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Pathfinder OOC Thread

Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Meeting in the usual bacon room for the battle. While I can't stop you, I think it would be good if no one else from the group came to watch, and no one involved told anyone else the outcome until Saturday at the earliest.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Meeting in the usual bacon room for the battle. While I can't stop you, I think it would be good if no one else from the group came to watch, and no one involved told anyone else the outcome until Saturday at the earliest.

What you talking about? It's called making the channel invite only :D
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Well, since I happen to be the owner of the channel...


Plus who's to say we won't meet in one of the sub rooms/make a new one?
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Aww damn, and here I am, lost in a corn maze. XD
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Although those of us that had to leave to go take care of a zombie apocalypse would greatly appreciate a PM letting THEM know what happened.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Roll call for Saturday begin.

I can make it.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

I'm up for it, barring any last-minute excursions, but nothing new there.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

I should be there, barring random school related activities.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Might be a few minutes late Saturday, spending the night with family. But yes, I shall make it to this week's session!
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder


I might join the rooms before I leave for the day to log, though. It's #OOCBaconroom, not #baconroomOOC, right? Should I bother with #chapelbaconroom.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

I can make both Friday and Saturday nights this week.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder


I might join the rooms before I leave for the day to log, though. It's #OOCBaconroom, not #baconroomOOC, right? Should I bother with #chapelbaconroom.


I suppose you could log the chapel room too, and we'll kick you if it gets private.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

I'm good for Saturday, insofaras I know. Friday I will likely be too busy. Should that change, I'll do my best to let y'all know. Don't know that we're going to need the chapel room overmuch?
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Saturday most likely. I don't want to step on other people's toes.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Game is this Saturday barring circumstances that prevent it. Also, as no one did a recap of last game:

The group slowly reassembled following the battle in the chapel, but no one except for Kristie knew that Azieru had been killed. She got her resurrected, and after a long exchange of information, in which Islona questioned the Priests who had been sleeping in the other room throughout the battle, everybody returned to the tavern to divvy up the treasure from the dragon and get a good nights rest. In the morning, they were served breakfast (except for Lilu, who got pissed) and then went off to run some errands.

Kristie went to the chapel to have some scrolls made, but found that it would take longer than the two priests had time for, as they had to prepare more arrows so that the town could defend itself. She didn't quite get what she wanted, but something is better than nothing at least.

Islona went to have a black diamond from the dragon's hoard ground up and made usable for spell components. That didn't take very long, and only cost a fairly modest fee, after which she had a handful of bags of the stuff ready for use (I forget how many precisely.)

Isidien and Lilu went to track down the smith that had made the daggers that the dragon cultists had wielded. His apprentice convinced them that they were one of many that the man had made, and that they couldn't possibly remember to whom they had sold these specific daggers.

finally, the group once more assembled at the chapel, at which Lilu casted some spells to enhance herself, before they finally got underway. Unfortunately, Azieru had proceeded down ahead of them, and after taking a door off its hinges, she was suddenly surrounded by strange skeletal creatures. She killed one, but was then promptly dropped into darkness and clawed nearly to death. The rest of the group arrived just as she was being dragged down the hallway, and Kristie and Byzat, along with a little help from a revived Azieru, made short work of them.

That was about when we ended, barring a recap of any stuff that you guys did after I left.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Eh, was going to write the recap but not much happened, and Azieru remembers nothing :D
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Oh, and Azeiru has made a lasting commitment to just burn down any door she sees from now on. Any door that can't be burned down shall be destroyed via Adamantine.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Yep, that'd be my cue. Count me in for this saturday, and pretty much every other saturday unless I state otherwise.

Also, roll call begin.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

I'm in. (Damn you Occam, I was going to call it.)