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Open letter from the SWISSMADE Artist


Jungle Girl
Feb 3, 2011
Reputation score
Hi folks

I'm from switzerland, so apologized my englisch, i try my best. ;-)
I'm the artist of this games (Mission to Zebes, Run Sailor Moon Run, Sexnomicon, etc...)
here are all my games:

Here are a few answers for you:

Why are my games not for free?

My food are not for free, my house are not for free, and so on. When
i don't have the need to pay bills, i can make my games for free. ^^
And, from the gameprice, there are gone only 50% or less to me,
the other money take's dlsite.

Why are my games censored?

I hate this fucking shit, but the law on japan needs it and the staff of
dlsite is very conservative on my games. I send mostly the games
2 or 3 to dlsite, till it's ok with enough censorship. Thats the reason
why i build in on my newer games a unlock option. When there is a
good english site to sell my works, please tell me.

Why i need so long to make new games?

My main job is as cad drawer for a small company, this is a 42 hour
job per week with additional 2 hours per day for the way to drive.
Ah, and i hate this job, it's bad paid (for a job in switzerland) and my
boss is a 60 years old idiot. He print out all mails, write the answer
with a pencil on the paper and give me this paper to write a answer-mail.
And so on.. *hit my head on the cement-wall*
Therefore i don't have so muche time for work on my games, but i give
my best to work faster and better.

How i make my games, and the problems with flash.

At time i work with Adobe Flash CS5 to draw and coding my games.
First i have begun swish max, a other flashmaker, cheap and good
for small things but for greater projekts like mission to zebes, it's
to weak. So i have change to Adobe Flash CS4 and now to CS5.
I have never a education about flash, i have read books and
forums, so theres a lot that i can make better, with more experience.
When here is a good flashprogrammer, i have a few questions about
flash coding, HELP! ;o)

Oh, and i draw with this:

It's awesome!

Why are my games so bad?

Help me with criticism, i'm open for it to make my games better.
But, theres are only a few mails that i become with "it's not good".
Thats help me not so much. Say what you want and i will try my best.
You can put cirticism here or to
[email protected]

Thanks and bye


Tentacle God
Jan 2, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Open letter from the SWISSMADE Artist

honestly i thought most your games were good except for the sailormoon ror game. that game had all the things meant to piss gamers off.
1. laggy controls
2. no continues (main issue)
3. the gameplay and enemy patterns are kinda bland and boring. if there were platforms and stuff to jump on and the enemies had more patterns then the game would be more fun. also if there was a score or timing system it could help make people want to play it more since they'll want to beat there own time or score.


Jungle Girl
Feb 3, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Open letter from the SWISSMADE Artist

thanks, that's a good help.

1. laggy controls
I can play it on my computer without a lag, but i have a very good one.
ok, playtesting on older pc's.

2. no continues
I was the opinion the game is nearly to easy, so it don't need continues.
Ok, i will build in this on my next bigger game.

3. Yes, i know, there is the problem, that it's not so easy to make for me,
i need more experience in Flash AS3 coding.
I will try my best to make it more interessting on the next game.


Mystic Girl
Oct 28, 2010
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Re: Open letter from the SWISSMADE Artist

Hello to you, Master Swissmade. I use RPG Maker instead of doing my own coding, programming, and drawing, and thus the only thing original with me is my writing, so I cannot compare to you at all. I do, however, understand why you cannot make your games free, speaking from one casual game maker to another, and you have my sympathy for your idiot boss and job.


Jungle Girl
Apr 21, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Open letter from the SWISSMADE Artist

Your sex animations are good, but you're competing in a market where the vast majority of the competition is free and superior to what you offer for a cost, which is why you see the piracy of your games.


Jungle Girl
Jan 18, 2010
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Re: Open letter from the SWISSMADE Artist

Sorry I am not rice but i want to play:(


Aug 28, 2009
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Re: Open letter from the SWISSMADE Artist

Hmm. Some criticism? OK, i do not speak English very well, but here is my shitty opinion.
a) Graphic style. The first game was great. Planet of terror looks good. But later...It's something between a comic style and the anime style. I think the mix is not worth it.
b) Gameplay. For example, swiss made tentacles. Nice little location. It would be awesome if it was a simple little arcade with dozens of locations, filled by your fantasies. Planet of terror&Mission to Z. - potential was high. But simple shooting is boring. I think it would be cool if you add here lifebar and a little more dynamic. Like in Zebes intro with ufo. SailorMoon RoR - it is awful. Hitboxes. Controls. Catched -> time does not stop -> no point in good sex animation because you have to escape quickly.
c) Your games is short. Trying to make them longer makes them boring. More variety & dynamism.


Jungle Girl
May 12, 2010
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Re: Open letter from the SWISSMADE Artist

Your Mission to Zebes game was the best, especially since it basically went off Super Metroid. Only complaint was that the girl didn't look like Samus, but maybe that was for legal reasons?

The Sailor Moon game though...... It was really hard, and the controls were bad. I just basically waited for the cheat code to come out. Even then there are only a few animations and a lot of them aren't anything special. The Zebes one had cool shit like alternate modes for each monster and egg-laying. The Sailor Moon is just a bunch of vanilla tentacle + one good one where it comes out of her mouth.

Of course I got it for free so I really can't complain at all, just pointing out why it didn't measure up at all to your previous work.


Horn Dog
Jan 7, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Open letter from the SWISSMADE Artist

Well, this isn't what I expected when I saw the thread title. I was expecting something a lot less "How can I do things better?" and a lot more abusive. So props for that.

Honestly, I haven't played much in the way of your games; only really planet of terror and necronomicon or whichever alt name it had.

In a nutshell, yeah, you need more content. As other have touched on, your stuff isn't bad, but there are a lot of free hentai games around that are on par or greater in quality than yours. I'd say longer games, but the two I've played were actually fairly lengthy, it was a lack of variety in game-play that caused the issue.

For example, if you wanted to do a first person shooting game, perhaps rather than have a static screen with enemies popping out from a few concealed places, actually have the character moving through a course, and enemies pop out along the way. Obviously, this involves a lot more work, but the difference in quality is huge because it instantly becomes a lot more exciting.

I wouldn't listen to the previous post when it talks about actual hentai content; they fail to realise that not everyone shares those particular tastes (for example, when i see a tentacle that went into a girl from somewhere else, seeing it erupt from her mouth always makes me wince, and perhaps murmur 'fatality'.) Obviously, variety is important, but from what I saw in the two I've seen, there was a fair amount of variety.

As far as finding somewhere to host the games so you don't have to censor them, perhaps something like hentaikey? I honestly don't know how those kinds of groups work, but it might be worth exploring. If the DL site is taking half the income from your sales, they're gouging you something horrible. At worst, you could perhaps set up your own server and website, and bring people to it with demos, like Meet&Fuck seem to be doing. I don't know how difficult or costly that would be however, so it may not be a viable option. Either way, I'm personally not a fan of those "subscription" services, preferring to pay for a purchase rather than a month worth of access.
Dec 12, 2009
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Re: Open letter from the SWISSMADE Artist

i can understand that you need money, but the quality of your games are not worth money, considering other games, such as Nanocrisis and FairyFighting, which, no offence, are much better games, and are free, and so you see the problem, people, such as myself are unwilling to pay for your games, when we can get these other games for free.


Jul 16, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Open letter from the SWISSMADE Artist

Not to mention the zone duplicate ... that was abit lame to do if you ask me.
Don't get me wrong, it wasn't bad, but taking something from someone else isn't a very nice thing to do.


Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Open letter from the SWISSMADE Artist

Well, this isn't what I expected when I saw the thread title. I was expecting something a lot less "How can I do things better?" and a lot more abusive. So props for that.

Honestly, I haven't played much in the way of your games; only really planet of terror and necronomicon or whichever alt name it had.

In a nutshell, yeah, you need more content. As other have touched on, your stuff isn't bad, but there are a lot of free hentai games around that are on par or greater in quality than yours. I'd say longer games, but the two I've played were actually fairly lengthy, it was a lack of variety in game-play that caused the issue.

For example, if you wanted to do a first person shooting game, perhaps rather than have a static screen with enemies popping out from a few concealed places, actually have the character moving through a course, and enemies pop out along the way. Obviously, this involves a lot more work, but the difference in quality is huge because it instantly becomes a lot more exciting.

I wouldn't listen to the previous post when it talks about actual hentai content; they fail to realise that not everyone shares those particular tastes (for example, when i see a tentacle that went into a girl from somewhere else, seeing it erupt from her mouth always makes me wince, and perhaps murmur 'fatality'.) Obviously, variety is important, but from what I saw in the two I've seen, there was a fair amount of variety.

As far as finding somewhere to host the games so you don't have to censor them, perhaps something like hentaikey? I honestly don't know how those kinds of groups work, but it might be worth exploring. If the DL site is taking half the income from your sales, they're gouging you something horrible. At worst, you could perhaps set up your own server and website, and bring people to it with demos, like Meet&Fuck seem to be doing. I don't know how difficult or costly that would be however, so it may not be a viable option. Either way, I'm personally not a fan of those "subscription" services, preferring to pay for a purchase rather than a month worth of access.
Incubus sums up everything I can think of to say perfectly.


Tentacle God
May 21, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Open letter from the SWISSMADE Artist

And I also think what he means by content, is variation. I've notice the Metroid game has ALOT of egg laying and such into Samus. I honestly find that a huge turnoff. So variation in sex content as well within each game. If each game has it's own theme, anal, eggs, etc. Then a person will LOVE one of your games, and all the others will seem mediocre, while one may just disgust them.

NO LOLI! That's disgusting! 0_E
Dec 12, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Open letter from the SWISSMADE Artist

And I also think what he means by content, is variation. I've notice the Metroid game has ALOT of egg laying and such into Samus. I honestly find that a huge turnoff. So variation in sex content as well within each game. If each game has it's own theme, anal, eggs, etc. Then a person will LOVE one of your games, and all the others will seem mediocre, while one may just disgust them.

NO LOLI! That's disgusting! 0_E
actually, i love the Egg-Laying, there are very few games that have it in. so it's nice to see those which do.


El Presidente
Staff member
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Open letter from the SWISSMADE Artist

I thought the hentai aspect of the Sailor Moon RoR game was absolutely fine, it just fell down on gameplay. And it wasn't even the fact that the recovery time was so horrible - the only issue I had was with the flying dildos that came from below (you had nearly no time to react). If it wasn't for those I think the game would have been enjoyable. Of course, I can think of lots of small improvements:

*working on the way she looks when she jumps
*the hitboxes on some enemies were dubious
*a retry button so you didn't have to click 3 or 4 times when you died
*the fact that holding right didn't make her start running as soon as the recovery animation had finished was really annoying. As was the fact you had to click and then immediately press right to get the best start. If you could press space bar or maybe even as you start moving the monster appears - that would have been a lot better.

For me it's the small things like that which help make a game enjoyable. Get a couple of good game testers that know what they are talking about to tell you these things before you release the final version and then you will be much more popular.

But yeah I really don't have any problem with your hentai style. Keep it up.


Tentacle God
May 21, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Open letter from the SWISSMADE Artist

actually, i love the Egg-Laying, there are very few games that have it in. so it's nice to see those which do.
never found appeal in it. I find woman hot, not chickens :p


Feb 27, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Open letter from the SWISSMADE Artist

your game is great even if your drawing is not that top notch it still give out the excitement of it


Sep 18, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Open letter from the SWISSMADE Artist

Others already pointed out all the criticism i could have made, since i don't want to repeat, i'm gonna criticize other people criticism.:rolleyes:

Your sex animations are good, but you're competing in a market where the vast majority of the competition is free and superior to what you offer for a cost, which is why you see the piracy of your games.
Wrong, the vast majority of competition in the hentai market wants money, thats why it's called a "market", there are countless softwarehoses or indipended groups/artists that do the same exact thing this guy does, the free producers are a very small part of the hentai producing comunity and the ones that produce good stuff or at least complete their projects are even less than that. Also a big part of what is sold on dlsite/getchu/etc is of even lower quality than the worst game swissmade ever made.

i can understand that you need money, but the quality of your games are not worth money, considering other games, such as Nanocrisis and FairyFighting, which, no offence, are much better games, and are free, and so you see the problem, people, such as myself are unwilling to pay for your games, when we can get these other games for free.
This isn't constructive criticism, this isn't useful for the poor guy at all and what's more, it makes you look like an asshole. What were you do thinking?


Jungle Girl
Apr 21, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Open letter from the SWISSMADE Artist

Wrong, the vast majority of competition in the hentai market wants money, thats why it's called a "market",
I used the word market because there really isn't one - quality stuff is available for free everywhere and most of what I'm referencing never had a price tag on it.

the ones that produce good stuff or at least complete their projects are even less than that. Also a big part of what is sold on dlsite/getchu/etc is of even lower quality than the worst game swissmade ever made.
What I'm saying is, out of the groups that do complete their projects and offer them for free, the quality is often times better than Swissmade's even though his stuff is superior to most of the crap on DLsite. But you can't compete with free; if he expects people to pay for his work, he needs for it to be vastly superior to things that are free if this were an ideal world. Sadly, if he did do that, it would just get pirated anyway.

Let me put this in perspective: I think he does good work. It's just not good enough to pay for when there's things like Nanocrisis, Rape Quest, Sex Mugen and Slave Maker here right now, and the updates for Shinobi Girl and Grrl Power on the horizon. When there's quality available for free, you need to offer a hell of a product if you want to compete using something that costs.


Sep 18, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Open letter from the SWISSMADE Artist
