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Two things:

How do we calculate secondary stats?

Since we are in an Asylum, can our character be someone who should be in an asylum?

The formulas are in my excel sheet, would you like them?

And sure, if you would like. You can play your personality anyway you want.

I just thought it might be useful in choosing stats. Also, the reason I asked about character personalities is Vela (The character I'm making) went off the deep end a while back: She sees everyone as her 'Mr. Snuggles' and will try and beat and/or rape them to death at which point, they will no longer be 'Mr. Snuggles'.

Okie, no problem.

Attack: .5*STR+.25*Perception+.25*SPD
Defense: .25*CON+.25*Perception+.25*INT+.25*SPD
Persuasion: .25*CHR+.5*Perception+.25*INT
Virility: .75*CON+.25*STR
HP: .25*CON+.75*STR

Um... I'm just going to ask you to read through my character background after I post it and tell me if she fits.

She came out a lot less 'normal' crazy and much more 'Oh shit, she has a knife' crazy than I had originally planned...

Okay, lets see....

1.) You have 6 stats and 12 stat points. Can we be a little more specific? I mean, my base assumption is that every stat starts at 0, and it costs 1 point to increase it by 1, with no limit. So I could - for example - have 12 Intelligence and 0 for all the rest. Or maybe we're required to put at least one in each, in which case I could have 7 intelligence and 1 for all the rest. Or perhaps they already start at 1 and the costs ramp up the more points we spend....

2.) "mod by" isn't very descriptive. When you say "Attack( mod by Strength, Perception, Speed)" do you mean that attack is the total of strength, perception, and speed? Or maybe the average? Are they all equally weighted?

3.) Assuming they *are* all equally rated... it seems to me that strength and constitution are overpowered. It may be slightly less logical, but I'd go for something like this:

Change to sex combat: when you attack with sex, both yourself and your enemy have a chance to take damage: your attack against their defense to see if they take damage, your defense against their attack to see if you take damage.

Change to "avoid" combat: Match wits with your opponent, optionally adding one of the other stats based on style (flirting? Charisma. Being evasive? Speed (of mind). Asking why *they* are here? Strength (of will). Keeping your cool until they give up? Constitution. And you can just do Int vs Int as well if you think you can techno-babble them into giving up curiosity).

Phys Attack: Strength + Constitution
Phys Defense: Speed + Constitution
Phys HP: Constitution + (a constant)
Sex Attack: Strength + Charisma
Sex Defense: Speed + Charisma
Sex HP: Charisma + (a constant)
Avoid Combat (pick the most applicable)
-- Flirt: Intelligence + Charisma
-- Stare down: Intelligence + Constitution
-- Assert: Intelligence + strength
-- Avoid: Intelligence + speed
-- Dazzle: Intelligence
Avoid Gameover: All stats

This basically means:
  • Strength - Boosts attack
  • Speed - Boosts Defense
  • Constitution - Boosts Physical combat
  • Charisma - Boosts Sex combat
  • Intelligence - avoids combat

This way it feels like "1 point in each, all the rest in X" would be at least a valid strategy (if not ideal) for all the stats. Strength would let you beat them before they beat you. Speed would let you avoid taking damage until you won. Constitution would let you fight them to death, and charisma would let you sex them to death. Intelligence, meanwhile, would let you avoid the fights in the first place.

The only problem is that you either need a fight where *each* stat is useless, or no fights where any are useless, if the stats are to be balanced. If there are some fights you can't win by talking your way out of it (or avoiding them in the first place, but earning EXP), there should be some you can't fight your way out of, some you can't sex your way out of, some where you can't avoid getting hit (0 DEF or ridiculous enemy attack) and some where the enemy can't be beaten except by lasting a certain amount of time (0 ATT or ridiculous enemy defense).

Or maybe you don't need all the stats to be perfectly balanced as long as they're the same for everyone. >.>

Let me try to describe better, sowwie!

Well each are not modified the same way, I posted a couple posts back (And I should probably paste them in the rules as well) the formula to figure out ATK, DEF etc.

Also, each of the enemies and monster have the same stats as you. For example, it might be easier to talk your way out of a guard than a doctor. It might be easier to beat the crap out of a Doctor than a technician.

The BIG thing I forgot to mention is that you also are allotted 12 additional points per level. So when you hit level 2, you are given 12 more points to add to your stats. I'll go back and add this stuff to the rules after I go eat ^.^

Does that answer you concerns?

Okie, no problem.

Attack: .5*STR+.25*Perception+.25*SPD
Defense: .25*CON+.25*Perception+.25*INT+.25*SPD
Persuasion: .25*CHR+.5*Perception+.25*INT
Virility: .75*CON+.25*STR
HP: .25*CON+.75*STR
Does that answer you concerns?
It might make them worse. >.>

Here are the total weights if we assume that each of the 5 derived stats are equally important.

STR: 1.5
CON: 1.25
PER: 1
SPD: .5
INT: .5
CHA: .25

Which should give you a pretty good idea which stats you want to boost, if you want the most bang for you buck. But it gets worse.

Stat: Per / Spd / Int / Cha
Att:  .25 / .25 / 0.0 / 0.0
Def:  .25 / .25 / .25 / 0.0
Per:  .50 / 0.0 / .25 / .25

That's right: charisma, speed, *and* intelligence are all completely worthless.

12 points... what would happen if you put 4 in each of strength, speed, and perception, with 0 in speed, intelligence, and charisma? (Compared with 2 in each stat.)

Attack: 3 vs 2
Defense: 2 vs 2
Persuasion: 2 vs 2
Virility: 4 vs 2
HP: 4 vs 2

Min-maxing like that should be a tradeoff, not clearly superior in every way.

Hmmm, I see what you mean. Thanks! I tried tweeking the formulas a bit and come up with the following:

HP and VIR stay the same

If you look at the same breakdown that you did (4,4,4 vs 2,2,2,2,2,2)

ATK 2 vs 2
DEF 1 vs 2
PERS 0 vs 2
VIR 4 vs 2
HP 4 vs 2

The big one is that the the persuasion is higher this way. I guess it then boils down to weather or not you want to try to talk your way out of situations. Does that sound like better formulas?

What score does an average person have in each stat, 2? Also, do we need to have one in each stat? I can actually see Vela as having a charisma of 0, given her psychotic tendencies.

A quick question: Do our characters need to necessarily be mental patients as in actual crazies? Or can they just be kidnapped victims like in ULMFD?

There is no minimum requirement for a stat. As far as the "Average person," I would have to say that, yes they average out to 2 in each, though some people (like Doctors) will have much higher stats (like INT) which causes them to drop, obviously, in other areas.

The funny part about your question, tent, is that I asked the exact opposite question earlier.

Att .5STR+.5SPD
Def .25PERC+.5INT+.25SPD
Per .5CHR+.5INT
Vir: .75*CON+.25*STR
HP: .25*CON+.75*STR

Well, now we're getting closer...

STR: 1.5
CON: 1
INT: 1
SPD: .75
CHR: .5
PER: .25

And you certainly fixed perception being absolutely superior to 3 other stats... unfortunately, in the process, it became intrinsically *worse* then 2 other stats (intelligence and speed).

Other then that my main problem becomes strength. Strength boosts attack, and has no effect on defense... but then it boosts health hugely, which is the same thing.

So, two mutually exclusive suggestions:

1.) Get rid of perception altogether. Fill in the gap with speed. Take strength out of virility and replace it with charisma. This gives you:
STR: 1.25 (.5 attack + .75 HP)
CON: 1 (.75 virility + .25 HP)
INT: 1 (.5 defense + .5 persuade)
SPD: 1 (.5 attack + .5 defense)
CHR: .75 (.5 persuade + .25 virility)

2.) Radically reshuffle everything.
Att: .5 str + .25 spd +. 25 per
Def: .5 spd + .25 int + .25 per
Per: .5 int + .25 cha + .25 per
Vir: .5 con + .5 cha
HP: .5 con + .5 str

Which gives you:
STR: 1
CON: 1
INT: .75
SPD: .75
CHR: .75
PER: .75

Perception struck me as something that also got it's own stat checks, though, and frequent at that. Say, searching for items or noticing a person.

I think i will go back and do option 1. That way, if for no other reason, I can use PER and no one will be confused between persuasion and persuasion. lol

But that means that I need to go change everything o_O

Thanks a bunch!

Perception was initially going to bused for stuff like items and stuff like that, but then I dropped the item system because the game was getting awfully complicated on my end.

I'll keep it at 12 since a couple people posted their sheets already.