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Party Time (Mads)

Re: Party Time (Mads)

Onzankai No Mizuko: HP = 68/82, PP = 39, EP = 41, Status = Injured, Stunned, Tripped, 4/19 Resistance, +Tight, +Sensitive, 2 Drinks

Mizuko has +8 attack/damage/AV/grapple, but -8 Dodge from her booze.
She swings with Stunning Blow.
Attack: 33, miss.

The goblin responds with Flurry of Blows for 3 attacks, the first a stunning blow, the second a trip, and the third a normal attack.
Attacks: Hit, hit, hit.
Resistance: 30 vs 41, ye goblin wins. Mizu is stunned. The Trip thus autohits and autosucceeds.
Damage: 8 + 29 - 10 - 12 - 8 = 7 damage per hit, 0 from the stunning blow. Total of 14 damage.

The goblin, despite his apparent lack of readiness, swayed beneath the roundhouse kick aimed to disable him as if he'd done it entirely by accident. He stumbled forward as she returned to her guarded state, a look of drunken surprise on his face, before his left hand suddenly shot forward and sunk into Mizuko's gut before she could get out of its way. The alcohol running through her system and her natural toughness largely dulled the blow, but the sheer surprise of it caused her to double over, and with a staggering rotation he stuck out a foot as she stepped back. Caught completely off balance, Mizuko stumbled for a moment and then tumbled onto her side. Stunned and knocked onto her side, the goblin laid one last blow upon her, giving her a harsh echoing smack right onto her ass that would likely leave a red mark on her pale skin for some time.

He could easily have pounced onto her and done a great deal of damage just then, but the goblin instead shuffled backwards with a grin. "That's *hic* three hits to *hic* none! Looks like you're *hic* getting some of those *hic* clothes off!" he said, his expression and the mild bulge growing in his robes clear enough displays of excitement at the prospect of getting her naked. He was also giving her time to get back onto her feet though, which was unduly sportsmanlike of him, even if it might not sit well with her temper being so humbled as she'd been a moment ago.
Re: Party Time (Mads)

"Tch, ya just got lucky!" she gets up, removing the band around her chest, as well as her shorts, then, finally, the thin cloth bands she wears beneath her upper armor, leaving her largely unarmored, with only panties to protect her modesty. This time, she decides to go for her own rush of attacks, moving with fluid motion to first do a stomping kick to the goblin's face, to daze him. The kick, should it land, will be followed up by a step-forward shoulder check to knock him prone, then a strike to a truly vital area, hoping to render him fully defenseless.

Flurry, stunning blow, trip, nerve pinch.
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Re: Party Time (Mads)

Onzankai No Mizuko: HP = 47/82, PP = 39, EP = 41, Status = Injured, Stunned, Tripped, 4/19 Resistance, +Tight, +Sensitive, 2 Drinks

Goblin Opponent: Taken 41 damage, +10 Dodge

Mizuko has +8 attack/damage/AV/grapple, but -8 Dodge from her booze.
She swings with Flurry of Blows: Stunning Blow, Trip, Nerve Pinch.
Attack: 50, 59, 53, miss hit hit.
Resistance (Trip) : 24 vs 32, the goblin is not tripped.
Damage: 11 + 10 + 64 - 10 - 12 - 22 = 41 damage
Resistance: 35 vs 39, the goblin is not paralyzed.

Ye goblin flurry of blows again, this time going for pure damage across those three attacks and using 10 points of defensive fighting for more Dodge.
Attacks: All three hit.
Damage: 3 + 29 - 10 - 7 - 8 = 7 damage per hit... Again. Total of 21.

The goblin watched her disrobe with a wry grin, and she could feel the gazes of both his fellows and the two demons that had come out to watch as her chest wraps were removed, leaving her modest chest fully on display. "Heh, just one *hic* more hit and you'll be totally-" he began to speak only for Mizuko to interrupt him with her potentially devastating kick. He stopped talking suddenly and took a swaying sidestep, but she was quicker to recover this time and met his shift with a shoulder block. The force of the blow was spread out across too much area for it to cause much in the way of damage, but it very nearly put the goblin onto his back. Only a quick staggering step backwards saved him, and then the vicious blow to the neck that she followed it up with, however, did do plenty of damage even though he managed to shift much of the force.

A scowl momentarily appeared on the drunken goblin's face, and though he should have been choking on his own tongue at that point he grabbed her by the wrist, yanked her further forward to put her off balance, and launched a knee into her gut. Though he was now within range of the grasp of the phenomenally strong Mizuko, he obviously had a plan, and he was more than fast enough to do some damage while in the pocket of her midsection before she could recover from the second blow to the stomach. Grabbing the wrist of the hand that had struck him in the neck, the goblin suddenly let his legs fall out from under him while throwing himself back, using his body as a fulcrum and pushing his shoulder into her gut. The leverage combined with a surprising display of strength on his part allowed him to flip her over his body and slam her onto her back. A more grapple-focused fighter might have used her caught arm against her then while she tried to get air back into her lungs, but the goblin opted to release her and give her a swinging kick to the top of the head.

He jumped back, leaving Mizuko's ears ringing slightly, but it was hardly enough to down the resilient oni, not after she'd had two drinks pumped into her system. The goblin rubbed at his throat with one hand and scowled at her, eying her seemingly in an entirely different light and no longer swaying about drunkenly. "Stronger than you look," he grunted softly, his voice hoarse due to the hit she'd delivered, and then he slipped out of his boots and kicked them aside. His robe was taken off shortly thereafter, leaving him clad in a thin shirt with narrow straps at the shoulders and a loincloth, which did a barely serviceable job of hiding the diminutive demon's bulge. Grinning again, Mizuko's opponent returned to his formerly jovial state and said; "That's *hic* two hits for you, and three for me! Looks like you're *hic* out of clothes!"
Re: Party Time (Mads)

She stands, popping her neck as she slips off her panties, revealing the totally bare skin beneath. Her eyes narrow for a moment, but then she smiles, chuckling, "An' you're smarter'n ya look! But hey, I haven't had enough of fighting just yet. What say we go a few rounds, no tricks this time, just fighten. If ya want, we can even call it doubles. Winner gets the loser's money too. Or, if yer too chicken, we can just finish our spar, then...well, the then would be up to you, it's lookin like"
Mizuko seems to have forgotten her reason to have started the fight in the first place, or perhaps it was simply an excuse, not many can tell.
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Re: Party Time (Mads)

Onzankai No Mizuko: HP = 47/82, PP = 39, EP = 41, Status = Injured, Stunned, Tripped, 4/19 Resistance, +Tight, +Sensitive, 2 Drinks

Goblin Opponent: Taken 41 damage, +10 Dodge

Every eye in the area watched Mizuko's panties slide down her thighs, and the goblins wore an eager grin while Kanda rose an intrigued eyebrow, though Nigrius just continued to sip at his ale with a bored expression. "Heh, and after that spankin I was *hic* bout to ask if you wanted to *hic* skip to the naked wrestling part of our *hic* arrangement!" her goblin opponent said, "I'm not *hic* too interested in takin' yer money, I've got plenty. Still, if yah *hic* want to spar a bit more before we get to the *hic* part where we fuck though, I'm happy to *hic* oblige yah!" He continued to stagger about drunkenly, but even as intoxicated as she was she was starting to see the deceptive agility hidden in his movements.
Re: Party Time (Mads)

"An' skip the real fight? Not a chance!" She hops forward, feigning a jab with her left to open up some space for a quick, safe stomp-kick to the goblin's shin, getting in tantalizingly close before swinging her right fist up, towards her opponent's chin, then a final chambered punch to the gut.
[Flurry, three standard hits.]
Re: Party Time (Mads)

Onzankai No Mizuko: HP = 17/82, PP = 39, EP = 41, Status = Badly Injured, 4/19 Resistance, +Tight, +Sensitive, 2 Drinks

Goblin Opponent: Taken 41 damage, +10 Dodge

Mizuko flurry of blows!
Attacks: 59, 49, 48. All miss.

Ye goblin punches back with the same plus 10 points of defensive fighting!
Attacks: All three hit.
Damage: 6 + 29 - 10 - 7 - 8 = 10 damage per hit.

The goblin merely laughed heartily at Misuko's statement, and though he seemed to sway away from the feint he quickly shifted aside as she aimed her stomping kick at his leg, spinning his leg out of the way and planting a solid blow with the heel of that foot into her abdomen. Pushed back for only a moment, Mizuko closed the distance between them only to find her opponent's stumbling footwork getting him behind her before she even knew what was happening, earning her another stinging smack on the rear. The giggling goblin very nearly paid for the second spanking he delivered to the oni when she turned and sent a punch at his gut, but again he bent around it at the last second and then switch his footing to deliver a solid hit to her ribs. The rain of blows was starting to wear on her, leaving her tired and achy, and her opponent seemed just to fast for her to hit... If she didn't change up her tactics in some manner, it seemed sure that she would be defeated.
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Re: Party Time (Mads)

"This... this is fucking BULLSHIT!" losing her cool, she hops forward, going for a single low kick, leg sweeping out, still fluid, even under the fiery influence of her mounting frustration. "I. Will. Not. Lose..." she spits out between grinding teeth. Somewhere, however, she secretly relishes the challenge, though no part of her is capable of contemplating loss, the headstrong, short tempered oni practically dripping battle fury.

Re: Party Time (Mads)

Onzankai No Mizuko: HP = 0/82, PP = 39, EP = 41, Status = Down, 4/19 Resistance, +Tight, +Sensitive, 2 Drinks

Goblin Opponent: Taken 41 damage, +10 Dodge

Mizuko tries to Trip ye goblin!
Attack: 71, hit.
Resistance: 35 vs 40. He is not Tripped.
Man.... Just when it looked like she was about to pull a win out of her hat with that good Resistance roll, but then he went and rolled higher. She could have dropped him that round with another regular hit, also.

Same as last round comes in response.
Attacks: All three hit.
Damage: 7 + 29 - 10 - 7 - 8 = 11 damage per hit, for a total of 33. Down Mizuko goes down!

Mizuko's evident fury only caused the drunken goblin to giggle, and he quickly taunted; "Feelin *hic* worried? You should!" The oni shot forward suddenly, her leg sweeping for the diminutive green demon, and this time she actually caught him! Her foot swept his feet out from under him, and for a moment it seemed as if she had this in the bag, her opponent flailing and wide-eyed as he dropped toward the ground.

But the goblin's deceptive combat style showed through again. Her massive strength worked against her then, giving him the momentum to nearly flip him in full, and his low height allowed him to use the momentum of lift to get his hands underneath him. The goblin's hands planted on the ground and he crumpled like a spring, only to launch upwards feet first.... Aimed right at Mizuko's chin. The force of the goblin's hit smashed Mizuko's mouth closed, though thanks to her gritted teeth she didn't bite off her own tongue. She was lifted off of her feet and hovered for a moment before slamming back down onto her back, and as stunned as she was she couldn't react before the goblin landed and leaped again, elbow dropping onto Mizuko's stomach and then kicking her head against the ground.

Stunned, battered, and quite thoroughly out of fighting steam at the moment, Mizuko found the goblin sitting on her chest with his hands on his hips, still swaying slightly as he grinned down at her. "I *hic* beat ya! Don't feel *hic* bad though, no one can beat *hic* Sanjay the great!"
Re: Party Time (Mads)

"Great at pissing me off..." she snarls, letting her head loll back, thinking. Losing...better than going without a fight. Just gotta make sure I get my payback...somehow Her face almost serene for a moment as she studies the sky, wondering if it had any answers for why she'd lost. Or any suggestions for revenge. But, for now "So you win... get on with it then.
Re: Party Time (Mads)

Onzankai No Mizuko: HP = 0/82, PP = 39, EP = 41, Status = Down, 4/19 Resistance, +Tight, +Sensitive, 2 Drinks

"Excellent! You *hic* accept your fate willingly!" the goblin sitting on top of Mizuko said happily, swaying about before dropping a hand onto her bare breast. The alcohol running through her system made even that indelicate touch at least mildly pleasurable, but it became clear after a moment that he was merely using her chest as a handhold to keep himself from falling off of her in his drunken state. He pulled out the flask he'd put forth as a bet and promptly raised it, "To your *hic* health! And to your exceptionally cute *hic* ass!"

He downed a measure of the stuff, leaving Mizuko and those observing to wonder how he'd managed to pronounce "exceptionally" so easily while that drunk. After swallowing a measure of the stuff, he proudly offered it to her and said; "As a *hic* reward for my victory, I demand that you *hic* get drunk with me!"
Re: Party Time (Mads)

She brightens up a bit, taking the flask with one hand, "That wasn't in the rules, but I'll do it on ooone condition. A rematch, and soon." then, before the goblin has a chance to agree or not, she gulps down all she can stomach, giggling crazily. "Oh! Too late to s-say no, now! Oh well!" As her blood boils with the new influx of alcohol, her face flushing further, she smiles, licking her lips in a way that seems unsure of whether it's meant to be seductive, or simple motion.
Re: Party Time (Mads)

Onzankai No Mizuko: HP = 0/82, PP = 39, EP = 41, Status = Down, Aroused, Horny, +Tight, +Sensitive, 4 Drinks

Mizuko drinks some double strength booze! Ye liqour also provides dat +2 bonus, so in total it's 4d6+8
Resistance Damage: 1 + 4 + 5 + 5 + 8 = 23 Resistance damage. The first 4 gives her Aroused, and the next 19 are just enough to push her to Horny.

"Oi! 'At's not *hic* fair!" the goblin protested, but it was too late. Mizuko downed a gulp of the whiskey contained in the goblin's flask before he could stop her, and as she swallowed the harsh drink he said; "Ahhh, fine! You'll get yer rematch!"

The whiskey was, without a doubt, the harshest she'd ever tasted. It burned from the moment it entered her mouth right up until it hit her stomach, and for a good couple of seconds after that to boot. It was only a few moments later, as Sanjay plucked his flask back from her fingers, that the oni found that he hadn't been lying about the potency of the liquor held in that tiny container. It hit her more than twice as strong as a normal drink would, and it was just enough to push her body to the point where her resistance to the alcohol was nil, the natural reactions inherent from her bloodline occurring all too quickly as the alcohol was absorbed into her system. Arousal flushed through her system, priming her body for an entirely different sort of physical activity, and it came quick and strong until she was at the point where "want" was indistinguishable from "need."

The goblin on top of her didn't seem to realize this, as he removed his hand just as his reflexive groping was starting to feel really good. She could feel his erection against her stomach, straining against his loin cloth and just as eager for attention as she was, but he took that away after a moment too. Jumping to his feet, he said; "Lets see what I won from ye, eh!" Grabbing her gourd, the goblin popped it open and then tipped it, sipping some of it but spilling a good amount onto Mizuko's stomach. "Woops!" he said, and then closed the gourd only to drop to his knees and starting licking the spilled booze off of her belly, making his way slowly up towards the rice wine that had spilled onto her modest breasts.
Re: Party Time (Mads)

She squirms, writhing in impatient pleasure, lifting her hips beneath him, growling lustfully "Hurry up, damn it... and don't waste that! I'm gonna get it back when I..nnh... kick yer ass... bravado interrupted by an inopportune moan, she pants, face deep red with desire. Her spirit-scorched tongue darts out, licking at her lips as she surveys what shall, hopefully, very soon, be 'taking care of' her. Maybe, once her head had cleared a bit, she'd have some questions for herself, but right now the only query on her mind was how to get this damn goblin to please her body while still adhering to the rules... not that she wouldn't force herself on him otherwise, but she had a pretty good idea that wouldn't be necessary, or, perhaps, wise.
Re: Party Time (Mads)

Onzankai No Mizuko: HP = 0/82, PP = 39, EP = 41, Status = Down, Aroused, Horny, +Tight, +Sensitive, 4 Drinks

"Hurry up with *hic* what?" the goblin asked coyly, swaying about drunkenly while sitting on top of her. One of his sways caused him to lean back, and he reached out to balance himself by placing one hand on her mound. Two fingers suddenly settled over Mizuko's dripping petals and casually slipped between them, the two intruding digits slowly circling over her hole while the goblin grinned down at her, his shaft bulging against his straining loincloth. "You got a *hic* problem?" he asked dryly, a wide grin plastered across his face.
Re: Party Time (Mads)

She groans, forgetting, for a moment, violence. Her hips lift slightly, her whole body quaking in agonized pleasure. "With fucking me, you dipshit. You won, somehow, so don't screw around, damn it." she growls, fingers digging into the dirt as her anger and arousal merge. Her body, coated in lustful sweat and rice wine, shines as she grinds against the fingers in her, tightening herself around them as best she can. She grins madly, hissing through bared teeth, a new challenge "If you think you can handle it"
Re: Party Time (Mads)

Onzankai No Mizuko: HP = 0/82, PP = 39, EP = 41, Status = Down, Aroused, Horny, +Tight, +Sensitive, 4 Drinks

"Oooooh, is that *hic* what I'm doin?" the goblin astride Mizuko asked, and then the fingers playing at her petals stopped their teasing and began a rapid, powerful, and perfectly steady pumping motion as they plunged into the oni's sopping pussy. Pleasure started to rock through her as those fingers pistoned into her with surprising deftness for a drunken goblin, starting to sate the need boiling in her blood but not getting there yet.
Re: Party Time (Mads)

"F-fuck you.... Hahhh.. nnn... she gasps, losing focus. She brings one hand up to the goblin's length, roughly grasping it, nails threatening to dig in, but not quite. Her lower body convulses slightly, pushing the shaft back and forth in her hand. This, apparently, is rather amusing to her, and she takes the oppurtunity to let out a moaning giggle as she loosens slightly, rubbing up and down, slow and teasing, hoping to force him to the point where he had to be in her.
Re: Party Time (Mads)

Onzankai No Mizuko: HP = 0/82, PP = 39, EP = 41, Status = Down, Aroused, Horny, +Tight, +Sensitive, 4 Drinks

"I thought *hic* 'at was yer idea?" the goblin quipped, and then let out an excited grunt as Mizuko grabbed his shaft, the organ twitching in her grasp as she started stroking it. The oni's giggle as she stroked her hands over the goblin's length had him looking at her in confusion, and he started pumping his fingers into her faster and harder for a few moments before pulling them out and shifting off of her.

"You want *hic* dick," he said, grabbing her legs and pushing them up, bending her in half until her knees were beside her head. The head of his cock was angled down to press against her petals, his loin-cloth now fully discarded, and while he held her by the ankles so that she couldn't muscle her way out from under him. "You get *hic* dick!" the squatting goblin exclaimed, and then lowered himself down and sheathed his member into her pussy with one clean thrust. He was about average in size, but the alcohol running through her and his foreplay had gotten her so ready that Mizuko's pussy took him in with ease. Not needing to let her adjust, Sanjay let out a bark of laughter and then simply started bouncing, pistoning rapidly into Mizuko's sex as his balls slapped against her ass. The angle created by his position ensured that he was hitting her deep and grinding against her g-spot with every thrust, and his pace was just getting faster and harder as he claimed his conquest properly.
Re: Party Time (Mads)

"Y-you'll..." she gasps, losing track of her words in the face of the pleasure, eyes rolling back and narrowing to slits as she grits her teeth, back undulating like a wave against the ground. With each thrust, a louder yelp escapes her mouth, and she eventually bites her lip hard enough to cause a red stain to coat it. She balls and raises a fist, only to let it fall weakly back, holding her head as she squirms, overcome by sensation. The hiss of her breaths between her teeth and the high pitched calls of her moans mingle, forming a lewd melody, in rhythm with the act being performed.