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Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

Ixackael, having finally composed himself, makes contact again with Nebula, after receiving his message "Oh. My mistake. Yet still, there could be a genetic bridge between the Zerg and those creatures you encountered. Such a curious thing" he telepathically replies to Nebula "Where are you. I would very much like to come see you in person, so as to get a better understanding of your race for future reference." Ixack sends to Nebula, starting a walk once again through the station, all the different people he passes staring at him "This Nebula seems like a fine person. He possesses the ability to speak like one of us, yet I get the feeling he is but a mere child" he thinks to himself, looking left and right with his blue eyes "They act as if they have never seen a Protoss warrior before. I was sure we had made contact with this race before." he thinks, remembering his lessons with Zeratul, and his hatred for the Zerg


Former Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

A small object whizzes toward the station, leaving a white streak behind it. There is a sudden flash, and where the object used to be was a colossal ship.
"Bugger, we're late."
"What makes you say that?"
"I'm not sure. You can just... tell."
"Apparently not. We aren't late."

A small shuttle dives out of the ship from an unseen hangar, and heads toward the station.
"Hey Siphon. Sorry we're LATE."
"Oh for the gods' sake."

The shuttle docks, and two figures emerge. One is dressed in Earth-Garb, a white shirt, red tie and trenchcoat. The other wears black shorts and a red vest. Both have white skin, and each has hair and eyes the colour of his clothes. The pair setoff the briefing room and seem to know exactly where they are going.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

Ixackael, continuing his walk, sends out another pulse. sensing two new life-forms on the station in his area, deciding to head towards where he sensed them, his pace that of a man in a hurry "This 'Briefing Room' must be around here somewhere" he thinks to himself as he moves

Pheonix Alugere

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Nov 15, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

Once Nebula's drone enters the floating metal shell, mostly through the convenience of following the small flying metal shell that had just entered, Nebula sends it off towards where the protoss-drone-not-drone was. This of course would cause a small commotion in the ship wherever it went as having a fleshy hexagonal table walking around is not a normal event.

At the same time, Nebula continues talking to Ixachael, *I'm floating outside the metal shell you're in. I've sent a drone in to help me communicate with the other drone-not-drones in the metal shell though. It should get to you soon.*


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

"Then you are inside a ship waiting outside? It must be too big to enter this station." Ixackael thinks back to Nebula, still walking on his way towards where he had sensed the two newcomers "I should be able to meet with your drone soon enough." he thinks, his eyes still very narrow as he walks, trying to keep out as much visual input as possible so he can concentrate mentally


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

The reply to Coraxus and Vulkoran came quickly. "Your not exactly late. Talok and Narlina just arrived, and the Ingrali STILL haven't arrived yet. Scratch that, they just did."

As he spoke, six large scale ships, clearly designed for combat purposes emerged from a bright colored hyper-space window, moving silently through space.

Talok and Narlina had already made there way to the station, and now began moving down the hall, at which point they spotted the Protoss warrior. Talok inclined his head slightly, wondering if he was truly seeing what he thought he was seeing, but said nothing yet.

Pheonix Alugere

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Nov 15, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

Soon the drone comes around a nearby corner using its telekinetic powers to demonstrate a blatant disregard for any method of artificial gravity the metal shell uses by walking along the ceiling. *My drone is with you. Also, why do all the drone-not-drones seem to stay attached to only one side of the metal shell's innards?* Nebula sends to Ixackael.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

Ixackael stops, his two 'fingers' and twin 'thumbs' on his right hand twitching as he senses something strange about him, sending out another Psi pulse and noticing two individuals standing still behind him, plus the drone on the ceiling which he ignores for the moment "This feeling. Those people aren't like the others here." he thinks to himself, turning around and looking at the two with his blue eyes "Who are you." he mentally communicates to the two, his 'hands' twitching at his side as he walks towards the two


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

The female responded quickly. Amazing, another telepath? That's two in the last ten minutes. I am Narlina, queen of a Wraith Hive ship, and this is my mate Talok. She indicates Talok, who replies himself.

My full name is Talok/Nevish, and my apologies, but are you in fact some kind of protoss? I've heard stories, seen pictures of them but never met one in person.
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Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

"Wraith? Queen?" Ixack responds to Narlina, images of Kerrigan, the Queen of Blades flooding his mind, and the slaughter she caused "You look just like Kerrigan. Minus the wings. Forgive me if I'm being rude, but have you ever heard of the Zerg?" Ixackael responds to Narlina, a slight hint of anger flowing through his mind as he stops walking "Pardon my anger. I tend to get very emotional when I think of that.......Abomination.....of a woman." he says, crossing his arms and trying to calm himself "And yes. I am a Protoss. One of the last Dark Templar." he replies to Talok


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

I have not, but I believe Talok has.

Talok nodded then replied, I have encountered their kind once before. They made the mistake of openly attacking a planet I was visiting at the time, and met a very destructive death at the hands of twelve hive ships. Since then I've not seen or heard of them again.

Narlina broke in again, asking, these Zerg, they are half bug as well? It is strange, she appears to be similar in appearance but.... what you showed me, the carnage, I can't.... I will NOT stand to see that against those who arr peaceful. These Zerg as you call them had best not run across my hive, lest they meet a very quick death. As for if you are rude, no. From what you have shown me, in your position I would likely react the same way.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

"I thank you for understanding. Still. It is strange that you have actually met them. They are indeed half bug as you say, but they took a less humanoid appearance. Their evolution was for sheer combat and protecting their Cerebrates and Overmind. Currently, the only thing ruling over the Zerg now is the woman I showed you. Kerrigan, the Queen of Blades, and essentially the queen bitch of the solar system in which she resides." Ixack replies, if he could show facial expressions, he would have chuckled or smiled "I'm afraid I have gotten a bit nostalgic, my apologies." he says, bowing a couple degrees as is his tribe's custom "If you don't mind my asking, would you kindly inform me to the location of this 'Briefing Room' I have been asked to go to?" he asked, a hint of embarrassment in his thoughts


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

There is a smile across Narlina's features as she returns the bow herself. Of course, we are heading there now actually. If you'll follow us we can get you there quickly.

Talok spoke, this time out loud, the first indication the protoss had that they would speak verbally. "Looks like the Ingrali have arrived as well."

And so they had, as several figures, seemingly nothing but blackish mist moved down the hall ways through a door just off to one side, seemingly having somewhere else to go instead of the briefing room. Each figure was close to seven feet tall, red glowing eyes and seemingly nothing but mist for the body and features otherwise.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

Ixack sees Talok's mouth move, and reads his lips, seeing as he doesn't have any means with which to hear "So. You can speak normally. I was beginning to think everyone who spoke to me could only speak like that." Ixack says, his Psi pulse going out, this time returning a large 'ping' on his senses from the Ingrali "Those creatures. Ingrali, you called them. They all seem to be of one mind. It is rather disturbing." he thinks back, then decides to leave it at that, standing aside "Please, lead the way."

Pheonix Alugere

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Nov 15, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

Nebula has its drone follow the drone-not-drones and the protoss-drone-not-drone towards the meeting place. Seeing that the others also walk on one side of the metal shell, Nebula sends its question to Narlina and Talok as well, *Why is it that you all walk on one side of the metal shell's innards? Would it not be more convenient to walk on whichever side is most empty?*


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

While Narlina indicates for the protoss to follow and explains that the Ingrali are individuals, and not a collective mind, Talok would handle replying to the ship this time.

I'm not sure I understand. Do you mean why do we walk inside of the station? If so it is because we can not survive in open space, our bodies shut down from it. Well, most races do, I know of a few that can survive in open space.

Soon, Narlina has brought them to a rather large room, already filled with a number of people. There seemed to be several different races represented here now, Wraith, Protoss, Human, Alveran and the Ingrali had somehow made it there before them.

About this same time, in space, another vessel appeared. This one was about the same size as the Ingrali ships, however her design was much more eloquent than the others so far. Her curvature was almost breathtaking, as if whoever had designed her had done so to make the ship not just formidable, but extremely maneuverable and had gone to great pains and taken care to enjoy the art of it. This, should it show on Nebula's records, was an Asgard Ship, and from the design, clearly one of their heavily armed ones as well. This was true, the O'Neill class Asgard Vessel was in fact the pride and joy of the entire Asgard fleet, and was their most advanced war ship, having been made of sheer need.

Inside the conference room, the Protoss would receive a surprise as a sudden flash of sparkling white light encompassed the room, and when it faded, a small frail looking gray alien sat in a specially made chair for himself. When it spoke, it was clearly a male's voice, yet it had no defining genetilia at all despite seeming to be absolutely nude. "Greetings, I am Thor of the Asgard. I apologize for my late arrival."


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

Ixack is instantly on his guard, his Psi-emitter humming gently at an almost inaudible frequency to Humans, his stance not changing though, seemingly keeping his calm as to not alert the Asgard to his uneasiness "So many races. And some of them closely resemble my tribe's allies." Ixack thinks to only Narlina, his apprehension clear in his thoughts "Do any of them know how to speak telepathically? if not, then we may have a problem." he thinks, his eyes closing as he leans against a wall, his arms raised to his chest and folded, hidden under his cloak


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

I am assuming you can pick up on thoughts directed to you? If so then I can just tell the others when they speak to think to you as well.

He might be shocked when the grey alien turned and spotted him, one large black colored eye raising slightly. Then in his mind it was thought, greetings protoss warrior. Am I correct in my belief you are in fact a dark templar? If so, interesting, we had believed them to no longer be active within this galaxy. I am Thor, supreme commander of the Asgard race.

Pheonix Alugere

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Nov 15, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

Nebula clarifies its question to the wraith as its drone finds a good place on the ceiling to hang from, *I mean, why does only my drone walk on one side of the metal shells inner tubes, while all other things are clustered on a different side?*

Then Nebula attempts to speak through its drone to see if it is working, Hey! Drone vibrate correct communication, maybe? Yes no?


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

Ixack is shocked at the little alien's knowledge of his own race "I am indeed able to pick up on your thoughts. And it is true what you say. I am indeed a Dark Templar. How do you know so much of our race, Thor?" he asks, his eyes still closed as he attempts to sift through the knowledge in Thor's mind "And I thank you for understanding my inability to speak or hear verbally."