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Pathfinder OOC Thread

Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

Probably what he would have done. Unless it's smashing, animating the dead or scaring children, Zarg can't do much.
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

So, whitehats, tomorrow night? Or no? I probably won't be around next weekend.
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

I'm fine with tomorrow night, yep. anywhere from afternoon on, if people need to be up the next day.
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

I can try. Don't have anything going on, as far as I know, but I have to rein it in around 3 EST. First shift and all.
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

If we start at the usual time I can make it, but might be a little late.
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

Where was I?

Basically I barfed 7900.5 gp on potionssss delicious potions. I sure hope I actually remember to use them and shit. :V

4 Potions of 'RoidsImean Bull's Strength (1200 gp) (2 minutes)
The spell grants a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength, adding the usual benefits to melee attack rolls, melee damage rolls, and other uses of the Strength modifier.

2 Potions of Displacement (1500 gp) [3 rounds]
50% miss chance, negated by True Sight.

1 Potions of Greater Magic Fang (+1, 750 gp) [3 hours]
+1 to all natural attack's damage and to-hit! Tasty. Enhancement bonus.

2 Potions of Greater Magic Fang (2200 gp) [3 hours]
+2 to all natural attack's damage and to-hit! Tasty. 3 hours. Enhancement bonus. Must remember to into Permanency.

1 Potion Resist Fire 20 (700 gp) [20 minutes or 70?]
Fire Resistance 20!

1 Potion Resist Fire 10 (300 gp) [20 minutes]
Fire Resistance 10!

1 Potion Protection from Fire 10 (300 gp) [30 minutes]
-- Fire Immunity, absorbs [12/per CL] damage before dispelled (counts before Fire Resistance)
*Oh God I am retarded is that 36 or 72 points?

I am also purchasing ten 10-ft poles and some dust of dryness. Yon trap will be poked with the stick, and if STILL can't hit them I am going to hurl a hundred gallons of sewage at them with my sling.

I presume using that wand of enlarge person is a bad idea in the tunnels, but we really oughta figure out who gets to hold that, since I'm pretty sure I would poke my eye out trying to use it. :V

My interest in tactical thinking has rapidly deteriorated since ye last game. :V I hope someone more brain-activity-inclined than I has a plan of attack, because seriously the furthest I got was "poison fog with force walls or however that works", which presumably won't work as well since they likely won't all in one place this time. This was right after the idea of "barrels and barrels of lamp oil".

I still totally suggest some Feeblemind and Passwall shit.
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

So, just a general heads up: I'm not going to be home this weekend, so I can't guarantee a session for either party after Thursday.

For the good party: You'll be porting into the sewers courtesy at the start of next session.

For the bad party: You'll be entering the mines at the start of next session.

Hoo boy, violence and dungeon delving.
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Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

@Keats: I picked us up a scroll with enough Caster level to get us all down there in one go, no worries there.
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

Do we have an extra emergency-teleport scroll, in case we start getting raped by large and angry things?
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

I can afford one if we wanted, kind of hoping we won't have to run away again...
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

How are we for times this week? Also, roll call.
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

Available after 7pm, Friday. But if you don't tell me that you want me there by Friday morning, I'll go see a movie. I'm also available Saturday and Sunday afternoon.
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

Only available late night for the most part, I'm afraid to say. Though I "may" be able to try making an afternoon time, if I can get IRC installed on phone :V
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

Mibbit works on the broswer that comes with Android phones, though you cant see what you type
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

Unavailable Friday this week, good any other day/time.
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

I'm alright for either night, gotta wake up early regardless this weekend.
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

Far as I know, I'm good either night on Fri or Sat. As usual, if that changes, I'll pop on and say something.
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

Available after 7pm, Friday. But if you don't tell me that you want me there by Friday morning, I'll go see a movie. I'm also available Saturday and Sunday afternoon.

It's still technically morning! XD Evil group, try to assemble Friday around 11 PM EST. Good group will be at the same time and place, Sunday at 12:30 AM.