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Pathfinder OOC Thread

Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

As usual, it would be nice to get that kind of information before I go to bed.

Hmm... The timestamp of your post suggests you would have slept through game regardless...
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

I'm going to be out of town this weekend, but that doesn't make a game impossible. Unless people want to skip this weekend, I'm good for a game for the whitecloaks on Saturday night / Sunday morning. Not sure about the blackcloaks, you'll have to get back to me.
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

Saturday night works, once again, early if everyone can agree on it, but no big deal otherwise. Sunday morning I work.
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

I'm good. I just need to find the links to mibbit and my character sheets again. Stupid computer. Stupid reboot.
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

mibbit has a link in the shout announcement, and sheets can be logged into on

can't help you with the login, unfortunately ;)
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

As it turns out,I am estremelybusy with family stuff this weekend, and next weekend as wwell
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

Available the usual times (I.e. whenever)~
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

usual schedule for me as well, i work all the mornings, so I'm free all the nights.
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

Might be late-ish. Having a kill things night, so might mean rolling in after 1am sometime. We'll see.
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

I'm busy all weekend. Sorry guys.
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

Well, I apologize for not showing up at all on Saturday night, even late, as my internet decided it wanted to stop working. Completely. Not a happy Copper. At least I got sleep, but still...bleh.
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

Well, to fill you in, this new tavern has a doorman and a cat checking patrons for the plague, the cat looking like one of those hairless egyptian beasties, and vaguely demonic as well, pretty sure. Edward turned out to be a greycloak indeed, the cat is almost definitely his familiar, and we're rolling initiative pretty well at the start of this coming session, as he refused to speak about anything except how the elven woman trying to ask him to help was harassing and threatening her, and he'd be forced to defend himself. Red is just beside the door, and the cat is between the two, walking up to assumedly do something nasty to Isi. Islona's position was never officially stated, and Keats is up on the rooftop, likely to jump down and help once things start to get loud.

Questions? Did I miss anything else, guys?
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

That about sums it up.
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

Sounds like a party then. Hopefully I'll be around for it.
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

*knock knock*

Anyone here?
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

Well, I'm around. And I should be tonight, albeit slightly late again, as I'm supposed to have a friend over. We'll see how that pans out.
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

Oh yeah, it's Saturday. I'll be there!