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(Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

The girls follow the goblin at a normal pace, while the goblin just seemed to scamper forward. The girls didn't walk far, perhaps a 15 minute walk,

Time: 4:00

Then, they suddenly came upon five goblins! They were led into a group by the goblin! What was even worse... Was that they were all sleeping.

"W-why's you all sleeping!?" the goblin exclaimed. "C'mon, wake up ya idiot!" the goblin said, shaking one goblin. The singular goblin rolled in it's sleep, and saw the five girls behind him. "... *Yawn*, ya caught em, good job Gribbles..." he said, before falling asleep again.

Then, he shot up, "OH SHIT!" he exclaimed, and the others did the same, and panic rose in their ranks. Meanwhile, the goblin apparently named Gribbles made a swan dive into a nearby bush, not wanting to die immediately, opting instead to flee. Though he soon got caught in the vines of the bush, so he wasn't going anywhere.

The girls surprise 5 goblins! They get a surprise turn and initiative! Take turns however you want.
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

With the five goblins caught offguard, Kat would laugh half manically and charge the closest non-vine entangled one. Her greatsword swinging ahead of her as she didn't try to hold back in the slightest on the kidnapping greenskin.

[To Hit Roll: (says +2, should be +5 cause I put in the wrong bonus)
Damage Roll: 4d6+3 (2d6 from Greatsword + 1d6 from Critical + 1d6 from Savage Attacks) =
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

She swung her greatsword and killed the goblin so hard that it ceased to exist with a light *pop* sound.

4 goblins left.
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Weiss had a perplexed look on her face, when she saw how poorly prepared the goblins were. Now she felt incredibly silly for worrying about the ambush the entire time, and acting carefully. Weiss even felt slightly bad for them, since this was most definitely going to be a massacre. However, even if she felt sorry for them, she had no intention to go easy on them, as long as they didn’t surrender, they were threats. She moved up to closest goblin, and whacked him across the head with her mace.

[To hit: , not going to roll damage, because I am pretty sure this is a miss.]
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Weiss came in like a champion, and swung her mace so hard that she spun around in a circle. If the goblins were a foot higher she might have hit something. Or maybe she didn't even get close enough to hit. All of these thoughts came to mind as she kept spinning.
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Talia fought the urge to facepalm as she watched the goblins... Rally to fight the group, for lack of a better word. Though perhaps rally was a bit too strong. So great was her exasperation that it seemed to affect her fighting ability. While her aim remained true, the bolt of flame she sent towards one of the remaining goblins lacked their usual punch, even if it was likely to sting. Grimacing, the sorceress consoled herself with the thought that it was still going to give the creature a burn.

To Hit:
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Laya pouted a bit as her goblin friend tried to get them ambushed. "That's not very nice, Friend Gribble. We could have captured them quietly and avoided any bloodshed. We're going to have a long discussion after this."

Laya sighed and drew her daggers. This didn't seem like a good time to use any magic, so she settled with throwing one dagger at an enemy.

(Throw a dagger, 8+5 is 13. If hit, 3+3 damage)
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

"Y-you only asked where they is!" Gribble declared.

Meanwhile, a goblin was tickled a bit by some magic.

Take your next turns now. The goblins stand up. If Toxic ever comes around he can take both his turns at once. Otherwise Kiera got lost behind them somehow.
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

"Well I'll forgive you this time.," says Laya, "But, y'know this is a bit of a mess and all. Coulda been avoided for everyone. Hey, any goblins who don't wanna get squished by a dog eared girl better surrender, okay?"

(15+3 Intimidation)

Laya gestured to Kat and the goblin she had barbarian magicked out of existence. "It'd be much better if you guys surrendered, for everyone."
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Considering the circumstances, the goblins threw up their arms in surrender. "Aaah, we're sorry! We didn't mean to wanna ambush ya! I mean, we did, but now we don't wanna fight you for right now! I mean anymore!" one of the goblins said.

Everyone gets 60xp
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Kiera had no objections to this approach. As long as the goblin leading them in wasn't part of the ambush, which by his apparent low intelligence seemed unlikely, then 5 goblins wouldn't be a match for them, even in a straight up confrontation.

Her instincts were proven right as they came upon a group of slumbering enemies. The ambush party is asleep? Undisciplined weaklings. If this half-orc and 'scary lady' wanted to actually get something done, they need to approach those who actually know what they're doing. Unsurprised by the cowardly goblin trying to rouse them, she watched his escape attempt to make sure he couldn't warn the main camp, but redirected her attentions once she saw him caught in a bush. There was no need to find her way into using her surroundings to her advantage with such a small and unprepared opposition. She pulled her curved dagger from her belt ready to strike when the opportunity presented itself, but quickly found had little use for it as the barbarian smashed a goblin right out of the gate and the rest soon surrendered after.

Sheathing her blade once again, she grew almost irritated by the idiocy and their constant stream of lies on top of unhidden truths. Maybe they could see what a lie actually should sound like "That was your own fault! We put you here to ambush the heroes that came, and you all fell asleep on the job. You didn't recognize the broken chain tattoos we all bear?" She momentarily flashed her palm quickly across the group. "Now we have to head back to camp and send more reinforcements out here to replace that one. Perhaps we need more if you're all this incapable." She turned her direction to face her companions, while still staring at the golbins. "What do you think girls? Maybe the kobolds would be better suited for this task, and we could just leave the remains of this group as food?"

[Roll Deception: 12+3 = 15]
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Kiera flashed her very much not broken chain tattoo.

(Goblin rolls perception)

But it seemed like the fact of it being different wasn't noticed. When she spoke of the kobolds, the goblins seemed to throw a fit. "W-wait no! Stupid kobolds, we better! J-just, da boss doesn't understand, us gobbins can't see that well or fight that well in the day! He didn't care! That's why we gonna invade that town of heroes at midnight!" he declared. "We can take you to da camp, we can take you!" he exclaimed, before the four remaining goblins looked ready to lead their supposed leaders to their camp. Gribbles was still stuck in a bush.
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Talia let out another sigh as the demoralized goblins surrendered. Considering how the battle started and how weak their morale appeared to be, it wasn't that much of a suprise. What was somewhat suprising was the fact they were stupid enough to mistake Kiera tattoo for the other one, though perhaps fear clouded their perception. The information they got out of the would-be ambushers was far more concerning. They had to act quickly, complete their objectives and rush back to the town to prepare people for the incoming attack, or find a way to stop it. Perhaps if they managed to kill the leader.

"I'd rather know who's responsible for planning this poor excuse of an ambush. Was it your boss?" The sorceress barked out, her tone and posture commanding as she played along. "Also, is everybody at the camp or did someone else got sent out too?" She inquired, probing. After asking her questions, however, she glanced at Kiera before speaking up in Infernal. "That leader has to die if we want to stop the attack, but I'd rather not risk fighting the bastard with all of the camp available for backup. We need to find a way to isolate that one first. Especially since they likely won't be stupid enough to fall for this trick like the goblins did."
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Weiss finally came to a halt, falling down on her butt. The world was spinning, but luckily she didn’t have to fight the goblins while dizzy. It wasn’t very surprising that they surrendered as soon as they were giving a chance, especially after Kat made one completely disappear. She stood back on her feet, and wiped a bit of dirt from her vestments.

Weiss was curious at what Kiera was doing, surely the goblins can’t be that stupid, there would be no way they believe we were their allies. However, she was once again surprised by the goblins stupidity. Whoever employed them probably should send a leader with them next time. It seems they even knew about their leader’s plans, making things a lot easier. The information they revealed worried her though, and she didn’t like the idea of following a group of goblins directly to the main camp, they probably would betray us as soon as their leader ordered them.

''I-Is someone like us at that camp, or is it only goblins?'' Weiss inquired. If there was no leader present inside the camp, they could maybe intercept whenever their leader returned to give more orders.
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Kat frowned as she didn't get the chance to take down any more of the goblins for now. The rest of her group was much to nice to the greenskins, they should have just slaughtered them all except one of them. As it was thought the dog girl growled on cue with the intimidation, and as the others were talking again she'd head over toward Gribbles, raising her sword threateningly. "Think I should just finish you off for trying to get us captured again."

She'd look over at her companions as well and added. "Attack the town at midnight? It's about five by now, and it took us five hours to get out here. So we need to go hit that camp right now if we want to mess them up before they attack the town. Or we need to haul it back there just as right now if we want to get everyone barricaded up, but don't know how well you girls can see at night."
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

"Y-yeah, leader at camp, Gromsh is preparing the attack!" the goblins declared.

"L-lots of goblins about, n'kobolds, but lots working at camp, gettin ready!" he answered Talia.
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Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

"Tiefling, remember?" Talia shrugged, pointing up at her horns. "Darkness is not an issue to me." She then turned her attention back to the goblins, frowning. This complicated matters. A direct attack would mean having to face off against the mass of bodies within. At least two dozen, possibly many more. "What about the prisoners? Have you taken them to the camp as well?"
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Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

"I'd say better to take on the camp while lots of goblins and kobolds are out rather then wait for them all to link up and attack the village." Kat said with a growl as she hovered the sword closer to Gribbles. "And yeah, where are the farmers that you kidnapped. They at the camp too?"
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

The conversation the girls were having was sounding VERY suspicious to the goblins.

(Goblins roll insight)

"T-the humans? I-I think da boss went with some kobolds and gobbins to take them, h-he said to build a space in da cave where we could keep em, but we left that snob work to the kobolds. Phukem!" Gribbles sneered.
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Weiss sat down on the ground, listening in on the conversation. Apparently the goblins aren’t the only one that like to talk about their plans in front of the enemy. It looked like the goblins were starting to catch on that we might not be allies. At this point she wouldn’t be surprised if at least one of them caught on. Weiss had to step and make sure they weren’t going to betray them. She squats down in front of the group of goblins, and kindly smiles at them. ''D-don’t worry your cute little brains about their stupid boss talk, t-they’re just blabbing about boring plans.'' Weiss tried to reassure them. She also took a moment to see if one of them caught on.

If they haven’t caught on, Weiss was curious if she could make them betray their boss. Weiss pretended to look a little worried at the goblins. "I-I don’t know if I should say this, but…" Weiss said suspenseful. ''N-never mind, t-the boss probably doesn’t want me to talk about this.'' Weiss said timidly, trying to make the goblins curious so she had their full attention. If they asked her to tell it, she pretended to give in. '' O-Okay, o-okay. I heard the boss talk about giving all the pretty girls to the kobolds, and leave the s-stupid goblins with the ugly girls. I tried to convince the boss to let the goblins also have some pretty girls, but the boss just laughed at me. I-If I was in charge I would let you cute goblins have whoever you want. T-Too bad that won’t happen unless the boss dies somehow.'' Weiss explained to the goblins, heavily implying that they would be better off without their current boss.

[ insight, to see if one of them caught on. for deceiving them.]