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Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

You probably can survive that. Vitalists can wear armor, it doesn't affect their powers, and they can do some pretty hefty buffs, plus the health differential from Steal Health. Between their version of BArkskin, their version of Vigor and their version of Resist energy, it's pretty feasible to be difficult to take down.

And depending what the party make up is, and whats allowed, bodyguarding maybe something I can do.

Welp time to wait then. Still Clear Confirm from me.
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?


Ok, lets see. In theory all classes that have a proper fantasy feel are allowed, same for races. By the mixed opinion on level I think we'll go with lowish. To be clear you can fight back, but the goal will be more stealth, guerilla and subterfuge quickly.

I have to kick the underdark campaign a bit back into gear, then will poke mindflayer to get this set up, I'll also let you vote on some setting details.. for example, the evil overlords gender and etc. prolly level range, though I think something aorund 5ish sounds best right now.

Any other questions I didn't catch? ^^
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

Alright, as with the Underdark game, using this as the OOC and making a seperate character creation and IC thread later, for now, some questions so we get on the same page easier!

On choice of poison:

On starting level:

On lewdities and stuff.

Danger level!

Those four should help me set up a proper 'society' around things *nodnod*
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

As far as cohesion and character build goes in PF, i readily admit to being terrible at it. Zilrax, I'd like to consult you on a properly useful rogue build of some sort.

Playing at lower levels does hit the sweet spot for me, as otherwise things start to feel a little bit too surreal and every challenge needs to be epic.

So is the tone of this game meant to be silly or serious?
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

I'd want to lighten up the pretty serious atmosphere with some humor. Imagine there being a 'The overlord is awesome' Day thats celebrated with people dressing up as overlord and having a blast,l but at the same time, everyone is getting indoctrinated.

An idea for a quite interesting rogue alternative that could play into the games setup is

Because currently I'm thinking a plot of normal adventuring group messing up a tiny detail in the past, then accidentially traveling into the future, because.. that plots always fun, I'd link TVtropes but I got a restraining order on those. :p

Hoping for a vote or two more to decide things.
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

I'm open to playing a time thief / exotic dancer type character who is maybe a bit jaded and more into experiencing a lot of sensations and vices.
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

Huh. Zil didn't have a high opinion on the rogue class from what I recall, so don't be suprised if he recommends some serious shenanigans.
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

I'd like a bit of a classical party, you don't have to do cleric/wizard/fighter/rogue but a bit traditional.

I wouldn't worry about powerlevel/power building too much, as long as everyone is roughly in the same area of strength.
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

I looked over the Time Thief, and while better than the Rogue it's not that great unfortunately. It has limited combat ability compared even to the rogue, and while the utility is nice, it doesn't do that much.

Rogue type characters are fairly easy to make without being rogues though. The best first party rogue type characters can vary depending on what sort of roguish characters one wants to be. Rangers are the best stealth characters in the game, and make excellent assassins, bounty hunters, and so forth. They're strong in melee, and of all martial characters have the most versatile spell list, and don't have any aspect of the game they don't touch on, making them excellent for people who want to learn the game.

Bards make excellent con artists, rakes, thieves and so forth and are very powerful characters. They have the most skill points and are the best at skills overall in the game, due to their various class features, and are very strong in melee combat as well. They're not just buff bots, though their ability to buff is strong.

Inquistors are like the divine version of Bards. They're not quite as good at skills but are pretty decent at several, and are the best intimidators in the game, even better than Anti-Paadins. They're powerful combatants and have many means to detect and function as bounty hunters of the faiths and other roles.

Investigators are the second best skill characters, being able to add extra dice rolls to many skills. Their combat style is a little complicated but potent and they've aces to msot of the Alchemists kit which is potent. They'll only be able to self buff but when it comes to skills they're hard to beat and they're effective combatants.

Alchemists aren't the best at skills, but like the Investigator they get the most skill points due to being int casters with more than 2+Int. They're powerful jack of all trades, having access to strong nukes via bombs, powerful buffs via extracts and mutagens, good utility via extracts and so forth. But most importantly is the alchemist is the only class who can make poison worth a damn.

Slayer is like a worse ranger but it's not the worst option you can take.

Vigilantes have some derp mechanics but their class features would be very useful in a campaign such as this.

Mesmerists are sort of like bards, but rather than buffing friends, they debuff enemies.

Occultists are great for archeologist type rogues who do their tricks via relics they've stolen and such.

Going into third party stuff, if you're really set on time stuff, the Stalker from Path of War is a rogue/monk/ninja type of character who get's access to the combat style known as Riven Hourglass, which is based around time manipulation. Even without doing so they're quite potent combatants who are mobile and have good defensive qualities.
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

Alchemists, Occultists, Inquisitors and arguably Mesmerists are rather complicated to play classes for someone not experienced in Pathfinder and two of those classes suck if not played smartly.

Going by what I heard Slime say Bard is the closest choice without feeling useless an entire day because you didn't bind a proper vestige(I'm calling 'em what they are) or getting a major headache trying to figure out the difference between potions, infusions and mutations.
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

They are, but I decided to be through. Though the diffrence between Extracts and Potions is you can't draw and use potions as part of the same standard, and potions can be used by anyone not just alchemists (Without the Infusion discovery anyways) Mutagens are one use items that apply a buff and penalty to just alchemists. And nothing that applies to potions applies to extracts. Thats it.

I think you're mixing up Spiritualist and Occultist. Occultists are the ones who invest points into objects and can only cast spells from certain schools depending which objects they have.
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

I think you're mixing up Spiritualist and Occultist. Occultists are the ones who invest points into objects and can only cast spells from certain schools depending which objects they have.

Theres three different types of occultists, one is a Binder knockoff iirc.
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

Ah I see. I'm specifically talking about first party classes up until I mention the Stalker.

Name cloning between things is a huge pain, but Paizo is the one who made the name Occultist last so they're the ones at fault this time :p
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

So votes seem to go:

-Male Overlord
-Lvl 4 starter
-Focusing on balancing stories, lewdities and the challenge (though to be fair, seen groups struggle against a fair challenge before. :p

Any opposed speak now or be forever silent.
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

I am fine with that.
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

While my preference is futa overlord, just means I can replace it with futocracy :p. Long live the girl dong!

Or whatever it is I'll do. I'm tempted on Warlord but that might be too flashy for this sort of campaign. Plus sounds like the martial and skillful roles are being filled already.

So maybe I'll do... Mmm no too explody... Maybe Summoner. Or might do my ol illusion wizard again.
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

I'm only really interested in the suggestions that make my character not -wasted- in a situation. I'd like my rogue-ish to be best at something, so that the wizard isn't just doing what I could do with magic, only better.

Perhaps bard would be good.

I want a concept to fit this character pic:
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

If you want a whip, Bard works fine. The Bard can do what a wizard cannot, provide massive combat buffs to martials, has most of the same spells for avoiding skills the wizard has, and a few nobody but the bard has. These buffs also apply to himself meaning he's an excellent combatant as well as face, knowledges and etc. Bards are very well rounded. I've played bards the most, of every stripe and type.

I actually have figured out means for an fairly effective all bard party. But thats neither here nor there.

Ranger has the highest non invisibility based stealth in the game and gets hide in plain sight eventually. They can fight, they can skill, they get an disposable meat shield in the form of the AC and have divine spells.

Alchemist is not quite as strong in combat as the Ranger but is on par with the bard, but is rather more selfish in function. But if you wanna poison things, alchs your guy. If other people fill the wizard/sorc/arcanist and cleric/oracle role I'll probably do alch myself.

If you want to do things that the wizard can't, I'd say that msot of these are fairly adequate. That being said. You could also be a wizard and do rogue things.

Because ultimately, sneaky person with all the answers and relies on smarts and skill is not a class, it's a character trait, one you can manage with almost any class. But Bard and Investigator are probably best if you wanna be BEST AT SKILL CHECKS as well as being able to fight in melee worth a damn and have some utility options.
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

The fact that an entire class is arguably invalidated is why I have trouble with this system.
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

Only one class?