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Paid Translations?

Re: Paid Translations?

Basically erotic audio files, I suppose? Some of them come with scripts in a text file, which means I can run them through Google Translate to figure out what is being said (when it isn't just sex SFX). Some.

You can do that for all games using devOSD.

I especially recommend voiceware Misaki with it.
Re: Paid Translations?

You can do that for all games using devOSD.

I especially recommend voiceware Misaki with it.

Eh, what?

Google Translate only turns stuff into a barely coherent and readable mess, to be honest.
Re: Paid Translations?

Google translate is terrible yes.

But with voice you can get a general idea of what is said if you ever watched anime and use the machine translators to get a hint.

I have found some moderate success with Honyaku(online) and Atlas with devOSD with Misaki voice in the background.

If only people would stop using that terrible chiitrans.
Re: Paid Translations?

I should have it somewhere, (not readily available, sadly, but I don't think it was deleted) but it needs some touching up. I should have some time to spare, so I think I might try to polish that patch up and get it posted again. If you're really set on having the rough version of it, PM me and I'll get it to you when I can.

There is no hurry as far as I am concerned.

If you think it's worth it to improve on it, and post it again, so that everyone here could benefit from it, I am all for it, and I don't mind waiting. Otherwise, I'd be grateful to take it as it currently comes.

If only people would stop using that terrible chiitrans.

What's so bad about Chiitrans ?
Re: Paid Translations?

I work in the translation industry for a large company that does pretty much everything (printed materials, websites, videos, software)

We have large databases of linguists in every country and pretty much everything you can image (and there are some obscure languages out there, let me tell you).


Two things.

A common way to translate text, especially for Flash localization (for example) is to copy and paste all the words/sentences you want translated into a Word file in a SINGLE COLUMN TABLE. Then copy and paste that single column next to it, making two columns of the same "terms" or "strings" as we like to call them.

Then select one of the columns (normally the left one) and hide it with ctrl-h.

Send this to a linguist and tell them to translate all the text they see.

When you get the file back, you can "view indivisibles" (paragraph mark button) which will show you the text you hid, and now you can see what each term becomes in your target language. English on left, target on right.

There's some high-tech stuff we do in the middle, plus QA steps, but it's not really important unless you are a big company wanting to translate 100Ks of words per year.

You could try doing a Google search for the language you want, and linguist and see what you come up with. I also know there are a few professional linguist societies that might have directories to use.

Rates very, ALOT by language. Japanese is one of the more expensive.

Even though we are one of the larger ones, we still take a large number of small jobs. Gotta pay the bills!

Hope that helps. PM me if you have any questions.
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