protect the world against Tyranids)
Re: Paths of Adventure: Advanced

Jeeze, you've got three Warhammer40k inspired options, and one Fantasy... I would have voted for Smerik if she was a

I'm torn between 1D4(2) (Vampire Chick explores the zombie city, and monsters are likely to rape her) and 2B3 (Chaos Bishop must protect the world against Tyranids)

I only had 1 of my knowlege o,o Sarah's a OC based off Urban Dead and Glint is an anthromorphic syther (aka Poke'Morph if anything) with friggen lasers on her arms. As for Smerik, steriotypical fantasy Drow, nothing to see here besides the necromancy twist.
Re: Paths of Adventure: Advanced

i 2nd keylo's suggestion.

Re: Paths of Adventure: Advanced

I only had 1 of my knowlege o,o Sarah's a OC based off Urban Dead and Glint is an anthromorphic syther (aka Poke'Morph if anything) with friggen lasers on her arms. As for Smerik, steriotypical fantasy Drow, nothing to see here besides the necromancy twist.

Oh. Ignore my rant then.
Re: Paths of Adventure: Advanced


Wait, I mean [eitherway]D3. As much as I'd love sandbox mode, it seems to me that that usually doesn't work out very well.

Lolth throne means spidergirls, right?
Re: Paths of Adventure: Advanced

'Gonna roll with the
Re: Paths of Adventure: Advanced

1A24 because I am easily influenced by mob mentality!
Re: Paths of Adventure: Advanced

Votes are in after about 24 hours, we got:

Option A- Story Type:

1. Erotic Roleplay- IV
2. Normal Roleplay- I

Option B- Character:

A. Sarah- III
B. Kelinas- I
C. Glint- 0 *enter Price is Right Fail music here*
D. Smerik- II

Option C- Storyline Type:

1. Defense- 0 *See Glint*
2. Exploration- IV
3. Action!- II

Option D- 'Oh Fuck...' Modifier:

4s included- IV
4s not included- I

Landslide Vote! Result combination: Sarah in an exploration situation, 'Oh Fuck...' Modifier with Smut enabled


Day 12 after leaving Cosway Hotel.

I've managed to get back to my old home inside Scarletwood, the trip from Wyke's Hill being less then eventful. I'm starting to get worried about the lack of contact I've received back home, but on the other hand, I'm sure the rest of the gang is all right. I'm pretty sure a break from that jerk Fridges would do me a lot of good as well.

I've also heard reports that the zombies around here seemed to be changing. Mutating. Even past the norms of the shamblers that everyone has been turning into and revived from at least once, and yet still different then the 'Horror' I ran into almost a year ago. Surprisingly enough I think I got the hidden file storing the Horror project's DNA code memorized, and I want to refine the research more, as the Horror serum in itself has led to much interest. If I could re-engineer it right, perhaps I could find the permanent cure that everyone's been looking for?

Until then, I'll research the change in infection around these parts, hopefully I can fix whatever is going on. That, and another rumor I've heard, those cultists responsible.... the ones that informed me of my... gift... are back in operation. Perhaps I can figure out what's going on from one of those lowlifes. Until then, consider this my last note for now.



Snapping the grey-covered diary closed, Sarah gave a loud sigh, sliding the blonde bangs off of her left eye momentarily, only for the curtain of her short hair to fall over it again. For the most part, she was average in comparison to most girls having reached 19- Young, fit, with a moderate bust and features, perhaps the only marring ones being a bandage currently wrapped on her wrist, yet another warwound that would either heal in time or become regenerated at her next revival. Her attire, mostly a simple purple t-shirt and blue skirt, were seemingly engulfed by the expanse of trenchjacket hanging from her shoulders and under her, having been used as a makeshift blanket the night before. The only things that really seemed new were her boots, knee-high military style footwear that was included in one o the more recent airdrops and just happened to be in her size.

Shifting to her knees, she turned to her carpet bag, with a small grin as she always got as she remembered other survivor's comments about 'Mary Poppins and her portable hole'. Oddly, the bag seemed to always fit whatever she needed to put in it, and for the most part she always refered to it as her 'inventory' due to her old times playing games. Sadly gaming was a thing of the past for the most part, except for her pilfered PS2, which she had left behind in the Cosway Hotel, much like much of her heavier gear. In Malton, you could always find more.

Currently residing in her bag was her main equipment- stuff she always carried if she traveled: Her diary, where she recorded the day's goals and events, a slightly-beaten binder emblossed with the NecroTech symbol and a title- Sally Shana Quintex, Primary LabTech, Scarletwood, which Sarah had cheekily added her name with a strip of masking tape to the cover underneath, her twin pistols, both of which were supplied with 4 extra clips apiece, her magnum, which unfortunately was out of ammo, her switchblade knife, a spare First Aid Kit, her DNA Extractor to identify and log Zombie types, and several syringes, most a glowing green of the NecroTech Ryvivification Syringe, while others a more subtler red of the Horror Serum, Sarah's own concoction.

After returning the diary to her bag, Sarah looked slowly around the room of Brixey Boulevard School, the building where she entered the Scarletwood suburbs from last night before she kipped for the night. Readjusting her clothing and draping her carpet bag to her shoulder, she got to her feet as she gave a loud sigh. So much to do, so little time....


Allright, girl, ya didn't come all this way for tea and biscuits. There's plenty of leads to go by and not enough time to go through them all, but hopefully we can at least get rid of one major problem or so....

Travel: Entirely optional, but I can always use something shiny, no? (If a travel option is taken, Sarah will wait to do the action until she arrives at the new location, unless she is interupted along the way that is.)
1. The Tompson Building- It's where this mess all started for me, but perhaps this NecroTech lab facility may hold the secrets to how to end it... still, it is bloody halfway across town...
2. A Cemetery- There's a cemetery north of here that is a public-access revive point. It may be worth one of my needles to bring one of the poor sods there back to the living again.
3. Hillard Road Police Department- Shortly before arriving in the suburbs someone was on the horn about something... bad happening, before the radio went dead. It definitely sounds like trouble.
4. St. Spyridon's Hospital- It's not like Remigius General a suburb over in Pennville, but it's a hospital nontheless. I really hope they still got medical supplies.
5. Wander the streets- The Streetz Be Watchin', but so are the undead and anyone that was unlucky not to be locked in last night. Either for good or ill, I'll get a feel how the place has been holding up.
6. Club Strudwick- Ah, the haven of low-lives, zombie strippers, and the occasional crazed nutcase. Definitely not my first choice of travel, but all the same it may lead to clues on the cultists.
*. Travel Via Freerun- I'll use the myriad network of flimzy, booby-trapped, and various other alternate treks across the roof of the city. I'll be safer that way, and can avoid a load of trouble, and I may meet other survivors this way as well.


1. Even if my pistols got the ammo, more supplies is always a plus. Searching nearby areas will always be a nice bonus if I'm lucky...
2. It's time to deal with those cultists nutjobs, every time I die I gotta thank em again for how I look, even if I got no idea why my body reflects to that state every time... Grr! Focus!
3. The recent reports of the advanced infected are starting to worry me, if it's true they're evolving, I'm gonna need to catalogue them in the database for further research. And in order to do that, I need to find one of these mutated. Just peachy...
4. (NecroTech Facility Only) The breakthrough I had with the Horror Serum just may be repeatable. If I can find the right gene to tease, I may be able to create a influx of the creature's strain, and make a varient serum!
5. Perhaps I should look for someone around to get me some information, it's not like I got a lot to go on without someone telling me stuff firsthand here...
6. (ERP Warning!) Hmm.... I won't be bothered by anyone with the room barricaded, and it's been ages since I really let myself relax, perhaps it's time to dive into a scientific 'oops' again...
7. (Other) ...Bugger. I can't seem to get my thoughts strait. *Prods the fourth wall* Care to give me a hand here?

Status: Entirely Fit - HP: 50
Inventory: Diary, NecroTech Binder, Pistol (12 Ammo), Pistol (12 Ammo), Magnum (0 Ammo), Switchblade, First Aid Kit x1, Pistol Clips x4, DNA Extractor, Revive Syringe x5, Horror Serum x3
Skills: Basic Firearms Training, Pistol Training, Hand To Hand Combat, Free Running, NecroTech Employment, Lab Experience, NecroNet Access, First Aid, Construction, Tagging, Headshot
Re: Paths of Adventure: Advanced

3: Because police departments mean ammo, and more ammo is always nice...Even if it might have been overrun.
1: Which is the main reason we're going there...

But to throw a bit of UD wisdom into the loop...

7: Do some combat reviving on zombies (if) seen at the police department. As chances are...they weren't up for becoming zombies if they were there.
Re: Paths of Adventure: Advanced

3: Because police departments mean ammo, and more ammo is always nice...Even if it might have been overrun.
1: Which is the main reason we're going there...

But to throw a bit of UD wisdom into the loop...

7: Do some combat reviving on zombies (if) seen at the police department. As chances are...they weren't up for becoming zombies if they were there.

Re: Paths of Adventure: Advanced

3: Because police departments mean ammo, and more ammo is always nice...Even if it might have been overrun.
1: Which is the main reason we're going there...

But to throw a bit of UD wisdom into the loop...

7: Do some combat reviving on zombies (if) seen at the police department. As chances are...they weren't up for becoming zombies if they were there.
Hm... I kinda agree with this. But I'll throw in the thought that maybe whatever was overrunning the police station was some of these advanced undead. So, two birds with one stone - get ammo, catalogue advanced undead.
Re: Paths of Adventure: Advanced

Another full route vote- Head for Hillard Road Police Department, searching and combat reviving, and looking for mutates as she goes.


Sliding the barricade she had set in the doors away, Sarah slid out into the empty streets, moving quickly to the east as she headed for the police department. Hopefully she could find some High-Caliber Rounds for her magnum, as well as get some first-hand of what has been going on, she mused to herself.

Traveling under the shadows of the Tryme Building, Luellin Towers, and Adlam Towers, Sarah didn't spot more then your average shambler, slowly moving through the deserted street, and even then they pretty much ignored her. Then again, she could understand it, as it would be very hard for a single zombie to take on more then a unequipped survivor, and for the most part being 5 years into the infection, that was hard to come by.

Seeing Hillard Road PD a few meters away, Sarah slowed, reaching into her carpet bag and drew out her pistols, comfortably resting them into her hands as she scanned the building. The barricading was done, though oddly she noted barricades on the upper floors. That wasn't too common, considering not much of the shamblers figured out how to crawl up the side of buildings and such. Still, someone had made sure to cover the windows, and even more freaky, something had gotten through one of the upstairs barricades.

Slowly, Sarah moved to the main entry, sweeping her eyes and her pistols at the ruined main lobby. She hadn't been to the PD since she moved her main home to Wyke's Hill, but she was glad to know at least the main construction had stayed the same. Gripping her guns more, she moved to the tables, scavenging for items...

Search Rolls: 3 D100
24 (Search Success 50): You search and find nothing
61 (Search Success 50): You Find 1 Pistol Clip
56 (Search Success 50): You find 12 High Caliber Bullets

Between the ramshackle defenses inside and discarded casings from recent firing, Sarah managed to locate ammo, and gleefully took the high caliber bullets and added them to her Magnum, filling the chambers with 4 to spare. Scanning the room again, she blinked a bit as something creaked above her. Was it just her, or was there still someone- or something- in here?


Something dodgy is going on here, those upper barricades are entirely out of context with what usually goes on, however, what's more worrisome is the noise above me....

1. Check out the noise, it could be a survivor or the cause of the attack.
2. Perhaps we should er on the side of caution and take the roof access outside, then come in from the roof and look from there...
3. Screw this, I'm getting outta here with my hide intact! (Opens Travel Vote again)
4. Dangit, what should I do what should I do.... (Other)


Status: Entirely Fit - HP: 50
Inventory: Diary, NecroTech Binder, Pistol (12 Ammo), Pistol (12 Ammo), Magnum (8 Ammo), Switchblade, First Aid Kit x1, Pistol Clips x5, High-Caliber Ammo x4, DNA Extractor, Revive Syringe x5, Horror Serum x3
Skills: Basic Firearms Training, Pistol Training, Hand To Hand Combat, Free Running, NecroTech Employment, Lab Experience, NecroNet Access, First Aid, Construction, Tagging, Headshot
Re: Paths of Adventure: Advanced

Lets see, whether it be a survivor, or a new infected, either will be beneficiary to Sarah's goals. And if it's one she's seen before...well...at least it'll serve as either target practice for her now loaded magnum, or a potential combat revive.

I say 1, go for it.
Re: Paths of Adventure: Advanced

2. If it's survivor, it's better to avoid chances of friendly fire, if it's a new kind of infected, it's probably better to observe it for a while and avoid running into it head first.
Re: Paths of Adventure: Advanced

Final Vote: 1. Take a chance and just head strait upstairs. After all, it can't be that bad, can it?


Gripping her pistols as she moved up the stairs, Sarah hugged the wall as she spun around before finishing the assent, finding herself at the entry to the upstairs hall. Luckily, it didn't take much for her to see the problem in sight, while it quickly saw her and growled.

The infected before her seemed normal, at least in normal body construction, but also seemed to have grown large wings of some kind, sprouting as part of her arms. A short, lizardlike tail also had grown, but for some reason, she didn't quite look like the other infected, almost seeming more alive...

With a loud screetch, the Harpy flew forward, legs stretching forward. Sarah only had time to release a pair of shots before the demonic creature pounced.

Combat Roll: Hit Chance 45
Pistol, Right: 38 (The bullet goes whizzing into the darkness)
Pistol, Left: 46 (The bullet slams into the beast, causing it to give a loud cry of pain [-5 HP for Harpy])

Even at taking a bullet, the creature didn't stop, charging to attack through the pepper and her legs lashing out to strike!

Combat Roll: Hit Chance 20
Footclaws: 87 (Critical! -6 HP for Sarah and knockback)

The flying beast's claws snapped forward as it reached the survivor, giving a loud smack as she stumbled back, only to loose her footing on the stairs behind her and fall backwards. Yelping loudly, she rolled backwards with various loud clunks and bangs before landing on the midway point, easily the worst to the wear but still ready to fight. [-2 HP]


What the bloody hell?!? These things are growing WINGS?!?

1. When in doubht, apply more lead. Shoot the bastard down and then we can examine it more closely.
2. Fighting on the stairway may not be the best idea when things with wings appear. Retreating to the bottom floor would not only assure a lower ceiling, but less chance of being sent flying again.
3. Even if it's a long shot, if I can jump right and get at her with a needle...
4. Probably not the best time to sit here and ponder, but is there another way? (Other)


Status: Shaken - HP: 42
Inventory: Diary, NecroTech Binder, Pistol (12 Ammo), Pistol (12 Ammo), Magnum (8 Ammo), Switchblade, First Aid Kit x1, Pistol Clips x5, High-Caliber Ammo x4, DNA Extractor, Revive Syringe x5, Horror Serum x3
Skills: Basic Firearms Training, Pistol Training, Hand To Hand Combat, Free Running, NecroTech Employment, Lab Experience, NecroNet Access, First Aid, Construction, Tagging, Headshot
Re: Paths of Adventure: Advanced

4.. we have the loaded magnum, we may as well use it.