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Pathfinder, anyone?

Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

I would prefer not to have to skype for ye game, and I don't own a webcam of any type and don't care to see people's faces in it. From the look of it, it has functional text chat and such, so the actual voice and picture stuff doesn't seem to be necessary to use it.
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

The skype thing sounds interesting. I've never played pathfinder before though, so exclude me if you don't want a clueless noob holding you back.
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

To clarify, when I say Skype, I don't mean using it for voice chatting or video cams. That would honestly be really weird to do with a bunch of people that you intend to do a semi erotic roleplay with. Skype isn't really even what we need to use, but a lot of people tend to have it anyway, so I figure it would make a viable option.

The game would be completely text based.

Also. Anyone that is a noob is welcome to join. Pathfinder is REALLY easy to learn, and I'm happy to teach.
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

Oh, okay, that's fine then. Still, having something with a map function would be nice.

And Pathfinder is basically D&D 3.5, at its core, though just about everything's been overhauled for more awesome (For example, Fighters aren't just feat whores now). In fact, the base classes are so well done, I've found, that prestige classes are almost moot.
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

any experience with 3.0 or 3.5 DnD is like, three quarters of what you need to know about Pathfinder, anyways.

Made an account on Roll20, the chat seems functional enough, and it's easier to get into than OpenRPG (a personal favourite of mine as well). macros are a little less intensive, but enough for our needs, i figure. found out how to disable voice and video, so yeah, i'm alright is we're all texting.

EDIT: it has a map thing as well, though i didnt try messing with it. seems more solid than Open's, though that isn't saying much. allows for custom inputs as well, so we arent restricted to what's already in there, like i've seen from some of them.
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

Okay, fiddled around a little with Roll20. It seems alright. Will take some getting used to, but does seem nifty The fact that you don't need to install anything helps it.

It sounds like you have a limited amount of upload space, however, for things like pictures or miniatures. Not sure how much space you get, but it probably won't be an issue.

Also, I like the ability to be able to play music through it... Might see about getting some atmospheric mp3s.
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

Semi-erotic? What kind of ero stuff are we looking at here?

I've also not played DnD since 1st edition many years ago when I was but a child. I know what the charisma stat is, and what a paladin is, and that I can make undead turn right round baby right round, and that's about it.
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

I have to go now, but I have enough time to make one more comment.

As far as the kinky stuff in concerned, currently, mostly just vanilla sex. Men and woman, so plenty of lesbian sex and straight sex. Aside from that, I'd like to open the floor to suggestions on erotic content.

As most fucking will likely just take place out of the main game, probably on the forums here, I'll likely be able to fit in various interactions and other fetishes via side oneshots and the like.
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

PCs would be able to smut each other, correct? @ IronAnt.

Also, if both maiko and IronAnt want to run separate games, that would be fine by me. I have ideas for both.
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

Mine would probably have relatively minor erotic content in the normal sessions, unless people brought it up more. It'd be mainly as 'set dressing' most of the time. Any individual sessions would be more likely to have more more of a focus on erotic stuff. The reason being that it's easier, at least for me, to do that kind of stuff for one person, than a group. Also, erotic content slows the game speed down about the same amount as combat would, and if only a few characters are doing it, the others would just be standing around.

That said, the group could go to (or even start their own) brothels, seduce guards, and so on. And there would be some advances from NPCs as well. Intra-party sexing is fine as well, as long as those not involved don't feel bored.

As for the kind of content... basically anything other than the usuals (gore, scat, etc.).

Also, since I'm a little against PC death (There's worse things than death anyway), defeated PCs would face possible rape, either at the hands of humanoids or monsters (or animals, if you'd prefer). Or other problems, like getting thrown in a slave pen or the like.

That said, PC death can happen if the player wants it do, either because they want to retire that character, leave the game, or do something like a heroic sacrifice (or anything else). I just won't be saying "Oh, you failed your save roll, you get crushed by a giant rock. Roll a new character."

In addition, the only 'game overs' would be ones where everyone agrees on it. No situation would be hopeless.

Also, I was under the impression they'd be separate games. Correct me if I'm wrong, IronAnt. You're still the boss here.
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Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

I am vaguely interested sort of.
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

*is already totally geeking out*

Well, i have a character picture, concept, and personality. Hey Maiko, any idea what level you wanna start as? :3
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

Sounds like the ero-content is entirely optional, which is fine by me, though correct me if I'm wrong.
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

*is already totally geeking out*

Well, i have a character picture, concept, and personality. Hey Maiko, any idea what level you wanna start as? :3

I was thinking first level, to keep it simple.

Guess I should bring up the issue of timing. Right now, my saturdays are full with another game. I'm going to be starting a new job some time this month, which'll be Mon-Fri, so daytime hours there are no good. Sundays would be the best for me, pretty much any time.
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

Rats. Fridays or saturdays are best for me. I'm in a larp every other sunday, that's the only evening i can't make time for. i'm fine the off sundays of course. also, since i work mornings, bedtime is somewhere around 2-3AM EST, im pretty sure that's the general timezone most people around here use.
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

If we're talking about times... I'm generally free during weekends, but I'd like to go to sleep sometime before morning and starting before midnight would be a plus. Similarly the pathfinder game GM'd by Tass showed me that getting up very early to play is not a good idea, so I'd prefer not to start before 8 in the morning. These times are GMT+2+DST for a total of +3 currently. Weekdays are more problematic, since school is starting out again so I'll be gone for most of the day, though I should be available most evenings.
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

I was thinking first level, to keep it simple.

Guess I should bring up the issue of timing. Right now, my saturdays are full with another game. I'm going to be starting a new job some time this month, which'll be Mon-Fri, so daytime hours there are no good. Sundays would be the best for me, pretty much any time.

Eheh, that's fine, but be warned that first level tends to involve a lot of dice swing.

Stats rolled, or via point buy?
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

Guess I'd need to know more on the time. My Sundays are currently occupied by another game, though that might be changing in the future, I'm not sure. Have to see.
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

Hmm... I'll try to see what my hours will be. At this point, I'd prefer either Friday evenings (I'm GMT -3 currently until DST ends, then GMT -4) or just about any time on Sunday (though not too late since work on Monday).

And I don't really like the randomness of stat rolling. You can end up with a pretty unbalanced party. Still... there is that element of individuality.

Just came up with an idea, not sure how well it'll work. Do a 10 point buy, then roll 6 d4s and assign them to your stats, one to each. If the dice roll would put the stat over 18, it's dropped down to 18 (before racial modifiers of course).

So, for example. 13,12,11,11,11,8 with point buy. 4, 1, 1, 3, 1, 4 from the dice rolls. Could end up with 13+4, 12+4, 11+3, 11+1, 11+1, 8+1 for an ending total of 17, 16, 14, 12, 12, 9, which seems about the range of a typical fantasy PC. Then assign them to your stats as normal.

For doing the dice rolls, at least at this stage, it doesn't really matter to me how you do them. Invisible Castle or some other online roller is fine, or you could just roll at home. I'll be highly suspicious of any rolls of all fours though...