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(Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Well if you had it, work it.

Laya smiled and continued to play a few notes as she subtly turned her torso a bit back and forth, making her chest sway.

"How fascinating! You must be a fine scout then. And just who were you told to look for? And why?," she purrs a bit.

Normally she'd have preferred to leave the story to the subjects. Wasn't the job of the storyteller to interject in the story. Buuuut with how everyone seemed so divided on what to do most of the time, best to get the ball moving.
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

The goblin looked around nervously. "Uh... Well... D- don't tell anyone, but there's supposed ta be some heroes coming round here sum point. I wuz put 'ere ta let ma boyz know when a bunch of people were coming!" he declared with a certain sense of pride. Though it took him a moment, he seemed to realize who he was talking to. "Oh..." he gestured with his ears dropping in dread. "P- Please don't kill me! I- I can show where an ambush party is! But you won't know if you kill!
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

"We won't kill you, we're friends right?," smiles Laya brightly, "That would be much appreciated. Friends help friends after all. But how did they know we would be coming? And why are you all planning to come back for the farm? It's been really peaceful around here for a long time, why are your tribe trying to break it? Oh and who are the big guys who are with you? We saw smashing that was pretty big."

Laya gave the goblin a bit of a pout, sad about the ruining of peace and such. Definitely that.
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Kat grinned as the goblin realized who they were, baring her sharp canines a bit as she did. Ambushing the ambush. That would be very very fun. She only just barely managed to contain a bit of a cackle at the idea of scattering the goblins and kobolds before her when the little buggers thought they'd get the jump on them.
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Weiss froze in place when she stepped on the branch, and made a horrible neck cracking sound through the entire area. ''A-Ah, sorry about that.'' Weiss apologized with a sheepish look on her face. Although what shocked her even more was the other loud crack that was made. It seems that they found a goblin scout. Luckily for her the goblin was just as bad as her at sneaking, which she found kind of surprising as they usually are pretty good at sneaking.

Although Weiss wasn’t too fond of talking with the enemy, she just let Laya do her thing. However, she did pay close attention to the goblin, making sure she would pick up on any lie he would tell them.

[Insight: ,Yay for horrible rolls, even though it probably doesn’t matter]
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

The goblin crossed his arms. "I ain't tellin you nothin' more!" then she asked how they knew they were coming. "Wut? You daft, it's cuz yer from the village of heroes. Wait, forget you heard that!" he demanded. Then she asked why they were coming back to the farm. "Heh, like I'd tell you that we have plans to take over the town!" he said confidently. Then she asked about the big guy. "Eh? How'd you know 'bout our boss? The half-orc what came with the odd tattoo on 'is hand that looked like a broken chain and suddenly said he was runnin' the place, before some scary lady placed dis curse on us that made us capable of breedin' wit da common races. How'd you know 'bout dat!?" he questioned their bizarre length of knowledge.
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Kat's grin grew even bigger as the goblin spilled the beans, though it turned to a frown soon enough. "I knew it, I told you that something worse would happen if we didn't help them soon. It's a good thing we didn't wait any longer or there would just be more goblins. Now, let's go get ambushing our would be ambushers why don't we."
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Here, she had been warning them about traps, and lo and behold, her companions was almost felled by a stick. When it was quickly made apparent that their unexpected company was going nowhere, and had been so revealing (much like the bard's top), Kiera's hand removed itself from the handle of her sword, but not before looking at it, and the chain tattoo that she bore. A broken chain?, she thought.

As everyone focused on the imbecilic goblin and his never ending tirade of dropped knowledge, she thought it best to make sure he wasn't the only one who could have heard it. She looked past him to scan the forest, concentrating on any sounds or movement her quick senses could catch.

(Perception: 13+4 =17)
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Weiss was curious about this half-orcs tattoo, she wondered if it was similar to the tattoo they had. Before they moved on, she wanted to know how much the tattoos were alike. ''D-Does the tattoo look similar to this one?'' Weiss asked the goblin, showing him the tattoo on her hand. She was also curious if the broken chain meant that he used to be a hero at some point, maybe heroes who fell from grace have their chain broken. Though, without seeing the tattoo herself, these thoughts were all just mere speculations.
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Kiera searched the forest, and with her keen eyes, she found an herbal plant. Not much else though.

Kiera gets an unknown plant. Effect unknown.

The goblin reacted positively. "Yah! Cept yours is wrong. His was broken."
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Talia couldn't help but facepalm at the idiotic goblin and the way he practically spilled all the relevant knowledge they wanted. No wonder the little morons had to have someone controlling them to act as anything approaching a competent force. They were just plain fucking dumb. However, the revelations were anything but good. Not only the mysterious enemy was planning to take over the town, they were using magic to make monsters breed with humans. And worst thing of all... If their tattoos were truly meant to mirror those of the heroes - and they likely were, given the place was targeted because this was the village of heroes - then whoever was far more than simply another warlord.

"This is going to be a mess." Belderiver sighed, shaking her head. "Laya. Can you get him to spill where that ambush is? If we can take it out and reduce their available forces, it'll make the rest of our task easier. It seems that on top of rescuing those people, we should try and deal as much damage as possible to this group as we can. Especially the leaders." The sorceress stated. "It would be ideal if we took them out, but I fear this is going to be a far bigger operation than just this raiding group. And that mage of theirs worries me."
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

"Well it's because we're heroes of course. Well, they are, I'm just a storyteller. And just think, you get to be part of a new story! Cus this seems like not a good idea, y'know? Your friends trying to take over the village of heroes. It's like saying you're going to fight an army of knights with spoons, yeah? Maybe you and your friends are on the wrong side y'know?," smiles Laya, musing a bit as she gives a slight hop absentmindedly, causing her bust to bounce again in her blouse.

"Either way though you DID say you were going to tell us where the ambush is, friend. Just how many people are there, anyways?," she smiles, "You hungry by the way? You must have been waiting here a long time, and I've some extra food if you'd like some."
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Kat gripped her greatsword tighter. The dogbold was rather quite eager to get to the killing of the badguys. All this talking about the orcs tatoo was rankling her but she knew it was necassary, though she was very much looking forward to cutting that same orc to ribbons when they got there.
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

The goblin nodded. "A-about five, t-this way." he said, getting up and heading in their former direction of travel.
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Kat would follow behind the goblin, taking the lead of the group as much as she could as she slowly twirled her greatsword in her grip. Finally they'd get to the fighting. If there was only 5 it wasn't really as dangerous of an ambush as they had expected.

[Formation: Front, figure normal speed.]
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

"Lead on, friend.," smiles Laya brightly, "I'll be taking notes, so if you do good, all shall know of your great contributions."

She moved along, shifting one of her daggers to an easier grabbed location for if she needed it, and moving her lute into an easy to strum position. She might need it in the times ahead.

Well if the goblin remained friendly this might work out. If not, well... She'd be disappointed, but treachery was not unknown in heroic stories.
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Weiss was a little hesitant to follow the goblins blindly like that, but it would be worse if a couple of them rushed into the ambush alone. ''W-Wouldn’t it be better if we first had a few of us scout out the ambush, a-and then perhaps ambush them, I-instead of following this goblin right into the ambush?'' Weiss suggested, while following the goblin. It would be preferable if they could get the drop on the ambush, instead of walking right into.

[Formation: Front, as fast as the goblin is going.]
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

"Splitting up is a poor idea given our numbers." Talia pointed out. "Rather, we should draw out the ambushers using him as bait and attack while they're off-guard." The sorceress declared, ready to move. She had her quarterstaff in hand and was prepared to call upon her magic as well, following behind the frontline fighters. Hopefully this would work out.

[Formation: back, following behind others]
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

''A-any plan that isn’t just walking straight in the ambush is fine with me.'' Weiss stated. Hopefully the plan wouldn’t back fire, it seemed the goblin was completely charmed by Laya, but she was sure the goblin wanted more than just look.
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

We could also send someone ahead to be the bait as well, might be even more convincing. If we do I volunteer. I'll have most of them beat before you all catch up. Or we just beat the shit out of them anyways. There's only five of them. I really don't think they'll be that hard." Kat chuckled, her tail wagging happily behind her.

[Kat is keeping an eye out from the front of the party. Using Perception 16+2 = 18]
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