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PARTY 2: Amara, Riki Kitela, Alice & Sera

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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Each of the four young women awoke to the sound of humming electrical power, and a pre-recorded feminine voice loop.

"The city and planet have been compromised by enemy forces. All units please report to designated battle zones and attack on your commanders orders. All non-military personnel are hereby 'deputized' into service and are permitted to take up arms in the fight. Your weapons have been provided for you in compartment 32-C. Prepare yourselves for the combat ahead. This is a designated safe room."

The recording then looped around again, repeating the same message over and over. How long it had been doing so for the women couldn't tell. However, they only now began to realize their surroundings weren't from home.

For starters, the entire room seemed to be made from some form of metal that was blackish in color, and everything was reinforced like a military base. Then there was the compartment in question, which was opened to reveal the weapons the voice had spoken about. What was strange though, was that each weapon was labeled out!

Inside were the following weapons, and their instruments if needed:

Javelins with a label "Amara's" on it.
A Set of Daggers with the label "Riki Kitela's" on it.
A Staff with the label "Alice's" on it.
A Sword labeled "Serra's on it."

There was also a single note left inside that apparently was addressed to all four women.

Welcome to the Planet of Pleasure. You have been brought here to serve as both entertainment, and a new breeding source for my friends. However, I am not completely without heart. As you can see, I have graciously provided you with weapons, as well as imbued you with some special skills you can use. You know what I mean, it's in your mind. All you need do is think about them, and you shall have access to them. In exchange for your new-found powers, you will serve as entertainment for me. Here is your task, and situation. By now you no doubt have discovered all of your clothing has been removed. You won't need them here, this planet is perfectly suited to your human needs. Besides, who needs clothing when you'll be having lots and lots of sex? Anyway, your 'mission' is simple. There are a number of areas filled with my friends who are just waiting to get their appendages upon you and pleasure you. Sounds fun to be pleasured by demons, doesn't it? Along the way you may find various items of use to you, and of course you'll find plenty of fun. If you manage to make it all the way to my location you will get to meet me in the flesh, and beg for your ride home. Well, begging won't help, I intend to rape you myself if you make it this far, but you won't. No one ever has. Through the unbarred door you will find a portal leading you to your first challenge. Time is wasting, your friends and family miss you little girls. Why don't you try to get back to them? Oh this will be fun! Eventually you'll get the honor of hearing my voice, assuming you last that long hahaha. Well, time to get going girls, and don't think that you can stay there forever. Eventually, we'll come to you!

The note ended there, and about then each of you realized you knew who you were, what your skills were, and could tell via a mirror on the wall that each of you were in fact absolutely nude.

Party Options:

Grab your weapons and move on.

Grab your weapons and get to know each other a little before moving on.

Note: To move on, all party members MUST agree.


Grim Reaper
Mar 1, 2010
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Re: PARTY 2: Amara, Riki Kitela, Alice & Sera

Standing up from the cold metal floor she groans. Not fully remembering the last night, hearing the looped recording she realizes she is not in her room. Shocked and surprised as she stands up, realizing she is naked, in a room with three other naked women. The first though goes though her head is this 'well ok this is either a fucked up dream, or....well lets just stick with the dream option.' After finding the aforementioned compartment and reading the note she shifts to the floor her two daggers at her sides. She closes her eyes and mentally prepares herself, this was going to suck.

"well then ladies where shall we star, we can't stay here for ever but we could probably stand at least knowing each others names. Mine is Riki apparently I fight with daggers...never tried to before maybe I'm good at it..." She says looking to the party for the next course of action.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: PARTY 2: Amara, Riki Kitela, Alice & Sera

Alice woke up slowly. The enviroment was unusual and certainly foreign. She took a look around, blinking, not sure what to think. Eventually, she got up, approached the compartment and took the note, ignoring the other girl for now. The whole situation was simply too unreal to be taken seriously. This feeling deepened after Alice read the note. She blinked. She read the piece of paper again, then put it where she found it, then picked up her staff.

"Entertainment." The girl mumbled quietly before her eyes widened. Her features twisted in a grimace that was equally insane and evil. "Fun. He likes fun. Well, I hope he'll enjoy himself for now CAUSE WHEN I GET TO HIM I WILL STICK THIS THING SO FAR UP HIS ASS THAT HE WILL BE ABLE TO CHEW ON IT! FUCK!!!" Alice began to stomp around the room, swearing and raging at the mysterious person who brought her here. It seemed that she wasn't interested in leaving now, prefering to throw a tantrum instead.


Mar 12, 2009
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Re: PARTY 2: Amara, Riki Kitela, Alice & Sera

"Eeep... it's cold..." Serra said as she woke her arms instincitively covering her chest.

"Why am I naked?!?!?" she asked as she stood. Her tanned skin showing that she did very much enjoy outdoor activities. Her brown brunette shoulder length hair swayed softly as she tried to cover her C-cup chest. Her blue eyes looked around at the other people in the room. Yearning for answers.

"Did I... get... stronger?" she asked herself as she looked at her body. She could feel that her abs were tighter, her arms stronger and legs and thighs a little bigger and muscular then before.

She went to look at the weapons after listening to the recording repeat itself.

"This must be mine..." She said to herself as she reached down to take the sword in hand. She then practiced with it. Thrusting slashing and chopping the air before sheathing it.( if there's a sheathe)

"Hi, I'm Serra..." she said to the other people. Awkwardly trying to half-cover herself while carrying her sword.

(Get weapons and go. Will wait if people want to chat.)
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Feb 6, 2009
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Re: PARTY 2: Amara, Riki Kitela, Alice & Sera

Alice ran out of breath and had to stop. "Alice." She responded to Serra's greeting with a voice that barely covered the rage within her. She was always the type that threw herself at anything standing in her way, and trampled all who opposed her. In spite of that, she was quite a tolerable person as long as you stayed on her good side. Nice, yet sometimes just plainly evil when enraged. The girl couldn't fully comprehend her situation, and instinctively chose not to, deciding to go out for blood instead. She was all ready to go and kick ass, and she seemed a bit too eager to do so.

((Ready to go.))


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: PARTY 2: Amara, Riki Kitela, Alice & Sera

((OOC: I'm not dropping out, and this is bad timing I know, even though I knew I was going to have to eventually, but Im moving out of apartment and cancelling internet account come this end of month due to money reasons. Hopefully i can get another account at my old house before long, and will TRY to get on at wifi spots whenever possible. ))

Amara slowly fluttered her eyes open as she began to reenter the conscious waking world, her back stiff and sore from the cold metal floor. She didn't need the mirror to realize she was naked as she felt a cold draft and shiver through her entire body. Damn it all, I was unprepared and careless and someone got the drop on me. She thought and cursed to herself as she began to stand up and stretch out, getting the kinks out of her. She noticed the note and bent over to pick it up and read it. Entertainment? Whoever brought us here is sure full of themselves, either that or very powerful. Especially to give us ways of fighting back and defending ourselves.

Amara then walked over to the other women in the room, "I take it that all of you were kidnapped just like me. My name is Amara. It seems that I am an Amazon. And can fight with spears among other things. Even though we have been given abilities along with enhancing our natural attributes, I suggest we stick together and not get overly confident. We know nothing of where we are, or what we might face once we leave this room. And I have a feeling we would not stand a chance individually. But I also vote for leaving, we won't get a chance to leave just standing around, will we?"


Grim Reaper
Mar 1, 2010
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Re: PARTY 2: Amara, Riki Kitela, Alice & Sera

"No we probably wont. Lets go, I guess I can take point, but I'm not as strong as Alice over there. I am pretty nifty with my double daggers...apparently" She says not even trying to cover her C cup breasts or her uncovered body. At this point she's apparently come to grips with begin naked and probably about to get raped.

"Lets go the sooner we get moving the sooner we can kill what ever comes our way and get some tension out of us." She moves to the doorway and prepares to go into the next room as stealthily as possible.


Mar 12, 2009
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Re: PARTY 2: Amara, Riki Kitela, Alice & Sera

(Tenta do you want us to auto your character when you lose internet until you get back?)

Serra nodded at everyone. "I should go first.... "he told them as she held her sword with two hands. Serra steps through the portal when everybody was ready.


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: PARTY 2: Amara, Riki Kitela, Alice & Sera

(Sure. I just hope I don't die/over corrupt till then :eek: )


Mar 12, 2009
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Re: PARTY 2: Amara, Riki Kitela, Alice & Sera

( :) We'll take good care of her )


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: PARTY 2: Amara, Riki Kitela, Alice & Sera

((You mean I'LL take good care of her. MUHAHAHAHAHA! *cues evil music and lightning.* Ahem, where was I? Oh yes, UPDATE!))

The party steps through the portal, and a mini map pops up informing them they have entered an area called the Blood Moor.

Walking along, they note that numerous inhuman like tracks litter the area, and it seems likely to assume a patrol goes through here quite often.

Trap Avoidance Rolls!

Trap: 30+7=37 Vs. Amara: 25+26=51
Trap: 30+6=36 Vs. Riki: 40+24=64
Trap: 30+33=63 Vs. Alice: 40+17=57 TRIPPED

Two of the four party members think they notice something odd in the ground, but before they can warn the others, Alice steps on something that causes four needles to pop out of the ground, piercing each woman's skin quickly and injecting something into the four of them. Instantly, all four girls feel flushed and warm, as if they suddenly got a case of severe hornyness and need to have sex. It isn't overwhelming, but they definitely don't feel at the top of their game.

ALL of the party members will suffer -10 on their rolls vs. all sexual based attacks/grapples/escape from grapples/escape from rape for the next 10 Party Turns.

(Party Turns mean AFTER A decision has been reached by the members to move on, or they are attacked and enter combat. NO update will occur until the decision is unanimous.)

Party Options:

Move Onward and hope you don't encounter anything in your weakened states.

Stay here for now, and pray that patrol doesn't return any time soon.


Mar 12, 2009
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Re: PARTY 2: Amara, Riki Kitela, Alice & Sera

(So I got injected too? Or do I even have a roll?)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: PARTY 2: Amara, Riki Kitela, Alice & Sera

((Yes you got injected. Your roll was not done because one party member tripped the trap, and when one does, you ALL suffer. Because one already tripped, your roll became a moot point and had no bearing on the outcome.))


Grim Reaper
Mar 1, 2010
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Re: PARTY 2: Amara, Riki Kitela, Alice & Sera

grimacing as the needle injects her, she sighs and looks to the others. "While I feel really hot and don't really wanna get attacked in this state, I doubt we'll be given enough time to sit here and let it wear off. Lets move on, any objections?" SHe looks to them all questioningly.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: PARTY 2: Amara, Riki Kitela, Alice & Sera

Alice wasn't the most careful person in the group, that's for sure. In her rush to kick ass, she didn't notice the trap - and now all of the girls got injected with something she identified as an aphrodisiac. Of course, this didn't bother her as much as the fact that she was the one who tripped the trap. "Fffffffffffffff-" The girl struggled not to yell out and attract unwanted attention. "It won't wear off before we're found, that's for sure. It'd be better to move." For someone so pissed, she sounded fairly reasonable. "I need to kill something."


Mar 12, 2009
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Re: PARTY 2: Amara, Riki Kitela, Alice & Sera

(Ok thank you)
Serra grimaced as she felt the needle pierce her skin.
"Ouch what was that?" Serra barely got to ask before she fell to one knee.
Her cheeks turning bright red as her body responded to the drug. Her nipples becoming erect in the cold air and her sex beginning to glisten with lust.

A brief moment later Serra collected herself. Able to somewhat resist her body's yearning she forced herself back onto her feet.

"Yes... I agree...the patrol will surely come back this way if we stay"." Serra said agreeing with Riki Kitela.

"We should go...before they come back." Serra says to the rest of the group.


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: PARTY 2: Amara, Riki Kitela, Alice & Sera

Amara grimaced and bit back a cry of pain as she felt the needle pierce her flesh. Soon after wards, she felt a rush of heat flow through her body as well as her face flush, her nipples stiffen and her pussy begin to itch and dampen, and had to briefly stop to play with her self for a bit before regaining her composure and self control before responding to the other women, "I concur, we should keep going, we only make ourselves more vulnerable by staying in one place."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: PARTY 2: Amara, Riki Kitela, Alice & Sera

The women decide as one to move onward, and once again they enter a spot new to them that is totally devoid of life, save for tracks indicating a patrol.

Aphrodisiac: 9 Turns in effect still.

Options: (Unanimous Application)

Move on.



Mar 12, 2009
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Re: PARTY 2: Amara, Riki Kitela, Alice & Sera

"The tracks are here too...we should keep going" Serra stated waiting for the other in her party to decide.


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: PARTY 2: Amara, Riki Kitela, Alice & Sera

"I agree. Staying in any one spot too long is not a good idea. We stand a better chance of escaping if we press on. This drug will wear off eventually." Amara said, waiting for the other women in her group to respond.
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