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ACT [ orange girl ] Li'l Alchemist Annette's Adventure / 少女錬金術師 アネットの冒険 RE140155 RJ140155

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Re: (ACT) Adventures of girl alchemist Annette

You guys are going to likely have to wait at least 2-3 months for a new update.
Re: (ACT) Adventures of girl alchemist Annette

Sorry for necro, but THE DAY OF WAIT IS FINALLY OVER! Apparently on his twitter he states that he will release the ver 1.2.0 as a public beta. Can't wait to see the new implementations we all have been agonizing for!
Re: (ACT) Adventures of girl alchemist Annette

I thought this was one of those "Is there any news on this" posts, BUT THAT IS EXCELLENT NEWS. You win at Black Jacks and Hookers!
Re: (ACT) Adventures of girl alchemist Annette

Hope that it updates on DLSite as well, as it's easier for me to find and download updates from there since I bought the game so long ago.
Re: (ACT) Adventures of girl alchemist Annette

The beta is already up, go to to find it.

It's just the trial version, so only the first area and it's enemies are available.
The changelog just has stuff about the UI, some gameplay changes, fixes and there's a rather ugly "pixel art" option now.
So no new enemies/stages at least in this beta.

Although there are a few new options in the Game Over scene.
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Re: (ACT) Adventures of girl alchemist Annette

man i though this game had been put to sleep to never be waked up again it is good to see they are stil working on this game, it is only a shame that it is taking very long
Re: (ACT) Adventures of girl alchemist Annette

Not sure why they decided to implement the "pixel art" option. I know that some people prefer sprite animations but it's obvious that you can't just apply a mosaic over everything and expect it to be the same.

Has anyone been keeping up with the blog posts? Do we know approximately how many new animations we can expect from the complete 1.2 update?
Re: (ACT) Adventures of girl alchemist Annette

New beta ver.4 came out. Besides all the things that most of us are familiar with, now when you finish an area and you were damaged previously in that area, the heroine retains the damage when you get back to the map. When her script is over after completing an area, she heals and regains back her clothes and any residual cum from any mob rape is clean off as well. This looks pretty minor for now, but honestly adds a bit more immersion for the game. Though idk if immersion in a RoR game is what we are all looking for...
Re: (ACT) Adventures of girl alchemist Annette

The trial seems a lot better than the older ones, it goes to show that the addition of contents is good and not just some add-ons.
But still, if they know coding or scripting better, I hope they could develop the game into something more... Unique.
Good job, OrangeGirl!
Re: (ACT) Adventures of girl alchemist Annette

New post by the author, seemed like his personal issues are settled down so he can work on the game until New Year. Not really sure so if someone knows Japanese go check it out.
Re: (ACT) Adventures of girl alchemist Annette

New message from the creator on his twitter saying "[Annette Adventure] version 1.2.0, we have applied for replacement. I think that it will start delivery within a few days if there is no problem, I'd appreciate it if you can wait a little more 9 (1 ❛ᴗ❛ 1) 6 【At last it is]." Don't get your hopes up too high since people in this thread know that a few days could mean a month or so.
Re: (ACT) Adventures of girl alchemist Annette

New message from the creator on his twitter saying "[Annette Adventure] version 1.2.0, we have applied for replacement. I think that it will start delivery within a few days if there is no problem, I'd appreciate it if you can wait a little more 9 (1 ❛ᴗ❛ 1) 6 【At last it is]." Don't get your hopes up too high since people in this thread know that a few days could mean a month or so.

Too late, I get too hyped everytime I see this thread on the first page of ulmf
Re: (ACT) Adventures of girl alchemist Annette

i can remember in the begin that i was really hyped for the game but, the wait was really,really long
Re: (ACT) Adventures of girl alchemist Annette

this game is still a thing? XD
Re: (ACT) Adventures of girl alchemist Annette

Game seems to have been updated now on the DLSite according to the Twitter; and rather quickly too!

Also, his previous Twitter actually mentioned something about a bug in the Ver 4 of the Ver 1.2.0 BETA, so the official release of the game to 1.2.0 may still have that very bug and maybe some others. Please do not hesitate to report them he says.

And then his other post says that the Ver 1.2.0 has been successfully patched and the trial version should also be good to go. "So please try it if it is good. (人˘ω˘) "
Re: (ACT) Adventures of girl alchemist Annette

Who wants to check if there's anything new in this update?

According to dlsite:

"· Game over in appreciation mode, now you can buy bukkake.
· By pressing the R key during the stage, Annet came to masturbate.
· We also made numerous updates such as weight reduction of overall operation, review of some drawing and improvement of image quality."

I don't know that doesn't sound like much... but its a good start I guess
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Re: (ACT) Adventures of girl alchemist Annette

The masturbation works by holding the R key (by default). In gallery (garelly) mode, you can now adjust Annette's pleasure meter manually. The game over scene allows you to aim bukkake if you turn it on, and you can have another tentacle squeeze one of her breasts.
Re: (ACT) Adventures of girl alchemist Annette

That's it? I thought those things we already there.
Tentacle squeezing breast, Bukkake.
Weren't those things already added in the last demo? Or did I miss something?
Re: (ACT) Li'l Alchemist Annette's Adventure

Those were in the last demo I dont recall the R button thing but all those animations was already previously in. I don't know what he's even doing with the game anymore.
Re: (ACT) Li'l Alchemist Annette's Adventure

Those were in the last demo I dont recall the R button thing but all those animations was already previously in. I don't know what he's even doing with the game anymore.
Then again, this is to be expected nowadays. He sold a demo for full price and got away with it. He probably doesn't see any reason to actually complete the game anymore since he's already made a decent amount of sales off of it. Probably already working on something new, as sad as it is. I would have loved to see this finished.
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