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Just to let you guys know, I am working on a version 2.0. New story line, better combat, leveling, and co-op/PvP play (Not sure how I am going to do this yet). I say 2.0 because I am envisioning this in the same verse as "the Pit," and I hinted at it when thetwo won this game.

Looking at late 2009/early 2010 for release. I would like any suggestions on how to do "simultaneous moves" for the different players.

Sweet. If you want to do initiative without making it stat based, you could just make it random, and wait until everyone involved in a particular encounter posts.

If you mean simultaneously ending all the active threads to move them to v2... all the lights that are still on turn off, then flashing red emergency lights come on. All the doors open and the girl sees nothing else alive until she gets out (except possibly the poor girls stuck in the 'zoo' and their tormentors, with no doors seeming to lead to them and no way to break the thick glass).

That or have the Doctor decide that she's learned everything she can (having learned her lesson about letting anyone actually get to her) and send overwhelming force after each girl and lock them in a cell until v2's story.

Otherwise I have no idea.

Well my idea is to lock all the players in one building at the same time. Unlike this game which each player appears to be by themselves. I want to do something along the lines of

"Gatorbait walks into the room. There is Alice(Another player) sitting there, and a slime ball(NPC).

Fight slime ball
Fight Alice

I have an idea on how to do it, but It would take a long time to play a game. I'll tell you my idea, but I'd rather hear yours first if you have one.

...that is if any of that makes sense.

IDK. The problem is that even if you allow, say, one person to fight a monster all the way through in the time it takes the other person to exchange one blow... well either someone's on at the same time as you or they aren't. If one is and one isn't, you'll have one person doing a dozen posts in the time the other does one and it'll come out really uneven.

Another solution, I suppose, is to let players "queue" actions before they log off to be done after the other the next time the GM is on and either the other players present are on or they've all left queues. Works fairly well as far as playing goes, but it's mediocre as far as reading goes. Better if at most all but one player can leave a queue, I suppose.

Other then that... you could let people "automate" their character during fights. (I mean, it's mostly "I hit them with my INSERT_WEAPON_OR_BODYPART" plus a little flavor. Maybe the occasional run attempt or re-picking-up of a weapon.) Not as good as exchanging posts from a playing prospective, but unlikely to be many complaints about mishandled characters if nothing else changes... and better then the previous option from a reading prospective.

What I might do is create an area where people can do a PvP and describe their strategy for combat (I.E. a focus on Brute attack versus evasion etc.). I'd then take those strategies and write a one page post describing the combat using their stats and fighting style. That way they can do PvP to boost their level for the NPC fights.

What do you think?

That actually sounds pretty good. Would it be for the whole fight, or just for one part of it, per post?

NPC would be essentially like it is for the pit, but for the PvP, it would be for the whole fight. So for example, if you had high intelligence and/or perception (there will be more stats than just DEF and CONST in the next game) and you choose the "persuasion" fighting style or the battle, you might be able to convince the enemy to not fight, based on the combat rolls.

I use "Combat rolls" as a general term, not necessarily a "Punch/kick" roll.

What would persuasion do between two player characters? And what other possible options did you have in mind for ways to PCs could interact?

Ah, that didn't make much sense before but now that you've revealed the increase in complexity of stats and fighting (instead of const/defense and run/attack/wait). Sure, why not?

Well there are several stats. So far they are Strength, Constitution, Perception, Charisma, Intelligence, and Speed that affect Attack, Defense, Persuasion, Virility, and HP. Those are subject to change obviously. HP would be for physical attacks while Virility would be for sexual/persuasion type attacks.

Ah, and we're back. I'd basically like to know if I can stick my finished-and-won (ish) character back in for round two. (After which I have to decide if I want to. :p)

You'll have to redo the stats (Which reminds me I need to put them in the character sheets) but if you want to use the same character with new stats, you can ;)

Read the rules (make sure I didn't forget anything), then set up a character and you can start!