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Re: Chat Based Pathfinder


But it's ok. See you guys around.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

I think so. In short, given that the bracers won't stack, they won't do me any good *laughs* Still interested in those arrows and that quiver, tho.

And allrighty. Catch you guys in game next week, then, provided work decides to cooperate. We should be done with this open until midnight bullshit once the holiday's over, so it's all good.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Plans for this week? My vote is for friday, I work stupid-early on Sunday, and as such would like to sleep for it.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Still on the night-owl schedule, so I'm good for any time after dark on Friday or Saturday.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

I've been drunk since X-mas eve, and I still have Tequila, Brandy, Cider and Wine to drink. I won't make it.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Friday works for me, I suppose. Any objections? It's understandable if people can't make it, holiday stuff happening still and all.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

I'm decent for Friday. Saturday, not so much, heh.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Friday's fine for me, Saturday...probably not.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

I will likely be able to make it tonight, if people see me online. but not in IRC, feel free to poke me and ask what's up. Also, given that Taken isn't going to be here, how are you going to handle things, Tass?
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

That's a very good point Loli. The main person involved in that was Keats, so I guess I can have Lilu just kinda hang around, and go over what taken wanted her to do with him later. I'll see you all tonight then. Except for taken.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Given as how I've missed the past few weeks but shouldn't any longer, baring kill things nights, probably good if I pick up the recap slack. And because it'll hopefully be amusing, Blarg's doing one, too.

So, we start out with Keats and Lilu on their way to see the wiz--mayor. Keats manages to secure the group of us lodging in the not-infested part of the city, the Diamond Quarter. Lilu tries to cure the mayor, as he seems to have a rather persistent cough, but it's not due to the plague, just old age. They then join us back at the caravan to report.

Meanwhile, Byzat and Redhand are trying to get information out of a bartender. Byzat decides to listen to the mask when it says it can help him. The mask does not listen to Byzat when he says not to kill him. Of course, while the corpse hasn't even had time to cool, someone comes in to ask the former bartender-now-fine-red-mist something and runs off screaming bloody murder (literally.) It's nice, however, to see the guards in the town have a rapid response time. Red attempts to slip away, per Byzat's suggestion, but is caught as well and they're lead before the judge and thrown in jail. Given they barter that the clerics in the party can raise the guy, they stave off their most severe punishment and the judge sends the guards to gather up the clerics.

While they're yelling at one another in their cells, Red and Byzat get the attention of the third prisoner, who tells them to please shut up and give a dying man some peace. While they're bantering back and forth, the man lets it slip that he killed a noble that he believes caused the plague. Thing is, said noble's family seemed to have converted to greycloak-ness. That's about all the two of them get out of him before he's lead away to be executed.

Byzat's mask wants him to break out. Byzat says no.

Lilu and Islona manage to stave off the execution for at least a little bit by getting the judge to let them talk to the prisoner. Lilu casts Zone of Truth to make certain that what he's saying isn't a load of horseshit and they find out all about an artifact that supposedly caused the plague, the noble that sold it to a shopkeeper in the poorer part of town, and who the noble's family was. Before he could find more evidence, though, he was forced to kill one of said nobles in self-defense and missed suffering magical head explody because the guard - who have awesome response time, remember? - showed up and arrested him instead.

Byzat's mask still wants him to break out, only this time, it wants to go on a murder spree, too. Byzat says no.

Lilu double checks to make certain the judge isn't working for the family, but it turns out he's just doing his job. Before the prisoner is lead away, Islona gives him a blessing and uses it as an opportunity to find out where the artifact is. She also tells him that they believe his story. Unfortunately, there's not much else that she can do for him.

He's lead up to the chopping block and as the axe hangs in the air, Kristie and Keats are making plans to do something to save him, but thankfully, they needn't spend the energy, given that there's a BLINDING FLASH! and when it clears, the prisoner is gone!


So now, there's conspiracy afoot, a fugitive running loose in the plague-ridden streets, and two of the party members are cooling their heels in the local pokey until the rest of the group makes bail.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Journal entry~
̶D̶e̶a̶r̶ ̶D̶i̶a̶r̶

Maybe that's not the best way to start this journal.

My name is Redhand, and I'm a Goliath from the Arkaa tribe. I have been in the company of a bunch of people who guard the remnants of some caravan, once headed by a man named Stephen. Now, I had left my tribe to earn a name for myself, but could never really find anything of note to do, until I came upon this group - practically as soon as I met them, I was drawn into stopping some horrible scheme by a group we've been calling the Greycloaks.

At the time of the starting of this journal, we are just leaving a small town called Grover's Bend, heading for Dragonsreach. Now that I'm actually doing this whole "legendary exploits" thing, though, it's a lot harder than I thought it would be... like that time I tackled that guy, and fell off a cliff... onto a dragon... which was dead before I could even really take a swing at it...

Anyway, I want to keep a record of what happens. Can't have a legend if it's forgotten, right? ...Besides, it seems like whatever anything happens, I'm always an observer. Az and that new girl, Kristie, and their freaky talks in whatever it is language they speak in, that dragon, catacombs in Grover's Bend, where Byzat put on that mask...

But nevermind that.


[recountinge ye adventure soe fare]


Gods of the mountain, help me. When we reached Dragonsreach, we found it ridden with some kind of disease. We parked our caravan in some square, and while Isidien ran off to broker a deal for the food we'd brought and Keats and Lilu went off to talk to the mayor or whoever, B and I went off to try and look for the source of the town's outbreak.

So the first inn we look up, as I'm trying to negotiate, B storms in and smashes the man's face in. Dead before I could even do anything. I know I'm still alive only because of him, but for fuck's sake.

The people milling about outside still have the presence of mind and the bravery to call out for the guard. Yet again, before I could do anything, there were half-dozen of them on us, and they carted us off. They didn't seem to check the body or anything... but B confessed, and I was guilty by association. Murdering some guy for absolutely no reason at all is NOT something I want to be remembered for, dammit.

Either way, I managed to get the judge to call Islona and Lilu over, to see if we could get the man revived, in exchange for getting out quicker, or... something. Even if I wanted to rot in a cell for Byzat's idiocy, there was work to be done.

As luck would have it, the one man also imprisoned with us knew what we were looking for! It turns out he'd been on the trail of whoever had started the plague, and we manage to get out of him the name of the Cosgrove family, a magical family here in Dragonsreach. Apparently, they used to always were blacks... but had recently switched to greys. He'd broken into their house, to investigate - but, unluckily, they found him, and he'd killed one of the Cosgrove's women - pregnant, even - escaping. The guards showed up before they could kill him, too - it's like they're psychic or something.

Lilu and Islona show up, just as they take him away for the executioner - but Islo manages to get them to stop. They take him off to the judge... and sometime later Lilu shows up again, telling us we're apparently to sit in here and stew while those bastards work their evil.

Later, I get it out of Lilu what happened with that man. She cast some truth spell on him, and he told them what happened:

He asked a healer named Nalts about the first victim, who he'd tended. It seems the victim, in his death throes, said something about "Mamoulian". Looking that up lead to a magic shop in the poor quarter, where some limping woman in a grey cloak named Flora sold some kind of artifact. The artifact was examined by a Seranrae cleric, named Alexander, who said it was some kind of container...? Anyway, after two months or so of fruitless tracking, he finally found the woman - "Maria Florentine Cosgrove". Assassins attacked them, though, and she was killed - and every other lead was a failure, so he broke into the Cosgroves... where he was found, and killed a girl escaping.

I don't know what happened after that, but just before they were going to execute our man - er, I believe his name was Arcturus Davidson - he apparently vanished into thin air, in a flash.

...Az had a near breakdown when I left. The disease terrified her, seems - I hope that lead was good, and we can find a way to eliminate it before we leave.

[the following is scratched out, illegible.]

I hope Master never finds out about how I had to relinquish the Amulet of the Firebird and the Armguards of Celestial Preservation. Those belonged to our Great Teacher himself! Gods, if he ever learned that that happened, he'd probably chop my legs off or something. ...Maybe I shouldn't be writing this down.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Early for a role call, but I'll probably only be able to make Saturday this week due to...complications with family and what not, and a growing desire to move out ASAP with each passing day.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

I work starting at 9AM starting thursday and going all the way through Sunday, so I may have to skip this week. Gaming until 4AM and chatting for another two hours is not a good plan this week /:
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

I'm good this Friday and Saturday as well.

If people want, I can run a game on the other night.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Personally, I'm for Saturday, as that seems to be good. No worries on the lateness, Loli. We can always kill time. I'll likely pop back on later and double check what's what, so I'll probably see y'all then.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Saturday it is.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

I know it's a bit early for next week's roll call, but I just got first look at next week's schedule, and they have me working Saturday night. Could we aim for Friday, maybe?