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PARTY 4: Josie, Terri, Selena & Genevieve.

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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Each of the four young women awoke to the sound of humming electrical power, and a pre-recorded feminine voice loop.

"The city and planet have been compromised by enemy forces. All units please report to designated battle zones and attack on your commanders orders. All non-military personnel are hereby 'deputized' into service and are permitted to take up arms in the fight. Your weapons have been provided for you in compartment 32-C. Prepare yourselves for the combat ahead. This is a designated safe room."

The recording then looped around again, repeating the same message over and over. How long it had been doing so for the women couldn't tell. However, they only now began to realize their surroundings weren't from home.

For starters, the entire room seemed to be made from some form of metal that was blackish in color, and everything was reinforced like a military base. Then there was the compartment in question, which was opened to reveal the weapons the voice had spoken about. What was strange though, was that each weapon was labeled out!

Inside were the following weapons, and their instruments if needed:

A Bow with Arrows labeled "Josie's" on it.
An Axe with the label "Terri's" on it.
A Staff with the label "Selena's" on it.
A Staff labeled "Genevieve's" on it.

There was also a single note left inside that apparently was addressed to all four women.

Welcome to the Planet of Pleasure. You have been brought here to serve as both entertainment, and a new breeding source for my friends. However, I am not completely without heart. As you can see, I have graciously provided you with weapons, as well as imbued you with some special skills you can use. You know what I mean, it's in your mind. All you need do is think about them, and you shall have access to them. In exchange for your new-found powers, you will serve as entertainment for me. Here is your task, and situation. By now you no doubt have discovered all of your clothing has been removed. You won't need them here, this planet is perfectly suited to your human needs. Besides, who needs clothing when you'll be having lots and lots of sex? Anyway, your 'mission' is simple. There are a number of areas filled with my friends who are just waiting to get their appendages upon you and pleasure you. Sounds fun to be pleasured by demons, doesn't it? Along the way you may find various items of use to you, and of course you'll find plenty of fun. If you manage to make it all the way to my location you will get to meet me in the flesh, and beg for your ride home. Well, begging won't help, I intend to rape you myself if you make it this far, but you won't. No one ever has. Through the unbarred door you will find a portal leading you to your first challenge. Time is wasting, your friends and family miss you little girls. Why don't you try to get back to them? Oh this will be fun! Eventually you'll get the honor of hearing my voice, assuming you last that long hahaha. Well, time to get going girls, and don't think that you can stay there forever. Eventually, we'll come to you!

The note ended there, and about then each of you realized you knew who you were, what your skills were, and could tell via a mirror on the wall that each of you were in fact absolutely nude.

Party Options:

Grab your weapons and move on.

Grab your weapons and get to know each other a little before moving on.

Note: To move on, all party members MUST agree.
Re: PARTY 4: Josie, Terri, Selena & Genevieve.

At first, the pale black-haired woman remains still, curled against a wall, eyes blinking slowly open and shut as she absorbs the recording. Then she stands, crossing the room without a word, picking up the white paper at the center and reading the note with an increasingly incredulous expression.

"This is... insane, ridiculous... an utter travesty of mannerly behaviour!"

She strides to the open locker, staring inside at a familiar staff. Labeled, even, as if someone might deign to take it without her permission. A quick glance to assure herself that no clothing remains inside, then she snatches it up, moving to stand next to the door. Haughtily, disregarding her state of undress, almost daring the other three to stare, she looks back at them.

"I am Genevieve. I propose to seek out this... gentleman... and teach him a lesson in proper behaviour towards a lady. Do you wish to assist, or shall you remain behind?"

(Grab staff and move on.)
Re: PARTY 4: Josie, Terri, Selena & Genevieve.

Warrior - Lv 1 (0/500)
Axe (0/500)

HP: 150/150
MP: 10/10
SP: 210/210

KL: 1 (20/15,000 KP)

Strength: 40
Dexterity: 40
Vitality: 50
Energy: 10
Intelligence: 10

Zeal - 5 MP - Attempt to attack all foes at once. If this connects you deal +5 Damage to each foe struck.

Vengeance - 10 MP - Add fire, lightning and cold damage to your attack, dealing a total of +15 elemental damage. Note immunes will lower this skill's effectiveness.

Cleave - 15 MP - You strike for +20 damage.

Final Thrust - 25 MP - If the enemy is below 30% health, this attack doubles your after strength calculated damage. (Elite)

Thrill of Victory - 25 MP - If this attack hits deal +10 damage. If target foe had less health than you, do an additional +10 damage and gain 5 MP. (Elite)

Eviscerate - 30 MP - You hit the enemy, and if it connects their HP drops by 20% of their maximum. (Can only be used once per enemy, and may not be used after an enemy is under 30% life. Can't be combined with any weapon spells.) (Ultimate Skill)

While Miss Genevieve had begun to stir the finely toned woman in the corner simply held her head. For some reason it was killing her, and as soothing as that recorded voice sounded its announcement did nothing to ease her pain. Only when the raven-haired woman began to move around did Terri drop her hand and start surveying the room. Four girls total, nobody dressed, and a weapons locker near the apparent exit. She watched the other active member of this little group read that note and grab the weapon clearly labeled as her own, but when she stood perfectly still and poised the girl with the unnaturally pink hair found herself staring. A slight blush fell on her cheeks before she looked away to regain herself, then she also rose and went straight towards the lockers. The axe meant for her was slightly large and rather simple, but after a very slow and carefully aimed practice swing she found the weapon to be quite well balanced.

"I guess I'm in." When she finally spoke her axe landed over her right shoulder while her left hand rested on the swell of her hips. She stood rather confidently, her short hair matching her athletic yet still well-endowed physique. It was only when she tried to look at Genevieve that her strangely yellow eyes stole a peek at the pale and quite nude body. That blush returned a little stronger than last time as she forced herself to look elsewhere. "I just wish we had some armor..."

So much for the note.

(Ready to move.)
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Re: PARTY 4: Josie, Terri, Selena & Genevieve.

Waking up groggily to the strange alarm, the first thing Josie noticed while the sound droned on was the presence of other women. Keeping quiet before she could assess any of them as a threat, she noted that they were all nude before she went to feel at her chest. Normally she kept on heavy clothes, but feeling herself and looking down, she realized she was as nude as the rest of them, meaning their situation must be hers as well.

As she was getting to her feet, her hand lingered by her chest before shaking her head and dropping it to her side. No sense in trying to cover up anything now.

Remaining still, she watched the other women move about, taking a note from the center of the room, but her interest was only piqued when she noticed the fair skinned woman pull out a staff from the compartment. Seeing the safety of being able to reach for a weapon and the vulnerability of not being armed around strangers, Josie made her way towards the weapons first, and taking out the bow and arrows. Fitting onto herself, she glimpsed over the note quickly.

She kept her eyes low as she played with her bow and spoke in monotone. She tried to avoid any real formalities, this is not the type of social situation one regularly meets. "Yeah, I'm with ya, whatever way takes us out of here. If this guy happens to be in the way, you can teach him whatever you want, I just don't want to be anywhere around here for too long, so we really should get moving. Name's Jo by the way."

*move on*
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Re: PARTY 4: Josie, Terri, Selena & Genevieve.

Snapping her eyes open and jumping up to a sitting position as the feminine voice filled the room, Selena almost immediately regretted moving so fast as her head began to ache. Grasping her head and groaning, she sat and listened to the recording for a few moments as the other women all rose, grabbed their weapons, and prepared to leave. Only then did she get up, her headache lessening as she began glancing the trio of women over. A slight smile teased across her face as she looked over the one that had risen first, who was seemingly unbothered by her own nudity, her mischievous nature already wondering how much she could get away with.

First impressions were everything though, so she stood up and stretched, almost making a show of it, before heading over to the locker and grabbing the last of the weapons in it. Then, she went to stand near the exit, a calm smile on her face, and said; "Okay, I'm ready to go!"

She had no problem with her nudity. Even if she had been bothered by the other women seeing her nude form, the swirling tattoos in a rainbow of colors likely drew the eye as much if not more than her impressive curves.

(Move on.)
Re: PARTY 4: Josie, Terri, Selena & Genevieve.

The group decides to move on, and shortly a mini map pops up informing them they have entered an area called the Blood Moor.

Immediately they note they are the only ones in the area, though a number of tracks suggest that the area is frequented by patrols.

Party Options:

Move On.

Attempt to ambush the Patrol (wait for a fight basically).
Re: PARTY 4: Josie, Terri, Selena & Genevieve.

Startled by the sudden appearance of a map before her, Selena emits a shrill squeak, quiet but still audible enough for her new companions to hear. Clearing her throat after an embarrassed moment, she says; "We should get going before someone, or something, shows up."

(Vote = Move one.)
Re: PARTY 4: Josie, Terri, Selena & Genevieve.

Gené gives only a short nod as the other three introduce themselves and join her, before opening the door and striding out. Setting a quick pace, she starts moving directly away from the bunker, almost marching, before abruptly halting at a trodden section of ground.

She wastes only a minute studying the tracks, before realizing they seem to come and go in all directions. Then she lets out a sound, "cheh!", visibly annoyed at not having a visible goal to head towards. Selena's comment gets a "true... we should waste no time with mere minions" out of her, and then she continues in the same direction as before, her staff prodding to keep her balance on the marshy terrain.

(Move on. I assume there's no value in trying to pick a direction?)
Re: PARTY 4: Josie, Terri, Selena & Genevieve.

"Agreed." Terri was troubled by the small map making its presence known and refusing to leave her sight, but after a bit of furrowing and obvious concentration she somehow managed to make that image a little more transparent. With the minimap no longer blocking her view she falls back in step with Miss Genevieve as the pale woman continues on her way.

(Move on)
Re: PARTY 4: Josie, Terri, Selena & Genevieve.

Hearing everyone out as Jo played with the and of her bow, Jo took solace in the fact they were not only quickly communicating and hearing everyone out but also that they seemed to be on the same page. "The less time around, the better. So yes, avoiding confrontation would be our best choice."

Not expecting a fight, considering their attempts to avoid one, the tracks were still a bit ominous. Jo removed the bow from around her shoulder and kept it ready and drew an arrow out with her other hand before moving to follow the group, favoring the back of the pack.

Re: PARTY 4: Josie, Terri, Selena & Genevieve.

The group decides to move on, and soon enough enter a new area.

As they step in however ....

Trap Evasion Roll:

Trap: 30+16=46 Vs. Selena: 40+7=47 (JUST made it.)
Trap: 30+22=52 Vs. Genevieve: 35+48=83
Trap: 30+41=71 Vs. Terri: 10+5=15 (Ah, that sucks.)

Two of the girls spot a trigger for some kind of trap, and immediately set about avoiding it. Unfortunately, they don't have time to shoot out a warning before Terri steps on the trigger. Each of the four girls suddenly feels a slight pop below their belt lines, realizing they've been imbued with dicks. As they wonder why this might be, four sets of 3 suction cup devices come flying out of the ground at angles, attaching themselves to each girl! Two attach to their breasts, while the third lands right over their new pleasure rods. Each girl suddenly finds the cups contract, forming around their breasts and dicks perfectly, and then they begin to squeeze and suck on them, pleasuring them.

Initiative: Traps always go first since you are caught unaware. The good news with this trap is, once your free, it won't try to grab you again, and you'll be free to help anyone who didn't get free. These traps do not have HP, Mana or Stamina of their own, but if you orgasm they will drain 1/10th of the pleasure you took on that turn as life and mana.

Suction Trap 1: All Stats 30 Raping Selena.

Suction Trap 2: All Stats 30 Raping Genevieve.

Suction Trap 3: All Stats 30 Raping Terri.

Suction Trap 4: All Stats 30 Raping Josie.

Selena: Strength: 15, Dexterity: 40, Vitality: 10, Energy: 45, Intelligence: 40 , HP: 20, Mana: 135, Sexual Stamina: 85. Being Raped by Trap 1.

Genevieve: Strength: 25, Dexterity: 35, Vitality: 30, Energy: 25,
Intelligence: 35, HP: 90, Mana: 75, Sexual Stamina: 145. Being Raped by Trap 2.

Terri: Strength: 40, Dexterity: 40, Vitality: 50, Energy: 10,
Intelligence: 10, HP: 150, Mana: 10, Sexual Stamina: 210. Being Raped by Trap 3.

Josie: Strength: 35, Dexterity: 45, Vitality: 40, Energy: 15,
Intelligence: 25, HP: 120, Mana: 30, Sexual Stamina: 175. Being Raped by Trap 4.

Pleasure Rolls:

Trap 1: 30+30+50=110 Vs. Selena: 15+40+1=56.

Selena cries out in pleasure as she suddenly finds herself being sucked off, and sucked on. With nothing to hold on to, and nothing against her back, the experience is highly erotic for her.

Selena suffers 54 pleasure, gains 74 KP and loses 54 Stamina, leaving her with 31 Stamina before she will orgasm.

Trap 2: 30+30+40=100 Vs. Genevieve: 25+35+32=92.

Genevieve shudders as the suction begins to work on her, but she's able to shrug off most of the pleasure. Unfortunately, not all of it, but enough that she's barely affected.

Genevieve suffers 8 pleasure, gains 28 KP and loses 8 Stamina, leaving her with 137 Stamina left before she will orgasm.

Trap 3: 30+30+30=90 Vs. Terri: 40+40+50=130.

Terri gets the best of things, ironic since she's the one who set off the trap. Terri manages to resist taking any pleasure, though she still gains 20 KP for getting caught.

Trap 4: 30+30+45=115 Vs. Josie: 35+45+6=86.

Josie cries out as she feels the triple suckings work her body over, causing her to thrash about wildly in an attempt to get the things off.

Josie suffers 29 Pleasure, gains 49 KP and loses 29 Stamina, leaving her with 146 Stamina before she will orgasm.


Each girl has her turn and may attempt to get away, or may allow the trap to have their way with them for another turn.

Initiative: If you orgasm they will drain 1/10th of the pleasure you took on that turn as life and mana. (Adjusted Stat purposes)

Suction Trap 1: All Stats 30 Raping Selena.

Suction Trap 2: All Stats 30 Raping Genevieve.

Suction Trap 3: All Stats 30 Raping Terri.

Suction Trap 4: All Stats 30 Raping Josie.

Selena: Strength: 15, Dexterity: 40, Vitality: 10, Energy: 45, Intelligence: 40 , HP: 20, Mana: 135, Sexual Stamina: 31/85. Being Raped by Trap 1. 74/15,000 KP.

Genevieve: Strength: 25, Dexterity: 35, Vitality: 30, Energy: 25,
Intelligence: 35, HP: 90, Mana: 75, Sexual Stamina: 137/145. Being Raped by Trap 2. 28/15,000 KP.

Terri: Strength: 40, Dexterity: 40, Vitality: 50, Energy: 10,
Intelligence: 10, HP: 150, Mana: 10, Sexual Stamina: 210. Being Raped by Trap 3. 20/15,000 KP.

Josie: Strength: 35, Dexterity: 45, Vitality: 40, Energy: 15,
Intelligence: 25, HP: 120, Mana: 30, Sexual Stamina: 146/175. Being Raped by Trap 4. 49/15,000 KP.
Re: PARTY 4: Josie, Terri, Selena & Genevieve.

When she realizes the trap's there, just in time to avoid stepping on it, Gené doesn't speak up right away, instead stepping clear of the trigger and then turning to the group. Unfortunately, that's just enough time for Terri to stumble into it.

Magic swirls about the group, and Gené doubles over as her clitoris grows to freakish proportions. Bent over and shuddering as she grabs at the offending organ, she's unprepared for the second phase of the trap, and gets pulled to hands and knees as the suction cups work at her sensitive parts.

Gené growls under her breath, and starts pulling herself upright, using her staff to try and lever herself free of the trap.

(Break free.)
Re: PARTY 4: Josie, Terri, Selena & Genevieve.

While the party had entered the new zone as it were Terri was a bit busy looking around at her surroundings trying to spot a possible ambush. She barely noticed Genevieve taking an odd step before the girl turned toward the others. "Something wr-"


Terri was cut short by the sound of her foot tripping the trigger, and she only managed to shoot an Oh-shit-what-did-I-do look to Gené before she suddenly felt rather odd. When she looked down she found a dick, HER dick, slowly coming to attention. "WHAT THE?!" Why the hell did she have a dick?! Terri suddenly found herself very embarrassed even though the other girls were suffering the same thing, but even then a stray thought wondered what it would be like feeling someone's hand or maybe even something far more enticing sliding along its surface. That thought just added to her embarrassment, and she was at full salute when the suction cups shot from the ground and attached to her sensitive areas. The sudden suction was accompanied by a tug to drag the girl to the ground, but that tug was enough to get the Warrior's combat senses to kick in. Her legs planted themselves against the ground and resisted while she grit her teeth and pushed down whatever weird sensations were playing against her new cock. "I'm not going down that easy!"

(Break free)
Re: PARTY 4: Josie, Terri, Selena & Genevieve.

Walking backwards to the new area, still shooting her eye for the patrol behind them, Jo only turned to the others as the trap was set off. She felt something strange, as if she was overcome with the feeling of phantom limb, but she knew that there was nothing to feel down there. That was, until she looked down to find where it came from and noticed her new appendage. She had hardly the time to become shocked at her bodily addition before being lunged at by three flying cups, previously hidden underground. Without enough reaction to draw her bow, cups fitted themselves onto her breasts, but it was the one attaching to her new and sensitive member that made her drop her arrow to the floor. Gasping as it embraced her length, her muscles tensed with each pulse of the cups pulling at her sensitive areas. Trying to overcome this sensation before she could give it the chance to overcome her, she let the bow down as well to get her hands free and try to pull away at the attackers attached to her.

*break free*
Re: PARTY 4: Josie, Terri, Selena & Genevieve.

Selena gasps and drops her staff as the trap goes off, and she suddenly finds herself with something new dangling between her legs. Before she can process her sudden new addition, however, she feels the suction cups clamp onto her nipples and cock. She only moans and stares down in wonder for a brief moment as the suctions cups begin to do their work, as she begins to understand why all the men she'd ever been with had wanted her to suck them off so bad. She only remains stunned by the pleasure for a moment, however, before she starts trying to yank the suction cups off of her. She wraps both hands around the one on her dick first, trying to pull that one off of her with all her meager strength before it got her off, before yanking the ones sucking on her sensitive nipples off of her.
Re: PARTY 4: Josie, Terri, Selena & Genevieve.

Escape Trap Attempts:

Selena: 15+34=49 Vs. Trap: 30+46=76. Unable to break free!
Genevieve: 25+1=26 Vs. Trap: 30+38=68. Unable to break free!
Terri: 40+28=68 Vs. Trap: 30+31=61. Broke Free!
Josie: 35+35=70 Vs. Trap: 30+26=56. Broke Free!

While Terri and Josie are able to effectively dispose of the traps that have them, Selena and Genevieve aren't so lucky and remain trapped, the suction cups beginning their work again!

Pleasure Rolls:

Trap 1: 30+30+48=108 Vs. Selena: 15+40+2=67.

Selena pays the price for not being able to free herself with a mind numbing, powerful orgasm. Unable to stop herself or contain her pleasure, Selena's cock is sucked off to the point she uncontrollably spurts her load into the suction cup, even as her breasts are 'milked', and she screams out in total pleasure. The sensation of such a powerful orgasm slamming into her causes her to go weak in the knees, and she collapses to the ground in a shuddering orgasmic heap.

Selena suffers 31 pleasure, gains 81 KP, loses 31 Stamina (leaving her with a full bar of 85 Stamina left until another orgasm), and also loses 3 life and 3 mana points as the trap sucks more than just her semen out of her cock. For Selena, she now knows exactly what a man goes through when a woman sucks him off.

Trap 2: 30+30+25=85 Vs. Genevieve: 25+35+44=104.

Genevieve manages to resist taking any pleasure this turn!


Selena loses her turn due to her orgasm. Genevieve may attempt to escape the trap holding her, or can 'give in' for a turn. I need a post from Genevieve first, then depending on the outcome will determine the options the two free characters have open to them.

Initiative: If you orgasm they will drain 1/10th of the pleasure you took on that turn as life and mana. (Adjusted Stat purposes)

Suction Trap 1: All Stats 30 Raping Selena.

Suction Trap 2: All Stats 30 Raping Genevieve.

Suction Trap 3: Dormant.

Suction Trap 4: Dormant.

Selena: Strength: 15, Dexterity: 40, Vitality: 10, Energy: 45, Intelligence: 40 , HP: 17/20, Mana: 132/135, Sexual Stamina: 85/85. Being Raped by Trap 1. 155/15,000 KP. Orgasmed, can't do anything for one turn.

Genevieve: Strength: 25, Dexterity: 35, Vitality: 30, Energy: 25,
Intelligence: 35, HP: 90, Mana: 75, Sexual Stamina: 137/145. Being Raped by Trap 2. 28/15,000 KP.

Terri: Strength: 40, Dexterity: 40, Vitality: 50, Energy: 10,
Intelligence: 10, HP: 150, Mana: 10, Sexual Stamina: 210. 20/15,000 KP.

Josie: Strength: 35, Dexterity: 45, Vitality: 40, Energy: 15,
Intelligence: 25, HP: 120, Mana: 30, Sexual Stamina: 146/175. 49/15,000 KP.
Re: PARTY 4: Josie, Terri, Selena & Genevieve.

Unable to pull herself upright, Gené finds herself focusing on the staff in her hands, her knuckles going white as she clenches at it. "Merde- you- stupid- trap-"

She forces herself to let go with one hand, reaching down to grab one of the suction cups and pull it off first, hoping to get free bit-by-bit.

(Break free?)
Re: PARTY 4: Josie, Terri, Selena & Genevieve.

Genevieve's Turn:

Escape Trap:

Genevieve: 25+17=42 Vs. Trap: 30+25=55. Can't break free!


Terri and Josie have their turns before the next update. Their options are as follows.

Attempt to free team mates (one for each.)

Attempt to free one of their team mates (both try to free the same person. This becomes option 1 if the first try works.)

Do Nothing yet and watch both other girls get sucked off by the traps.

((Note: The help attempts pit your strength vs. the Trap strength in an attempt to pry the damn thing off your team mate.))

Initiative: If you orgasm they will drain 1/10th of the pleasure you took on that turn as life and mana. (Adjusted Stat purposes)

Suction Trap 1: All Stats 30 Raping Selena.

Suction Trap 2: All Stats 30 Raping Genevieve.

Suction Trap 3: Dormant.

Suction Trap 4: Dormant.

Selena: Strength: 15, Dexterity: 40, Vitality: 10, Energy: 45, Intelligence: 40 , HP: 17/20, Mana: 132/135, Sexual Stamina: 85/85. Being Raped by Trap 1. 155/15,000 KP. Orgasmed, can't do anything for one turn.

Genevieve: Strength: 25, Dexterity: 35, Vitality: 30, Energy: 25,
Intelligence: 35, HP: 90, Mana: 75, Sexual Stamina: 137/145. Being Raped by Trap 2. 28/15,000 KP.

Terri: Strength: 40, Dexterity: 40, Vitality: 50, Energy: 10,
Intelligence: 10, HP: 150, Mana: 10, Sexual Stamina: 210. 20/15,000 KP.

Josie: Strength: 35, Dexterity: 45, Vitality: 40, Energy: 15,
Intelligence: 25, HP: 120, Mana: 30, Sexual Stamina: 146/175. 49/15,000 KP.
Re: PARTY 4: Josie, Terri, Selena & Genevieve.

Having managed to pull herself free Terri was given a slight shock when the one sucker released her unnatural member with an audible pop. It twitched slightly as if asking for more attention, but that sensation was merely brushed aside while the woman sat and wondered what the hell kind of test this was. It wasn't until Gené started cursing at her own trap that Terri finally realized that a couple others were still caught. She immediately turned her head to the Necromancer as she still struggled. There was an odd fascination for that girl, but when the Warrior discovered the collapsed and helpless Sorceress she started moving on her own. "I'll help her."

There maybe something about Gené that Terri couldn't seem to resist, but it was better to help someone who couldn't help herself. To do that she quickly crouches on top of Selena and thrust her arms under the floored woman. Terri then began pulling, her arms hooking under and around Selena's shoulders so Terri could use her entire body to try and free her comrade.
Re: PARTY 4: Josie, Terri, Selena & Genevieve.

Terri's Turn:

Free Selena:

Terri: 40+50=90 Vs. Trap: 30+48=78.

Terri uses her strength to her advantage, and while the trap tries to hold on for dear life, eventually it fails and releases it's stunned victim. Selena's eyes roll slightly as she feels the sucking pop of her body being freed, and then simply lays there on the ground, too exhausted still to move.


Josie's turn. She may either try to free Genevieve, or watch her get sucked senseless one more turn.

Initiative: If you orgasm they will drain 1/10th of the pleasure you took on that turn as life and mana. (Adjusted Stat purposes)

Suction Trap 1: Dormant.

Suction Trap 2: All Stats 30 Raping Genevieve.

Suction Trap 3: Dormant.

Suction Trap 4: Dormant.

Selena: Strength: 15, Dexterity: 40, Vitality: 10, Energy: 45, Intelligence: 40 , HP: 17/20, Mana: 132/135, Sexual Stamina: 85/85. 155/15,000 KP. Orgasmed, can't do anything for one turn.

Genevieve: Strength: 25, Dexterity: 35, Vitality: 30, Energy: 25,
Intelligence: 35, HP: 90, Mana: 75, Sexual Stamina: 137/145. Being Raped by Trap 2. 28/15,000 KP.

Terri: Strength: 40, Dexterity: 40, Vitality: 50, Energy: 10,
Intelligence: 10, HP: 150, Mana: 10, Sexual Stamina: 210. 20/15,000 KP.

Josie: Strength: 35, Dexterity: 45, Vitality: 40, Energy: 15,
Intelligence: 25, HP: 120, Mana: 30, Sexual Stamina: 146/175. 49/15,000 KP.
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