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P.Planet escape 2: second entry


The user formerly known as MoT
Nov 16, 2008
Reputation score
So this is a reboot of the earlier prison planet escape as I kind of became fond of it, I do not just want to kill it snap like that.
With that I have now done some rebalancing and a lot of changes, hoping to make this one not to turn out as dry as the earlier one.

Will see how this will turnout.

Without further ado..!

Prison planet - YP-0099

A little outskirt planet with such colourful history.. Wait, didn't we go through this the last time?
Oh yes we did.
But time still has passed since the last unfortunate souls entered this dreadful planet.. It is time for next round.
The perverted wildlife, maddened people, hard thugs, weird ruins, abonden places, science gone bad and everything from so on awaits the next victim..

Short Race summary

Average everything. Might know psychic.
Usually higher willpower. Good with weapons and all.
You should know what a human looks like silly

Racial ability:
To arms! +5 to attacks when operating a weapon.

Sister of Nac'sal.
Female only specie capable of breeding with many other cross species.
The origin of the Sisterhood is a big enigma, and their specie is very old, usually the first to make contact with other races.
Sisters of Nac'sal are very human like in their looks but lack any sort of body hair.
Many of them grow crystal type of formations on their heads. The colour can tell what specie the father has been..
High psychic and technic users. Come with embedded technic usually.

Racial abilities:
Comes with tech. Has some sort of random techno gimmick on them.
Breed adaptability. Forced to take pregnancy rolls on nearly any ejucalation inside

Lizard like folks. Originating from a swamp planet somewhere..
Women of the specie small and feminine. Very human like, but are more scaley and have tails, claws..
Men are like monsters. Humanoid, but very, very large. Their face is nothing like humans or alike.
Specie wise they have high endurance, women are especially very agile. Cannot learn psychic.

Racial ability:
Regeneration. Energy restores faster.
Grudge. Negative statuses stay on longer..

Mechanical personnel. Hybrid of machine and man.
Highly dependant on the androids in question what they might be able to do.
Very technic, cannot learn psychic.

Racial abilities:
AI. Depending on programming can be resistant to things. But can also be turned against them!
Personally suited. Cannot be body modified/mutated.
Shock weakness. Electric weapons do double damage against them.
Egg breeding.

Insect folks. Living in the hives, originating from an earth like planet.
Z'ril have spread among the known systems quite fast, they are adaptable and fast breeders. Lucky they are sentient, huh?
Women are very smart small and pretty, very humanoid but have distinctive features.
Men vary a lot.. Some are more monstrous, some humanoid like, some look like beasts as whole.
Know psychic. High agility. Not too enduring.

Racial abilities:
Poisonous. Can poison foes. Resistant to poisons.
It burns! Plasma really hurts. Double damage from Plasma, can make the hero character panic!
Egg breeding.

Spider people. Known across the galaxy as big trouble makers. Spin’gall rarely build any society and tend to move in small groups. They seem to originate from the same area of space as Z’ril.
Spin’gall’s are seemingly female only, sporting very commonly extremely nice hip & breast ratios.
Big difference however is that they have a extra lower abdomen hanging from above their butts, this organ is their eggsack area, on its tip they have a penis like organ. This makes Spin’Galls a bit on the herm area of gender. They can generate eggs and cum with their eggsack.
Spin’Gall cannot learn psychic, but have high agility and poisons.

Racial abilities

Improved eye sight. Spin’Galls have extra pair of eyes. They gain +10 to hit.
Poisonous! Spin’Galls have poison that effect varies per person. Effects their cum too
Eggs keep on going. Spin’Gall needs to empty their eggsack eventually, if they get too full they gain negative stats and or statuses. Emptying eggsack however gives positive.
Webs. Some Spin’Gall can make web, some don’t.
Psychic Weakness. Take double damage from Psychic moves.
Aquatic people. Ocellians are kind of said to be “walking cthulhus” by humans for some reason.. Ocellians are very humanoid, though bit more fishier, bit rubbery even. They have smooth and sensitive “skin” and are very adept at water movement. The females are very pretty and smooth looking in general, with small ear fins while as the males are those that really seem to get the whole cthulhu comments on for they are often face covered in tentacles and tend to look menacing.

Racial Abilities

Psychic resistance: Take 50% damage less from psychic, 50% lowered effects
Water empowerment: When in humid or otherwise wet watery place, +15 to all rolls.
Sensitivity issue: Sensitivity runs up faster, always harder to avoid sex dmg.

Short summary of stats:
Endurance. Resistance to varying things. 8 for neutral resistance. 7 and below give -5, 11 and above give +5
Stamina. Overall energy. 1 stamina = 10 hp. Low energy causes trouble and makes for HP damage.
Agility. Speed, Dodge, Accuracy. 7 - 11 for neutral. 12 = +5 dodge. 13 = +10 dodge +5 accuracy
Strength. Physical checks and all. 10+ for 1+, +2,.. bonus damage on physical moves.
Willpower. Ability to go on when things go grim. Resistance to psychic. Struggle rolls. 7 - 9 for neutral. 6 and below -10. 10 and above +5.
Technic. Technical abilities. 11+ to get bonuses on weapons.
Psychic. Psychic power. If person knows psychic abilities, each level = 5 psychic energy. Otherwise personal has no use of this stat.

And the heroes to choose from!


race: Human

Liina is a 20 solar sweps old student of a psychic research academy.
She's always been a good girl and took her studies seriously.. even though on the weekends she's had her more party girl side out too.
She really kind of tends to try keep herself a cute outlook, but don't get her wrong, she can be a wild lady when needed
Her family has always been quite the engineering one so research was always her cup of tea.

Liina has good psychic training and good technician skills
Her physical training is quite avarage, she ain't agile but she has decent muscle
She's had some sexual experience before but no penetration.

How she ended up in the planet? Accidents with escape pods due of curiosity..

Liina's stats:
level 10

Endurance 7
Stamina 9
Agility 7
Willpower 7
Strength 9
Technic 11
Psychic 10

90/90 HP
50/50 PE
0/90 exp.


Passive: Bad eye sight: -10 to accuracy.
Passive: To arms! +5 to attacks when operating a weapon.
Psychic wrench hit: Double the wrench hit damage and +10 to hit. 20 PE (unique)
Light up: Provide light when needed. (Takes no PE)

Head - Liina's Glasses (+15 to accuracy for Liina)
Top - Big Shirt, bra.
Legs - Skirt, panties.
Boots - Basic Space Boots
Wrists - PDA (Hacking key 5 charges)
Hands -
Waist - Item Purse, Tazer (5 - 15 electro dmg)
Back -
Weilding: Wrench (6 - 21 crush dmg)

120 credits. Broken Datapad. 2x healthpills.



race: Spin'Gall

Cweppy is 23 solar sweeps old Spin'gall raider.
She was always good at space piracy with great success rate among her pals.
Unfortunantly she got betroyed and tossed to the prison planet without any warning
Sucks to be you, Cwebby!

Cwebby is well trained all around but lacks bit on techinician side.
Due of her specie she is unable to learn psychic.
She's been pretty sexuality active like, always so sexual experience is quite wild ride.

Cweppy's stats:
level 9

Endurance 9
Stamina 10
Agility 11
Willpower 9
Strength 11
Technic 7
Psychic 1

100/100 HP
0/80 exp.

Eggsack: 1/20

Poison bite! (10 - 20 poison damage in one bite, 100% full)
Passive: Psychic weakness (2x damage increase)
Passive: Eye see: +10 to hit.

Head -
Top - Pirate uniform
Legs - Pirate uniform
Boots - Raider Boots (little knockback resistance)
Wrists -
Hands -
Waist - Item purse. Smuggled Blade. (5 - 20 slash/stab damage)
Back -
Weilding: PlasmaGun (4 - 19 plasma damage) 12/20 ammo.

40 credits. Bottle of Rum (50 hp worth).
2x Sticky Grenade.



race: Kolingro

Shaleina is a 19 solar sweeps old Kolingro female.
She was a little adventerous fellow that went on her own way at early age and has had no regrets ever since
Her stubborness and dedication has caused her trouble but yet she keeps on adventuring.
This adventure however can be bit more.. harder than before.

Shaleina has good physical abilities and knows basic technics
She cannot psychic due of her species.
She has not have had any sexual experience

Shaleina's stats:
level 9

Endurance 7
Stamina 9
Agility 12
Willpower 12
Strength 9
Technic 8
Psychic 1

90 / 90 HP
0/80 exp.


Passive: Regenerative. Regens health every now and then
Passive: Grudge. Statuses linger on longer..
Tail Swipe: When meeleeing or otherwise close combat allows her to do a second strike with her tail for 5- 20 dmg.

Head -
Top - Adventurous top
Legs - Adventurous shorts
Boots - Rough terrain boots.
Wrists -
Hands -
Waist - Item Purse. Knife. 5 - 14 slash/stab dmg.
Back - Roll of Plastic Rope
Weilding: Laser pistol (5 - 15 dmg) (20/100 ammo)

80 credits. 2 HP restore pills.



race: Sister of Nac'sal

Jasmine is a 19 solar sweeps old Nac'sal.
She's always been a peaceful little family's spoiled special girl that seemed to be pretty okay all around at what she did
She never seemed to like to specialize on anything.. And she seemed to just enjoy her family benefits rather than try to strive for anything.
Well her luck went bit bad on a little trip to a science central when she accidently did something that transported her across space to this little planet

Jasmine is pretty alrightish at everything, but not specialized that much.
She has had no sexual experience before.

Jasmine's stats:
level 9

Endurance 8
Stamina 8
Agility 8
Willpower 9
Strength 8
Technic 8
Psychic 9

80 / 80 HP
45/45 PE
0/ 80 exp.


Passive: Breed Adaptability: Can be impregnanted by any type of semen.
Self Gadget: Feel good. Slightly easy up status effects when used. (3 uses day)
Psychic Shield: absords ranged damage from Psychic Energy pool. at 2 PE for each damage.
Kinetic: Next attack is autohit, can take items from afar. 20 PE.

Head -
Top - Space full body suit
Legs - Space full body suit
Boots - Basic pink boots.
Wrists -
Hands -
Waist - Item purse. Tazer (5 - 15 electro dmg)
Back -

250 credits. 1x HP pill. 3x Flash Freeze Vial (freezes one foe).



race: Z'rill

Li'Eve is 18 solar sweeps old Z'ril.
Li'Eve was a bit of a anxtious case, her hive life wasn't really turning out as intended.
She kinda ended up leaving her hive by herself one day via request to seek counceling on another place
Then things got a little woopsie and she found herself not in her correct designation.

Li'Eve is bit of so-so case.
She has great psychic abilities but her other abilities are decent at best, apart from her natural agility
She has had no sexual experience before.

Li'Eve's stats:
level 10

Endurance 7
Stamina 8
Agility 10
Willpower 6
Strength 7
Technic 8
Psychic 14

80/80 HP
0/90 exp.
70/70 PE


Poison bite: Weakening poison. (100% full)
Passive: Plasma weakness (2x dmg)
Passive: Anxiety. More foes/allies around, more negative roll effect she gains.
Mind blast 15 - 25 psychic dmg. (20 PE) (+5 from trinket)
Psychic Shield. Shield yourself from ranged dmg for 1 dmg = 2 PE.
Shockwave 10 - 25 dmg. (15 PE) (+5 from trinket)

Head -
Top - Loner robes
Legs - Loner robes. Little panties
Boots - Basic Plastic Boots
Wrists -
Hands -
Waist - Item purse. Family Trinket (+5 to psychic move dmg)
Back -

150 credits. 2x hp pills. 1x PE restore pills.


MD - 777

race: Android

MD - 777 is a service bot whom was in gratidute service for a rich person.
She was really accurately build, she has extremely accurate naughty bits up to a artificial womb and all
Her job was a fetishy maid bot that did all sort of stuff around this guys home and dirty things too when needed to~
She however started to feel bit too abused and started to argue with her owner one day
...Which caused her to be launched off the ship in a big swoop

MD-777 is pretty good in general at things, but she is the most best at technics.
MD-777 has had plenty of sexual experience
She cannot learn psychic due of being android

MD-777's stats:
level 9

Endurance 7
Stamina 8
Agility 7
Willpower 12
Strength 7
Technic 12
Psychic 1

80/80 HP
0/80 exp.


Passive: Personal suite. Cannot be body modified. Cannot be impregnanted apart from egging
Passive: Shock weakness 2x
Passive: Clean clean. Getting cum'd on causes her gain -5, -10 or -15 to rolls.
Passive: Defiant. Breaking free from a grapple causes her next move to get +10 to roll.

Head - Maid Crown
Top - Maid uniform
Legs - Maid uniform
Boots - Maid boots, kneesocks.
Wrists - PDA: Scanner
Hands - Good Gloves
Waist - Item purse
Back -
Weilding: Big Bad Mop (5 - 21 crush dmg)

50 credits.



race: Ocellian

Cally is a 20 solar sweeps old Ocellian guardian.
Cally has been doing some good old guard duty in many ocellian networks and basicly has had very little issues in her easy life
..One day in a shiptrip she got a bit lazy and decided to sleep on the job.. hiding in an escape pod.. Guess the rest.

Cally has had nice overall training and is in a good shape
Cally can do the natural little psychic her race is good at
Cally hasn't had any sexual experience before.

Cally's stats:
level 10

Endurance 9
Stamina 10
Agility 10
Willpower 7
Strength 12
Technic 6
Psychic 6

100/100 HP
0/90 exp.
30/30 PE


Passive: Psychic resistance 50% less dmg/effects
Passive: Water empowerment: When in humid or otherwise wet watery place, +15 to all rolls.
Passive: Sensitivity issue: Sensitivity runs up faster, always harder to avoid sex dmg.
Mind blast 10 - 20 psychic dmg. (20 PE)

Head -
Top - Easy top
Legs - Uniform pants, panties.
Boots - Guard boots.
Wrists - Shield Generator (80/80 armor against ranged attacks)
Hands -
Waist - item purse. Baton. (5 - 18 crush dmg)
Back -
Weilding: Shock Pistol (5 - 18 shock dmg) (20/40 ammo)

200 credits. 2x HP pills.

Choose the heroe!
(vote by name ofcourse silly)


Starting zone:

Near an outlaw village
2. Near a small 'abonden' odd facility
3. Into an ancient dungeon
4. Some sort of a forest
Re: P.Planet escape 2: second entry

Shaleina Cause I have a fetish for scaly girls.

Re: P.Planet escape 2: second entry

Shaleina, because I also like my girls scaly.


As a side note, I really like the art. Kinda wish I could draw worth a damn. Might make Aulondria (shameless plug) more interesting.
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Re: P.Planet escape 2: second entry

Jasmine or Cally- 4
Re: P.Planet escape 2: second entry

Cweppy, starting zone 2
Re: P.Planet escape 2: second entry

Cweepy - or Li'Eve.

Re: P.Planet escape 2: second entry

Current vote tally:

Liina. - 0
Cwebby - 3 (2 solid, 1 OR)
Shaleine - 3
Jasmine - 2 (1 solid, 1 OR)
Cally - 1 OR
Li'Eve - 1 OR
MD-777 - 0

Starting zone wise:
Forest winning by long shot.

I'm gonna let this vote run still though cause these are probably the most important ones, but there's some clear top choices going on though.
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Re: P.Planet escape 2: second entry

And lets go to the forest
Re: P.Planet escape 2: second entry


Re: P.Planet escape 2: second entry

"Or" votes shouldn't count Shaleina should win!
Re: P.Planet escape 2: second entry

I agree with Zephyrion! And it's certainly not because I have a fetish.
Re: P.Planet escape 2: second entry

Me too!

Shaleina FTW! And forest!
Re: P.Planet escape 2: second entry

Shaleine it is then
And forest.
Cwebby will have special things in preparation for her later on..


Travel total: 458000 TU
Fuel: Fine
Controls: Fine

These were the readings before our poor scaley had reached the athmosphere of the cursed prison planet.. It all happened very suddenly. Computer started blinking reds. Red lights everywhere.. Smoke, bad smells.. Short circuits..

A crash.



"...uhhh.. ow. "

Shelaina, our scaley young fine lady was on her knees on the dusty, dirt ground.. Her back hurt a bit as she slowly got up and began to dust off herself a bit.

"man.. What a crush. I hate this piece of junk of a ship.."

Shaleina was quite tough girl indeed. She had survived this crush with no scratches or any real damage. Her clothing seemed to survive in fine condition too, even though she had to fix her adventures top a little bit into position. Her big bouncies had taken a chance to slip off underneath with the top folding upwards from the slide and crash.

Put her top back down to make sure she won't look questionable, Shaleina looked back to the crash site.

"...Well, that's not flying anywhere anymore."

Her little piece of junk of a ship was now literally just a piece of junk. Crashed and burned, there was pretty much nothing to salvage in there anymore. It had hit quite a big rock, there was just broken bits and pieces, little glass here and there.. That could've ended badly for her.

"..I sure got lucky. But where exactly did I land now? This should be the correct planet but... This doesn't look like the site I planned to land to.."


She found herself in a forest of some sort. A lot of gray, pointy stone like trees were thickly growing around here.. Some had little low saturated green growth on them, others seemed quite dead..

The trees were seriously spooky, they were really hard to the touch.

The forest behind her, behind the ship was extremely dense. There was no hope going past that.

There seemed to be a small path that was going to either left or right to her.. Regardless each direction was heading to more forest likely area.

But onwards the forest was slightly dense so she could also try navigate past that.. however with the stiff, hard wood around here it might be bit annoying to go through, it might even be slightly harmful if she accidently slips her feet.

It's pretty obvious she's pretty much landed in the middle of a large forest and one end of these paths could lead.. Somewhere? Hopefully out of it or deeper to it? You never know.
Neither you know about what is in non pathway'd forest areas a head..

Sure is decisive.

A) Go to the right
B) Go to the left
C) Stubbornly go through the forest growth.
D) Other?

Power Votes!
Once every 2 - 3 pages you may choose to power vote. power voting makes your vote count as two. Use it wisely.
If someone uses a power vote I'll add a list to the end of the last post on whom has used a power vote. When they reset Ill mention it again and empty the list. Power votes only count as used if the vote options it was used on wins.
Power votes used:


Shaleina's stats:
level 9

Endurance 7
Stamina 9
Agility 12
Willpower 12
Strength 9
Technic 8
Psychic 1

90 / 90 HP
0/80 exp.

Status: Bit confused but nothing major.

Passive: Regenerative. Regens health every now and then
Passive: Grudge. Statuses linger on longer..
Tail Swipe: When meeleeing or otherwise close combat allows her to do a second strike with her tail for 5- 20 dmg.

Head -
Top - Adventurous top
Legs - Adventurous shorts
Boots - Rough terrain boots.
Wrists -
Hands -
Waist - Item Purse. Knife. 5 - 14 slash/stab dmg.
Back - Roll of Plastic Rope
Weilding: Laser pistol (5 - 15 dmg) (20/100 ammo)

80 credits. 2 HP restore pills.
Re: P.Planet escape 2: second entry

Great to see another of these, and B!