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Orchrios - Old Version

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Re: Orchrios

Igor nodded. "Precisely, although I am unfamiliar with what you spoke of. Please, hold onto this."

A key appears just above Jack's hand. "Now then, time marches on in your world. I shouldn't keep you here any longer. Soon, you will come here of your own accord. Until then, farewell."

Jack would wake up, and just like Bell, would find a key in his hand. Unlike when Bell woke, it would be morning.
Re: Orchrios

Jack had just been about to ask how he was supposed to find his way back there when he woke up, key in hand. "Lovely, though at least I have SOME better understanding as to what's going on here now."

A hundred different thoughts went through his head as to how the key had managed to cross worlds, and finally he shook his head, deciding for now it didn't matter. Pocketing it, he started up breakfast, wondering if he should pay Bell or Shirashi a visit this morning, or some time during the day.

((What day of the week is it supposed to be anyways?))
Re: Orchrios

Anyone looking outside would notice that everything seemed to be covered in a weird translucent white fluid that seemed somewhat sticky. There were clean-up crews out, and they seemed to be grumbling about the work.

((Morning came. That's all you need to know. And we're going with it being Tuesday.))
Re: Orchrios

Bell woke up again to the sound of her Bracer going off, still on her wrist. Groaning, she pulled it up to her face to see what was the matter. it was a reminder to send the invoice to Atlaend, first thing in the morning. She pulled herself to the side of her bed groggily, rubbing her head and wondering about her dream, when she saw the key she had placed on her bedside table, amongst the mess of stuff that was there already.

"Right, not a dream..." She said to herself, getting up and moving to her computer. She quickly wrote up the invoice, adding the WOMFT charge right in the middle of it, amongst a bunch of other jargon, then sends it off and goes to the shower, stumbling a bit on some stuff on her floor.
Re: Orchrios

Jack sat down to eat his breakfast, and glanced out the window, pausing when he saw what was covering the streets. "The fuck is that shit?"

Shaking his head, he decided that it would be best to wait inside a little while until the crews could clear at least some of that stuff away, then he would open shop. At break time, he would slip out to pay Shirashi a visit, and then later in the evening he would head to see Bell and check in on her. This of course was going on the assumption neither of them came to him first.
Re: Orchrios

By the time that Bell got out of the shower, and started to go about her day, she'd run into Anthony, who was pacing in the lobby, watching the clean-up crew who was currently blocking the door.

((Rumor list updated.))
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Re: Orchrios

Bell walked down the stairs and into the lobby, dressed in a rather athletic outfit and carrying a laquered wooden box about three feet long and a foot wide under her arm. She spots Anthony pacing and goes to talk to him, noticing the gunk all over outside for the first time.

"Hey there, how's... What the hell is all that stuff?" She asks, changing her question mid-sentence.
Re: Orchrios

Anthony shook his head. "I'm not sure that I want to know. Oh, and I believe that we may have a lead on a doorway to the Velvet Room...Although...You may need my help to get in."

Bell would notice that he was wearing a key similar to the one she 'found' last night. It would also just strike her that he'd had it on at least since she'd woken up from the 'visit' yesterday.

Anthony looked out the door, and griped, "How much longer is this going to take? I need to try to get more information..."
Re: Orchrios

"I was there last night." Bell says, taking her own key out of her pocket and showing it to him. "Igor, he said his name was, said I might be returning soon."

She looks out at the stuff covering outside, shrugging. "They seem to be focusing on the walkways, it shouldn't take too much longer..."
Re: Orchrios

Anthony nodded. "Ah, so you've met Igor, then? Been a while since I saw him last. Yeah, you'll be able to see the doors now, then."

He glanced out the doors. "Good, I need to follow up on that case I heard about. Seems some local store owner's been acting odd. Talking about some 'her' and how he was going to finally get her attention."
Re: Orchrios

"Creepy." She says, not really that interested. "So you're going to do that before we head off to find that door? Do you want to meet up later, or should I just hang around?"
Re: Orchrios

Anthony shook his head. "My plan, now, is to check with Jack, then get to the door. The investigation will wait."

The work crew finally began moving their equipment away from the door. "Finally...Well, I'm heading out. You can follow if you want. Or just head to Avarras. That's where the trail for the door will start."
Re: Orchrios

"I was actually thinking of going to Avarras anyways, I'll just head over there then." Bell says with a shrug and a wave, heading out the door and up to the estate. "See you later!"
Re: Orchrios

As Bell was heading for Avarras, she'd catch talk of a new rumor...One about butterfly holograms and secrets.

Shortly after Jack opened, Anthony walked in. Jack would spot the key he was wearing, and like Bell, realize that he'd had it with him yesterday, at least after the fight.
Re: Orchrios

"Morning there Anthony. Nice key there. So what's up with the crews out there, the hell is that stuff?"
Re: Orchrios

Anthony shrugged, "Don't know. And I've got an answer to my big question now. I was going to ask if you'd met Igor last night. If you can see my key, then you apparently have."
Re: Orchrios

"Yeah, pretty decent fellow actually. Gave me a key similar to that one too. Mentioned more about those persona's, so I think I have a flimsy idea of them now."
Re: Orchrios

"Well, I've figured out where a door to the room might be. Once you're done with things, meet up at Avarras. I may have also stumbled across a lead for finding the nutjob."
Re: Orchrios

Anthony nods, then heads back out, and on his way.
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